low-key is king

Chapter 1157

Chapter 1157
"Fang Que, is this what you call sincerity?"

A roar of anger resounded above the Xuanbone Hall, it was Mo Xun of the Shark Clan, and this time even his sworn enemy Jin Zhong didn't refute, obviously out of anger.

At the luncheon three days ago, all those who got the dragon scale fragments gave the fragments to Fang Que, and the other party also gave them a promise. They all felt that the famous geniuses of the Hailong clan would not lie.

I didn't expect all of this, but the foreshadowing had already been laid at that time.

Fang Que had already obtained the last dragon scale fragment, trying to find the dragon bone secretly.

Mo Xun, Jin Zhong, and the others all had reasons to believe that if it wasn't for the great power of the complete dragon scale explosion, or other unknown reasons, the keel would have been taken away by Fang Que without anyone noticing.

At that time, Fang Que promised those things, can they still find the headquarters of the Hailong clan?

The Trial of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation is not only a trial for the geniuses of the human race, but also a trial for the geniuses of the sea race.

In this trial stage, all kinds of tricks are used, and such tricks are actually included in the rules without rules.

Even if you have the ability to cooperate with the human race to deal with the sea race, that is your own ability.

Deceiving people with tricks has always been the best thing of the Shark family, but they didn't expect to be tricked by others today.

"Hehe, Brother Mo Xun misunderstood. In fact, I just found the last two scales, and I found them in Dragon Bone City, so I want to give it a try first!"

At this point, Fang Que knew that all his plans were in vain.

In order to avoid being the target of public criticism, he immediately made up an excellent reason, and this reaction can be said to be extremely fast.

There are some hidden meanings in Fang Que's words, that is, he did not deceive people at the beginning, but you have no ability to find the remaining two dragon scale fragments.

Now that I have found it, what face do I have to blame?
Sure enough, after Fang Que's voice fell, even Mo Xun was at a loss for words for a while, because he couldn't produce evidence that the other party was lying, and it was impossible to find evidence for such a thing.

"Hey, I think the volume of the complete dragon scale should only be seven fragments. How can there be eight fragments?"

Just when Mo Xun, Jin Zhong and the other eight realms were silent, a familiar voice suddenly came from somewhere, attracting everyone's attention.

With this look, he immediately saw two figures, one black and one white, standing in the air.

The one who spoke was naturally Lu Xun. Fang Que's plan failed, and his plan naturally fell through. He is not in a good mood at the moment, how can he make Fang Que feel better?
After being reminded by Lu Xun, the eyes of many strong men turned to the complete dragon scale that had already flown into the sky.

Combined with the gap that was missing before, they had reason to believe that what the man in the black mask said was true.

"Nonsense, everyone, don't listen to his nonsense. There are indeed eight dragon scale fragments, but the remaining two... are relatively small in size!"

Fang Que wished he could take the guy who had just entered the eighth realm to pieces immediately, but at this time he had to explain a few words for himself.

It's just that this reason is specious, and not many people believe it.

After all, they had all seen six pieces of dragon scales in the Xuangu Temple back then, and the volumes of those six pieces of dragon scales were almost the same, and it was absolutely impossible for them to be so exaggeratedly smaller than half.

"Even if what you said is true, since you found the remaining two dragon scale fragments, why didn't you inform us, do you want to swallow them all?"

Lu Xun didn't intend to let Fang Que go, and he continued to say something, bringing the scene Fang Que least wanted to face to the surface, which made him speechless for a while.

In fact, Fang Que wanted to monopolize it all. This point can be thought of by all parties, but for Fang Que, it can only be done in private, but it cannot be said publicly.

At the banquet, Fang Que had made promises. Now that he wanted to swallow the keel all by himself, who would accept the overthrow of these promises?

"Dog, who are you?"

Fang Que was depressed for a moment, and finally raised his head full of anger, staring at the two figures, one black and one white, as if about to burst into flames, and there was a touch of murderous intent in his tone.

"Why, His Royal Highness Fang Que feels that his plan has been exposed, and he wants to kill us all?"

Lu Xun wouldn't be afraid of a genius from the Hailong family. Seeing him sweep his eyes around, with a few simple words, he would pull all the strong men except the Hailong family into Fang Que's opposing camp.

These few words made Fang Que's chest rise and fall with anger, but he couldn't do anything to the other party for a while.

Seeing that he took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, his face gradually calmed down.

"I admit, I really want to swallow the keel!"

With a look of coldness on Fang Que's face, he first admitted his previous ambition, then looked around, and then asked: "But I want to ask you, if you get the complete dragon scale, who would not want to take it all by yourself?" Where's the keel?"

This kind of statement is more straightforward. These guys on Dragon Bone Island are all here for the powerful Dragon Clan of the Sea Dragon Clan.

