low-key is king

Chapter 1114 I have nothing to say!

Chapter 1114 I have nothing to say!
"Master Luo, look, the names of Wu Tong and Gu Li have disappeared!"

Just when Luo Jue's inner drama was not over, a somewhat low voice suddenly came from the side, it was Wei Zhen, the college teacher in Nascent Soul Realm.

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Jue's eyes finally moved away from the third name.

After looking at it, it was found that two of the names of the Shang Ding Dynasty had disappeared from the list of individuals in the trial.

Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of situations. One is that the trial order of the genius of the human race is taken away by another human race, and the trial points on it are taken away.

The other is that the genius was killed by other human geniuses, which also took away the trial points. Relatively speaking, the probability of the second situation is higher.

Because for a human genius who participated in the trial of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, the trial points are their second life, and sometimes they would rather die for the points.

There are not many geniuses who know current affairs like Yin Gu. In the sea of ​​reincarnation, there are life and death battles, either you die or I die.

You want my points, and I want yours too.

As for being killed by the Sea Clan, the points on the Trial Order will generally not change, and it is useless for those Sea Clans to take the points, and maybe they will be secretly attacked by the geniuses of the Human Race.

Luo Jue naturally knew who Wu Tong and Gu Li were, especially Wu Tong, who was ranked in the top five of Shang Ding Literary Teacher Academy's hundred battle list, a peerless genius who had reached the eighth realm.

Besides, Wu Tong is also a genuine eighth-grade poison master besides his qi refining and cultivation. He is the key training object of Shangding Wenshi Academy, and he has been favored by the powerful immortal sect on the mountain early.

The death of such a genius, even the Shang Ding Dynasty, would definitely feel extremely distressed. Luo Jue, who discovered the truth at this time, his heart was bleeding, and at the same time, he turned his eyes to the other side.

There, there was an instructor of the ten realms of Shangding Martial Arts Academy. The other person's face was also very ugly. After looking at each other, they all turned their eyes to the Daxuan Dynasty.

"The Daxuan Dynasty is really courageous!"

From Luo Jue's mouth, there was such a voice containing resentment, which also attracted everyone's attention, but the expressions on their faces were different.

At this moment, everyone has noticed the disappearance of the names of the two great geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty. Naturally, they can guess the mood of Luo Jue and others, which is absolutely extremely bad.

Among them, Wu Tong's ranking in the personal list once reached the high position of eighteenth, and Gu Li of Shangding Martial Arts Academy also occupied a place in the top forty.

These two played a pivotal role in the geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty, and they were the important source of points for the Shang Ding Literary and Teacher College to occupy the second place in the college rankings. Now, if they die, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Originally, the Shang Ding Dynasty was far ahead of the Zhou Wu Dynasty in both the individual score list and the academy list, but now after losing nearly [-] points from the two eighth-level geniuses, Zhou Wu Wenshi Academy is not far away from them.

Regardless of whether it was the list of Literary Teachers Academy or the list of Martial Arts Academy, the Zhou Wu Dynasty instantly shortened the distance, and it was no longer as far away as before. This is the far-reaching impact of Lu Xun hunting down the geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty.

Killing one or two Shang Ding geniuses can hardly see any obvious effect, but now there are dozens of Shang Ding geniuses who have died in Lu Xun's hands, including several eight-level geniuses, and the total points cannot be ignored. .

Ji Wenchang, a strong man in the upper five realms of the Zhouwu Dynasty, smiled, and the people who looked at the Daxuan Dynasty over there were full of smiles.

In his view, if this continues, it is only a matter of time before the Zhou Wu Dynasty surpasses the Shang Ding Dynasty.

Because so many geniuses of the Shang Ding Dynasty died, but the Zhou Wu Dynasty had almost no losses. With the passage of time, could Shang Guyang alone be able to compete with the entire Zhou Wu Dynasty?
"Gui Dongnan, did your Daxuan Wenshi Academy arrange for him a statue of a strong man from the Nine Realms to secretly protect him?"

Han Liang of the Hanbang Dynasty suddenly followed Luo Jue's words, which made the eyes of all the powerhouses of the Shang Ding Dynasty shine, and they felt that they had found an excellent reason.

When such weird things happened again and again, they all wanted to find a reason.

But now Han Liang handed over this reason, making them all subconsciously believe this statement.

Otherwise, how do you explain Lu Xun's consecutive points surge? Compared with the previous 8000+ points, this time Lu Xun's points increase has exceeded [-] at once.

If this is converted into killing the Sea Clan, it needs to kill a Sea Clan that has just entered the Tenth Realm to achieve it, or several Ninth Realm Sea Clans to achieve it.

But how could this be something that only a young boy who had just entered the seventh realm could do?

Including the powerhouses of several major dynasties in the Zhengqin Tangyuan Dynasty, even Ye Mingtang, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall in Danghai City, was blindsided, wanting to see how Guidongnan defended himself?

Apart from this statement, I am afraid that there is no other explanation.

