low-key is king

Chapter 132 Just come!

Chapter 132 Just Come Back!

"Cough..., honored guest, please have some tea!"

After seeing off Steward Yu of the World Business League, Zhao Qidong slowly walked back to his chair and sat down. Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward, he finally couldn't help but say something.

Zhao Qidong really couldn't guess the identity of the distinguished guest who even paid so much attention to Yuxiangjin and even personally sent it to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

How much weight does this have to be so valued by the branch of the International Business Alliance?
"Could it be a genius disciple who came out of the fairy gate on some mountain?"

Zhao Qidong thought about it a little too much, but what he couldn't figure out was, if that was really a genius disciple from the huge fairy sect on the mountain, how could he condescend to come to his impoverished Prime Minister's Mansion?


However, just when Zhao Qidong was thinking wildly, the boy in black on the opposite side suddenly spoke. Even though he was not blind or deaf, when he heard these two words, he felt a little dazed.

"Ah, I forgot!"

Seeing Zhao Qidong in a daze, the boy in black seemed to suddenly remember something, and then stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and a brand new look appeared in front of the prime minister.


Looking at this brand-new face, Zhao Qidong felt vaguely familiar, but couldn't remember where he saw it.

His hand holding the tea bowl trembled slightly, apparently ignoring the other party's previous address.

"Grandpa, I'm Xiao Xun'er, don't you remember me?"

The boy in black naturally knew how much impact he would have on the prime minister's grandfather by coming here today, but he had no choice but to come. To make the other party believe him, the first thing is to confirm his identity first.

This boy in black is naturally Lu Xun who sneaked into Tianyang City in disguise!

Since the end of the battle at Watanabe Castle that day, he has been a little uneasy, especially after knowing the ambitions of the Yan family, he clearly realized that his grandfather, who is the prime minister, might be angered.

The reason why Zhendong Wang and his wife paid more attention to the court situation in Tianyang City that day was actually what Lu Xun said on purpose. He didn't want his parents to know about some of his plans, and he didn't want them to worry.

After coming out of the Palace of the King, Lu Xun took the big demon Xingye and rushed to Tianyang City, the capital, and left Asha to protect the Zhendong Palace to avoid any accidents.

Today Lu Xun couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he rushed to Tianyang City without a moment's delay, because he had already learned about the major events that happened in the Hall of Supreme Harmony today.

The reason why Lu Xun's news came so quickly was because he found the Tingxinlou branch as soon as he arrived in Tianyang City.

With the ancestral precepts and the letter of introduction from the small landlord of Watanabe Castle, everything is naturally unimpeded.

It has to be said that Tingxinlou's intelligence system is extremely terrifying. As soon as something happened in the Hall of Supreme Harmony over there, they received the news here.

It's just that Xinlou originally wanted to sell the news for a big price, but after seeing the ancestral instruction, he gave it to Lu Xun for free, which also gave Lu Xun a plan for the next step.

As a five-star black card VIP of the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, Lu Xun is not only able to eat well in the Watanabe City branch, but also the highest-ranking VIP in the Tianyang City branch.

Even Yu Xiangjin, like Zheng Qian, the steward of Watanabe City, had never seen the five-star black card with her own eyes, but only heard about it, so she didn't dare to neglect it at all, and could only do what the other party said.

Lu Xun could not reveal his identity, but if an unknown soldier of unknown origin wanted to visit the prime minister of the dynasty, it would be tantamount to Tianfang Yetan, and it was impossible for him to reveal his identity first.

Not to mention whether anyone believes that he is the second son of the palace, even if he does, it is impossible for Lu Xun to reveal his identity, he can never trust others.

Today's prime minister's mansion is not monolithic, so Lu Xun can only reveal his identity to his grandfather when no outsiders are present, so as to facilitate his future actions.

"Little...Little Xun'er?"

Hearing Lu Xun's self-proclaim suddenly, Zhao Qidong's body trembled violently, and then a pair of old eyes kept looking at the face of the black-clothed boy in front of him, and he could vaguely see some vague memories of ten years ago.


Rao Yi, the current prime minister's city mansion, did not hold the tea bowl in his hand at this moment, let it fall from the air, fell to the ground and shattered, one can imagine how frightened he was?
"Master Xiang, are you okay?"

The housekeeper who was guarding the palace outside couldn't help shouting when he heard the movement in the room. After all, he had always been wary of that strange boy.

Now is the troubled time of Xuanyang Kingdom, Zhao Qidong is the prime minister, and he is at odds with the Yan clan, maybe the other party will attack at any time, so we have to guard against it.

"Don't panic, I'm fine!"

Zhao Qidong came back to his senses, and after a high-pitched reply, he turned his gaze back to the boy in black, with a hint of surprise in his old eyes.

The young man in front of him looked like a master of disguise, even Zhao Qidong didn't see the slightest flaw in his appearance just now.

