Elf Grass Master

Chapter 52 "47, Doubles Tournament Ended"

Chapter 52 "47, Doubles Tournament Ended"

On the second day, there were only 4 groups of contestants left. Xuandu and Denji easily won the third battle, and then came to see the battle between Dawu and his partner.

"Dawu and his partner will win this round without accident, but the opponent is not weak. It seems that they intend to preserve their strength and strive for No.3."

Seeing the current battlefield, Xuan couldn't help but speak.

"Well, but what are you going to do with them now?" Denji asked.

"Dawu's strongest elf is the metal monster in his hand, and his partner, I remember, is a user of the insect system. It seems to be called...Aliu, who is quite famous on social networking sites." Mikri was on the sidelines at this time added.

'Aliu? *!Isn't this one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sinnoh region? '

"Really, then his main spirit is..." Xuan Du asked.

"In the first two battles, he used the Queen Bee. This time he used the Dragon King Scorpion. Every strength is very good, but he seems to have hidden a lot of strength."

"Really... If he sends the Dragon King Scorpion, then I'm afraid I can only send him."

"And it seems that the strength of the metal monster has reached the early stage of quasi-king, so I must send out the strongest child in my hand."

"You two, can you talk well?" Daye on the side was obviously annoyed by this kind of riddle man's behavior, but Xuandu and Dianci just smiled at him, showing a look of "silly son" , and then leave him alone.

Soon, Dawu and Aliu won the battle, and the third place will be next, and these Xuandu are not interested, and have been looking forward to the decisive battle with Dawu and Aliu tomorrow.

Soon, it was time for the finals. Xuandu and Dianci were the first to release their spirits, namely Super Miaomiao and Roentgen Cat.

Xuandu glanced at the value of the Roentgen cat, and found that it was only one step away from the quasi-king.

On the other side, Dawu and Aliu also called out their elves, Aliu's was a poisonous pink butterfly, and Dawu's was a strange-colored golden monster!
Elf Name: Metagross

Gender: no gender
Attributes: super power, steel
Rating: 53
Feature: Immortal body
Intimacy: 80
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: metal film
Skills learned: Psychic power, metal claws, electromagnetic levitation, slamming, chasing, bullet punch, thought head hammer, miracle eye, mental force, ghost face, high-speed movement, comet fist, mental shock, light wall, iron wall, Destruction Beam, Rock Enclosure, Spiral Ball, Cannon Cannon, Mind Hammer, Stealth Rock
"When did it evolve?" Seeing the evolved Metagross, Xuandu was shocked, but calmed down quickly.

"Dianci, I'll leave the main attack to you. After I buff you, I'll go directly to contain the poisonous butterfly."


"Okay! Then everyone! The game...begins!"

"Poison Pink Butterfly Phantom Light!"

"Golden monster, cannon light cannon!"

"Super Miaomiao, Light Wall, Reflective Wall!"


I saw two walls appeared in front of Super Miaomiao, directly blocking the two attacks.

"Roentgen Cat, approach the Metagross and use Thunder Fang!"


"Mega monster, hurry up and lift off!"

"Don't even think about it, Super Miaomiao, Gravity!"

The giant gold monster that had put away its four legs was suddenly pulled down from the sky.

boom!Bilibili! ! !

The next moment, Roentgen Cat's Thunder Fang directly hit the Metagross. The Metastas wanted to escape, but was completely controlled by Super Miaomiao.

"Poison Pink Butterfly Signal Beam!"

"Super Miaomiao surprise attack, electromagnetic wave!"

Just before the poisonous powder butterfly was about to launch the signal beam, the super-powerful Miaomiao appeared directly beside him, and a grab containing powerful evil energy directly hit the poisonous powdery butterfly, followed by another circle of golden energy fluctuations Hit, the speed of the poisonous butterfly dropped a lot.

On the other side, the Metagross and the Roentgen Cat are also fighting hard. First, the Roentgen Cat used [-] volts, while the Metagross has been using his still-moving hand to find opportunities to use bullet punches.

Seeing that the giant metal monster would not be dealt with for a while, Xuandu suddenly whispered a few words to Dianci, Dianci's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he was ready to cooperate.

Immediately afterwards, Dianci said, "Roentgen Cat, approach the Metagross and use the Fang of Fire!"


Upon hearing the order, the Roentgen cat directly condensed the fire energy in its mouth, released the fangs of fire, and then rushed towards the giant metal monster at a super fast speed.

Dawu just wanted to avoid the giant golden monster, but suddenly found that the Roentgen cat not far away turned into a super-powerful cat.

'Swap venues! This skill suddenly came to mind, and on the other side, Ah Liu's poisonous powder butterfly was being attacked by the roentgen cat using the fire fang, and it was almost unable to hold on.

"Giant metal monster! Hurry up and use electromagnetic levitation, and then use mental shock to rescue the poisonous pink butterfly!"


The Roentgen cat was directly beaten into the air, and the poisonous butterfly also successfully escaped. Seeing the scarred poisonous butterfly, Aliu understood that the poisonous butterfly's physical strength was running out.

"Poison Pink Butterfly, use moonlight!"

"Drug Ke!"

"Don't even think about it, Super Miaomiao, use mental force."


The mental force directly hit the Poison Butterfly, who had no time to use the moonlight to restore his physical strength, and fell directly to the ground, losing his fighting ability.

"Roentgen Cat, use Thunder!"


Boom! ! !
A huge golden thunderbolt fell from the sky and directly hit the metal monster. After the metal monster suffered the blow, it lost its ability to fight and passed out on the ground.

"The giant golden monster and the poisonous powder butterfly all lost their ability to fight! So the combination of Dianci and Xuandu won!"

When the referee announced the result, all the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Immediately afterwards, the two accepted the award ceremony amid applause.

The mayor came over, smiled and said to them, "Congratulations on winning this doubles match, this is your prize."

After speaking, the person next to him took out two elven eggs, Xuandu saw the situation, and immediately identified the two eggs

Elf name: Electric flying squirrel (hatch in half a month)
gender: female

Attributes: Electricity, Flying

Rating: 0
Features: Static electricity
Intimacy: 0
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Learned skills: none

Elf name: Jaw Ant (hatch after one month)
Sex: male

Attribute: Ground
Rating: 0
Ability: Strange forceps

Intimacy: 0
Qualification: Excellent

Carrying props: none
Learned skills: none

"These two eggs are the prizes of this competition. We don't know what elves are inside. You can choose."

After listening to the mayor's words, Denji opened his mouth first and said, "Xuandu, you choose first."

"you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. To be able to win this time is because the tactics you arranged worked. It's up to you to choose first."

After listening to Dianci's words, Xuandu was no longer polite, and said directly, "Then I would be more respectful than obedient." Then he picked up the mandaw ant's elf egg and walked to the side, while Dianci picked up another one. Elf eggs, finally with the applause, this doubles tournament came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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