low-key is king

Chapter 1079

Chapter 1079

"Death to me!"

A small mountain peak suddenly appeared in front of Liu Gushan. Now he is like a martial artist, fighting Lu Xun hand-to-hand, but he still has the absolute upper hand despite desperate efforts.

In terms of Qi cultivation alone, Lu Xun is indeed far behind Liu Gushan, but don't forget that he is a dual cultivation of Qi and Wu, and the Five Elements Tempering Body is a rare treasure in the world.

That is to say, with physical strength alone, Lu Xun is comparable to a martial artist or even a monster in the eighth stage of junior high school. This is the real reason why he can persist for so long.

Liu Gushan directly threw the small mountain in his hand towards Lu Xun. Although it looked like a small mountain, it was actually more than ten times bigger than Lu Xun's body, and it looked amazingly powerful.

If it were an ordinary Sea Clan of the Seven Realm Consummation, if they were to carry this mountain pressure, they would be crushed into meat in an instant.

But Lu Xun is not an ordinary Seventh Realm after all, and at this critical moment, he avoided the heavy mountain's blow.

All of a sudden, the ground was dusty, and under the dust, the crowd watching the Hai Clan couldn't see the situation clearly, and they didn't know whether the leader of the killing alliance was hit or not?

Perhaps only Liu Gushan, who is the person involved, knows that this mountain of his own did not hit the leader of the murderous alliance.

And on his face full of blackness, there was a wicked smile at this moment.

"I knew you would hide here!"

There was a sneer from Liu Gushan's mouth, and then a stone sword took shape in an instant, stabbing towards a certain void, it looked like it was piercing the air.

However, at this moment, a black-clothed figure suddenly appeared in the empty air. It was the leader of the Killing Alliance, as if he had taken the initiative to lean on the stone sword.

Seeing this scene, many geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty were amazed.

Secretly, even when his mind was half lost due to the poisonous erosion, Liu Gushan was still the genius of Hanbang who was good at calculating.

It seems that Liu Gushan knew long ago that his mountain was under heavy pressure and he would be dodged by the opponent, but he also calculated the place for the opponent to dodge, prepared there in advance, and waited for the opponent to throw himself into the trap.

With such a precise calculation, the geniuses of the sea and human races who watched from the sidelines felt that the murderous leader of the alliance was in danger.

The huge stone sword is extremely powerful, and it is cast by a strong man with a small achievement in the eight realms. I am afraid that it will stab Lu Ming into a transparent hole, right?
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, seeing that the leader of the killing alliance was inevitable, but at this moment, the black robe on his body was automatic without wind, and even flashed a dazzling black light.

The huge stone sword finally pierced Lu Ming's chest precisely.

But the next moment, Liu Gushan felt a stagnation, this stone sword technique, which was all-important, could no longer penetrate a single bit.

"This... is this the magic robe of the peak of the eighth rank?!"

It has to be said that Liu Gushan is quite well-informed, sensing the sense of stagnation in his hand, and seeing the black light on the opponent's robe, he immediately knew what was going on.

No matter how powerful Liu Gushan's technique is, it is impossible to pierce through the defense of an eighth-rank peak magic robe with one blow, and at most it will consume some of the defense power of the magic robe.

Since the other party is the leader of the Killing League and is a member of the Sea Clan, Liu Gushan didn't think of this at all before, and now he is undoubtedly regretting it, if only he could directly stab the other party's face.

It's a pity that he didn't notice for a while, which made Liu Gushan's subtle attack useless, and even didn't consume much of the defensive power of the eighth-rank magic robe, which undoubtedly fell short.

"Heh, I forgot to tell you that the mustard bracelet of the eighth-level genius of the Shang Ding Dynasty that I killed just now happened to have an eighth-rank peak dharma robe!"

Lu Xun's figure was forced back a few feet, but a sound came out of his mouth at this moment, which explained the origin of this eighth-rank peak robe.

As for the eighth-level genius of the Shang Ding Dynasty he mentioned, whether it is Liu Gushan or Yan Sui and Zhou Yunfan who are fighting over there, they all know that it is the Lei Jin who died outside Huolian Island.

At that time, Lei Jin's mustard seed bracelet was indeed taken away by Lu Ming, but what they didn't expect was that, in addition to the eighth-rank magic robe on his body, the mustard seed bracelet actually had a top-level eight-level magic robe in the mustard bracelet.

I don't know if the words of the leader of the Killing League are true, but at this moment he escaped the fatal blow with the help of the eighth-rank peak magic robe, but it is real, which makes Liu Gushan a little crazy.

His family knew his own family affairs. Although Liu Gushan was in a state of half-lost mind, he clearly knew that the poison pill could at most allow him to have the power of the Eight Realms for an hour.

Once this time passes, Liu Gushan will be knocked down to the bottom, even worse than before when he was weak and weak, and he may directly become a useless person.

