low-key is king

Chapter 1299 If you don't leave, you will die!

Chapter 1299 If you don't leave, you will die!

"The Tie family is saved!"

If it is said that these Iron Clan people were only half-doubtful, or even more suspicious than trustworthy before, then now they feel that hope has really risen.

In any case, Wu Zhi, the eldest son of the Wu family, has attained the perfection of five realms. He is no longer considered weak in Iron Mountain City, and there are very few who can surpass him.

But with such a cultivation base, he died without a sound, and no one even knew how he was killed, which already explained some problems.


Compared to the excitement of everyone in the Tie family, the breath in the Wu family was much lower.

It wasn't until a roar of shock and anger was about to come out that they pulled their minds back.

This voice was naturally made by Wu Zhen, the head of the Wu family. Wu Zhi was his most valued precious son, and now he died so inexplicably. How could he accept this fact?
Wu Zhen has always cultivated Wu Zhi as the heir of the family, if he can swallow the Tie family this time, then the Wu family will definitely gain momentum, and maybe Wu Zhi can go one step further.

One is the Tie family's savings for many years, and the other is the reward from the Black Fire Sect. These can make their Wu family have one or two more strong people.

But now, Wu Zhi, who had completed the five realms, just approached the small sedan chair, and fell down inexplicably, without making a sound, obviously dead.

No one knew exactly what happened, but at the moment Wu Zhi fell, all the members of the Wu family took a step back in unison, a certain distance away from the small sedan chair.

Because no one is willing to follow in Wu Zhi's footsteps, among the Wu clan members in the field, there are only two chief and deputy chiefs, who can be stronger than Wu Zhi.

Including Wu Qiao, the deputy patriarch of the Wu family, who had said before that he was going to make a move, was also a little bit suspicious at this time.

I don't know if he was angry because of Wuzhi's death, or because he was lucky because Wuzhi replaced him?
Anyway, Wu Qiao knew very well that if he made a move himself, it would be absolutely impossible to kill Wu Zhi in such a strange way, unless it was a surprise attack.

Even if Wuzhi only reached the fifth level, the person who can kill it so inexplicably must have at least reached the sixth level, and it may not even be an ordinary sixth level.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to kill my Wu Zhen's son, you will die without a complete body today!"

On the other side, Wu Zhen, who had been absent-minded for a short time, finally came back to his senses. He was naturally more angry than fearful. After roaring at this moment, extreme hostility was already rising from his body.

The so-called hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, since the other party came to help the Tie family today, and killed Wuzhi for the first time, the two sides must be immortal.

As for the other party's pretending to be ghosts and not daring to show their true colors, this may be one of the reasons why Wu Zhen dared to speak like this.

The other party might have used some weird tricks to kill Wu Zhi in such a weird way.

If there was a real fight with real swords and guns, Wu Zhen, who was a powerhouse in the sixth realm, might not be afraid of the opponent.

"Now that things have come to an end, you don't have to play tricks anymore, just come out!"

Wu Qiao, the deputy head of the Wu family, shouted in a deep voice. He was fully on guard against possible accidents, and his eyes were fixed on the small sedan chair.

All the members of the Wu family want to see what is sacred inside the sedan chair.

Compared to everyone in the Wu family, the two chiefs of the Tie family, including those from the Tie family, were also extremely curious.

Tiecheng Tiewen and these Tie family members narrowly escaped death, the person in the sedan chair had saved their lives, they were filled with extreme gratitude, and naturally wanted to see what their benefactor looked like.


Under the gaze of everyone, the curtain of the small sedan was finally pulled open from the inside, and then a young figure in black appeared in the eyes of everyone on both sides.

"So... so young?!"

When everyone from the Wu family and the Tie family saw that young face, they couldn't help being shocked, but they immediately realized that that person's age should not be as young as he appeared on the surface.

It is not surprising that cultivators have good looks, especially those with advanced cultivation, even if they have lived for hundreds of years, they may still look like handsome young men.

However, relatively speaking, men's maintenance of appearance is far inferior to that of female practitioners. Some beauties who look like 30 or [-] years old may be old monsters who came out of nowhere.

In fact, Lu Xun is only 19 years old now. Although he is not his true face at this moment, compared to the two clansmen in the starting field, he is indeed much younger.

But his strange killing of Wuzhi before undoubtedly shocked everyone.

No one would believe that a boy in his 20s would be such a great master.

It would have been possible hundreds of years ago, but today's Wangchuan Realm's aura is thin, and it has long since lost its grandeur when Yu Chuan was still alive.

