low-key is king

Chapter 149 How About Betting One More Time?

Chapter 149 How About Betting Again?
The Hidden Killing Society is the most mysterious organization in the Qingxuan world, and it has also been criticized by many decent people, but no one can do anything about it.

Hidden killing will have an extremely deep background, which is beyond doubt.

This is an organization, but sometimes it is extremely loose. It seems that anyone can become the killer of the Hidden Killing Society.

For example, the Hidden Killing Society does not have any hard requirements for the token of the killer's identity symbol. As long as you have the token black sword on your body, you can accept the corresponding reward task.

Sometimes after the killer accepts the task, the task is not completed, but the target person counter-kills, then the token will naturally fall into the opponent's hands.

In this way, the person who was originally the target of the assassination reward became the assassin of the Hidden Assassin Society, and the Hidden Assassin Society would not care about these alternations of identities.

Of course, some really big figures clearly know that the Hidden Killing Society will never be so loose, and the real looseness is only at the periphery.

At the core of the Hidden Assassination Society, there is an extremely strict hierarchy.

As for these, Lu Xun, who became a Hidden Killer and also a peripheral killer, was naturally not very clear, but Xiao Ziliang couldn't be more clear, so she guessed the truth in an instant.

The token of the ten-star killer was definitely not Lu Xun's own, but one of his elders or patrons.

If you think about it carefully, I'm afraid it will involve the real secret of the second son of the palace.

"Miss Xiao, you already know my secret, now it's your turn to be honest with each other?"

Naturally, Lu Xun wouldn't reveal his real secrets, but when he heard him chuckle again, Xiao Ziliang's thoughts were pulled back, and he couldn't help but slander.

To be honest, the identity of Lu Xun that Xiao Ziliang knows now is just a ten-star killer, and the token of the ten-star killer does not belong to Lu Xun himself.

This made her more doubtful, but this guy still said that he already knew his secret, which made Xiao Ziliang a little crazy, and wanted to ignore it.

"The owner of a mere restaurant in Watanabe City should not be able to train a five-star killer of the Hidden Assassin Society?"

Lu Xun didn't want to miss this opportunity. Naturally, he knew that it was impossible to get all of Xiao Ziliang's secrets out, but if he could get a little bit out of it, he might be able to find some clues.

"The real Xiao Ziliang is dead!"

Yinhu didn't hide this fact, and this was a fact that Lu Xun had guessed a long time ago. He actually didn't care too much about the real Miss Tiandulou.

"That Miss Xiao was arrogant and domineering. At that time, I happened to see her disregarding human lives, so I took care of her and borrowed this identity!"

Although Lu Xun didn't ask, Xiao Ziliang still explained a few words, which made Lu Xun affirm something in his heart.

Yinhu, the killer of the Hidden Assassination Society, still has some distinctions between good and evil in his heart.

Lu Xun has experienced the reincarnation of hundreds of generations, and he is by no means a pedantic person, let alone believe that the killer of the Hidden Killing Society will really kill the people. This silver fox killer may really want to borrow an identity.

"The dignified five-star killer has been lurking in Watanabe Castle all year round. Is there any treasure in this small town?"

Lu Xun seemed to have guessed that the other party wanted to change the subject, but forcibly pulled the subject back.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ziliang (let's call him Xiao Ziliang) had a glimmer of light in his eyes under the mask.

"Watanabe Town must have no treasure, but it may not be in the sea of ​​reincarnation!"

Xiao Ziliang talked eloquently, as if he felt that there was no need to hide this matter, and then asked: "A few months ago, the sea of ​​reincarnation was full of rays of light, and the vision was overwhelming. You must have seen it too?"

"Yes, got it!"

The expression on Lu Xun's face under the mask was a bit strange. The vision of the heaven and the earth with ten thousand rays of light was caused when he successfully reincarnated in a hundred generations. Would he go out and talk about such things casually?

"The visions in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation at that time alarmed all the big figures in the Qingxuan world. I happened to be in charge of the Watanabe City area. Presumably Your Excellency... Presumably the second son is also the same?"

Xiao Zi once again told a secret that was not considered a secret, and then stared at the black-clothed figure on the opposite side with flickering eyes, and the next sentence meant something, so that Lu Xun instantly understood the meaning of the other party.

"Miss Xiao thinks that my identity as the second son of the palace is also fake?"

Lu Xun was a little helpless. From the words of the other party, he could imagine how many people were shocked by the vision of Xiaguang at that time.

How could this silver fox killer with a special identity not think in certain directions?

What's more, just now Lu Xun took out a token of the ten-star killer, which made Xiao Ziliang affirmed even more.

This person must be the same as himself, borrowing the identity of the second son of Zhendong Prince's Mansion to hide his true identity.

"Each each other!"

