low-key is king

Chapter 1262 I Didn't Kill It!

Chapter 1262 I Didn't Kill It!
Because Lu Xun mobilized the essence blood of the Bei tribe, the beads related to the Forgotten River Realm changed, thus arousing the world of the Forgotten River Realm, which undoubtedly set off a storm in the entire intermediate sea field.

Not only all the powerful forces in the middle-level sea field sent eight-level powerhouses to the present world of the Forgotten River Realm, but also many powerful ethnic groups in the Samsara Sea who had received news also sent a lot of living forces again.

Including the three major ethnic groups in the Samsara Sea, all of them have successively sent strong men who have completed the eighth realm or even half-stepped to the ninth realm to enter the intermediate sea field, making the intermediate sea field more lively than ever.

Each reincarnation sea trial has actually been the busiest half a year in the intermediate sea field.

The geniuses of the human race and the sea race collided here, and the native sea race in the intermediate sea field played happily.

But this trial of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation may be recorded in history.

Because of the present world of the Forgotten River Realm, it has affected the hearts of countless sea and human geniuses, even those who are strong in the upper five realms.

The well-informed Samsara Sea Clan Headquarters all got the news, and they all wanted a piece of the action, especially for that delimiting thing, the three major clans were determined to win.

Including the Holy Land of Samsara Sea, there should be some overt and covert actions.

On the surface, it is to deter all parties from breaking the rules of the Sea of ​​Samsara Trial, but who knows what kind of tricks they will do in private?

Compared to the Sea of ​​Samsara, there may not be any energy fluctuations in Qingxuan Tianxia.

But the powerhouses of the upper five realms on the sea defense embankment of Danghai City also sensed the movement at the first time.


Danghai city, sea defense embankment!

It has been about ten days since Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu's names changed, and during this time, Zhu Qiang had different moods and did not have much conversation.

After all, Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu had already slapped some people in the face once before, and they didn't want to be slapped again, especially a powerhouse in the upper five realms like Luo Jue.

In particular, they didn't know how Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu escaped when they encountered a strong man in the Nine Realms. Then, will such a miracle be created again?

Small-minded villains like Luo Jue and Han Liang naturally cursed the two geniuses in their hearts to die like this. After all, they and Lu Xun both had a deep hatred.

For more than ten days, the trial points of Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu have not changed at all. On the contrary, Shang Guyang's points have gradually caught up, and there is a tendency to overtake Lu Xun again.

If this continues, it is a certainty that Lu Xun will be surpassed by Shang Guyang.

It's just that before the situation is unclear, no one will risk being slapped in the face anymore.

Several times before, the faces of Luo Jue and Han Liang were almost swollen from beatings, but later on, Hu Yong of the Mingzhu Dynasty learned how to be good, and did not sneer at Lu Xun anymore, but saved his face a few times.

Now the situation seemed to be ready to mock the Daxuan Dynasty and Lu Xun again, but this time even Luo Jue and Han Liang, who hated Lu Xun deeply, didn't speak up first, so they had to look at the situation first.

"Look, Lu Xun's points seem to have changed!"

Wang Dingbo, the teacher of Daxuan Wenshi Academy who had been paying attention to a certain name, suddenly cheered. Apart from excitement, there was also a hint of relief in his tone.

After all, Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu's names were dim before, and they obviously encountered strong men of the Ninth Realm or above. Whether they can escape from birth is a matter of two opinions.

And in the past ten days, the points of the two geniuses have not moved, which made many people think, could Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu have really been killed?

Fortunately, at this moment, although Zhou Yunmu's points haven't changed much, Lu Xun's trial points have jumped by three or four thousand, indicating that the big Xuan boy is still alive.

To be honest, compared with Lu Xun's previous surges in points, these three or four thousand points are undoubtedly not enough, but for Guidongnan Wang Dingbo, they are naturally more excited.

Including Fang Ye Mingtang, the Law Enforcement Hall of Danghai City somewhere, heaved a sigh of relief.

He has always been very optimistic about that big Xuan boy named Lu Xun. If the other party can survive, it is naturally better.

On the other hand, Luo Jue, Han Liang, and other powerhouses of the two dynasties looked as ugly as they looked.

How did that little brat named Lu Xun escape from the hands of the Nine Realm powerhouses again and again?
"Lu Xun or Zhou Yunmu must have a big secret!"

This may be the consensus of many powerhouses in the upper five realms. Otherwise, even if Lu Xun broke through to the eighth realm, he would not be a match for a strong man in the ninth realm. How could there be no secrets?


Just when Zhu Qiang was thinking about each other, a special energy fluctuation suddenly came from the direction of Samsara Sea, and instantly attracted their eyes to the depths of the intermediate sea field.

"what is that?!"

Because Danghai City is too far away, even the powerhouses of the upper five realms can't see the three illusory ancient characters clearly. rotation.

"Forget... Chuan... Realm?!"

To say that the one with the strongest strength is Ye Mingtang, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall. When his murmur reached everyone's ears, many people gasped, apparently they had heard of this name before. of.

