Elf Grass Master

Chapter 55 "50, the mid-term of the gorgeous contest"

Chapter 55 "50, the mid-term of the gorgeous contest"

Soon, the rest time was over, and Vivienne stood on the stage again.

"Okay! Sorry to keep you waiting! Now let's officially announce the eight coordinators who can enter the second review!"

After speaking, 8 cards with their backs appeared on the big screen behind them.

"It is these eight coordinating trainers who can successfully enter the second review!"

As soon as the words fell, all the cards on the screen were turned over, and it was no surprise that Mikri and Melissa were also on the list.


"Miccoli has indeed entered the second review!"

"Yes, but how can he deal with Melissa, the most changeable ghost trainer?"

In the stands, Xuandu and Dawu were worried about Mi Keli's situation.


"Okay! The second review method is a gorgeous match! So now we use random shuffling to group!"

After speaking, the cards on the screen began to shuffle, and after a while, the result came out. Mikri was in the second game, and Melissa was in the third game.


"Um... I always feel that this machine is intentional, and it specially puts these two favorites to the final match."

"Well, I have the same idea."


Soon, the first battle came to an end.

"Congratulations to Mr. ***** for entering the semi-finals, and now Mr. Mikri from Fangyuan and Boyuan from Veil City will have the second match!"

"Mosquito-repellent Frog King, Lotte Kappa debuts gorgeously!"

"Quack quack!!!"

"Let's group!!!"

"Positive electricity beats negative electricity beats Ma Ma debut!"

After all the elves are on the stage, the characteristic rain of the Mosquito Frog King will be activated.

"Positive electric claps and negative electric claps use each other to help each other!"

"Clap!" ×2
Two colored rays of light entered each other's body, increasing the power of the skill while also increasing the charm.

"Lotte Kappa uses the grace of nature, Mosquito Repellent Frog King uses foam light!"

I saw the Lotte Kappa gathered the surrounding water elements, and a huge wave of water appeared in his hand, and then was thrown out forcefully by the Lotte Kappa, followed by the foam light of the mosquito-repellent frog king, which not only strengthened the water The power of the fluctuations, but also added a layer of barrage.

"Positive electric paddles use electric balls, and negative electric paddles use electromagnetic waves!"

"Clap!" ×2
What Boyuan did this time was to completely imitate Mikoli's attack, but because the level gap was too large, not only did he fail to block Mikoli's attack, but he also added a layer of yellow lightning to Mikoli's water polo.

It was too late to dodge, and the water polo hit the positive and negative electric pats head-on. Mikri would not miss this good opportunity, and ordered again
"Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor Lotte Kappa Double Water Cannon!"

"Quack quack!!!"

"Let's group!!!"

"Not good, use hold for positive pats! Use light wall for negative pats!"

Although the positive and negative pats tried their best to resist, the water cannon still broke through their defense, and the positive and negative pats were hit again.

"Damn it, I don't have enough points, since that's the case... Positive electricity pat negative electricity pat, and use crazy volts at the same time!"

In the next second, the two elves were covered by a powerful electric current and attacked Mikri's elf.

"Lotte Kappa uses Loud! Mosquito Frog King uses Bounce!"

"Group... let's go!!!!!!"

"Quack quack!!!"

The voice of Lotte Kappa successfully prevented the two elves from advancing, and at this time the mosquito-repellent frog king also jumped into the sky.

"Mud Shot!"

"Quack quack!!!"

Huge mud bombs fell from the sky, hitting two immobile elves, and this time they completely lost their ability to fight.

"Complete knockout!!! Congratulations to Mr. Mikri for winning!!! Successfully advanced to the semi-finals!!!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" At this moment Mikri enjoyed the applause and cheers.


"It seems to be going well."

"Yeah, but the next show will be his biggest rival, Melissa."


"Okay! Let's invite the next group! Melissa from Yuanzhi City will fight against Alice from Qifeng City!"

"Dream Demon, Ghost Stone READY! GO!"

"Dream Demon~" "Ghost~"

"Snow Hat Monster, Ice Fairy, let's show off the beauty of our snow mountain together!"

"Snow~~" "Mi~~"

This time, it was the snowfall from the Snow Hat Monster that took effect, and the weather turned into snow.

"The Snow Hat Monster uses fine snow, and the Ice Fairy uses Frozen Wind!"

"Snow!" "Mi!"

"Ghost Stone uses Strange Wind, Dream Demon Magic Flame!"

"Ghost!" "Dream Demon!"

The strengthened ice and fire met in the center of the stage and turned into steam.

"Xue Li blames the magic sound of the grass flute, and the ice elves use the Aurora Curtain!"

The green color of the magic sound of the grass flute and the light of the aurora curtain successfully merged, making it even more dreamy.

"Dream Demon used to pray for rain, and Ghost Stone used Sunny Sky!"

"Dream Demon!" "Ghost!"

I saw that the dream demon first used praying rain to solve the snowy sky, and then the sunny day of Ghoststone flew directly into the sky, dispelling the dark clouds and showing a bright light.

And the aurora curtain on the side was also dimmed because of this light. From the perspective of the audience, it could be seen that Alice was already a little anxious.


"Can praying for rain and sunny days still be used like this?!"

"Excellent control and observation skills, not only show your own charm, but also suppress the other party's light!"

"Well, and Alice has already started to worry, it seems that the battle will end soon."


"Dream Demon casts magic flames! Ghost Stone uses Will-o'-the-wisps!"

The red of the magic flame and the purple of the will-o'-the-wisp successfully blend together to form a more beautiful flame.


"Xue Li blames the ice elves to avoid it!"



It wasn't that the two elves didn't want to avoid it, but that the dream monster was using its mental power to manipulate the flames to chase after the two elves.

"Complete knockout! The third coordinator trainer who successfully entered the semi-finals is Miss Melissa from Yuanzhi City!"


Then there are some unimportant battles, skipping directly to the opening of the finals.


"Welcome all guests to watch the final scene of this Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Yuanzhi Conference! On the left is Ms. Melissa from Yuanzhi City! On the right is Mr. Mikri from Fangyuan Liuli City! Let us look forward to their contribution Great performance from us!"

(End of this chapter)

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