low-key is king

Chapter 1295 The Tie family is going to stand up?

Chapter 1295 The Tie family is going to stand up?

"Haha, Tie Wang, you really have a way to heaven, if you don't go, there is no way to hell!"

Thinking of what he was proud of, Wutou couldn't help but recited a poem that he didn't know where he learned it, which made many aboriginal sea people inside and outside the city stare at the Tie family and his party outside the city with interest.

"Wu Xian, you are just a dog of the Wu family. If you don't want to die, open the city gate quickly, otherwise you will die for sure!"

With the iron watchman of the big backer behind him, his back was very straight at this time, and the words he said were extremely domineering, but in Zhu Fang's ears, he was a little brazen.

You, Tie Wang, are certainly the best rising star in Tieshan City and the young master of the Tie family, but after all, you only have the perfect five realms of cultivation, and the strength of the Wu family and Wu Xian is not inferior to you in the slightest.

Since the strengths of the two sides are about the same, but the Wu family has many minions, why do you want to say such arrogant words?
These onlookers didn't know that Tie Wang had a terrifying backer, a ruthless man who could kill people invisible, the more Wu Xian jumped now, the more miserable his death would be later.

"Little bunny..."

Being scolded as a dog by Tie Wang in front of so many people, even though Wu Xian was indeed a running dog of the Wu family, he still couldn't hold back his face, and almost had an outburst on the spot.

But now the Wu family is not what it used to be, and Wu Xian wanted to put on a magnanimous look in front of people, so he took a deep breath, and turned his gaze to Tie Wang again.

"Tie Wang, I would also like to advise you, obediently capture him without a fight, maybe you can save your life, if not...huh!"

Wu Xian didn't finish his last sentence, but the meaning behind his words was clearly heard by everyone.

At that time, not only will everyone in your Tie family lose their lives, but they may not even be able to save their entire body.

"Wu Xian, you..."

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Just when Tie Wang was about to retort, a cold voice suddenly came from the sedan chair behind him, which made him shut up immediately, but his mood was quite excited, with a hint of expectation.

"It's that feeling again!"

When Tiewang felt another breeze blowing by his face, shooting towards the top of the city, his eyes never left Wuxian who was high above him, waiting for the next good scene to happen.

"Why, are you afraid? Then..."

Wu Xian on the top of the wall saw that Tie Wang hesitated to speak, he didn't care about another inexplicable voice, so he opened his mouth to ridicule directly, feeling that he had a chance to win.

But before Wu Xian could finish his sentence, his voice stopped abruptly like a duck being pinched by the neck.

The light in his eyes dimmed instantly, as if he was suddenly stunned.

"Master Wu Xian?"

Next to him, a Wu Family guard who had just entered the Fifth Realm felt strange, and couldn't help but stepped forward and gave Wu Xian a slight push.

But he didn't expect that under this push, Wu Xian's body would lean forward and fall towards the bottom of the city wall.


The guardian of the Wu family who had just entered the fifth realm was frightened, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

Why did Lord Wuxian fall into the city with a slight push?

The sound of Wu Xian's body falling to the ground seemed to hit the hearts of every bystander, causing them to stare in horror for a moment, but they were speechless in a daze, completely unaware of what happened?

Wu Xian, who was just showing off his power and aloof at the top of the five realms, fell headlong to the bottom of the city in a blink of an eye, and died with his brains split. What the hell is going on?

In this Tieshan City, the five-level consummation is considered a high-end powerhouse, except for a few six-levels, Wu Xian can walk sideways in Tieshan City even if he is a dog raised by the Wu family.

Many native sea people in Iron Mountain City have seen Wu Xian's methods.

When they saw this person, they always took a detour. They really couldn't hide, and they could only pay money to save their lives. They never dared to be tough.

To a certain extent, Wu Xian's death can be regarded as eliminating a great harm to Tieshan City, and it is something that people should applaud.

But at this moment, everyone was shocked.

When such a great victim was killed, they certainly felt faintly excited, but they didn't dare to speak for a while, for fear of following in Wu Xian's footsteps.

The unknown is the most terrifying thing, and they couldn't figure out why Wu Xian died so inexplicably.

So when their eyes turned to the Tie brothers, they were full of surprise and uncertainty.

They could guess that this must be some kind of weird trick played by the Tie Brothers.

But what method is there to make a strong man who has completed the five realms die unexpectedly without anyone noticing?

If the Tie family really had such means, would they be overwhelmed by the Wu family in the next few years, and even lose the prestige of the first family in Tieshan City?

"If I'm not wrong, the Tie family should have invited a strong man, look at that little sedan chair!"

It has to be said that there are still some sensible people in the city. When a sound of rational analysis reached everyone's ears, their eyes subconsciously turned to the humble sedan chair.

