Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 47 Have You Opened Your Eyes?

Chapter 47 Have You Opened Your Eyes?

The next day, after yesterday's battle, although Takuya's penetrating injury was repaired, his body was severely worn out, so he didn't get up early as usual this day, but slept until someone knocked on the door before letting Takuya get out of his hand. Waking up from the dream of tearing Danzo.

Opening his sleepy eyes, Takuya found that the sun was already high, and he was stroking his butt with the sun.

This kind of feeling makes Takuya seem to return to the life of an otaku in his previous life. It seems that he has not slept so late for a long time. When he was thinking about whether to continue sleeping, the knocking and shouting sounded again, making Zheng want to sleep. Taku, who continued to sleep, also woke up quite a bit.

He listened carefully and realized it was Itachi's voice, so he got up immediately and went to open the door in his pajamas.

When Itachi was thinking about whether he was going to knock on the window of Takuya's room, the door opened, and a giant cat came out from inside, no, it was Takuya in cat pajamas.

Seeing Takuya's outfit, Izumi and Tobi, who followed Itachi, couldn't help laughing. They didn't expect Takuya to sleep in this kind of pajamas. This is completely different from his usual passionate and idiot behavior. style!

Takuya, who was rubbing his eyes, suddenly heard a laugh. He was taken aback for a moment, and then looked outside the door carefully, only to see Izumi and Kita standing behind Itachi. The laughter came from the two of them, and Itachi also Zai couldn't help laughing, looking like he wanted to laugh but tried hard to hold it back.

Takuya came to his senses at this time, his little secret was actually exposed, so he immediately closed the door, turned around and ran back to the room, changed his clothes and opened the door again.

This process took less than ten seconds, and the smiles on the faces of Itachi and the three had not had time to restrain before they saw Takuya, who was dressed neatly, reopen the door, and then the latter greeted everyone with a normal face: "Morning Ya Weasel, Quan, Yuan, I got up late today, so I didn’t go to practice.”

Takuya's greeting made the three of them wonder if what they just saw was a hallucination. Seeing that everyone was still thinking about what happened just now, Takuya immediately turned into Maitekai, raised his thumbs up to the three of them and said, "I understand, youth is We are not allowed to be lazy, so let us run ten laps around Konoha facing the sun together!"

Takuya's words finally brought the three of them back to their senses. Seeing that Takuya was about to start running, Itachi stopped him and said, "Takuya, everyone went through a battle yesterday, and you were also, um, like that, so you should rest Let's go, I came to see you today because I have other things to do."

Although Taku also knew that Itachi wanted to say that he was stabbed in the opposite direction yesterday, but it sounded a bit weird, but Taku didn't think too much about it, and immediately asked: "Itachi, what is that? And it's everyone They're all here!"

"It's father who wants to see us, it must be because of what happened yesterday!" Itachi immediately replied to Takuya.

Hearing that Fuyue was looking for them, Takuya thought, maybe this is an opportunity to make Fuyue pay attention to the three of them, so that he can have more resources and protection.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Then you wait for me, I will go wash up and go with you!"

After speaking, he didn't even invite anyone to sit in the house, and slammed the door shut.

This made the three people outside the door look at each other in blank dismay. Why didn't you let us in? Is it because you saw your pajamas that you treated us like this? Is this the end of our friendship?

The three of Itachi didn't wait long, and Takuya opened it again after washing at the speed of light. Seeing the resentful eyes of the three of them, his heart tightened. Will the three of them reveal that I like wearing cat pajamas? The image of being wise and martial is gone!
So Takuya immediately coughed and said, "Itachi, let's go, we can't keep the patriarch waiting for too long!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked forward. Itachi also came to his senses. It took him a long time to come out, and his father must have waited for a long time, so he said to Quan and Yuan, "Let's go, I can't keep my father waiting for too long!"

So just like that, the four of them walked towards Fu Yue's house.

Fuyue's house was still the familiar study. Fuyue was already sitting on the tatami, looking at the four children, he couldn't help but recall in his mind what happened when he asked Itachi last night.

When he heard that Itachi and the four of them had solved the three Chunin alone, and also opened Sharingan, Fuyue's mood was complicated at the time. He didn't expect that there would be so many geniuses in his clan in one day. , Seeing how old these little devils are, they all have turned on Sharingan!
Apart from being happy, Fuyue was more worried. If this matter spread, the radicals in the clan would definitely swell again, and they might do a lot of radical behavior at that time.

Thinking of this, Fuyue sighed, and ordered Itachi to bring Takuya and the three to see him tomorrow, and then let Itachi go back to rest, leaving him alone to think about how to deal with this matter!
Fu Yue, who came back to his senses, coughed lightly and said: "You guys are doing very well, you are worthy of our Uchiha clan! Now open your Sharingan and let me have a look, let me confirm the status of your eyes opening! "

Hearing the patriarch's words, all four of them opened their eyes wide, but only Itachi's eyes turned scarlet, and the other three were still staring there, their eyes widened, just like the goldfish in the small pond of Fu Yue's family.

One second, three seconds, and one minute passed. Seeing that the other three were still staring blankly, Fuyue couldn't help asking: "Didn't you also open Sharingan? Why don't you come out?"

Fu Yue's words made the three of them scratch their heads in embarrassment, and it was Takuya who asked, "Master Patriarch, um, how do you use Sharingan?"

Hearing Takuya's question, Fugaku almost exposed his kaleidoscope, but he thought about it, it's normal for these three people not to be familiar with Sharingan. After all, Itachi listened to his guidance before opening it last night, so Fugaku told them how to open the sharingan. round eyes.

Only then did the three of them understand what to do, so they widened their eyes again, and this time they saw two scarlet lights appear in Fuyue's study, but only Takuya was still staring there.

This made Fuyue very surprised. He originally thought that Takuya, who could instantly blow up the heads of two Chunin, should have opened his eyes, but why didn't he open it now.

Takuya was also very surprised why he didn't feel anything. Could it be that he didn't open Sharingan, but he should have it. Whether it was yesterday or the first armed evolution, he felt it!
Could it be that my Sharingan can only be opened when Armed Evolution is turned on?

Thinking of this, Tuo also said: "Master Patriarch, wait a moment, let me brew some emotions!"

After finishing speaking, he started armed evolution. He had to see if he had activated armed evolution to open his eyes!
 Thank you very much Dragon Warrior Xuanhuang, Ou Yangguangzhong, and Zhuangzi Feiyu for their recommendation tickets!From now on, the transition to Nine-Tails Night will be accelerated!

(End of this chapter)

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