low-key is king

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259
"Oh, what a mess!"

Watching the Eight Realms Sea Clan under him fly towards the outside of the island, the island owner seemed to have a headache and murmured, as if he was debating whether to go there in person.

With so much movement in the current world of the Forgotten River Realm, it is definitely not just their big island that is attracting them, presumably those powerful forces in the intermediate sea field will not stand idly by.

Even if the powerful Sea Clan of the Ninth Realm and Ten Realm can't leave their territory casually, the Consummation of the Eighth Realm will definitely flock to them, and even some suppressive forces of the Ninth Realm will sneak into the Wangchuan Realm in disguise.

Under such chaos, no one dared to say that he would be able to obtain the most precious treasure in the realm of Wangchuan, everything depended on his strength and opportunity, or even on the spot.

Even the island owner himself, who was in the Nine Realm Golden Body, was a little hesitant at the moment, thinking secretly whether he should take a risk or not.

What if I was the predestined person and got the most precious thing in Wangchuan Realm?

The movements of this island are just a microcosm of the many big islands in the intermediate sea field.

When the phantom of the three characters of Wangchuanjie was projected in all directions, the entire intermediate sea field became extremely lively, which was even much more lively than when the geniuses of the human race entered the intermediate sea field.

Because this time the big movement attracted not only the Sea Clan or Human Race below the Ninth Realm, but also those Sea Clan powerhouses who were in the Ninth and Tenth Realms.

Even this news may soon reach the ears of those truly powerful people in the Sea of ​​Samsara.

Even if they don't have time to reach the intermediate sea field, they must pay attention to this accident.

Compared with the low-level sea tribes in the intermediate sea field, the strong sea tribes from all sides naturally know the strong shell tribe better.

Especially the Yu family of the Bei clan, I'm afraid it's impossible to be calm again?


In the depths of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, the headquarters of the Bei tribe!

In a majestic hall shrouded in white light, many bei tribe powerhouses sat upright, and one of the upper five realm bei tribe exuded white light, his breath was a little unstable, as if he was trying his best to endure.

In addition to the rulers of the upper five realms of the Bei tribe, there are also a few young figures standing at the bottom.

Dang Yiyi's aura is very subtle, and it seems that he may break through to the Nine Realm Golden Body at any time.

Above the deepest part of the main hall, there is a huge water moon mirror, on which some slightly blurred images are appearing.

But the three illusory big characters are clearly visible to all the strong Bei people.

"The Realm of Wangchuan...was born!"

One of the strong men of the Bei tribe with gray beard and hair murmured, as if pulling the minds of the strong men back.

Among them, the upper-five-level powerhouse who was standing just now took a few breaths, and his chest kept rising and falling.

"Patriarch, the Forgotten River Realm is the enchantment of the ancestors of the Yu clan of our Bei clan, and it must not fall into the hands of outsiders!"

The standing strongman of the Bei tribe seemed to be the ruler of Yu's generation. He naturally knew the importance of the Forgotten River Realm, especially the thing that bounded the boundary, which was a treasure he dreamed of.

The Bei tribe is an extremely large ethnic group in the Samsara Sea. Compared with the three major ethnic groups, it is similar to the Horn tribe. To some extent, it is a special alliance.

There are countless branches of the Bei people. A single branch may not be very powerful, but after being united, it will be a first-class group in the entire Samsara Sea. There will not be too many Hai people who dare to provoke them easily.

The Yu Clan is a relatively powerful branch in the Bei Clan Alliance. The Yu Clan elder who spoke also has a great say in the Bei Clan Alliance. No one dares to ignore what he said.

The other elders of the Bei clan, including the titular head of the Bei clan, actually took it for granted after hearing what Elder Yu said, but now there is undoubtedly the most intuitive question.

"Elder Yu Nian, I know how you feel, but I can forget that Chuanjie was born in the middle-level sea field, and now it is the trial period of the Samsara Sea. If we break the rules, the Holy Land will not be easy to explain!"

After weighing for a while, the chief of the Bei tribe finally expressed his scruples. When he mentioned the word "Holy Land", many elders of the Bei tribe were shocked.

"Patriarch, strictly speaking, the Forgotten River Realm is the private property of my Yu family. If those human races dare to force their way, they will be the first to break the rules, right?"

It seems that the elder Yu Nian also has his own opinions. What he said sounds barely reasonable, but these Bei tribe powerhouses in the field are not so easy to fool.

"Yu Nian, don't forget, the Forgotten River Realm has been withered for more than a thousand years, and it has long been an ownerless thing!"

On this point, the entire Hai Clan actually has a consensus. The former owner of the Wangchuan Realm was the Yu Clan in name, but after dying for so long, can they still have the Wangchuan Realm?

This is a bit like the battle for the keel back then. The keel was indeed the bones of the powerful seniors of the Hailong family, but who would give Fang Que face? Isn't it based on strength?

"Patriarch, that is Wangchuan Realm, that thing, can you just watch it being taken away by other Sea Clans, even Human Clans?"

