low-key is king

Chapter 1464 Difficulty in destroying the world?

Chapter 1464 Difficulty in destroying the world?

"Hehe, if the Great Elder can't do it, I may not be able to do it either!"

Lu Xun seemed to be waiting for Mu Xiang to digest something, and then smiled lightly after a while, but this would not make Mu Xiang change his mind.

Perhaps in Mu Xiang's view, the other party said this just to make himself happy, and wanted to get that delimiting thing. The ultimate goal was no different from the previous Fang Xing.

So this time Mu Xiang didn't speak, and just looked at the black-clothed boy in front of him.

This made Lu Xun clearly know that if he didn't bring something substantial, the other party might not believe him.

As the saying goes, people become mature with age, and Mu Xiang, who has been the Great Elder of the Wangchuan Holy Land for so many years, wants to win the trust of the other party just by talking about it, that is too underestimating the background of the Wangchuan Realm.

So Lu Xun didn't drag his feet. He reached out and touched his wrist, and a series of six rays of light flashed out. They were the six half-piece soldier charms he got from the Three Kingdoms.

It is worth mentioning that the original six and a half soldier talismans have now been combined into one, one of which is in the shape of a dragon, the second is in the shape of a tiger, and the third is in the shape of a phoenix.

"what is this?"

Seeing that Lu Xun suddenly took out three complete soldier talismans, Mu Xiang couldn't help being slightly taken aback, even the Great Elder of Wangchuan Holy Land, he probably didn't know the secret of these three soldier talismans.

Only in the inheritance of the Yu family of the Bei clan did the secrets of these three soldier talismans be vaguely mentioned, but it was unexpected that they all fell into the hands of Lu Xun in the end.

It is by relying on these three military talismans that are becoming more complete that Lu Xun can make breakthroughs one after another. From the successful breakthrough of the eight realms to the eight realms, I have to say that he is very lucky.

But at this moment, Lu Xun took out the three soldier talismans, so he naturally had his own purpose. When he heard Mu Xiang's question, his eyes turned to the opponent's hand.

"Great Elder, don't you feel that there is something missing in the holy land scepter in your hand?"

Lu Xun didn't show off for any reason, just a question made Mu Xiang raise his arm, and his eyes were fixed on the holy land scepter, especially the three small grooves on the top.

To be honest, the Great Elder can sense a lot of power in the Holy Land scepter today, but he has no way to mobilize it. This is just a symbol of power.

But at this moment, hearing what Lu Xun said, Mu Xiang couldn't help but wonder, if he could arouse the power in the scepter, would it help him to hit a higher level?
"You mean, the three things in your hand are the things missing from the Holy Land scepter?"

Mu Xiang took a deep breath, but he didn't appear too eager, but there was no doubt that there was a storm in his heart, and this situation was unknown even to him, the Great Elder of the Holy Land.

And how did this human youth, who looked less than 20 years old, know these secrets and find these three things?
Mu Xiang compared the shapes of the three objects in Lu Xun's hand with the grooves on the holy land scepter, and he already half-believed that this was the truth, because the shapes were so similar.


There was also a strange light in Lu Xun's eyes, because he knew clearly that the combination of the three soldier talismans and the holy land scepter was the key to finding the thing that defined the boundary of Wangchuan.

"Now that things have happened, I will not hide some things from the First Elder!"

Lu Xun understood Mu Xiang's heart, and he didn't have any scruples at the moment, and what he was going to say next was actually his senior brother's speculation, so he naturally trusted his senior brother unconditionally.

These words made Mu Xiang feel bewildered, thinking to himself in front of this human youth, how could he be like that visitor from outside the sky, knowing nothing.

"Presumably the Great Elder has guessed that the one who created the Wangchuan Realm had already died a thousand years ago, and this is also the main reason why the spiritual energy in the world of the Forgotten River Realm is getting thinner!"

Lu Xun first explained the facts that Mu Xiang had already guessed, then changed the subject and said seriously: "But this is not the whole reason, otherwise the aura of heaven and earth in Wangchuan Realm would not have withered so quickly!"

"What are the other reasons?"

This is a new statement that Mu Xiang heard, so he couldn't wait to ask it out. In fact, he already had some guesses in his mind, but he couldn't form a specific relationship chain.

"That delimiting thing also absorbed a lot of heaven and earth aura!"

Lu Xun didn't show off for any reason. Hearing his words, Mu Xiang frowned slightly. These things were somewhat beyond his comprehension.

Strictly speaking, those extraterrestrial visitors came for the boundary of the Wangchuan Realm.

But even Mu Xiang himself never knew where the delimiting thing was, and what exactly was it?
At this moment, Mu Xiang vaguely guessed that the combination of the holy land scepter in his hand and those three things might make the boundary-defining thing appear.

