Naruto: Digital Arrival

Chapter 9 Blue Bird

Chapter 9 Blue Bird
Hearing Takuya's question, Itachi replied without thinking: "Arrogance, arrogance!"

Takuya clapped his hands and said, "That's right, Itachi, you understand it too well! This is the impression given to the villagers by the security department, but if we have another image output point, we can show everyone the good side Already!"

After hearing this, Shisui and Itachi felt that it made sense, so Shisui asked: "This idea sounds pretty good, but is this plan really okay? Do we have a way to calm everyone's hearts?"

Takuya was taken aback by Shisui's words, then thought about it carefully, and said, "There are still ways to soothe the soul. This is what our Uchiha clan is best at, and that is illusion!"

Both Shishui and Itachi were puzzled, why illusion can soothe the soul!

Takuya clapped his hands and said, "That's right, the beautiful singing voice combined with the guidance of illusion can achieve the effect of soothing the soul by adjusting people's emotions!"

Seeing that the two still didn't understand, Takuya said, "Young man, it seems that you don't know anything about the power of music!"

Then Takuya cleared his throat, and he decided to display his only talent in his previous life, singing!

He had already thought about what song to sing, since he was in the world of Naruto, of course there was going to be a Naruto theme song!

"When you spread your wings and fly, make up your mind not to look back"

The passionate song came out of Takuya's mouth, and then got into the ears of Itachi and Shisui!
Slowly, the two became intoxicated by the singing, and felt their blood boiling.

I don't know how long it took, but when Takuya finished singing the blue bird, the two came back to their senses, and Shisui sighed: "I think, I understand what you mean by music and illusion having the power to soothe the soul!"

Itachi also nodded and said: "Takuya, I didn't realize that you, a passionate idiot, can do this!"

Taku also gave Itachi an angry look, never thought that the cold Itachi God would have such a side when he was a child!
After Takuya saw that they all knew the charm of music, he said to them: "Now I'm sending out candidates, you can find a few girls with cute voices and good voices, then I can train to form the Uchiha Tiantuan debut! "

After the two agreed to this, Takuya was about to run away, but at this moment Shishui asked: "The villagers are fine with this, what about the fighting faction in the clan?"

Shisui's two questions almost caused Takuya to yell for trouble, but he could only say helplessly: "Actually, you can rest assured, the fighters are not afraid at all, just beat them to the ground!"

Indeed, looking at the entire plot of Hokage, arrogant Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke are not convinced after being beaten down, so you must fight the Uchiha clan with a strong fight!

So Takuya wondered why Shisui had a kaleidoscope in his previous life, and it would be better to just suppress the martial arts faction, after all, the ninja world is also respected by strength!

Maybe it's because Zhishui knows that he can't suppress the whole family alone!

So Takuya continued: "So what we have to do now is to become stronger. As long as the three of us become stronger, we can suppress the other voices of the clan!"

Takuya's fallacy successfully fooled Itachi, but Shisui said: "But there are many powerful ninjas in the clan, can we do it?"

Tuo also can't answer this question. Could it be that you are all people who can drive Gundams in the future, and you are not afraid of these chickens and dogs at all.

In this way, let's not talk about why he knew about Gundam, but how can he be so sure that he will be able to open the kaleidoscope!

So Takuya could only sigh and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't do it now, but you can do it in the future. And now that the Fourth Hokage-sama is here, the fighting faction doesn't dare to act at all!"

In the end, Takuya concluded: "Okay, now that you think about it so much, you can't change it. If you don't have that strength, you have to work hard to improve your strength. Itachi, work hard! Become Hokage!"

After speaking, he quickly slipped away while the two were still thinking. He didn't know what else to talk about, so he had better go to the ninja shop to find weight-bearing training equipment.

When Takuya disappeared at the corner of the street, Itachi and Shisui came back to their senses, Shisui couldn't help sighing: "Itachi, your friend has a very unique idea!"

Itachi also nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't realize that Takuya had such thoughts before, I thought he was a passionate idiot, but what I didn't expect was that he was so passionate to be able to suppress discordant voices Ah! Although the strength is really not very good!"

Itachi is being limped by Takuya now, and he regards Takuya's previous behavior of challenging him as a way to strengthen his strength to suppress discordant voices in the family.Even though he is weak, he still works so hard, Itachi feels that he has to work hard!
But Shisui still has his own ideas, so he said to Itachi: "Itachi, since Takuya's method is feasible, then I leave it to you to find someone!"

After finishing speaking, Zhishui also left with a blink of an eye. He still has tasks to complete.

After Shisui left, Itachi was the only one left. Who should I turn to if I have a headache? How should I find someone?
Itachi, who had no idea, suddenly heard someone calling him. He looked back and found that it was Uchiha Izumi who often followed him.

Looking at Quan, Itachi had a flash of inspiration, and said to Quan seriously: "Quan, I want to ask you for something very important!"

When Quan saw Itachi's serious look, his little face was already flushed slightly, and his heart was filled with waves. When he was thinking about Itachi's good-looking appearance, Itachi's next sentence broke him down.

Itachi then said: "Quan, do you know a girl with a nice voice and a cute voice in the clan?"

Itachi's question shattered Quan's heart in an instant, almost reaching the level of opening Sharingan.

Holding back the tears that were about to overflow, Izumi with red eyes just shouted: "Itachi, you idiot!"

Then he turned around and ran away, so fast that the genius Itachi could only see an afterimage.

Itachi saw that Quan turned around and ran away after leaving only one sentence, scratched his head helplessly and said, "What's wrong with Quan, is this request difficult?"

If Takuya were here, he would definitely laugh out loud. Itachi actually said that he wanted to find other girls in front of a girl who liked him. Isn't that courting death?

Itachi, who couldn't figure it out, felt that this matter still needs to be done by Quan, so he chased in the direction Quan left!
And our protagonist Takuya has come to the most famous ninja shop in Konoha, and is asking the boss if he has any good weight-bearing tools and training equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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