Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 27 How about I beat Itachi a few more times in the future

Chapter 27 How about I beat Itachi a few more times in the future

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the picture in the field became clearer and clearer. Itachi was lying on the ground, and beside him was a pothole, which was obviously caused by Takuya's blow, and Takuya who made this blow also Lying on the edge of a pothole.

What happened just now?The time moved forward a little bit, and it is said that Takuya had already launched the final blow to open the sky with an inch of strength. Suddenly, he saw a light shining on Itachi who was knocked down to the ground. At first, Taku also thought it was Itachi's big move. .

Dang Tuo also took a look, isn't this the data energy he wants to collect!So Takuya hurriedly hit the ground with this punch. Originally, he never thought of using this punch to hit Itachi, after all, it wasn't a friendship punch!

After a punch was thrown, smoke and dust rose up, drowning both of them for a while, taking advantage of this gap, Takuya immediately stretched out his right hand, summoned the Tyrannosaurus, and swiped at Itachi, the data energy was immediately absorbed by the Tyrannosaurus Exhausted!

After doing all this, Takuya hadn't had time to go over to help Itachi to see how his injury was, when he suddenly felt his body lose strength and fell straight to the ground, the side effect of the breathing method appeared.

The breathing method is to increase the body's activity by inhaling a large amount of oxygen and speed up the metabolism, so the result is that the energy in the body is consumed extremely quickly, and now Takuya has no strength to move.

That's why after the smoke cleared, Tobi and Izumi saw both of them fell to the ground.

Seeing that both of them were already lying on the ground, Izumi and Tobi, worried about their situation, immediately ran over to check on Itachi and Takuya.

I saw Izumi quicken a few steps, overtook Kite and ran towards Itachi, and Kite ran to Takuya, and found Takuya lying motionless on the ground, immediately startled Kite, and hurriedly asked: "Takuya-kun, what are you doing?" gone?"

At this time, Itachi and Izumi, who had already recovered, walked over and looked at Takuya. Seeing everyone gathered around, Takuya, who had regained a little strength, said, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, just take a rest!"

After a pause, Takuya, who felt much better, continued, "Itachi, how about you, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Although he was guaranteed by the system, Takuya still wasn't sure if the people who had absorbed the data energy would change. Others didn't care, but Itachi was different. How could it be that Itachi was also his friend.

Hearing that Takuya was concerned about his situation, Itachi immediately waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, just a little dizzy from your blow just now, by the way, Takuya, how did you suddenly disappear in front of my eyes just now!"

Regarding the situation just now, Itachi is very curious about why Takuya can suddenly accelerate, and it is beyond the range of his vision. You must know that the most famous Uchiha clan is Sharingan, and the dynamic vision of Sharingan can be called abnormal. Even without Sharingan, the dynamic vision of the Uchiha clan is also very good.

Hearing Itachi's question, Takuya, who had recovered a lot of strength, let himself sit up, softly raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up, laughing: "Itachi, this is the secret weapon I specially prepared for you. The breathing method developed by brother Kai and I can instantly increase strength!"

Tuo also shamelessly divided up the credit for Matt Kay, after all, this is also an immature idea of ​​​​his own!
Hearing Takuya's words, the other three couldn't help praising Takuya for being amazing, and also expressed their admiration for Maitekai who had never met before.

At this moment, Takuya's stomach made a gurgling sound, which stopped Takuya who was smiling triumphantly, scratched his head and said, "This breathing method is good, but it consumes a lot and has side effects. big!"

After speaking, he looked at Itachi expectantly and asked, "Itachi, do you have anything to eat?"

Seeing Takuya's pitiful look, Itachi nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, mother specially prepared bento for us in the morning!"

Thinking of this Itachi is even more helpless. He doesn't want his mother to be so tired. After all, Mikoto Uchiha is pregnant with a child. He still wants his mother to have a good rest, but Mikoto Uchiha still cares about his eldest son, so he repeatedly Stick to breakfast and lunch for Itachi and his friends!

After all, Itachi is a bit withdrawn, and he usually looks like a meditator. Now that he is going to train with his friends, Uchiha Mikoto will prepare delicious food for them no matter what.

As soon as Takuya heard that there was still a bento, tears fell from the corner of his mouth. Seeing Takuya's appearance, Itachi had no choice but to run to the package, took out the bento and handed it to Takuya.

Takuya was not too polite, as soon as he opened the bento and found that it was filled with many delicate dishes and white rice, Takuya immediately yelled "I'm going to start it", and started to gobble it up!

After quickly eliminating the food in front of him, Takuya, who felt that he was still hungry, continued to look at Itachi eagerly. At this time, Itachi's eyelids twitched, and the kite next to him said first: "Itachi-kun, please give Takuya-kun my share too. !"

Although Izumi wanted to taste the bento made by Itachi's mother himself, he pouted his lips and said, "Give mine to Takuya too!"

Hearing other people's words, Itachi took all the lunch boxes in front of Takuya and said, "It's all here, Takuya, eat slowly!"

Seeing that other people gave him his portion of the bento, Taku couldn't help the restlessness of the soul of youth, and immediately turned into Matt Kai, made a speechless gesture, and said: "I'm so touched, this is Is it our youth?"

After speaking, I immediately took the bento and put it in my mouth. While eating, I said that my youth was on fire.

After a while, Takuya finally burped after finishing eating the bento. This action made Quan spit out speechlessly: "Takuya, are you a pig?"

This made both Itachi and Kita laugh, and Takuya suddenly found that Itachi seemed to be a little more cheerful, and he was less worried about the country and the people than before. At the same time as the data energy, it also absorbed a little bit of Itachi's negative emotions!
After this idea came to Takuya's mind, he wondered if he would beat Itachi a few more times in the future, and each time he beat out his data energy and then absorbed it. In this way, could Itachi become a sunny boy!
Takuya gave up on this idea not long after it appeared. He thought that if Itachi had a sunny face, he would lose the temperament of the Itachi god in the future, so let nature take its course!

Thinking of this, Takuya also laughed loudly, covering the laughter of other people. After everyone stopped and looked at him, Takuya said, "Let's go eat Yile ramen together at noon!"

Itachi shook his head and said, "I think the three-color balls are better!"

Takuya complained, "Who would have dessert for lunch?"

"Not having it before doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. You can have it now."

The quarrel between Takuya and Itachi made Izumi and Tobi laugh, and the scene was full of joy!
 Thank you very much for the recommendation ticket from the boss of Dragon War Xuanhuang!

(End of this chapter)

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