But listening to the person in front of him, there are some big secrets in it. The so-called delimiting thing is definitely not as simple as a dead thing in my imagination.

"Let me put it this way, back then Yu Chuan... oh, the one who created the Wangchuan Realm, was able to stabilize such a large small reincarnation realm, and the delimiting objects used were definitely not mortal things, at least they had reached the immortal level !"

These things were reminded by the seniors, and then organized by Lu Xun himself.

At this moment Mu Xiang listened very carefully, he felt that there was a big secret that was about to be revealed from the mouth of the human youth in front of him.

And for the first time, Mu Xiang knew that the so-called Lord of Heaven who created the Wangchuan Realm was called Yu Chuan, and he felt that he had to remember this name firmly.

"If Yu Chuan is still alive, all the accidents will no longer exist. It is only to blame that he died too suddenly. It should not be in time to arrange the aftermath of the Wangchuan Realm, otherwise the Wangchuan Realm would not be reduced to where it is today!"

Lu Xun talked eloquently. Originally, he didn't know about these things. He only knew that if the owner of a small world of reincarnation died, this small world would gradually wither. He didn't expect it to be able to make up for it.

The fact is indeed the case, the death of the owner of the reincarnation small world will indeed have a great impact on this world.

But as long as it is properly arranged, the loss can be minimized, or even no loss.

As Lu Xun said, Yu Chuan's fall was too sudden. Since his death, the Wangchuan Realm has been hidden in the space.

For thousands of years, no one has been able to find its entrance, let alone enter it.

This is caused by objective reasons. After deduction and analysis by the senior brother, this conclusion was drawn.

And other deep-seated things are beyond the imagination of a native of the Wangchuan Realm like Mu Xiang.

"The problem lies in the delimiting thing. In recent years, nearly half of the spiritual energy of the world has been sucked away by the delimiting thing!"

There was a strange light in Lu Xun's eyes, and he continued to say: "In this way, an unstoppable result appeared, that is, after absorbing so much aura of heaven and earth, the delimiting thing produced a trace of Wisdom!"


This statement made Mu Xiang jump out of his chair in shock, he never thought that there would be such a result.

Does the thing in his heart that has always been the boundary of the dead already have its own wisdom?
"Don't believe it, in fact, everything has a spirit. As long as there is a coincidence, it is possible to give birth to spiritual wisdom, not to mention that the delimiting thing is not a mortal thing in the first place!"

Lu Xun briefly explained a few words, and this was a copy of his senior brother's original words. He continued to say: "Since it gave birth to spiritual wisdom, the speed at which the spiritual energy of the world of Wangchuan Realm disappeared has naturally become faster!"

"And this is not the most terrible result!"

Lu Xun's expression became a bit more serious, he looked up at Mu Xiang and said, "Spiritual things like this... let's call them world spirits. If you want to be truly reborn, you need to take the last step!"

"What is it?"

Mu Xiang was completely attracted by Lu Xun's words, and couldn't wait to know the final result. He felt that he might want to know a real big secret about the Forgotten River Realm.

"World spirits are different from other spirits. Other spirits can gain new life by forging their own bodies, or taking away human or sea bodies, but it is undoubtedly much more difficult for world spirits to do so!"

Lu Xun's expression was still solemn, and he heard him say: "It's still the same sentence, if Yu Chuan had been alive, everything would have been easier, but unfortunately he died, and died so suddenly, this Wangchuan world gave birth to a world spirit, this It is a catastrophe in the Forgotten River Realm!"

"You said... what? The difficulty of destroying the world?"

Mu Xiang was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Even though Lu Xun hadn't said the real result, just these four words gave Mu Xiang a creepy feeling.

"Exactly, seizing the body is actually a good way for a world spirit to truly gain a new life, but it can't make it break through to a higher level. After all, the physical potential of seizing the body is limited, and it will be more affected by this world. The influence of heaven and earth aura!"

Lu Xun nodded, repeated what his senior brother said, and then said: "So I guess, the world spirit should take the body as a tentative goal, and in the end it will devour all the flesh and blood in the entire Wangchuan Realm. Achieve your goals!"


Finally hearing Lu Xun say the result, Mu Xiang couldn't help but gasped, and murmured: "Swallow...all...flesh and blood creatures!"

"The spirit of the world is born on the basis of the world, and all the flesh and blood creatures in the world are the nourishment for it to obtain new life. Perhaps this can be regarded as a process of breaking through and then establishing itself!"

Lu Xun didn't stop talking, and continued: "Perhaps after the world spirit is reborn, it will recast the Forgotten River Realm. After a long time, this world will be full of vitality again, and it will return to the glory it was a thousand years ago!"

Lu Xun's calm words echoed in the quiet Great Elder's hall, but Mu Xiang couldn't be happy when he heard the word "glory" again.

This was very different from what he had in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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