Just looking at this hand, it shouldn't be difficult to pretend to be a bit of Lu Xun's appearance back then.

"How to prove that you are Lu Xun?"

After all, Zhao Qidong and Lu Xun hadn't seen each other for ten years, and the person's appearance and figure changed the most from childhood to teenager, so he had to pay more attention.

"When I was five years old, I set fire to my grandfather's beard, and it took a whole year to grow back. Does this count as evidence?"

Lu Xun smiled and looked at Zhao Qidong's chin. As soon as he said this, the latter's heart skipped a beat. The image of that naughty child back then came to mind.

When Lu Xun was a child, he was bold and daring. Except for King Zhendong, almost everyone suffered from him, naturally including this grandfather who doted on him so much.

That time, Lu Xun took advantage of Zhao Qidong's afternoon nap and directly lit a fire on Zhao Qidong's beard, burning the beard he had grown for decades.

Although it took a year for the head to grow back, it could no longer reach the previous state. This has always been the "pain" in Zhao Qidong's heart, and it is naturally impossible to forget it.

"Everyone in the Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace knows about this matter, how can it be used as evidence?"

When these memories came to Zhao Qidong's mind, he became extremely calm and asked directly.

The fact is true, the Prime Minister's beard was burned off, not only everyone in the Zhendong Palace and the Prime Minister's Mansion knew it, but almost the entire Xuanyang Kingdom knew about it, and it was once the laughing stock of political opponents at that time.

Afterwards, when everyone inquired about it, they naturally knew that it was the incarnate demon king of the Zhendong Palace. Lu Xun's reputation as a dude was once again resounding, and no one dared to provoke him easily.

"Grandpa, do you still have a wine jar buried under the jujube tree in the back garden?"

Lu Xun was noncommittal, directly changed the topic, and then asked: "When I was six years old, did you drink a pot of wine, and the taste was a bit wrong?"

Talking so eloquently, Zhao Qidong's eyes finally shone with a gleam of light and even a gleam of anger.

This matter has always been a mystery, a mystery he has never told outsiders.

"Little brat, it turned out that you replaced my 20-year-old wine with your boy's urine!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Qidong directly raised his hand, and his face became a little fierce.

But when he saw that this little brat was no longer the same as ten years ago, he couldn't drop his raised hand for a while.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I've never told anyone about this matter, I believe grandpa won't tell outsiders either, right?"

A smile appeared on Lu Xun's face. He knew that the person in front of him had already believed in his identity. The reason why he said this was to remind Grandpa that this is a secret that only the two of us know.

It is true that Zhao Qidong never mentioned this embarrassing incident to outsiders. He drank a sip of the boy's urine, and if he told it, he would become the laughing stock of Xuanyang Kingdom. This secret had been buried in his heart for a full ten years.

"Brat, is it really you?"

Now that he thought of this, Zhao Qidong actually believed [-]% that this was his naughty and precious little grandson, so he gently lowered his raised hand and stroked Lu Xun's face.

To be honest, when Lu Xun was young, he was bold and bold, completely opposite to his elder brother Lu Zheng's personality. He had done countless bad things, and made the Zhendong Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace keep wiping his ass.

But for some reason, compared to the well-behaved prince Lu Zheng, although Zhao Qidong beat and scolded Lu Xun, he liked this little grandson more from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Lu Xun's existence that Zhao Qidong, the prime minister of a country who is usually strict, can relax a little more and be happy?
It seemed that every time Lu Xun made such a fuss, even if it was such a "big rebellious" thing like burning his beard to change the boy's urine, Prime Minister Zhao, who had been dealing with political affairs for a day, would no longer be so tense.

"it's me!"

Lu Xun let the other party's rough palms caress his face. Even after going through hundreds of reincarnations, he felt a little emotional at this moment, after all, this is his real life.

The person in front of him was also his grandfather who was truly related by blood!
"Brat, where have you been for the past ten years? Do you know how worried Lijing and I are about you?"

Zhao Qidong, who hadn't seen his precious little grandson for ten years, couldn't hold back even with Zhao Qidong's prime minister's state of mind. Two lines of old tears fell down, but he quickly wiped them away.

"Forget it, just come back, just come back!"

But then, Zhao Qidong suddenly became less interested in Lu Xun's experience in the past ten years, at least his precious little grandson stood in front of him wholeheartedly.

"No, you shouldn't have come back at this time, you... you should go!"

Zhao Qidong, who was still saying "It's good to be back", suddenly thought of his own situation and the situation of the Zhendong Palace, and immediately stretched out his hand to push Lu Xun's shoulder, and said anxiously.

From Zhao Qidong's point of view, Lu Xun came looking for him as soon as he came back. I'm afraid he still doesn't know what happened to Zhendong Palace in the past year or so?
 PS: Jiajiale on the second day of the Lunar New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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