Moreover, Liu Gushan has a feeling that if he can kill Lu Ming in a short period of time, and then take the antidote, there may be a chance of cultivating back to the basics.

But the longer the delay, the slimmer the chance.

This consumes not only his foundation, but also his vitality. At that time, even if he wants to be an ordinary person, it will become a luxury.

No one is risking their lives, especially a genius like Liu Gushan.

Whether it's for his own cultivation foundation or his own vitality, he has to work harder.

At this moment, the other battlefields are in a stalemate, and Liu Gushan's here is undoubtedly the only breakthrough that can be opened, and it is also his only chance.

"Sacrifice the mountain with blood!"

When these four familiar words from Liu Gushan's mouth reached the ears of all parties, there was already a blood-red mountain in the sky in front of him.

It's just that this time Liu Gushan sacrificed the blood-red mountain not to escape, but to kill the leader of the killing alliance.

He who has reached the Eighth Realm Xiaocheng has absolute confidence.

"The domain of the blood mountain!"

The next four words came out of Liu Gushan's mouth, and immediately after that, the huge blood-colored mountain grew in size, impressively wrapping himself, and the leader of the murderous alliance opposite, into the bloody mountain.

"It should be a special domain-like spell!"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Wu Tong's eyes flickered slightly.

With his knowledge, he guessed what was going on right away, secretly thinking that the first genius of the Hanbang Dynasty really had some real skills.

The mountain of blood sacrificed with essence and blood can not only be used to escape, but can also be used as a battle field.

Fighting in this field, the enemy might not be able to exert [-]% of his strength, but he could display [-]% of his own strength.

Of course, the domain that a small adult race of the Eight Realms displays is not that kind of real domain, but a temporary domain that Liu Gushan forcibly sacrificed with his blood and spells.

That will continuously consume Liu Gushan's blood essence. Once the time is delayed for a long time, I am afraid that Lu Xun will not need to do anything, and he will die due to exhaustion of blood energy.

But this was already Liu Gushan's last resort. He knew that if he kept going on like this, he might not be able to get rid of the leader of the killing alliance before the effect of the poisonous pill disappeared.

Rather than sit and wait, it is better to put all your eggs in one basket.

When Liu Gushan saw that the leader of the Killing League was finally wrapped into the Blood Mountain, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect this mountain to be hollow, and there is another universe inside!"

Lu Xun, who was suddenly sucked into the mountainside, didn't care about Liu Gushan's sinister and ugly grin, but looked around for a while, and let out a sound of emotion in his mouth.

"Domain-like spells, I'm really interested!"

Lu Xun turned his eyes back to Liu Gushan, and he heard him say with a smile: "This kind of domain-like spells shouldn't require the blood of the royal family of your Hanbang Dynasty to perform, right?"

"Death is imminent, and there are so many nonsense!"

Naturally, Liu Gushan would not tell this secret to the other party, even if the other party is about to become a dead person.

He only knows that in this blood mountain domain, his strength can be brought into full play by [-]%.

Under the ebb and flow, the leader of the murder alliance, who was already at a disadvantage, had almost no power to recover.

The only way to wait for the other party is to be sucked dry.


After Liu Gushan's sneering words fell, as his fingers moved, streaks of blood suddenly broke away from the inner wall of the blood mountain, like bloody arms, waving towards Lu Xun.

Within the blood mountain domain, Lu Xun had limited room to hide, but at this moment, he didn't intend to hide at all, but spoke in his mind.

"Old Bai, is this blood energy useful to you?"

Lu Xun knew that if Lao Bai wanted to regain his strength, he had to continuously replenish his strength.

As for the corpses of those reincarnated Haihai people before, this mountain of blood should also be a great tonic at this moment.

"In addition to the toxicity in the blood, let's force it!"

Lao Bai's voice came from his mind, which made Lu Xun curl his lips, secretly thinking that the current Lao Bai obviously looked down on the power of eighth-level practitioners, after all, he had returned to the ninth level.

Just after Lu Xun's abdomen fell, countless bloody ropes wrapped him inside, making Liu Gushan over there show a frightening smile on his face.

This kind of smile is hidden in the black air, it looks like a devil.

He knew that everything was over, and the leader of the killing alliance would soon be swallowed into a human body.

Liu Gushan is still quite confident in the devouring power of his Blood Mountain Domain. He has paid such a high price, if he can't deal with a Lu Ming who has reached the seventh level, maybe his Dao Heart will collapse in an instant.

And being able to deal with Lu Ming in such a short period of time, even if the price he paid was extremely serious, was considered a blessing among misfortunes for Liu Gushan.

After all, he belongs to the royal family of Hanbang, and in the Hanbang Literary Teachers College, there are also masters of the upper five realms.

He himself has no way to recover, but those immortal doctors may not be helpless.

Don't look at Wu Tong's seriousness, but that guy is just an eighth-grade poison master.

(End of this chapter)

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