low-key is king

Chapter 1134 Dragon Bone Legend

Chapter 1134 Dragon Bone Legend
Samsara Sea, Intermediate Sea Field, Inner Circle!
This is considered to be a sea area deep into the middle-level sea field. In this sea area, almost all the sea tribes occupying the big islands have reached the eighth level, which is far beyond the reach of the seven-level sea tribes on the periphery.

Even the island owners of some well-known big islands may be strong sea clansmen with a small achievement in eight realms. They each have a sea area territory and have a lot of sea clan subordinates under their command.

Above a certain sea and sky, there was a sound of breaking wind suddenly, and then three figures appeared out of thin air, which looked a bit mysterious, obviously a special movement technique.

At first, a person was wearing a dark golden robe. Although it was a human body, there was a pair of weird horns on the head, and there were some fine dark golden scales at the joint with the body.

This figure did not hide his aura of cultivation at all, it was a sea clan who had reached the eighth level of perfection, and his aura was surging, and the dark golden robes fluttered gently, giving him a special temperament.

As for the two people next to him, one is a master of the eighth realm, and the other has also reached the minor accomplishment of the eighth realm. With such a strength ratio, in this intermediate sea field, it is almost possible to walk sideways.

It is worth mentioning that the humanoid bodies of these three people all look quite young, presumably they are the younger generation of a certain group of the Sea Clan who came to practice.

"His Royal Highness Fang Que, Dragon Bone Island is in front of you. You said that the bones of our senior strong man will really be there?"

Next to him, the sea clan master of eight realms took out a map of the sea area from the mustard bracelet, then pointed to a not too conspicuous island on it and spoke in a low voice, with an unusually respectful tone.

Speaking of which, the Highness called Fang Que is a descendant of the orthodox branch of the Hailong clan, and there is a trace of pure blood of the Hailong clan in him, and his status in this branch is not low.

Of course, compared to the truly top-notch peerless evildoers of the Hailong clan, Fang Que is not enough.

This is like comparing the top geniuses of the eight dynasties such as Xia Jiexing, Shang Guyang, and the top geniuses of the inner circle of the fairy gate on the mountain of Qingxuan Tianxia.

But in this intermediate sea field, Fang Que regarded himself as a descendant of the Hailong family, and almost no one dared to provoke him easily.

Even those Nine Realm Sea Clan powerhouses at the lord level, after knowing his identity, have to weigh it carefully.

After the voice of the eight-level Dacheng Sea Clan fell, Fang Que didn't speak immediately, but reached out and wiped the mustard seed bracelet, and a dark golden scale appeared on the palm out of thin air.

"According to Dragon Scale's guidance, it should be Dragon Bone Island, but it's just..."

Speaking of this, Fang Que paused for a moment, then sneered and said, "There are quite a few guys who want to covet the bones of the seniors of my Hailong family. My Highness wants to see, what kind of ghosts and monsters are they?"

"Hmph, I don't know how to write the word "death" even if I dare to get my hands on the bones of the powerful seniors of my Hailong clan!"

The Sea Clan who has reached the eighth realm does not actually have the blood of the Sea Dragon Clan, but the clan he belongs to is a subordinate clan of the Sea Dragon Clan, and he has long regarded himself as the Sea Dragon Clan.

"Hey, maybe it's those human geniuses who can kill two birds with one stone!"

Fang Que couldn't see the slightest bit of anger on his face. With the blood of Hailong in his body, he was also a man of perfect cultivation in the eight realms. In the eyes.

This time, Fang Que came to Samsara Sea to practice in the mid-level sea field because he wanted to meet those top geniuses of the Human Dynasty. He had full confidence and killed them until they cried.

"Let's go, let's go to Dragon Bone Island first. This island is named after Dragon Bone. I'm afraid it has already foreshadowed something!"

Fang Que turned his eyes back to the eastern sky, and with a voice in his mouth, he swept over there first, and the two behind him hurriedly followed, looking quite excited.


It is also the inner circle of the intermediate sea field!
Several burly figures flew past, stopped somewhere in the sky, and the aura of each of them spread out, with a certain power, which made the low-ranking sea people below tremble.

The first person also reached the perfection of the eighth realm, with a wide face and big ears, especially the extremely large mouth, which was more than double the size of an ordinary human race.

As for the other Sea Clans, the worst is the Seventh Realm Consummation. Such a force seems to be even stronger than the Sea Dragon Clan. The goals of both sides may be similar.

"If the guidance of the dragon scale is correct, then the bones of the legendary powerful sea dragon family are probably within the range of Dragon Bone Island!"

The leading man with a big mouth opened his mouth wide, as if he could swallow a human head in one gulp. While he was speaking, there was also a dark golden scale on his palm exuding a special aura.

"Brother Jin, Dragon Bone Island has always had legends about dragon bones, but no one has ever found them. Are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

Next to it, a Sea Clan with a small achievement in the eight realms murmured, presumably because he had heard of the name of Dragon Bone Island and the legend.

In the early years, countless sea people came to look for opportunities.

Even some dragon clan powerhouses have come to Dragon Bone Island to investigate, but in the end they didn't find any clues.