Xiao Ziliang was noncommittal, anyway, she didn't believe that the other party was Lu Xun, the second son of the palace, and maybe it was some great sect sent out to investigate the strange movement of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

"Miss Xiao is smart, I admire you!"

At this time, Lu Xun was also happy to use the tiger's skin as a banner, but the next moment he changed the subject and said, "But since I am the second son of the Zhendong Prince's Mansion, I have to do something, right?"

"Besides, isn't Miss Xiao's cheap father still in Watanabe City?"

Lu Xun's face under the mask was half a smile, which made Xiao Ziliang almost scold him. According to her heart and identity, she naturally didn't want to meddle in Xuanyue Kingdom's affairs.

And in Xiao Ziliang's view, the second son of the palace is also a fake, how could he help the Zhendong Palace sincerely, isn't he afraid of the rules of the master behind him?
The fairy gate on the mountain does not mean that they must not meddle in the affairs of the secular dynasty, but generally if they have no interests, they are more concerned than less.

Because no matter which one is in power, it will not have much influence on the giants such as the International Chamber of Commerce or the Hidden Killing Society, and they can still live a very nourishing life.

Xiao Ziliang didn't know Lu Xun's "details" before, and it was only natural for the second prince of the palace to help Zhendong Palace, but now, she has another idea.

"It doesn't matter if Miss Xiao wants to stay out of the matter, anyway, the result of this battle will not change!"

Lu Xun naturally knew what Xiao Ziliang was thinking, so he didn't force it.

This is very different from the situation when the Sea Clan attacked that day. These killers of the Hidden Killing Society will not meddle in their own business.

"Do you really want to help Zhendong Palace?"

Xiao Ziliang rolled his eyes a few times, and suddenly asked, which sounded like nonsense, but for some reason, her state of mind had changed a little at this moment.

Even Xiao Ziliang didn't know why he had such a change, could it be because of the charisma of this fake Second Prince of the Prince's Mansion?
Thinking of this, Xiao Ziliang shook his head to get these inexplicable thoughts out of his mind, but the germinated seed began to spread.

It seems that if I stay out of it this time, I will miss a lot of things.

"I am the second son of the palace, so naturally I will spare no effort!"

Lu Xun was a little surprised by Xiao Ziliang's opening, but he expressed his position. As for the fact that he is really the second son of the palace, there is no need to explain too much.

"what do you want to do?"

Xiao Ziliang asked this question out of nowhere, and after the words fell, she obviously saw a strange look in the eyes of the other party under the mask.

"If Miss Xiao is really willing to make a move, why don't we compare again to see if you kill the South Gate General first, or I kill the North Gate General first?"

Naturally, Lu Xun would not ask about the inappropriate reasons, and directly stated his plan. His original plan, of course, was done by himself.

The so-called North Gate General and South Gate General were the leaders who attacked the north and south gates of Watanabe Castle. They naturally had their own titles, but this time they were restrained by General Yan Qingxi.

Speaking of which, these two generals are both martial masters who have just entered the fifth realm, and their strength is even better than that of Yan Qingxi.

Being ridden on the head by a brat who is inferior to him and has less qualifications than himself, the two of them are very aggrieved.

Therefore, the battlefields at the North Gate and South Gate looked much more tragic.

The two generals tried their best to break the city gate before Ximen's Chinese army broke through.

This is the reason why Lu Xun chose to attack these two places first. The so-called shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first, and capture the king first. As long as these two leading generals are assassinated, the enemy's army will be in chaos.

"Let me go to the north gate, I don't want to take advantage of you!"

The eyeballs under Xiao Ziliang's mask rolled, and after the words fell, his figure disappeared into the dense forest. Lu Xun could see clearly that it was the first wood escape method of the ten escape secrets.

It seems that in the last battle at Watanabe Castle, Silver Fox was still a little bit unconvinced about losing to the judge. Lu Xun used this to provoke each other, and it undoubtedly received very good results.

This made Lu Xun heave a sigh of relief. He didn't think that the Hidden Killer would be able to intervene. Now that there is such a five-star killer, he can't help but feel more confident.

"I remember this favor!"

Lu Xun murmured towards the place where Xiao Ziliang disappeared, and then disappeared in the depths of the dense forest in an instant. When he reappeared, it might be when some accident happened.

At this moment, the armies in the three directions of south, west and north have already occupied an absolute advantage.

Especially in the northern and southern armies, many soldiers had already climbed onto the city wall and started a fierce battle with the guards of Watanabe Castle.

Relying on the advantage of the height of the city, the guards of Watanabe Castle are still gritting their teeth, but for these guards, it will be a matter of time before they break the city.

No matter which side's tens of thousands of troops outside the city, they are not something they can contend with.

Outside the city of Nancheng, behind the siege army, a large banner was blown by the strong wind, and the big "Dragon" character on it looked very imposing. It was the banner of the "Dragon Xiangjun" .

(End of this chapter)

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