Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 69 Senior Kakuzu, please stop the queen

Chapter 69 Senior Kakuzu, please stop the queen

When everyone looked in the direction of the voice, Zhishui's Sharingan immediately noticed that something was wrong with these two figures, and immediately shouted: "One of them is a clone, hurry up and protect Your Highness the Miko!"

However, he was a step too late when he realized the situation. The shriek Maitreya came from behind the crowd, and now Maitreya had been captured by Takuya who had turned into a dark beast.

Just now, the angle was behind to attract everyone's attention, and he used the bug skill "Ghost Shift" to appear behind Maitreya in an instant. However, when she touched Maitreya, he felt that there was a wave on the other side that made him feel familiar. a feeling of.

This feeling made Takuya slightly taken aback, but at this moment of stupefaction, a fist glowing with blue light had already approached Takuya's face, blasting Takuya away with his punch, smashing through the wall of the main hall, flew outside.

Seeing that his partner was in a daze while carrying out the task, everyone in the other corner couldn't help but secretly cursed at the bastard, and then formed seals with both hands, preparing to create chaos and take the opportunity to approach Maitreya.

However, before he could finish the seal, a figure dragging Thunder quickly approached Jiaodu, and the target was his heart.

But Kadotsu was very experienced, seeing this attack, he immediately thought that this was Konoha Ri's genius Kakashi's unique move - Chidori, seeing the situation was not good, he immediately turned around and avoided Kakashi's killing blow.

But the angle that avoided Kakashi's attack was immediately surrounded by the wall formed by the ninjas of Yanyin Village using the earth escape wall, locking the escape route.

This made Kakudo scold Takuya in his heart, his teammates are still lying dead, right? How many people do he have to deal with alone?Although these people are not very strong, they are better because they have more people. How can I beat so many young people when I am old.

And Tuo, whom he was thinking about, had already come to his senses. The punch that Maitkai just gave was not very pleasant, and he almost beat himself to the point of withdrawing from armed evolution.

Tuo didn't expect that there were so many acquaintances inside. At first, he thought that only Zhishui was inside. After all, he felt the existence of the Thunder Fighter Soul on Zhishui's body, but after entering, he found that the person he least wanted to face was inside. It's Matt Kay.

By the way, can this guy open eight doors now? Probably not. If he can open it, he should give up this task.

Although he was thinking this way, Takuya was really curious about the familiarity in his heart. First, it appeared on the sprite, and now it also appeared on this witch. What happened to them.

Somehow, he felt that this sense of familiarity was very important to him, which might give him a new evolution.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. Looking at Miko Maitreya, who was protected by many ninjas, Takuya once again used Ghost Shift to appear behind Maitreya. His actions surprised the ninjas protecting Maitreya, how fast this guy is.

After recognizing that this is the black armored man who was on par with Kyuubi in the night of Kyuubi, Shisui stared at his Sharingan and activated the illusion to interfere with Takuya, and said to everyone: "This guy knows time and space. Ninjutsu, be careful!"

However, his Sharingan had no effect on Kami Takuya's fake kaleidoscope at all, and was backlashed by his huge negative energy, falling into panic and panic.

And Maitekai, who opened the four doors, reacted very quickly. When Takuya used ghost shift to get behind Mitreya, he realized that something was wrong. Just when he was about to turn around to rescue, Takuya also sent out seven eyes of death, hitting Mitreya's side ninja.

Relying on his beast-like intuition, Maitkai dodged the oncoming attack, but he had long regarded Maitkai as the strongest. Takuya had long thought that he could dodge. The door, he continued to use Ghost Shift to come behind Maitekai.

Maite Kai, who was behind Tuoya, suddenly felt the danger, and at the same time, he heard a very familiar voice: "Hey, Brother Kai, it's been a long time, come and try my Cun Jin to open the sky! "

Hearing the voice and the name of the move, Maitekai suddenly turned his head to see who this person was, but only a pair of scarlet eyes caught his eyes, and there was a strange eye pattern inside, and then he felt As soon as the head hurts, the whole person loses consciousness.

Takuya withdrew the hand that hit Maitekai on the head. Just now he used physical methods to stun Maitekai. That blow used the breathing method taught by Maitekai to increase the strength, but the effect did not seem to be very good. So Takuya murmured, "Try to open two doors next time and open it again!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Maitreya and said, "Your Highness Miko, I hope you can come with me, I have something to ask you!"

Takuya has dealt with the enemy here, but the horns on the other side are not finished yet. Just now he spent a heart and killed the three ninjas from Hidden Rock Village. Now only the panting Kakashi is left.

Seeing that Takuya's side has been settled, he smiled strangely at Kakashi: "Your companion door has been resolved, and now you are the only one left!"

Kakashi is now also paying attention to the situation of his companions. He also saw the appearance of Maitkai and Shisui living and dying, and the mission target also fell into the hands of the enemy.

Just when Kakuzu wanted to deal with Kakashi, Takumi over there shouted, "Senior Kakuzu, I've already caught the mission target, so I'll take a step first!"

After finishing speaking, Taku also grabbed Mitreya and ran out, leaving Kakudo in the confrontation with Kakashi. His actions made Kakudo, who was already dissatisfied with Taku, widen his beady eyes. How can an old man run away alone, how can he repair it!
Looking at Kakashi who was still capable of fighting in front of him, Kakudo snorted coldly and said: "You are lucky, your head will be kept first, and I will accept it next time!"

After the harsh words, Kakuto chased in the direction of Takuya.

After seeing the enemy leave, Kakashi immediately went to check the injuries of his teammates. Forget about the other hidden villages, and he is not familiar with them, so let him go!
Takuya, who left, created a shadow clone, and then let the shadow clone evolve into a black eagle beast and took himself and Maitreya away. After finishing all this, he looked at Maitreya who was hijacked by him.

Finding that the latter was looking at him, he fell into a state of thinking. Just when Takuya wanted to ask about the monster and her, Maitreya took the lead and said, "I have a familiar feeling on you, what's going on? Are you not But why do I feel this way!"

When Takuya heard this, he confirmed that his feeling was not an illusion, but a real existence. There was indeed something familiar to him in the sprites and witches, so what exactly is this?

There was a vague idea in his heart, what he could be familiar with should be related to the soul of the fighter!
 There are still a few chapters left to finish, and there are still a lot of things I would like to discuss, but after thinking about it, let’s forget it and save it for the new rewritten book.

  Thank you for your votes and readers who have been reading this book!
(End of this chapter)

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