low-key is king

Chapter 1545 Xuanyang Incident

Chapter 1545 Xuanyang Incident
"City Master Xuanyuan, farewell!"

The masters of the other two major forces obviously remembered something, and disappeared after leaving a sentence, making the practitioners of both sides who remained in place look at each other in blank dismay.

"Half-human? Isn't the owner of Danghai City a pure human being?"

Because of what Hua Manting said just now, many people were thoughtful, but now they naturally don't have the courage to discuss it.

The majesty of the city lord of Danghai City is not something they dare to provoke easily.

Including Lu Xun was also shocked, secretly thinking that Emperor Xuanyuan can have such a great reputation on both the human race and the sea race, it is not as simple as imagined.

Of course, at this time, Lu Xun naturally wouldn't go to the bottom line, that would be his main backer in the future, and maybe he would have to rely on this person when he seeks revenge on the saintess of Luoyou Mountain.

"Okay, let's go!"

Emperor Xuanyuan glanced at the place where the Mistress of Sanssouci Palace disappeared, and then waved his hand, and all the sea clan disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye as if they had been pardoned.

The Sea Clan, including those from the Killing League, are also in mixed feelings. Anyway, in the future, it should be impossible for them to work for Lu Xun like before.

The relationship between the Sea Clan and the Human Clan is extremely bad. It was fine if they didn't know that their leader was a Human Clan. Now that the truth is revealed, the Killing League may have to be sanctioned by many Sea Clans.

These are all things to say later, this time the reincarnation sea trial, in the voice of the city lord of Danghai City, finally came to a successful conclusion.

All eyes turned to the boy in black.

Because Lu Xun was the biggest winner of this Samsara Sea Trial, thinking about the spoils he had harvested, everyone felt emotional, even envious.

Let's not talk about the eight-colored fire lotus for the time being, whether it is the keel of the five-level powerhouse of the Hailong clan, or the Wangchuan Realm created by Yu Chuan, the powerhouse of the Bei tribe, including the seven immortal weapons that were just obtained from the powerhouse of the Hai clan. .

Nowadays, many bigwigs from the fairy sects on the mountain are vying for favor. Xuanyuanhuang, the lord of Danghai City, even risked a lot of trouble to open a space channel for Lu Xun from Wangchuan Realm to Qingxuan World.

All of this shows that the geniuses of other major dynasties, even Xia Jiexing of the Longxia Dynasty, are eclipsed in front of that Daxuan boy.

Not to mention Shang Guyang who gritted his teeth in the Shang Ding Dynasty, he now hates Lu Xun to the bone.

But he knew very well that from today onwards, he would never be the opponent of that Daxuan boy again.

The other party doesn't even pay attention to these seven or eight level geniuses anymore, and now Lu Xun's level is completely different from them.

But in this way, those guys who have offended Lu Xun more or less in the past, the other party will not come to trouble them again, that is not on the same level.

An enemy who is not a threat is no longer an enemy.

Such humiliation may be even more difficult for Shang Guyang to accept.

After all, once upon a time, he was also a top genius who could wrestle with Xia Jiexing.

Unexpectedly, in a reincarnation sea trial, Shang Guyang suffered a crushing defeat, allowing a young boy from the bottom dynasty to win the first place. Thinking about it, I really don't want to be reconciled.

But what's the use of not being reconciled?
Didn't you see that Luo Jue, a strong man who has reached the eleventh level, is afraid to say anything more because of the strong attack of the city lord of Danghai City?
Now that Emperor Xuanyuan seems to support Lu Xun, if anyone dares to touch his bad luck at this time, with the other party's ruthless heart, maybe they won't care whether you are a human race or a sea race.

The figure of Emperor Xuanyuan also disappeared, and everyone was greatly relieved. The pressure that that existence put on them was really too great.

"The rewards of the top three colleges will be sent to their respective colleges, including the rewards for the top [-] individuals in the trial list, and they will not be missed!"

