Elf Grass Master

Chapter 7 "6, Black Market and Double Identity"

Chapter 7 "6, Black Market and Double Identity"

Back in the villa, Xuandu was not in a hurry to clean it, but sat on the sofa and opened the system store, looking at an item he saw in the morning.

"Stand-in puppet, this is a good thing, there are a lot of things that can be done now."

Looking at the price of 100 million below, I took it without any hesitation. After a while, a doll appeared in the system backpack, so I clicked to use it immediately. The next moment, I saw a person who looked exactly like myself appearing in the in front of myself.

"That's not okay." Xuandu looked at the 'Xuandu' in front of him and said.

"It's really not, it's easy to be recognized like this." 'Xuan Du' on the opposite side replied.

"It really needs to be adjusted." So Xuan Du snapped his fingers, and a panel appeared next to the person opposite, and then began to make fine adjustments.

After a while, a new face appeared in front of him. The original light blue hair turned into deep black, the healthy skin color became pale, and the blue eyes also turned into black with a trace of blackness in between. bloodthirsty, and his figure has become a standard eight-headed body.

"Heh, then the main body, why don't you introduce me to the elves?" An Ye said frivolously.

"Of course." So the two elves were released immediately, and the first reaction of the two elves seeing a stranger in the room was to protect their master. Seeing the reaction of the two elves, Xuandu chuckled After a moment, he explained to the two elves.

After a while, the two elves began to look around the dark night, which made him a little uncomfortable, and Xuandu, who was the main body, opened his mouth to make a relief, "Okay, let's start cleaning now, dark night, prepare yourself, wait a while Go out with Miaomiao."

"Understood, ontology, don't worry."


What Xuandu got were two affirmative answers.

Not long after, night fell, and An Ye left the villa with Miao Miao. After Xuandu sent Yinghua Bao to bed to sleep, he began to pay attention to An Ye's situation.


The dark night body is a stand-in puppet produced by the system, so it is first-class in terms of combat effectiveness and mobility. It didn't take long to reach the sewer behind the department store.

"Cut, it's really dirty!" An Ye muttered softly when he saw the entrance of the sewer, then accelerated his action, and soon came to a black cave entrance, where there were many supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats He was watching himself, so he released Miaomiao directly, and under a pressure, the supersonic bats all over the area were too scared to move, so they immediately sped up and left here.

After walking for a while, there was some bright light in front of him. When he walked in a little bit, he found that it was a few tigers. Seeing this, An Ye took out a few superpower energy cubes and 1000 union coins, and whispered to a tiger. Say "Close to the Hunter Center if you can."

Hu Di looked at the energy cube in An Ye's hand, then accepted it with a smile, then closed his eyes, and directly teleported Xuandu to another room with a lot of Hu Di, then pointed to him a door, Then An Ye tactfully took out a few more energy cubes and handed them to Hu Di, and then walked out immediately.

As soon as he walked out of the gate and looked at the comings and goings of the market, An Ye was shocked. This place is obviously underground, but there is such a large space. After sighing a little, he began to look for where the Hunter Union was. After walking for about 5 minutes, a door The seemingly heavy black door appeared in front of Xuandu. An Ye pushed the door open directly, and a strong stench came over his nostrils. An Ye frowned slightly, and then walked in.

The situation inside the house was similar to what he had imagined, and An Ye didn't pay much attention to it, so he drove directly to a counter and said in a deep voice, "I want to join the Hunter Association."

I saw that the person didn't say anything, and asked directly, "What is the code name?"

"Zero" couldn't hear the emotional voice from An Ye's mouth.

"I have already registered for you. This is your identity card. You only have D grade now." The person at the counter said while taking out a black card and handing it to An Ye, and then said, "One thousand points can be upgraded to C grade." Level, [-] points can be promoted to B level, and [-] points can be promoted to A level. If you want to be promoted to the letter hunter, you must be A level and then spend [-] points to challenge the letter hunter. If you win, you can replace that person. What else? Do you understand?"

"I want to submit the elf, help me match the task." He said, and took out the elf ball of the queen bee that was captured before.

The person at the counter just looked at it, and then took the poke ball to the machine for identification. After 1 minute, the result came out.Seeing the appraisal result, the counter staff was surprised, "It's a queen bee with good qualifications! It's a pity that it's not a hidden characteristic." The next moment he realized that he was rude. It's no wonder, after all, elves in the wild are generally average and poor, good can already be said It's very rare.

After calming down a bit, the person continued, "Is it okay for us to buy this queen bee for 50 yuan, and the task reward is 200 points?"

After a moment of silence, An Ye took out three more eggs and said, "This is the child in the middle of her lair, you should forget it too." After speaking, she also put the three eggs on the counter.

That person also started to identify them at the fastest speed, and it didn't take long for the results to come out, "Two ordinary qualifications and one good qualification three bee eggs and the queen bee have a total of 80 alliance coins and 400 points." May I?"

"Change it," An Ye replied calmly.

After a while, a bank card and a hunter identity card were placed in front of An Ye, who then asked, "Do you have elves from other regions here?"

Hearing this, the person at the counter took out a list and handed it to An Ye, "You can see for yourself."

An Ye took the list and studied it carefully for a while, but still couldn't find the elf she wanted, so she asked, "Are there any other items besides this?"

The person at the counter replied, "In addition to these, there are also elf eggs purchased from other regions, but I can't identify what kind of elf it is. Would you like to take a look?"

Hearing this, An Ye instantly understood that the elf illustration book has not been completed yet, and the elves in different regions are still not interoperable, so the possibility of picking up mistakes by himself is very high, so An Ye said, "Okay, take a look."

After receiving An Ye's reply, the person at the counter immediately called someone over and took An Ye directly to the warehouse.

As soon as they entered the warehouse, dozens of elf eggs appeared in front of them, only to hear the person say, "The elf eggs here are all unidentifiable, and each one costs 1 yuan. Once sold, they will not be returned or exchanged."

After finishing speaking, he shut his mouth and stood quietly, while An Ye also started to move.

Although An Ye is a clone created by Xuandu using the puppet provided by the system, as long as Xuandu is willing, the abilities between the two are actually interlinked. Before that, Xuandu directly gave An Ye the greatest freedom. Appraisal can now be used by Dark Night.

After a while, Dark Ye, who had already seen half of it, felt helpless, because the gap between the elves here was too great. Just when he was about to give up, he finally found two good elf eggs.

Elf name: Desert Naia (hatched after two days)
Sex: male

property: grass

Rating: 0
Features: water storage
Intimacy: 0
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Learned skills: none

Elf name: Little Wood Spirit (hatched after one day)
Sex: male

Attributes: Grass, Ghost

Rating: 0
Ability: Harvest
Intimacy: 0
Qualification: Excellent
Carrying props: none
Learned skills: none

"I want them." An Ye said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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