low-key is king

Chapter 144 Your whole family are idiots!

Chapter 144 Your whole family are idiots!
"Brother Zhou, you invited me over late at night, what's the matter?"

Liu Boyu was not in a good mood. He had already guessed something, but he would not take the initiative to reveal it. What if Zhou Tiehe was sent by King Zhendong to test him?
During this period of time, the army besieged the city, and Watanabe Castle was not without people who wanted to find another way out.

But without exception, those who dared to break into the city gate without permission were all dead without a burial place, and now there are still a few corpses hanging on the top of Ximen City.

Today's Zhendong King, here in Watanabe City, is a promise. Liu Boyu, a mere martial artist of the three realms, really has no qualifications to challenge him, so he must be more careful.

"Brother Liu, did you see it?"

Zhou Tiehe sneered in his heart, then stretched out his hand, and pointed towards the outside of Ximen City, while Liu Boyu followed the direction of his finger and looked towards the distant place outside the city.

On the plain outside the west city, countless military tents were lit with flames, like stars in the night sky, with no end in sight.

Every light is the location of a military tent, which is endless.

"There are [-] troops outside the west gate, [-] each outside the south gate and [-] troops outside the north gate. A total of [-] troops are besieging the city. Brother Liu, do you think Watanabe City can really be defended?"

Zhou Tiehe didn't expose Liu Boyu's careful thinking for the time being, but pointed to the brightly lit army camp outside and said.

He believed that what he said was enough for the Patriarch of the Liu family to understand something.

"Brother Zhou's words are a bit impersonal. The Sea Clan attacked in a big way before, and there are three five-level powerhouses. Didn't I also defend Watanabe City?"

Liu Boyu rolled his eyes slightly, and said a fact, but it only attracted Zhou Tiehe's more intense sneer.

"Brother Liu, do you really think that it is the power of Zhendong Wangfu's family to beat back the Hai clan?"

Zhou Tiehe sneered and said: "It's not because of the help of the two big killers of the Hidden Killing Society, but look, what is there in Watanabe City now, without the powerhouses of the three major forces, we only have two or three poor four-level martial artists , and a fourth-grade doctor in the Zhendong Palace, how useful can it be?"

"And Brother Liu, I don't know if you have heard any rumors recently?"

The voice of the Patriarch of the Zhou family suddenly became much quieter. It was seen that he leaned into Liu Boyu's ear mysteriously and whispered: "According to the proclamation from all parties in the capital, King Zhendong may have colluded with the Hai clan for a long time!"

"Hush... Brother Zhou, you can't just say that casually!"

The next few words of the other party really shocked Liu Boyu, until he turned his head and saw that there were no other people around, he was greatly relieved.

Today's Watanabe City is dominated by the Zhendong Prince's House. Strictly speaking, Zhou Tiehe's words are suspected of shaking the morale of the army. If they reach the ears of the prince, they will definitely be overwhelmed and walk away.

"Brother Liu, we've already talked about this, so stop pretending to be confused with me. I don't believe you haven't received the secret letter from Lord Yang Xun?"

Seeing that the head of the Liu family wanted to play sloppy with him, Zhou Tiehe finally couldn't help but sneer.

Speaking clearly, maybe this brother Liu will have no way out.

"You... how do you know?"

Just as Liu Boyu exclaimed in surprise, he knew that he had asked an extremely stupid question. It was obvious that the person in front of him had also received the same secret letter.

Who told me that these two Patriarchs were once vassals of the Mansion of the Lord of Watanabe Castle?

"Brother Liu, Ming people don't speak dark words. Anyway, I can't see any hope that Watanabe City can hold on. The secret letter sent by City Lord Yang at this moment may be our last and only way to survive!"

Now that the matter has been made clear, Zhou Tiehe no longer hides it. The lights outside are lit, and a whole army of [-] is besieging the city on three sides. It is strange that Watanabe Castle can hold it.

What's more, Zhou Tiehe also knows that without the common enemy of the Hai Clan this time, powerful forces like the Tingxinlou of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Business Alliance will definitely not intervene again.

What kind of waves can the remaining Zhendong Prince's Mansion withstand in front of an army of [-]?

"Brother Zhou said this, are you not afraid that I will sell you to the Zhendong Prince's Mansion?"

A strange smile appeared on Liu Boyu's face, and Zhou Tiehe also smiled when he said this sentence, he had already got the answer he wanted.

"Hey, if Brother Liu really wants to inform you, he won't call me 'Brother Zhou' anymore!"

Zhou Tiehe smiled and said a reason that was not a reason. Since Brother Liu is of one mind with him, he believes that this great achievement should be a certainty.

"Brother Zhou, do you have a plan?"

Liu Boyu, who had made up his mind, did not procrastinate any longer. Since the two parties were on the same boat, there was no need to hide it anymore. Anyway, they had cooperated many times before.

