low-key is king

Chapter 1046 Now is not the time yet!

Chapter 1046 Now is not the time yet!
Daxuan Royal Family, Xuande Palace!

Emperor Xuantian sat high on the dragon chair, behind him stood the first enshrined Qin Yunling, on the other side stood the eunuch surnamed Guo, and below were several generals.

These generals, who were at least Eighth Realm Martial Masters, seemed to be arguing about something at the moment, and Xuan Tiangao, who was at the top, just listened without saying a word, and didn't mean to be angry.

The military generals seem to be fighting fiercely, but in fact it is just some trivial matters, such as which small country has civil strife again, which subordinate country has a sixth-level martial artist, and so on.

For those small countries belonging to the Pan family, the Daxuan royal family has always let it go, unless it is true that it has been fighting for decades and the people are miserable, they will take action to suppress it.

As for the normal change of power, they all turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, as long as the new person in power pays the annual tribute to the Daxuan Dynasty on time.

Since His Majesty did not intervene, the generals competed for each other, their voices gradually became much quieter, and in the end they kept silent. Naturally, they had some thoughts in their hearts, but they dared not speak out.

"Any news from Xuanyang Kingdom?"

Seeing that the lower part became quiet, Xuan Tiangao pressed the center of his eyebrows, and then suddenly asked a word, which made all the generals startled.

Xuanyang Kingdom, what the hell?

Perhaps some of the generals among them have heard of Xuanyang Kingdom, but it is just a small remote country near the sea, I don't know why His Majesty would ask such a question.

One of the deep-minded military generals suddenly thought of a name, and secretly thought that the No. 1 of the newly-promoted hundred battle list of the Teachers College seems to be from Xuanyang Kingdom, right?

"Return to Your Majesty, everything is normal in Xuanyang Kingdom!"

One person came out more and more, and all the generals recognized that it was Ge Shilang from the Ministry of War, and this person had another hidden identity, that is, the intelligence officer of His Majesty the Emperor.

This servant named Ge Tong is not the head of the Ministry of War, Shangshu. With his status as a leader, he just uses him to collect intelligence in a low-key way, especially the intelligence of some vassal states, which is justifiable.

Ge Tong is different from those ordinary generals. He knows how much His Majesty attaches importance to Xuanyang Kingdom. All of this comes from a genius named Lu Xun from the Arts Teacher Academy.

Ever since Huang Mengting failed to make a move, Ge Tong had planted more secret agents in Xuanyang Kingdom, not for the purpose of making a move, of course, but to monitor every move of the Xuanyang Lu family.


Ge Tong seemed to think of something suddenly, he pondered for a while, and then saw the emperor frowning, which made him dare not keep it secret.

"Your Majesty, the Xuanyang Kingdom has raised a private army of 2 people. It's called the Divine Machine Army, and each of them holds a divine machine!"

This may be the most unusual thing that Ge Tong discovered. Now he knows what a killing machine is.

The lethality of that thing is much more powerful than ordinary bow and arrow flying stones.

"A magic machine army of 2 people!"

Xuan Tiangao was also a little silent. When Xuan Jing came back from Xuanyang Kingdom, he had brought him a God Killing Machine. Later, he also found the chief mechanism engineer of the royal family to study it for a long time.

It's a pity that the self-destruct device was set up extremely ingeniously, after it was disassembled, it would be difficult for even the immortal master to restore it, so Xuan Tiangao had to let it go.

But he is clearly aware of the power of the God Killing Machine, even the lowest end of the God Killing Machine, in the hands of an ordinary person, can still hurt a martial artist of the fourth or fifth realm, how inconceivable this is.

It can be said that the news brought by Ge Tong made even the aloof Emperor Daxuan feel a little uneasy.

In the entire Daxuan Dynasty, is there an army that can fight against the Shenji Army?

Thinking of the end, Xuan Tiangao found with some regret that if it was a battle with the same force, or even twice as many forces, the magic machine army of Xuanyang Kingdom would probably be able to win the battle.

"Ge Tong, in the Xuanyang Divine Machine Army, can you put a dark man in?"

Master Xuan Tian tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, and just these two simple sentences made Ge Tong fully understand that His Majesty has developed a great interest in the Shenji Army.

It is also true that no one in power can ignore such a powerful army that can fight.

It's a pity that only the Xuanyang Lu family can make the God-killing Machine. Is His Majesty's purpose just to learn how to make the God-killing Machine?

"This...my minister, do your best!"

However, Ge Tong was really not sure, the selection of the Xuanyang Divine Machine Army was too strict, and each one seemed to need to be personally reviewed by the Xuanyang Da Sima, so it was not easy to get in the dark.

"It's not about doing your best, it's about doing it!"

Xuan Tiangao's cold voice came next, causing Ge Tong to shiver shiveringly.

He suddenly realized that if he couldn't complete this task, his good days might be coming to an end.

"I don't want that one day, the Xuanyang Divine Machine Army will attack the capital of King Daxuan!"

Xuan Tiangao suddenly said such a sentence, which made all the generals below feel that he was hallucinating.

No matter how powerful the Divine Machine Army is, without high-end powerhouses, can it still compete with a behemoth like the Daxuan Dynasty?
"Is Your Majesty worrying too much?"