If there is such an opportunity, who would want to share a piece of the pie with others?

"Now that the keel is about to show up, I won't explain too much. Everything... depends on my ability!"

Fang Que thought he had already adjusted his mentality. Anyway, all his plans fell short, but he is still a genius of the sea dragon clan who has completed the eight realms, and it is not that he has no chance of getting the keel.

"Is it all based on ability? That's the best!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun also sneered, then glanced at Asha beside him, and immediately became full of confidence.

From the point of view of the number of powerhouses alone, the Nethershark clan undoubtedly has the upper hand. Even if the Hailong clan and the Dragon Bone Island natives are added, the other party does not have the second eight perfections.

Relatively speaking, the faces of the geniuses of the Holy Whale Clan and the Juzhang Clan are not so good.

Even Dong Xian and others from the Shang Ding Dynasty did not have the slightest control over the situation here.

The Hailong clan, who were originally under control, felt that the situation was out of control after sensing the overall strength of the Shark clan.

Could it be that the bones of the powerful seniors of the Hailong family should be handed over to outsiders?

"Brother Jin Chong, under such circumstances, how about our two races cooperating today?"

Fang Que's eyes rolled wildly, and then he turned his gaze to the geniuses of the Holy Whale Clan. With the old incident brought up again, Jin Zhong seemed to have no good choice.

The geniuses of the three major races like them look down on other sea races.

Therefore, neither Fang Que nor Jin Zhong had any intention of cooperating with the two geniuses of the Juzhang clan, because they felt that the two were unworthy.

As for the other two forces, they didn't even have a complete Eight Realm. They believed that as long as the Nethershark clan was dealt with, it would be impossible for the other sea clan to have any objections.

"How will the spoils be distributed?"

Jin Zhong seems to be rough and bold, but at this time he is quite careful. What's the point of a union without interests?
All of these are just for their own interests.

"Eight two, I eight you two!"

Fang Que naturally wanted to fight for enough benefits, and when the distribution plan he said was put forward, Jin Zhong's face was gloomy, obviously not satisfied with this distribution.

"Fourty six!"

Jin Zhong bargained, but he also knew that the other party would not agree to this proposal. Who made the Holy Whale Clan the mortal enemy of the Shark Clan?
"Qisan, if you don't answer, the cooperation will be over!"

Fang Que's eyes rolled wildly, as if he had touched Jin Zhong's bottom line, and then said pointedly: "Jin Zhong, don't forget, your Holy Whale Clan is the mortal enemy of the Shark Clan!"

What Fang Que said in the last few words is that the Hailong clan has no old grudge with the Mingshark clan, even if they can't win in the end, if they choose to compromise, the Mingshark clan will probably not kill them all.

What's more, the Hailong clan plus the natives of Dragon Bone Island may not be able to break arms with the Shark clan. Anyway, in the end, most of them will not have any worries about their lives.

On the other hand, the Holy Whales are different. No matter when and where, when the Sharks meet them, they will never die, without any exceptions.

If it weren't for the temptation of Dragon Bone and the threat of other forces this time, the two sides would have beaten their brains out as early as outside the west gate of Dragon Bone City.

Now that the keel is about to appear, Mo Xun and the others no longer have any scruples. Coupled with the fact that their strength is crushing, it will not take too much effort to destroy the three geniuses of the Holy Whale Clan.

"Okay, Sanqi!"

Jin Zhong pondered for a while, apparently had no other choice, if he did not agree, not only would he not get the keel, but his life would be in danger.

And Fang Que was quite satisfied with this result. In fact, he could directly threaten Jin Zhong to cooperate with him without paying a penny, but that would be too variable.

Once the holy whales feel that the keel is hopeless and choose to retreat directly, the ghost sharks may not be able to keep it, and even if they can, they may not chase after it. After all, the keel is important.

In this way, the Hailong family will lose one of their biggest ally.

Using the promise of [-]% of the booty to leave a strong helper also shows that Fang Que is indeed willing to let his children play wolves.

Seeing the success of the alliance with the other party, Mo Xun's face was a bit uneasy, but he couldn't stop such an alliance, and I'm afraid that he could only fight with real swords and guns in the future.

"Tsk tsk, I was cheated just once, and I still have to go up to it. I really don't know what you Holy Whale family thinks?"

A slightly mocking voice came from somewhere, and all the sea tribes knew that it was the black-clothed sea tribe who had just entered the eighth realm who had spoken. At that moment, they all turned their strange eyes to Jin Zhong.

The facts are exactly as Lu Xun said, no matter how bachelor Fang Que was just now, it is true that he deceived everyone with the dragon scale fragments before, and it is hard to guarantee that Jin Zhong and the others will not be deceived again.

(End of this chapter)

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