low-key is king

Chapter 1401 The Holy City

Chapter 1401 The Holy City
"Fourth Elder, I have given you the opportunity, whether you can grasp it or not depends on your own ability!"

Lu Xun tried his best to bewitch, but there was one thing he didn't say, that is, in the previous elder council, the Great Elder actually ordered not to cause trouble.

But as an extraterrestrial visitor with some purpose, Lu Xun just wanted to muddy the water.

In this way, he can fish in troubled waters, and he can also see what kind of masters are there among those visitors from outside the sky?
Bewitching the Fourth Elder of the Holy Land of Wangchuan is just one of the details of Lu Xun's plan, and he still has many arrangements that have not been brought to the table.

As for when and what effect these arrangements will have, even Lu Xun is a little uncertain. In short, this time he is going to turn the Wangchuan Holy Land upside down.

Of course, Lu Xun's ultimate goal is still the Scepter of the Holy Land, and unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not tear himself apart from the Holy Land of Wangchuan.

Maybe even help out when necessary.

Some things are hidden in the heart, outsiders can't see it, and once it breaks out, it may surprise everyone.

"Then... how to catch it?"

The fourth elder pondered for a moment, his heart was a little moved, and he couldn't help asking, which made Lu Xun have a satisfied smile on his face. This fourth elder is still very knowledgeable about current affairs.
In fact, on the one hand, Jian Lun had to bow his head under the eaves, and on the other hand, he really didn't like those visitors from outside.

All of them wanted to covet the treasures of the Holy Land of Wangchuan. For so many years, the aura of the Wangchuan realm had long been thin, and it was all supported by those inherited treasures.

If these treasures are gone, how can their descendants practice breakthroughs, even if the Fourth Elder Jian Lun has no descendants.

"Don't worry, I will pretend to be a follower by your side and give you the right guidance!"

Lu Xun had a plan long ago, he would not let Jian Lun, a strong man of the Nine Realms, deal with the people of the Daxuan Dynasty first, even in other dynasties, he still has friends.

Since he wanted to make a move, it was natural to attack the enemy first. Whether it was those from the Eight Realms in the Sea of ​​Samsara, or people from Shang Guyang or the Hanbang Dynasty, they were all Lu Xun's primary targets.

"I knew it!"

Jian Lun wasn't really stupid either. After hearing what the other party said, he immediately understood that this guy wanted to kill someone with a knife.

But at this moment, the purpose of the two is the same, and because of the strength of the white snake monster, Jian Lun can only listen to the other party's arrangement.

After all, doing such a thing is not a betrayal of the Holy Land of Wangchuan.

"Fourth elder, let's start at dawn!"

Lu Xun didn't say much, and went straight to the side and sat cross-legged. Neither Jian Lun nor Yu Dang dared to speak, and besides anxiety, there was also a faint expectation in their hearts.

Presumably after dawn tomorrow, there will be a huge disturbance in the holy city of Wangchuan, and how many visitors from outside will be picked out by them?

The holy city of Wangchuan, the second half of the night!

In the past few days, the holy city of Wangchuan has been brightly lit after nightfall, just like daytime, because in two days, it will be the annual holy water festival, and no one wants to miss such a festival.

If they can get the holy water donated by the elders of the Holy Land, maybe ordinary people can have the foundation of cultivation, and the strength of practitioners can also be raised.

The Holy City of Wangchuan is a super big city not far from the Holy Land of Wangchuan, and it is also the most famous city in the entire Wangchuan world.

Its scale is even more than double that of the Yuan Kingdom.

Especially when the Holy Water Festival is approaching, people from all over the world gather in the holy city, which is very lively.

It's just that no matter how big the holy city is, it can't hold the constant flow of people. When more and more people pour into the holy city, the inns and restaurants in the city are not enough.

Under such circumstances, there were many cases of violent fights because of fighting for a room, and there were even deaths in many places, but no one from Wangchuan Holy Land took care of it.

Firstly, there were too many such things, and the Holy Land of Wangchuan couldn't manage it even if it wanted to; secondly, with the high status of the Holy Land of Wangchuan, I'm afraid it wouldn't take care of such trivial matters, would it?

This also explains what is called strength is the last word.

You can occupy a good room with a big fist, but if a stronger person comes and takes a fancy to your room, then you have to obediently let it out.

Otherwise, the two parties will fight again, and the winner will eventually occupy the room again.

It is worth mentioning that the owner of the inn or restaurant doesn't care about this, and those things broken due to fights have to be compensated according to the price. This is also a rule of the holy city of Wangchuan.