As an old monster in the upper five realms, Yu Nian no longer struggled with the issue of belonging to the Wangchuan Realm, but threw out another temptation at the next moment.

He believed that the patriarch would never ignore such a statement.

"That thing..."

Many strong men, including the patriarch of the Bei tribe, became a little silent when they heard a certain statement, and even a trace of greed shone in the depths of the eyes of many strong men.

"Elder Yu Nian is right, other things can be left to them to fight for, but that thing, we, the Bei people, must get it back!"

After pondering for a while, the chief of the Bei tribe suddenly raised his head. Yu Nian finally breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that as long as he can get that thing back, the rest is not worth mentioning.

"Patriarch, what shall we do next?"

Yu Nian couldn't wait, so he asked directly, and then turned his gaze to the next few young geniuses of the Bei tribe, feeling a little unsafe.

After all, the most proud genius of their Yu family is only half a step up to the ninth realm, and it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand in a place like Wangchuanjie.

Therefore, Yu Nian had some ideas of his own, but he had to get the patriarch's approval, otherwise, if things were exposed, he alone might not be able to bear it.

"Elder Yu Nian, do you mean to send the Nine Realms there?"

The Patriarch of the Bei clan was also caught in a tangle. He naturally knew what Yu Nian was worried about. In fact, he also had such worries, but there were some pros and cons that had to be weighed.

Now is the period of reincarnation sea trials, and the world of Wangchuan is reappearing in the intermediate sea field.

Don't look at it can be said to be a thing of the Bei tribe, but if they rashly send the Nine Realms there, when the Holy Land pursues it, they will have to go around.

"Patriarch, for the strength of our Bei tribe to go further, I think this risk can be taken!"

Yu Nian was a little anxious. As the contemporary elder of the Yu family, he could be said to be the one who coveted that thing the most. If he could really get it back, it would naturally be refined by him.

But at this moment, Yu Nian naturally had to consider the overall interests of the Bei people. He believed that what he said would definitely impress the patriarch.

If he really wants to get that thing back, it means that Yu Nian or other elders have a chance to go further, which is a big deal for the entire Bei tribe.

At that time, the strength of the Bei tribe has greatly increased. Even if they can't compare with the three major tribes, it is not difficult to surpass the Juzhang tribe or other first-class tribes.

The first-class ethnic groups in the Samsara Sea like them are comparing the background of high-end powerhouses, and they are also planning for the overall future planning of the Bei people. No one can doubt this.

"Forget it, since that's the case..."

"Tsk tsk, you Bei people are really brave!"

And just when the chief of the Bei clan was persuaded by Yu Nian, he gritted his teeth and wanted to take a risk, a slightly younger voice full of sarcasm sounded directly in the hall.

"Who? How dare you spy on my Bei tribe's council? Can't you find death?"

Many Bei tribe powerhouses were taken aback for a moment, and then a grumpy Bei tribe powerhouse suddenly got up and yelled violently.

But Yu Nian, the patriarch and elder of the Bei tribe, said nothing at this time, and their eyes were a little surprised.

"It seems that I am really right. Today's Bei people don't even pay attention to the Holy Land!"

Another voice came out, and then somewhere in the hall space, a dark golden light lit up. This light became more and more dazzling, and finally seemed to form a big hole.

"It's a space channel, the Holy... Holy Land is here?!"

After seeing the dark golden hole, the voice of the strong Bei tribe who spoke just now trembled a little.

Including the sitting Patriarch of the Bei tribe, he also stood up from his chair in an instant, and his expression became a little more respectful.

At the same time, a figure wearing a dark golden robe flashed out from the dark golden hole, looking quite young.

And the pair of horns on his forehead seemed to indicate which ethnic group he came from.

"I don't know if it's the special envoy of the Holy Land who is here. How offensive. There are a lot of honorable envoys here. Don't worry about me!"

The head of the Bei tribe gave the strong man of the Bei tribe who was talking nonsense just now, and then he smiled all over his face, being extremely polite.

Although the other party only had the aura of entering the ninth realm, he still didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

In the Sea of ​​Samsara, the Sea Dragon Clan, the Shark Clan and the Holy Whale Clan are recognized as the three major groups in the Sea of ​​Samsara, and their overall strength is also the strongest in the Sea of ​​Samsara.

But ethnic group alliances like the Bei people are not too afraid of the three top groups. What they are more afraid of is the Holy Land of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation where countless powerful people gather.

The Holy Land of Samsara Sea is the core force that truly controls the entire situation of the Sea of ​​Samsara. It is said that as long as the Sea Clan has reached the thirteenth level, they must enter the Holy Land to name themselves, and no longer take their own ethnic group as their core interests.

It can be said that there are strong people in the Holy Land of Samsara Sea, and its scale is a bit like the God of War Palace and the Palace of Immortals in Qingxuan Tianxia. It does not belong to any ethnic group, but it is a union of powerful people from all ethnic groups.

(End of this chapter)

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