"Every night at Haishi, Lu Mingyang will personally patrol the west gate, and turn to the north gate at midnight. If that's the case, then we will welcome the people arranged by City Lord Yang into the city at midnight tomorrow night!"

Zhou Tiehe really had a plan in advance. At this time, it is naturally impossible for him to open the city gate. It needs a warrant issued by Zhendong King, and the city gate is not under the control of the two of them.

However, on the west gate wall, the defense areas of these two families are connected end to end, so it is not difficult to hang some people in the dark night.

These spies who have sneaked into the city will be able to cooperate internally and externally to do some major things, such as seizing the city gate and enlarging the army to enter the city. It is not impossible.

"Brother Liu, when we accomplish this, not only will it be the first victory in this battle, but we may even have the opportunity to meet the empress!"

The more Zhou Tiehe talked, the more excited he became, and Liu Boyu's heart became hotter when he said it, thinking that the opportunity for the Liu family to soar into the sky is just this one action, and he must grasp it well.


Midnight of the second day is fast approaching!

"The two Patriarchs, are there any abnormalities?"

On the city wall of the west gate, it belonged to the defense area of ​​Zhou and Liu. The king of Zhendong Lu Mingyang walked like a tiger, followed by Cao Song and Asha.

It seemed that Asha was a bit reluctant, he was a great master of the six realms, but now he could only follow behind Lu Mingyang to protect him, but this was Lu Xun's order, and he dared not disobey it at all.

"Don't worry, my lord, there is nothing unusual!"

The Patriarchs of the Zhou and Liu families clasped their fists at the same time, but there was a strange gleam in the eyes that lowered their heads, but they did not notice that Asha over there curled his lips slightly.

"According to my deduction, the army outside the city will attack the city in two days, so don't take it lightly!"

Lu Mingyang nodded, and after emphasizing one sentence, he didn't say any more, and walked down the city with many patrolling guards, but an unknown light flashed in the eyes that turned around.

"Asha, do you think those two guys really dare to cooperate with each other?"

After walking to a corner not far away, King Zhendong stopped and couldn't help asking.

To be honest, he still thinks highly of those two Patriarchs, after all, they are two three-realm martial masters.

But a piece of news that Asha suddenly delivered today made Lu Mingyang skeptical.

Therefore, when he patrolled to the west gate tonight, he did not go to patrol the south gate as scheduled, but stopped here to observe every move on the west gate.

"Master can't be wrong!"

Asha didn't know how to explain it. When he heard the word "young master", Chen Xian and Gu Qi behind him couldn't help but look at each other.

Speaking of which, they haven't seen the second son of the Wangfu for nearly a month.

But for the second son of the palace, whether it is Chen Xian, Gu Qi, or Cao Song next to him, they all admire him very much.

Since this is the second young master's warning, it is most likely close to ten.

"In that case, just wait and see!"

Lu Mingyang also has extraordinary trust in his precious little son. Although he hasn't heard from Lu Xun recently, as long as it is a decision made by Lu Xun, he will subconsciously and unconditionally implement it.

At present, Lu Mingyang let a group of guards pretend to go to the south city, while he himself led these strong men and hid under the Ximen city.

It's just that Lu Mingyang's heart is a little complicated. He doesn't want the Patriarch of Zhou and Liu's family to betray him, and he doesn't want his youngest son to predict the wrong result. There are some contradictions.


"Brother Zhou, have they all left?"

On the west gate wall, Liu Boyu glanced at the dark city below. Although he didn't sense any familiar aura, he still couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet!"

Zhou Tiehe could hold his breath, but his gaze was always fixed on the direction of Nancheng over there, as if he was expecting something.

About half a stick of incense time, a figure flashed over, not too unfamiliar to Zhou Tiehe, it was a second-level martial artist of the Zhou family.

"Patriarch, Lu Mingyang has led his troops to Nancheng, and there is no sign of turning back!"

When this second-level martial artist of the Zhou family spoke, his head was lowered, and his body trembled slightly. Fortunately, Zhou Tiehe and Liu Boyu, who were a little excited at this time, didn't notice it at all.

Sensing the indistinct terrifying aura in his body, the second level martial artist of the Zhou family did not dare to tell the truth at all.

Naturally, he couldn't show that he was controlled by someone just after turning the corner.

"Hmph, I don't know what's so great about King Zhendong who is known as the God of Hundred Wars. He is such an idiot!"

Zhou Tiehe is quite complacent, anyway, there are no outsiders around at the moment, they are all the confidantes of Zhou and Liu's family, so why should he have any scruples?

At this moment, Zhou Tiehe had a sense of superiority over a big man like King Zhendong.

I just think that being able to arm-wrestle with Zhendong King Lu Mingyang and gain the upper hand is worth bragging about for the rest of my life.

"You are the idiot, your whole family are idiots!"

But what Zhou Tiehe didn't realize was that when he said those words in high spirits, the second-level martial artist of the Zhou family in front of him also cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't know that he even scolded himself.

(End of this chapter)

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