low-key is king

Chapter 1097 This is Fate!

Chapter 1097 This is Fate!
"Yin Gu, if you dare to betray the Shang Ding Dynasty, aren't you afraid that Senior Brother Gu Yang will hunt you down to the ends of the earth?"

At this moment, Wu Tong was really furious. Hearing his angry voice resounding through the sky, all the Hai Clan automatically entered the state of watching a show.

For the Hai Clan, this is a dog-eat-dog drama within the human race. These human races have a lot of thoughts, even if they are in the same camp, there are many factions, and they don't like each other.

To see these guys from the Shang Ding Dynasty quarreling among themselves before they died, this is naturally a happy thing for the Hai Clan.

"Hey, Senior Brother Wu Tong, don't forget that this is the Sea of ​​Samsara!"

Now that his face has been torn apart, Yin Gu doesn't show any sympathy any more. He sneered, directly explaining the true meaning of the Trial in the Sea of ​​Samsara.

At that time, Yin Gu didn't want to do his duty as a genius of the human race, but he really couldn't do it. Under Lu Xun's methods, even his death became a luxury.

What's more, Yin Gu is a hero who knows the current affairs. When he knew that it would be impossible to survive if he continued to be tough, he took the initiative to kill several of his companions and finally saved his life.

A person like Yin Gu is very flexible, he doesn't care about the pedantic righteousness of the human race, and he will ensure his own interests first in everything he does.

As for the so-called benefits, what is higher than life, so Yin Gu never thought that he betrayed the human race, but was forced by the situation.

In the sea of ​​reincarnation trials, the biggest rule is that there are no rules. Now that Wu Tong used this to accuse Yin Gu, he would naturally retort.

In the Sea of ​​Samsara Trial, in order to obtain natural materials and earthly treasures, in order to obtain more trial points, it is no exaggeration to say that they will do everything to the extreme.

Cooperating with the Sea Clan is just one of the simplest and most direct ways.

And the first prerequisite for all this to happen is that the Sea Clan must agree to cooperate.

Based on the relationship between the Human Race and the Sea Race, there are actually not many such cooperations, and now it is just met by Wu Tong.

"kill him!"

Wu Tong's lungs were almost blown out of anger, but he couldn't find words to refute Yin Gu for a while, so he could only speak angrily again, with a touch of determination in his tone.

The geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty who heard this order didn't care about being locked in by the green flames of the Eight Realms Sea Clan at this moment. They directly surrounded Yin Gu, vowing to kill this traitor here first.

bang bang bang...

After a series of clashing sounds, Yin Gu finally escaped from the encirclement of many Shang Ding geniuses in embarrassment, but the aura on his body had become sluggish.

There was a hint of fear on Yin Gu's face, and he secretly thought that if he hadn't had some life-saving tricks, he might really be besieged to death by these guys from the Shang Ding Dynasty.

Fortunately, after Yin Gu tried his best to escape from the siege at this time, the island lord of Luyan, who was ordered by the leader of the killing alliance, finally killed him. He was greatly relieved, and felt like he had escaped from death.

"They are hopeless, I have to think for myself!"

Seeing the scene over there, Wu Tong felt regretful, but at this moment he had suppressed his anger, and even somewhat understood Yin Gu's choice to join the Killing League.

The so-called dead friends don't die poor people is the best portrayal of Wu Tong's mood at this moment.

A group of companions from the Seventh Realm have now become pig teammates in his eyes, and he will no longer be distracted to save the lives of those guys, because they can't be saved.

The leader of the killing alliance is Wu Tong's biggest enemy, and it also includes the leader of Qianbei Island over there.

If it weren't for the giant clam that covered the entire Qianbei Island, the majestic Shangding genius with eight realms, how could he not even have a chance to escape?

Anyway, since those Shang Ding geniuses could not be saved, Wu Tong stopped doing those useless efforts. He only wanted to save his own life so that he would have the chance to avenge those people.

Wu Tong made a decisive decision, the aura burst out from his body, and his whole body shot out towards the western sky like an arrow off the string, at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Xun's reaction was not slow, but what he attacked was not only his figure, but also the black saber light.

Now Lu Xun is able to levitate in the air with the help of the flying wooden kite. He doesn't want to show his ability to fly, which will expose his identity as a race.

Therefore, in terms of speed, Lu Xun was worse than Wu Tong, but the sword light from the fairy soldier looking at the sea flew directly behind Wu Tong after a while.


However, at this moment, Lu Xun couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, because his eyes of reincarnation flickered, and suddenly realized that he had been deceived by that Shang Ding genius.

Because the black sea-watching knife light struck Wu Tong's back impressively. This is a genius with a small achievement in the eight realms, how could he not be able to avoid it?
"Hahaha, Lu Ming, you only know that I have the Qiankun Liangyi Cauldron, but you don't know that I have the Qiankun Liangyi Body?"

