low-key is king

Chapter 127 Are you kidding me?

Chapter 127 Are you kidding me?
"City Master Yang, long time no see. Watanabe City has a great responsibility to defend the Sea Clan. How come you come to our county as a guest when you have time?"

Yan Qingxi, the lord of Hongshan City, ignored Yang He who was bowing his head, but greeted Yang Xun with a faint smile on his face, as if he was really an old friend.

"City Lord Yan, a major incident happened in Watanabe City, and the entire county... was attacked by the Hai Clan!"

Yang Xun didn't drag his feet, and he didn't think that Yan Qingxi was as kind as he appeared on the surface, so he directly stated a fact with his expression solemnly.


And Yan Qingxi, who heard this, didn't lose his composure too much, he just let out a oh, which made Yang Xun extremely admired.

Yang Xun didn't think in the direction that the other party already knew about this matter. They asked themselves that the speed was already the fastest, and they only came to Hongshan City for a day and a night. It is impossible for Hongshan City's information to be so fast.

"On the other side of the Sea Clan, there are three Sea Clans of the Five Realms and dozens of Sea Clans of the Four Realms. The subordinates are really unable to resist, so they can only escape first and report this important event to City Lord Yan!"

Yang Xun knew that he could not escape the crime of abandoning the city and fleeing no matter what, so he could only use a euphemistic way of saying it, trying to make his crime smaller, which can be regarded as paying off with merit.

"Didn't Watanabe City have a coastal defense embankment? Just some sea tribes in the fourth and fifth realms, and they can't fly. Why did they invade Watanabe County?"

Yan Qingxi grasped the crux of the matter right away, and this was the fact that Yang Xun didn't want to face the most, but since the other party had already asked about it, he knew that he might not be able to hide this matter.

"I don't know why, the coastal defense embankment outside Watanabe City suddenly collapsed, and those sea tribes broke in through this gap, and caught my Watanabe City by surprise!"

Naturally, Yang Xun would not say that he knew that white biting ants were destroying the levee more than a month ago, which would make him more guilty, so he vaguely said a reason of "I don't know why", Attempt to muddle through.

"Is that right?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Qingxi suddenly asked a rhetorical question, and then said: "Why did the city lord hear that as early as more than a month ago, someone reminded the city lord's mansion of the transitional border city that there were white-eating ants destroying the embankment, didn't your city lord's mansion take it seriously? "

Yan Qingxi's sudden questioning in a deep voice stunned Yang Xun and his son, and Master Huaguang beside him was also in shock.

The news of the city lord of Hongshan City is too well-informed, right?
"City Lord Yan Mingjian, this matter was indeed negligent by his subordinates. He thought it was just a random nonsense of a child with a yellow mouth, and only ordered the captain of the guard in charge of defense to inspect the levee. He didn't expect that Mengqi would be negligent in his duties. !"

At this time, Yang Xun knew that he couldn't get away with it, so he immediately used the big method of taking the blame, and threw the blame on Mengqi, who had already been turned into ashes. This was undoubtedly inspired by Yang He at that time.

"The second son of Zhendong Prince's Mansion is indeed a yellow-mouthed child!"

There was a glimmer of light in Yan Qingxi's eyes. The meaning of these words made Yang Xun tremble even more. It seemed that the city lord of Hongshan City knew everything.

"City Lord Yan is wise, that Zhendong Prince's Mansion has always had a prejudice against me, the City Lord's Mansion of Watanabe City. At that time, we all thought that he was deliberately alarmist. Now it seems that he may not be talking nonsense!"

Yang Xun's mind also turned extremely fast, and he immediately thought of an excellent excuse, and since Yan Qingxi knew about it, it would be easier to operate.

"Oh? What does this say?"

Sure enough, after hearing Yang Xun's words, Yan Qingxi couldn't help feeling a little interested, and seemed to deliberately guide the other party to think in a certain direction, which gave Yang Xun great confidence.

"City Lord Yan, do you think there is a possibility that the Prince Zhendong's Mansion didn't like my City Lord's Mansion of Watanabe City, so... secretly colluded with the Hai Clan and personally directed this tragedy in Watanabe City?"

Yang Xun's mind became extremely clear at this moment. If the reason he said was true, perhaps even the charge of abandoning the city and fleeing may no longer exist.

"Collude with the Hai Clan, this is a serious crime, there is no reason for Zhendong Palace to do this?"

Yan Qingxi's face changed slightly, but he told a fact.

The biggest enemy in this world is the Hai Clan. If the Zhendong Palace really dares to collude with the Hai Clan, it will be the enemy of the entire human race, and it will fall into a place of eternal doom.

The reason why Yan Qingxi asked this sentence was not to argue for the Zhendong Prince's Mansion, but to imply that Yang Xun had found a plausible reason, which was full of guidance.

"Now, I don't hide the truth from the city lord Yan. I once led people to surround the Zhendong palace, and even revealed that I wanted to use the palace's private soldiers for my own use. It must be because of this that Lu Ming... Prince Lu held a grudge, and finally took the risk!"