Although it is much easier to break through the lower five realms than the middle five realms, under such an environment, there will be fewer and fewer strong people, and the low-level practitioners will definitely not be as good as each year .

In the end, in the original cultivation world of Wangchuan, after all those cultivators are dead, there will only be some ordinary people left, who will live, grow old, get sick and die without anyone knowing.

That is to say, in the minds of these Wu family or Tie family members, it is absolutely impossible for such a young Six Realm to appear in the current Wangchuan Realm, so the other party will definitely not be so young.

"Thank you benefactor for saving the lives of my entire Tie family!"

While the Wu brothers were still looking at the black-clothed boy, Tie Cheng, the Patriarch of the Tie family, bowed at ninety degrees, expressing his gratitude beyond words.

The fact is true, when Tie Wang and Tie Dun brothers did not return, the Tie family was once in a desperate situation. Many members of the Tie family were killed or injured, and even Tie Wen was almost directly killed by Wuqiao.

In the situation just now, Tie Cheng couldn't see any hope, thinking that the Tie family must be in danger.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful savior came unexpectedly.

From the dispositions of the Tie Wang brothers, one can know that the two elders of the Tie family are kind people. Now that the bad situation of the Tie family is expected to be resolved, Tie Cheng naturally wants to express it.

Perhaps Tie Cheng's purpose in saying this has another hidden meaning, which is to let that young but amazingly powerful "boy" help the Tie family to the end.

"Father, he is Master Lu Yuan!"

The iron shield next to him reminded him in time, and finally let everyone in the Dewutie family know the name of the boy in black for the first time.

Especially the two chiefs of the Wu family, they all frowned and searched hard, but they couldn't think of any master with this name within the scope of Iron Mountain City.

This is just a small outlying town on the border of the Wei State, and the strongest can only reach the minor completion of the Sixth Realm, so the Wu family naturally knows about the Sixth Realm in this area.

This kind of understanding is also to avoid any accidents, such as the Tie family secretly cooperating with some solo six realms.

But in Wu Zhen's memory, the only few strongmen who had just entered the sixth realm had almost no connection with the Tie family, let alone cooperation.

Where did this guy named Lu Yuan come from?

Could it be that those who were closed to death, because of the recent movement, were alerted to leave the test?
The opening of the Wangchuan boundary of the intermediate sea field not only caused great commotion outside, but naturally there was no movement inside the Wangchuan.

Not long ago, almost all cultivators and ordinary people in the Wangchuan Realm felt the earth tremor. That day, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, as if the end of the world was coming.

However, this kind of change did not last long, and finally dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

At least these low-level cultivators, as well as ordinary people, don't pay too much attention to it.

Perhaps only the real big shots in the Forgotten River Realm know that something big must have happened.

Maybe from that day on, something big will happen in the Wangchuan Realm, which has been quiet for hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, such a change happened only once a thousand years ago, when Yu Chuan, the master of the Wangchuan Realm, fell, but no one knew the truth.

In a small city like Tieshan City, the two chiefs of the Wu clan only cared about their own personal interests, so although they thought about it a little, they didn't think much about it.

These Forgotten River Realm practitioners who only have six levels at most, don't even know the fact that there is a sky beyond the sky.

All their lives they only messed around in the realm of Wangchuan, and they only guarded their own one-acre three-point land.

But the commotion a few days ago was so loud that some old monsters who had been in seclusion for many years might be alarmed. This may be the only explanation for the sudden appearance of the black-clothed boy in front of him.

"If you don't leave, you will die!"

Lu Xun first nodded to the two chiefs of the Tie family over there, and then turned his gaze to the Wu family members. The first sentence he spoke was full of infinite domineering.

"Go? Hmph, if you dare to kill my son, today will make your life worse than death!"

Wu Zhen, who was in the midst of extreme resentment, never thought of retreating. Whether it was for the future of the Wu family or for the death of his precious son, he could not easily let that Lu Yuan go.

"Brother is right, today we want to see, what are your real skills?"

Wu Qiao's eyes flickered slightly. In fact, he was always on guard against the opponent's sudden attack. If the method of killing Wu Zhi appeared again, he was not sure that he would be able to resist.

"Like ants!"

Lu Xun glanced at Wuqiao indifferently, and then... nothing more.

Because the deputy patriarch of the Wu family, Wu Qiao, who was fully on guard against the other party's tricks, opened his eyes wide at the next moment, without the slightest movement, as if someone had cast the body-holding technique.

At the beginning, the Wu family members and the Tie family members over there didn't know what happened. It wasn't until a moment later that they didn't hear Wu Qiao's response that they were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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