"The Wangchuan Realm is the small realm of reincarnation created by Yu Chuan?"

The Tang Yuan dynasty's upper five-level powerhouse pondered for a moment, and had already dug up some information about the Wangchuan Realm from the depths of his memory. This reminder also made the powerhouses no longer doubt.

"It is said that Yu Chuan has been dead for thousands of years. Countless people have searched for traces of the Wangchuan Realm, but they have found nothing. They never expected to appear in this world today!"

Ji Wenchang of the Zhou Wu Dynasty stroked his long beard. As one of the three major dynasties, they knew more about the secrets of the Sea of ​​Samsara than the lower dynasties like Daxuan Mingzhu.

"So, the current Wangchuan Realm is a land without an owner?"

The eyes of the powerhouses of the Zhengqin Dynasty lit up, and after receiving his reminder, the moods of many powerhouses of the dynasty became excited. This was really a surprise.

"There is still more than a month until the end of the Samsara Sea Trial. At the Holy Land of the Samsara Sea, shouldn't people wantonly break the rules?"

Xia Longxiang, a powerhouse in the upper five realms of the Longxia Dynasty, turned his gaze to Ye Mingtang, and the words he said were exactly what many powerhouses of the dynasty wanted to ask, so they all turned their gazes over.

The powerhouses of these many dynasties all know that this is a great opportunity for the Sea of ​​Samsara to test the geniuses of the human race.

In a small world of reincarnation without an owner, how many natural treasures will be waiting for them to develop?
As long as there is no participation of the experts above the nine realms of the Sea Clan, the geniuses on the human side will have a great chance of obtaining the treasures in the realm of Wangchuan, so they must know an answer.

After all, the name of the Forgotten River Realm is quite big, so it may not be very tempting to them, the powerhouses of the upper five realms, but if they can obtain certain things, it will naturally be a blessing for the human race.

But if the Sea Clan didn't have too many restrictions and sent some strong men who surpassed the perfection of the eight realms to fight for it, then the Human Clan would be good enough to save their lives, not to mention getting treasures.


Ye Mingtang did not answer Xia Longxiang's question directly, but flew out, and then swiped down, pulling out a big hole in the barrier of the Sea of ​​Samsara, and looked outside sharply.

"You Yan, are you back?"

Ye Mingtang's voice resounded, since it was an accident that happened in the middle-level sea field of Samsara Sea, it is natural to ask the guys from the Holy Land of Samsara Sea, Youyan is obviously the hub of communication between the two parties.

"I'm back! I'm back!"

A burly figure flashed out, it was You Yan, the eleventh-level powerhouse from the Hai Clan.

However, his expression was also a bit strange, and his eyes never left the word "Wangchuanjie" in that distant place.

"What's the result of the investigation?"

Ye Mingtang directly asked a question, which made many strong people of the human race prick up their ears.

Especially the people of the Daxuan Dynasty and the Zhouwu Dynasty, it is related to the first geniuses of their respective two dynasties.

"Some results..."

You Yan pondered for a while, and finally decided to tell the truth. He heard him say: "This time, the one who attacked Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu should be Yu Feng, a nine-level golden body sea tribe from the Bei tribe, but he is already dead. !"

"Nine Realm Sea Clan? Did you kill him?"

Ye Mingtang stopped the uproar of many strong human races, and then asked again.

All the powers of the human race are staring at You Yan, secretly thinking that this result should be the most reasonable, right?

"I didn't kill it!"

Unexpectedly, You Yan shook his head slightly, and then said a fact with a strange face: "When I went there, Yu Feng was already dead, and I didn't see your two human geniuses!"

Hearing You Yan's words, the powerhouses of the human race realized that they were thinking too much.

The guy on the opposite side is from the Sea Clan. If he really saw that Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu were in danger, he might hide in the dark and watch a good show before making a move, right?
At that time, it may be more reasonable to let Yu Feng of the Nine Realms Sea Clan kill Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu first, and then You Yan will come out to maintain the rules and kill Yu Feng.

"You Yan, beside Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu, are there any experts from the Nine Realms?"

At this moment, Luo Jue finally couldn't bear it anymore, and blurted out directly. This is also a question that many strong people of the human race desperately want to know.

Otherwise, how could those two young people do such unnatural things over and over again?

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

You Yan will not be as polite to Luo Jue of the Shang Ding Dynasty as he is to Ye Mingtang. What he is afraid of is the Lord of Danghai City. What is behind you, Luo Jue?
Being squeezed by You Yan like this, Luo Jue really wanted to explode on the spot, but he knew that other people would not help him, and he couldn't beat You Yan, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

But You Yan's words reminded everyone of what the other party said just now.

When the strong man from the Sea Clan rushed over, the battle had already ended, and even Yu Feng's death had to be verified by many parties.

In other words, You Yan didn't know how Lu Xun and Zhou Yunmu killed Yu Feng, and he didn't even know whether Yu Feng died at the hands of those two.

(End of this chapter)

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