In order to place the serious crime of colluding with the Hai clan on the Zhendong Prince's Mansion, Yang Xun really couldn't care less about anything. He believed that Yan Qingxi should have known his thoughts long ago.

If this matter happened in the past, it could only be done in secret, and it cannot be brought out in the open.

After all, although Zhendong Prince's Mansion was demoted, it was not comparable to the Lord's Mansion of a small county in terms of rank.

But such a big rebellion is nothing compared to the big crime of colluding with the Hai clan. Yang Xun is the lesser of two evils.

He had to put Zhendong Wangfu to death in the quagmire of colluding with the Hai clan, so as to downplay his crime of abandoning the city and fleeing.

It was the Zhendong Prince's Mansion who conspired first and secretly colluded with the Hai Clan. How could the City Lord's Mansion of Watanabe City, which is conscientiously guarding one side on the bright side, be able to resist these long-planned plans?

"Well, according to what you said, there is a real possibility that the Zhendong Prince's Mansion will collude with the Hai Clan in order to protect itself!"

Especially the next few words of Yan Qingxi gave Yang Xun a feeling of being brought back to life. He was so proud of his flash of inspiration.

"Master Yang, I have an information letter about the outcome of the battle at Watanabe Castle. I think you will be interested!"

Yan Qingxi suddenly changed the topic, and then saw him reach out and wipe his wrist, and a piece of letter paper suddenly appeared in his hand, causing a gleam of fire to flash in the eyes of Yang He next to him.

"Information about the Battle of Watanabe Castle?"

Hearing this, Yang Xun was startled. In his guess, after he, the city lord, escaped, there would be no second result in Watanabe City. It must be the fate of being slaughtered by the sea clan. It depends on how many people can escape. up.

It would be best if all the people in Zhendong Palace were massacred by the Hai Clan, and then the responsibility for colluding with the Hai Clan would be pushed to Zhendong Palace.

Then it was said that those Hai clan turned their backs on their promises and killed the Zhendong Wangfu family, which was the best of both worlds.


However, when Yang Xun took the information letter in the other party's hand and read the content of the information at a glance, he was stunned.

He never thought that the Watanabe Castle battle would have such a result!
"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing his father's complexion constantly changing, but without any movement, Yang He couldn't help being a little curious, and at the same time he opened his mouth, he reached out and took the letter paper in his father's hand.

"This...ten four-level sea tribes were killed, one five-level sea tribe was killed, and the remaining two five-level sea tribes fled. How is this possible?"

Immediately afterwards, Yang He was also stunned, and the murmur coming from his mouth made Master Huaguang next to him know what happened in Watanabe Castle without having to read the information!

"Yan... City Lord Yan, are you kidding me?"

Master Huaguang managed to squeeze out a smile, and when he uttered the words, he obviously saw a sneer on Yan Qingxi's face opposite him, and he knew that he had asked an extremely stupid question.

But if this is true, as Yang He said, how could Watanabe Castle be able to do it? Among the menacing sea clan army, there are three five-level powerhouses.

On the side of Watanabe City, of course there is also the King of Zhendong, Lu Mingyang, who is a strong man of the five realms, but he alone cannot turn the tide. This is simply a fantasy.

"Judge! Silver Fox!"

After a while, Yang Xun finally recovered from his trance, gritted his teeth and said two names, and Master Huaguang would naturally not be unfamiliar with one of the names.

Even the killer Judge, who had never seen him before, still had a grudge against Master Huaguang.

His Queen's poison tester Kang Xian was personally killed by the killer judge, which made him angry for a long time.

At this moment, Master Huaguang couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed the information letter in Yang He's hand, read the contents at a glance, and finally understood the situation of the great battle in Watanabe Castle.

After they abandoned the city and fled, the situation in Watanabe City suddenly changed. The killer judge was born out of nowhere, and killing the Sea Clan in the Four Realms was like killing a chicken, which instantly reversed the situation in Watanabe City.

Later, another killer named Silver Fox appeared, and the two killers also made a bet, and finally killed all the four sea tribes.

Even the violent dolphin that was released from the five-level sea died inexplicably under the assassination of the judge, and the other five-level sea family with an octopus was seriously injured by the silver fox's attack.

The successive shots of the two killers established Watanabe Castle's chance of victory.

In the end, Watanabe City turned from defense to offense, and drove those Sea Clans back to the Sea of ​​Samsara. Everyone made a lot of money and harvested a lot of Sea Clan corpses.

This was a result that the three of Yang Xun hadn't expected at all, and at the same time, there was a trace of unwillingness and anger in their hearts, anger towards the judge and Yinhu.

Why didn't the judge and the silver fox show up sooner or later, but they appeared when they all abandoned the city and were spurned by everyone?
And he turned the tide as soon as he made a move, saving the entire Watanabe Castle?

Yan Qingxi, the city lord of Hongshan City, sneered on his face. How could he not know what these people were thinking, but he had received orders from Chaoyang Palace, the capital, and had some plans of his own.

If it weren't for the fact that the three bereaved dogs in front of him had some functions, he might not have come forward in person.

(End of this chapter)

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