No one cares about you outsiders who beat you to death, but if anyone dares to break the rules of the Holy City of Wangchuan, it will not give the Holy Land of Wangchuan any face, and then there will be strong people from the Holy Land of Wangchuan to come forward.


Grand Hyatt Inn.

This is a large-scale inn in the Holy Land of Wangchuan. Naturally, there is a lot of people. The guest rooms are already full, and many people can only stay in the lobby, so there is no excitement.

"Shopkeeper, open an upper room!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded at the door of the inn, attracting the attention of many people in the lobby.

Seeing this, many people had a look of disdain on their faces.

"Where did the bumpkin come from? You still want to live in a house at this time, and have a big spring and autumn dream?"


When one of the rude and mocking voices came out, it immediately elicited a burst of laughter in the lobby.

Because the aura of the figures standing at the door is not obvious, they can't sense what cultivation level they are.

However, the burly man who spoke was just entering the eighth realm. Even with his cultivation, he could only rest temporarily in this hall, let alone a latecomer.

"My lord, the hotel's rooms are already full, so I can only make up for you in this lobby!"

The shopkeeper with a fat face did not sneer, this is what a businessman should do when he opens the door to welcome customers. Anyway, even if it is in the lobby, the rent that should be given will not be less.

"Are you deaf? My adults said they want an upper room!"

Among the group of people at the entrance of the inn, a figure stepped forward and spoke very rudely. He repeated what the leader said just now. Do these guys not understand human speech?

"I think you are deaf, didn't you hear the shopkeeper's statement that the shop is full?"

The face of the burly man who taunted loudly before became a little gloomy. Even a powerful man who has just entered the eighth realm doesn't have a room to live in. Do you still want to go to the room?


However, just as the rough man's voice fell, the figure who spoke at the door shouted violently, and then the figure flashed, and that person actually appeared directly in front of him.

"This speed..."

Just when the burly man was shocked by the opponent's speed, that person had already handed out a punch, so that he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly used the power of the eighth realm, trying to confront that person.


Seeing the action of the big man, the man on the opposite side couldn't help but sneered, and then the fists of the two sides clashed fiercely, but a scene that made everyone feel unbelievable happened.


First there was a loud noise, and then everyone could clearly see that the rough man who had just entered the eighth realm was punched backwards, and blood spurted wildly in the air.


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from the man's mouth, and immediately the blood spilled over the inn lobby, and a large area was vacant in an instant beside the place where he landed.

Others looked at the figure who had shot someone with horror on their faces, and turned their eyes to the door after a while.

Because they knew that the person who shot just now was just someone's entourage, and only the one who spoke first was the mastermind of this group of people.

I didn't expect that a follower would have such strength, and a strong man who had just entered the eighth level was blown away with a single punch, so what kind of strength would the leader have?


For a moment, the inn lobby seemed a little quiet, only the sound of the rough man coughing, but he no longer dared to utter nonsense, this is the real version of the disaster coming from the mouth.

In fact, there are not a few practitioners who want to come to the inn to stay, and there is not only one who asks the question like that person just now, and every time this rough man has to mock him, this is also due to his nature.

It's just that due to his strength at the beginning of the eighth stage, those practitioners who were ridiculed by him could only swallow this breath by themselves.

The strength is not as good as others, how dare they do it?

The so-called walking at night for a long time is bound to bump into ghosts. At this moment, the rough and burly man finally kicked on an iron plate. He was seriously injured, and he felt that his life might not be safe.

"Shopkeeper, is there a room now?"

The one headed by the opponent didn't even look at the man who had just entered the eighth realm, but turned his gaze to the innkeeper, and asked a question again with a half-smile.

This is actually the third time this group of people have asked this question, but this time the effect is quite different from the previous two times, and a look of embarrassment appeared on the face of the innkeeper.

"This honored guest, the villain opens the door to do business, and you really can't drive the guests out. If you really want to get a room, you can discuss it with them yourself!"

This innkeeper is also a wonderful person. Hearing his words, many people's expressions became extremely strange.

What does the shopkeeper of the secret passage mean, do you want these people to beat out all the people in the upper room?
But this kind of thing has happened quite a lot in the holy city of Wangchuan. There are a lot of fights over a room. This is a world where strength is the most important thing.

The innkeeper seemed to be getting used to it. These vicious guys didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, so let's solve it by ourselves.

Anyway, if something is broken, it will be compensated according to the price!
(End of this chapter)

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