At best, the seven-level human race can only flourish in the periphery of the intermediate sea field, but it is absolutely impossible to obtain so many trial points.

It is also impossible for those powerful Sea Clans to allow a human race of the seventh realm to massacre the Sea Clan of the sixth realm on the periphery.

In this way, the reason is directly ignored. Lu Xun must have some big secrets that are not known to the public, and it is very possible that he has the secret protection of a nine-level or even ten-level powerhouse.

But this is actually breaking the rules of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation Trial. Like Daxuan King Du Zhejia's strong golden body, he would not dare to show up at will, unless Zhe Yan encountered some fatal danger.

Because once the experts from the Sea Clan know that someone from the Ninth Realm and Ten Realm of the Race enters the intermediate sea field, they can also break the rules. Wouldn't the Sea of ​​Reincarnation Trial be a mess?

In fact, because the backgrounds of the geniuses of all parties are not good, it happens from time to time that there are strong people secretly protecting them, but in many cases, until the end of the trial in the Sea of ​​Samsara, they never show up once.

At this moment, people like Luo Jue, Han Liang, and Hu Yong all had preconceived ideas in their minds, thinking that the powerful Daxuan who secretly protected Lu Xun took action one after another, with the purpose of making this Daxuan genius the most dazzling one.

It's so despicable!
"Gui Dongnan, I know that Lu Xun is a rising star valued by many teachers of your Daxuan Teachers College, but do you know the consequences of doing so?"

Without waiting for Guidongnan to speak, Luo Jue couldn't help but accuse him of this crime directly, which might give him some peace of mind.

As long as it wasn't for Lu Xun's own strength, then he didn't think Shang Guyang was too much of a threat.

Lu Xun, who can do these things by external force, is just a clown after all.

In Luo Jue's words, he also vaguely explained the reason why the other party did this.

After all, after Lu Xun became famous during this period, without exception, they all went to Tingxinlou in Danghai City and bought a piece of information about Lu Xun.

Using Tingxinlou's intelligence system, he described everything in detail since Lu Xun joined the Literary Teachers College, to the battle with the old forces of Ningmen Yuanmen and other colleges, and to the top of the hundred battle list.

It even includes the things that Lu Xun made good friends with the teachers of Daxuan Wenshi College, and which branch deans valued them, and the things that caused bloody battles were clearly written.

From Tingxinlou's information, Luo Jue and the others learned about an unknown Lu Xun. Earlier, they seemed to think that it was not too strange for such a Lu Xun to do these things.

At this moment, Luo Jue brought up this matter to make the strong men of other dynasties think that it was the teachers of Daxuan Wenshi College who valued Lu Xun too much, so they took the risk and sent a strong man to protect him secretly.

Such a reason is very credible. After all, the powerful men of many dynasties have learned about Lu Xun.

With the importance that masters like Yu Chong Xiao Gao Yuan Sheng place on Lu Xun, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

"Gui Dongnan, even though you Daxuan Wenshi Academy are eager to love talents, what crime should you be for breaking the rules of the Samsara Sea Trial like this?"

The Ten Realm Martial Artist of the Shang Ding Dynasty was as loud as Hong Zhong, and later he spoke harshly, directly labeling the other party a big crime.

Gu Li's death made him very distressed and angry.

Fortunately, Guidongnan is also a strong man in the upper five realms, and a tenth realm martial artist can't scare him. He didn't say a word, and the next moment he turned his attention to the master of the Law Enforcement Hall of Danghai City over there.

"Southeast Gui, what do you have to say about the accusations against the Shang Ding Dynasty?"

Ye Mingtang was expressionless, neither favoring the Shang Ding dynasty nor the Daxuan dynasty. As the master of the Law Enforcement Palace in Danghai City, this can be said to be his job.

To be honest, when many geniuses entered the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, Ye Mingtang secretly sensed some experts from the Nine Realms to enter.

Those Nine Realm powerhouses hiding their auras and identities are not breaking the rules. As long as they don't blatantly attack during the Sea of ​​Samsara Trial, then he will turn a blind eye.

But in Ye Mingtang's induction, it seems that there is no secret powerhouse related to Lu Xun. Of course, this does not rule out the situation that he did not sense it.

That's why Ye Mingtang asked this question. After all, the instructor of the Shangding Martial Arts Academy's questioning just now had brought the matter to the fore, so he had no choice but to preside over it.

"I have nothing to say about things I haven't done!"

Guidongnan glanced coldly at the many strong men of the Shang Ding Dynasty, and then turned his gaze back to Ye Mingtang. Seeing him shake his head slightly, he directly denied it.

"You said you haven't done it, so you haven't done it?"

The tenth-level instructor was still a little bit reluctant, and he heard him say loudly: "Then how do you explain Lu Xun's nearly [-] trial points? You guys believe that a boy in the seventh level can get so much by relying on his own strength." Trial points?"

The first words of the ten-level instructor were still directed at Guidongnan, but the last few words pulled all the dynasties together.

He didn't believe that when other dynasties looked at the nearly [-] points, wouldn't they be jealous?
(End of this chapter)

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