After that, not many sea people believed in the legend about Dragon Bone Island.

Just kidding, Dragon Bone Island, where even the strong Dragon Clan has personally explored, if there are really bones of Dragon Clan predecessors, how could they still stay there, waiting for some outside Sea Clan to find them?

Therefore, the legend is probably that a certain Sea Clan who once occupied Dragon Bone Island, or named Dragon Bone Island, put gold on his face and wanted to take advantage of the reputation of the Sea Clan.

Now, relying on the guidance of the scales, this group of sea people found the vicinity of Keel Island again. Thinking of the information about Dragon Bone Island, many sea people don't believe it.

"It's all here, let's try our luck!"

The leader of the Dakouhai Clan smiled, then raised the dark golden scales in his hand, and looked in certain directions, the smile on his face couldn't help but grow stronger.

"This time, maybe we will meet the top geniuses of the Eight Great Dynasties of the Human Race, or even the guys from the Sea Dragon Clan. How can my Holy Whale Clan easily miss such a lively place?"

The eight-level perfect sea clan named Jin Zhong exudes infinite confidence, and hearing his claim, these sea clans are actually from the Holy Whale clan, one of the three sea clans.

There are three recognized top groups in the Sea of ​​Samsara, among which the Hailong clan is the first, and the top combat power is slightly stronger than the other two groups, but the overall number is quite inferior.

The Holy Whale Clan and the Dark Shark Clan are side by side. The overall strength of the two groups is almost the same, but they are a pair of mortal enemies that are well known in the Samsara Sea.

The relationship between the two parties is much worse than the relationship between the Shang Ding Dynasty and the Zhou Wu Dynasty.

In addition to competing for territory and resources, the most important reason is that these two groups feed on each other. This is a natural enemy since ancient times, and today, it is irreconcilable.

Relatively speaking, the Holy Whale family is more open and aboveboard, while the Shark family is omnipotent. In many cases, the Holy Whale family suffers more.

Fortunately, the Holy Whale family is strong, and some small losses will not hurt them, but when they think of those despicable members of the Shark family, they grit their teeth with hatred.

"Hmph, it's best that the guys from the Shark family are also there!"

The Sea Clan, who was a small success in the eight realms, snorted coldly, his tone filled with cold killing intent,
When his voice fell, the aura of the sea clan of the holy whale clan seemed to have become much cooler at this moment.

"Let's go!"

Jin Zhong was noncommittal, and rushed out first, but judging from his fighting spirit, he might not be targeting other sea clans, but the great enemy of the holy whale clan.


Another piece of sea and sky!
Several figures came from the sky, their auras were majestic, but they exuded the aura of the human race. It seemed that they were not the casual cultivators in the sea of ​​reincarnation.

The one in the lead has reached the level of the Eight Realms.

"Senior Brother Dong Xian, Senior Brother Gu Yang didn't come this time, we didn't have the Eighth Realm Consummation, are we really going to fight for the bones of the powerful Hailong Clan?"

A human cultivator who had reached the eighth realm suddenly opened his mouth, making the headed one stop, and then turned his head and gave the former a faint look, full of disdain.

Dong Xian, who is called Dong Xian, has a lot of background, he is the number one martial artist genius of Shang Ding Dynasty martial artist academy, and now he is ranked sixth on the list of individuals in the trial, second only to Zhou Yunmu.

Although Dong Xian is not an absolute supporter of Shang Guyang, but in the Shang Ding dynasty, no one would dare not give Shang Gu Yang face, after all, that is the Shang Ding royal family, and his future achievements are limitless.

Dong Xian had a good relationship with Shang Guyang in private, if Shang Guyang intervened this time, he might not come, but the monks from the College of Letters and Arts wanted to open which pot and which pot to carry.

It is true that a martial artist who has completed the Eight Realms may not be able to match Shang Guyang who has completed the Eight Realms, but he is not considered weak in this sea area. Dong Xian still has some confidence.

"Yan Qi, you don't even understand the principle of seeking wealth and wealth, do you?"

Dong first took a look at Yan Qi, a monk who had attained a minimum of eight realms, first asked a question, and then said: "You should have heard the legend of Dragon Bone Island, right?"

"For so many years, Dragon Bone Island has been rumored to have a dragon bone, but no one has ever been able to find it. In other words, it may be waiting for a destined person!"

Dong Xian looked around and heard him say: "Since that's the case, why can't I...or you, why can't I become the predestined person?"

"The Hailong family is full of treasures. The fallen dragon might be at the ninth level, or at the tenth level, or even at the upper fifth level. If he can get it, what will be the result?"

Dong Xian talked eloquently, and continued: "Such a treasure, is it worth taking some risks, not to mention that this is a trial in the sea of ​​reincarnation, if you want to avoid taking risks, you should go home as soon as possible!"

Several consecutive words left many Shang Ding geniuses speechless, which made Dong Xian quite satisfied.

He knew that he might not be the strongest in Dragon Bone Island this time, and he needed these Shang Ding geniuses to help him.

It's just that Dong Xian didn't say a word, that is, if he can really get the keel, maybe he can use it to attack the realm of a perfect martial artist in the eight realms.

(End of this chapter)

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