Such sedan chairs can be seen everywhere in Tieshan City, and many of them are used to ride some delicate ladies and ladies. Previously, they never thought that there were any strong people in the sedan chair.

But now, Wu Xian, who had completed the five realms, died in a strange way, and they knew something about the Tie brothers, knowing that it was absolutely impossible for those two to have such abilities.

Then after all possibilities are ruled out, the cause can only be found in the person inside that small sedan chair.

At this moment, all the cultivators in Tieshan City were frantically guessing who was in that sedan chair?

Why could the other party take away the life of a strong man with perfect five realms without knowing it?

"I'm afraid at least he is also a strong man of the sixth realm, so here is a good show to watch!"

The faces of the other natives of the Sea Clan in Tieshan City had a look of schadenfreude. After all, they would rather the Tie Clan continue to control the Tieshan City than the Wu Clan who acted cruelly and unreasonably.

The styles of the Wu family and the Tie family are completely different. Most of the time, domineering comes first and strength is respected, and they are not as reasonable as the Tie family.

The strong rise of the Wu family is really a disaster for the native residents of Tieshan City, but it is a pity that they are not strong enough to help the Tie family at all.

The Wu family suddenly launched an attack today, and many residents of Tieshan City knew what had happened, but for the sake of their own wealth and lives, they definitely didn't dare to meddle in their own business.

Thinking that after the Tie family was destroyed today, the future Tieshan City will be dominated by the Wu family, and everyone will be shrouded in the shadow of the Wu family, they feel that the road ahead is dark.

Unexpectedly, the two young masters of the Tie family went out of the city to find a master.

Now it seems that he should be at least a strong man of the six realms. This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the Tie family.

The biggest advantage of the Wu family is that it has one more sixth-level powerhouse than the Tie family. If such a high-end powerhouse can equalize, then the advantage of the Tie family will no longer exist.

What's more, the method of the person in the sedan chair is so weird, killing people invisibly, he must not be an ordinary strong man.

Thinking that all the plans of the Wu family might go to waste due to such an accident, the native residents of Tieshan City felt quite happy.

"Run away!"

Compared to those ordinary city residents, when Wu's guards guarding the east gate saw Wu Xian whose brains were smashed, they were immediately terrified, and they didn't dare to stop at all.

Their strength is far inferior to Wu Xian's, so they have reason to believe that if they stay here again, they will probably be killed without anyone noticing, that is really terrible.

"My lord, I will open the city gate!"

Tie Wang didn't pay attention to those Wujia guards who were fleeing in all directions, seeing him bowing towards the small sedan chair, he was about to run towards the city gate.

Seeing that Iron Mountain City was approaching, he was also very anxious.

"no need!"

However, Tie Wang just ran a few steps when he heard a soft voice behind him.

At the same time that his figure froze, a black light had already passed by him, and then slashed fiercely at the huge city gate.


With the light of Wang Hai's knife, it is no problem to smash a city gate.

If Lu Xun was willing, it would not be difficult to cut off a section of the east gate wall of Tieshan City.

A huge city gate was instantly wiped out and turned into debris on the ground. This domineering hand shocked everyone inside and outside the city, and they didn't dare to speak out.

Just now they just saw the car curtain of the small sedan move slightly, and then there was a black knife light coming out, and then the solid city gate shattered open. This move alone can already amaze everyone.

"The Wu family is really in trouble!"

Seeing this scene, many natives of Tieshan City who had guessed just now became a little more excited, and some bold people even followed the Tie brothers towards the headquarters of the Tie family.

If they didn't dare to watch the fun before, then their mood is completely different now. If the Tie family wins in the end, they will definitely not trouble them.

In the past few years, the people of Tieshan City have been suffering from the Wu family for a long time. They all want to return to the era when the Tie family was in power, but unfortunately they are unable to do so.

Now that the Wu family is in full swing, they feel that the time is right to attack the Tie family. This makes the people in the city feel that the darkness of Tieshan City is coming soon.

In the past, even if the Tie family was weak, but with the patriarch of the Six Realms sitting in charge after all, the head of the Tie family would not sit idly by if the Wu family really did something excessive.

But once the Tie family is destroyed, the Wu family will no longer be afraid, and their actions will inevitably intensify. This is definitely a disaster for the people of Tieshan City.

Fortunately, with the appearance of the Tie brothers and Wu Xian's death, they saw another kind of hope.

If it is true that Wushi defeated Tieshi and won, they would have to burn incense to celebrate.

Thinking of Wuzhi at this moment, still showing off his power in the headquarters of the Tie Family, many people in Tieshan City were looking forward to the moment when Wuzhi was slapped in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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