Elf Grass Master

Chapter 57 "52, Cultivator Exam"

Chapter 57 "52, Cultivator Exam"

Not long after the gorgeous contest ended, Mikri brought Melissa over to meet the two of them. Melissa also got some advice from Xuandu's knowledge, and Mikri also handed over a Pokémon coordinator Trainer's friend.

At this time, the breeder exam prepared by Xuandu also officially started. This time the exam is divided into written exam and practical exercise. The written exam is mainly about basic knowledge about first aid and making elf food, while the practical exercise is for an elf. treat.

First, the written test began. Xuan Du immediately began reviewing the questions after getting the test paper, and then began to answer the questions, but what was surprising was that there were a lot of trap questions in the test paper this time, which had never happened before.

But Xuandu didn't care, and kept his original attitude to answer the questions. Two hours passed quickly. After handing in the paper, Xuandu walked into the lounge to prepare for the practical exam.

After 30 minutes, I entered the classroom for the practical exam. Some staff members pushed several carts of 'injured' Pokémon into the practical classroom, and then the examiner announced loudly, "All the elves here are your exam questions. , you each receive one, and then start treatment, you can also call an elf to come out as an assistant, special reminder, all the "sick" elves here are using the alliance's special new medicine, which will only make them sick. But I won’t endanger myself, well, now you can come and line up to get the elves.”

As soon as the examiner's voice fell, several figures moved, while Xuandu stood back a little, first observed the people in front, and then found that the examiner gave the elves randomly, so he waited for the assignment with peace of mind Elf.

When he arrived in Xuandu soon, he was assigned to a warrior under the curtain. He looked harmless on the surface, but the expression on his face showed that he was suffering, so Xuandu took him gently, and put him gently on the ground. On the bed of your choice.

Then, I checked the condition of the undercover wrestlers with appraisal first.
Spirit Name: Makushita Luxi

Sex: male

Attribute: Fighting
Rating: 21
Features: Thick Fat

Intimacy: 150
Qualification: general

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: (omitted)
First, he briefly looked at the information of the warrior under the curtain, and then Xuandu shifted his attention to the status of the warrior under the curtain.

[Note: The new drug produced by the Elf Company can make the Elf feel stomachache and fatigue. If it is not treated, it will disappear naturally after five hours]

Seeing the information given by the appraisal, Xuandu already understood what was going on, and then released Sakura, and asked her to use the healing bell to stabilize Makushita Lushi, while he went to the machine beside him and started making medicine.

"Hmm... One antidiarrheal herb... 10 grams of vanilla... Two Qingshen flowers... Then squeeze these into juice, then... One cup of blue orange juice, then add a little sweet peach juice, and finally stir clockwise to mix..." Xuan They all found the above medicinal materials, and then mixed them into a glass of juice with a mixer, then gently helped Makushita Lushi to his feet, and then slowly fed him.

After a while, the pain on the masked warrior's face disappeared, and he was still jumping happily on the hospital bed, but just in case, Xuandu still checked the condition of the masked warrior with an appraisal, and found that there was no problem at all Only then did I raise my hand to report that I was done.

The examiner quickly came to Xuandu and began to check the situation of the warrior under the curtain. After the inspection, he found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he gave Xuandu the examination pass, and then let him enter the next examination room for the production test of energy cubes.

When he came to the next examination room, Xuandu found that the examiner was a gigantic Snorby, and the rule of the assessment was to produce energy cubes that satisfied the Snake, during which time he could call out negative spirits to help.

Seeing that someone has already started to make it, Xuandu still took his time, so he took a closer look at the information of the Snorby beast

Elf name: Kirby
Sex: male

Attributes: General

Rating: 21
Features: Thick Fat

Intimacy: 150
Qualification: general

Carrying props: none
Skills learned: (omitted)
Xuandu skipped some basic information directly, and then looked at some information at the bottom of Kirbymon's information

"I like the sweetness and the taste of apples, um...it's easy to handle, so let's start." Xuandu said in a low voice.

Then he went directly to the practice table, picked up a bag of apples, and called out Sakura and Super Miaomiao as assistants. First, let Sakura use the magic leaf to cut the apples, and then let Super Miaomiao Use your mind to knead the sliced ​​apples into juice, then mix the remaining pomace with flour to make a dough, then add the pre-squeezed sweet peach juice to mix, and then let Super Miaomiao use your mind to squeeze the apples as much as possible. The dough is compressed and finally placed in the oven for an hour on high heat.

Ding!The sound of the sound was heard, and the things in the oven were baked. Xuandu carefully took the plate out of the oven, and then put it into the refrigeration equipment. After waiting for 10 minutes, the energy cube was finished. Bringing it to Snorby, Snorkel picked it up with one hand, then swallowed it in one gulp, and then a happy expression appeared on his face.

After a while, Kirbymon seemed to have finished recollecting it, so he moved his body away, revealing the door behind him, and let Xuandu pass.

After entering the gate, an old woman with gray hair appeared in front of Xuandu. She asked Xuandu to rest here for a while, waiting for other passers-by.

After a while, the Kirby outside let in dozens of people, then turned around and closed the gate completely.

The old lady who saw the movement of the Snorkel also smiled, then stood up and led the people in this room to another room.

Entering a room again, there are not only the instructors of the first and second assessments, but also two old people. After the introduction, Xuandu knew that these were the vice presidents of the Cultivator Association, so he bowed respectfully .

Those old people also smiled and nodded to the few people who passed by, and then encouraged them a little, and then distributed the badges symbolizing the junior cultivators to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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