A loud laugh full of pride came from the east side of Qianbei Island, and it was the opposite of the figure that Lu Xun had just struck with the black saber light, separated by dozens of miles.

Hearing Wu Tong's loud laughter, Lu Xun was thoughtful, secretly thinking that this guy really deserves to be a genius ranked in the top five of Shang Ding Literary and Teacher Academy's hundred battle list, and his methods are really endless.

The so-called Qiankun Liangyi body is obviously similar to the two great cauldrons just now, but when it acts on itself, it will make the enemy unable to tell which is the real body and which is the fake body.

Even Wu Tong can switch between real and fake in the two bodies. If Lu Xun's saber strikes the eastern one, then he may transfer his real body to the western figure in an instant, which is extremely miraculous.

For example, at this moment, when the attention of the leader of the Killing League was on the figure to the west, Wu Tong immediately sacrificed his real body to the east, only ten feet away from the translucent white clam shell. away.

"Armor-piercing gun!"

The complacent Wu Tong yelled again, and immediately after that, a long spear with black flames appeared in his hand, and then the tip of the spear fiercely pierced towards the translucent clam wall.

Seeing this scene, all the Sea Clan were thoughtful.

Including Qianbei Island Master, they looked at the genius Shang Ding with scorching eyes, wanting to see if the other party could use this flame spear to break through the defense of the white clam wall.

A clear and crisp sound of clashes will be heard, and the tip of the flame spear has already pierced a certain clam wall, and then the black fire on Wu Tong's body exploded, obviously urging the black fire to the extreme .

"Break it for me!"

Wu Tong was full of confidence at this moment. The black fire spear was like a giant dragon surrounded by black flames, hitting the clam wall there.

Some sea people with keen senses could sense that after Wu Tong shouted loudly, a vague aura erupted from the spear, and then condensed on the tip of the flaming spear.

"It's a special effect armor breaker!"

Lu Xun, who has the eyes of reincarnation, can see what the breath is at a glance.

After all, his natal weapon of breaking the army also has the effect of breaking the armor, and the aura of the two effects is exactly the same.

This can also explain the origin of the name of the flame spear, with such an armor-piercing effect, maybe it can really make Wu Tong kill a bloody road today.

Even Lu Xun, who didn't want to expose the big monster and Lao Bai, could hardly catch up at this time. He could only watch helplessly as the spear pierced the armor and carved cracks in the clam wall.

After two breaths of time, the translucent clam wall seemed to finally be unable to withstand the armor-piercing effect, and cracks climbed up one after another, finally turning the clam wall into a spider web.


After a while, a big hole about two feet in diameter finally shattered open.

The fragments of the white clam shell splashed around, which also made Wu Tong's face smile for the first time.

"Master Lu, Master Qianbei, today's humiliation will be repaid tenfold by Wu in the future, and there will be a period later!"

Knowing that he had already managed to find a way out, Wu Tong laughed out loud as he got out of the big hole, and the sound resounded throughout Qianbei Island, making the owner of Qianbei Island quite ugly.

Because some methods of Qianbei Island Master can only be used within the scope of Qianbei Island, now Wu Tong has left the scope of Qianbei Island, so it can be said that it is no longer under his control.

Even if the Qianbei Island Master can repair the hole in a very short period of time, at least at this moment Wu Tong's attempt to escape, he can't stop it no matter what.

"Senior Brother Wu Tong, take us along!"

When many sea clansmen were silent, many Shangding geniuses who were suppressed by the island master of Lvyan, who were helpless to fight back, all turned their eyes to the east side, looking at Senior Brother Wu Tong with full expectation.

"This... is life!"

Wu Tong turned his head and glanced there, and said with emotion: "Since you have entered the sea of ​​reincarnation and participated in the trial of this sea of ​​reincarnation, you should be prepared to lose your life at any time!"

"It's not that I don't want to save you, it's that I can't save you. You guys... ask for blessings!"

At this moment, Wu Tong seemed to be a bachelor, and he didn't hide his thoughts at all, and what he said was true.

Just like Yin Gu over there, in order to survive, he can do anything.

And compared to Yin Gu, Wu Tong at this moment did not make trouble, he just abandoned his companions for his own survival, and isn't this the true meaning of the Sea of ​​Samsara Trial?

The husband and wife were originally from the same Lindao, and they flew separately in the face of a catastrophe. The husband and wife were like this, let alone these college brothers who were not even related by blood.

Wu Tong, who thought he was out of trouble, didn't mind explaining a few more words. He didn't want to be criticized by the academy after today's incident was reported to Shangding Academy.

"Also... Yin Gu, from today onwards, you are the target of our Shang Ding Dynasty. No matter where you escape, you will surely die!"

Wu Tong's gaze turned to Yin Gu, who was a little sluggish. The words he said contained deep resentment, which was also the usual style of the Shang Ding dynasty in dealing with traitors.

(End of this chapter)

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