A military general who had reached the Ninth Realm spoke in a rough voice, and he heard him say: "Xuanyang Country is just a small country, as long as His Majesty allows, I promise to wipe out Xuanyang Country with [-] troops!"

It seemed that these generals could hear His Majesty's dissatisfaction with Xuanyang Kingdom from Xuan Tiangao's tone.

They were born to share worries for His Majesty, and it is their duty to say this now.

Compared with those small countries in the Pan genus, the Daxuan Dynasty is not only stronger in the quality and quantity of its troops, but what can truly deter all countries is the strength of high-end powerhouses.

This is a martial artist at the Nine Realm Golden Body Realm, he believes that as long as he makes a move, isn't a small Xuanyang Kingdom within reach?
It only needs to break the neck of the Xuanyang Monarch, does it matter whether the Shenji Army has [-] or [-]?
"Not yet!"

Xuan Tiangao at the top was a little moved at first, but after pondering for a moment, he slowly shook his head, disappointing all the generals.

"Is Your Majesty worried about Lu Xun?"

The general of the Ninth Realm who spoke earlier had some sources of information. He said, "Don't say that he is just a boy who has just entered the Seventh Realm. The Sea of ​​Reincarnation is dangerous. He may not come back alive this time!"

The other generals nodded their heads. Although they have not participated in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation Trial, the Sea Clan is the enemy of the Human Race, not to mention there are geniuses from other dynasties who are more dangerous than the Sea Clan.

The bottom dynasties of Daxuan Mingzhu have always had the highest death rate in the Sea of ​​Samsara Trial, almost reaching [-]%.

And Lu Xun's cultivation was only at the bottom among the geniuses of Daxuan Wenshi Academy who participated in the trial.

"Let's wait a little longer. The news of the Trial in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation should be sent back to Daxuan Glyph Master Academy, right?"

It seems that although His Majesty the Emperor Daxuan is not in the Liberal Arts Academy, he still has a good understanding of some information.

He knew that generally speaking, within two months or so, the first news would come back from Danghai City.

Ge Tong and the others had guessed something about this. After all, Lu Xun had a tenth-level black killing order in his hands. If he really didn't die, and the Daxuan royal family wiped out the Xuanyang Lu family, there would probably be countless troubles.


At this moment, Ge Tong's face suddenly changed slightly, and he said flatteringly: "Your Majesty is really good at predicting things, there is indeed news from the Teachers College!"

The Minister of the Ministry of War who controls the intelligence system flipped his right hand, and a water moon mirror flashed out, but when he saw the content on it, he couldn't help but tremble.

"This this……"

Ge Shilang's voice was a little incoherent, seeing those generals, even Xuan Tiangao and Qin Yunling, who were at the head, were curious, what exactly was said in the Shuiyue Mirror?
"Bring it up!"

Xuan Tiangao didn't want to wait any longer, it seemed that Ge Shilang couldn't tell why, so he might as well see for himself.

After he finished speaking, Eunuch Guo, the great eunuch next to him, walked down quickly and got the Shuiyue Mirror from Ge Tong.

There were words on the Shuiyue mirror, and Eunuch Guo, who got the mirror, glanced at it, and couldn't help but staggered, almost falling to the ground, which made the first two people extremely curious.

Xuan Tiangao knew that something important had happened, otherwise these two would not have reacted like this.

So the next moment he suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, stretched out his hand, and pulled the water moon mirror directly into the water.

"Lu Xun... the fourth..., Daxuan Wenshi Academy... the fifth..."

In fact, there was not much content on the Shuiyue Mirror, and it was almost the same as the news that Danghaicheng had sent to Daxuan Wenshi College, but it was these two news that shocked Xuan Tiangao to sit back on the dragon chair again.

Qin Yunling who was behind him naturally also saw the news on the Shuiyue mirror, and there was no doubt that his heart was instantly turbulent. Compared with other people, he actually understood the trial of the Sea of ​​Samsara better.

Qin Yunling knew clearly that if he wanted to get to the fourth place in the individual trial list, he would probably need at least seven or eight thousand trial points, and that was the older Nine Realm Sea Clan.

Even if Lu Xun could kill geniuses from other dynasties, how many would he need to kill?

Could it be that the geniuses of other dynasties allowed him to massacre like this?

Originally, this was a happy event for the Daxuan Dynasty, because the ranking of the Daxuan Glyph Teacher Academy increased, and the status of the Daxuan Dynasty would also rise accordingly.

But when the person who achieved such a miracle was a genius from the Liberal Arts Academy named Lu Xun, their emotions became extremely complicated, and they didn't know what expression to make on their faces?

"Master Ge, what's going on?"

The general of the Ninth Realm didn't see the content on the Shuiyue mirror, and seeing the expressions of everyone at this moment, he couldn't help being extremely curious, and couldn't help asking directly.

After such a period of calm, Ge Tong finally calmed down, seeing him take a deep breath, and said seriously: "Lu Xun, the fourth in the personal list of trials, Daxuan Wenshi College, fifth in the list of trial schools! "


All the generals were stunned at this moment, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Even if they haven't participated in the Trial of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, at least they have some understanding of what is going on with these two lists.

(End of this chapter)

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