Ye Mingtang, the master of the Hall of Law Enforcement in Danghai City, spoke loudly, which made many geniuses feel a little more balanced, but then there was a trace of melancholy.

This person is really annoying compared to others. Look at Lu Xun's treatment. The city lord of Danghai City personally made the promise, but they only have one law enforcement hall master to manage.

But what can they say, they will never be able to do those big things that Lu Xun did in their lifetime.

If you can be so dazzling, you will naturally be sought after by the big bosses in the Qingxuan world.

Among them, the most cheerful ones are naturally those gentlemen and masters from Daxuan Wenshi College.

Guidongnan Wang Dingbo and the others surrounded Lu Xun, as if they were afraid that this big treasure would disappear suddenly.

"Lu Xun, you kid can do it!"

With a smile on his face, Wang Dingbo, the master of the Military Academy, patted Lu Xun's shoulder vigorously, first praised him, and then said melancholy: "Now even I am no longer your opponent."

"Hehe, Lu Xun will never forget Master Wang's care in the academy!"

Lu Xun still has a good impression of this Master of the Military Academy. He remembered that when he first stepped into the Daxuan King's Capital, the first master he saw was Wang Dingbo.

At that time, Wang Dingbo's attack also killed the enemy who was chasing and killing Lu Xun forcefully, which can be said to have saved his life.

Later, because of Kong Xinyue's relationship, Lu Xun had a good relationship with the Military Academy.

"Let's go, go home!"

Lu Xun didn't say too much nonsense, but when he just finished speaking, his face suddenly changed slightly, and then he turned his right hand, and a water moon mirror appeared in his palm out of thin air.


When Lu Xun raised his hand and saw the content in the water moon mirror, his face was so gloomy that water dripped down, which surprised many teachers and wives beside him.

You must know that although this Daxuan boy is young, he has an extremely tenacious heart, which is the heart that does not change face even in the face of a landslide.

At this moment, he lost his composure. Could it be that something major happened?
"Could it be that something happened to Lu Linger?"

Some big Xuan geniuses who are familiar with Lu Xun, as well as those teachers and gentlemen, all thought of a possibility.

He secretly thought that with Lu Xun's current state, the only one who could make him lose his composure was Lu Linger, who cared about and made chaos.

"Second brother, what's wrong?"

Lu Xue on the side asked directly, and then saw Lu Xun looking sideways at him, the anger in those eyes was about to burst out.

"Xuanyang Kingdom, something happened!"

Lu Xun tightly grasped the Shuiyue mirror in his hand. These words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, which made Lu Xue tremble violently. She knew what it meant.

"Let's go back to Xuanyang Kingdom!"

Lu Xun suppressed the anger in his heart, and without the slightest sloppiness, he just dodged and headed in the direction of Danghai City, leaving a group of geniuses from other dynasties looking at each other.

They all knew that something big must have happened. Zhou Yunmu looked a little tangled, as if hesitating whether to follow up to have a look, but in the end he forcibly held back.

Xia Jiexing and other geniuses were thoughtful, secretly thinking about that guy, how could there always be endless things to do?

Something must have happened this time to make Lu Xun so anxious.

"Hmph, it would be better if all the members of the Xuanyang Lu clan die!"

As for Shang Guyang, the genius of the Shang Ding Dynasty, he was a little gloating. He obviously heard Lu Xun's anger, so he had some guesses in his heart, and at the same time secretly cursed.

The geniuses from all sides looked at the figures of the departing Daxuan experts, each thoughtful, but in the end they didn't follow up to find out.

After all, it was a matter of the Daxuan Dynasty, if he intervened rashly, it might cause trouble.


Half a month later!

Xuanyang Kingdom, Xuande Hall!
Right above stood a figure in Tsing Yi, below were many civil servants and generals of the Xuanyang Kingdom, but on the top dragon chair, there was no one there.

Today's Xuanyang Kingdom is governed by the former Zhendong King Lu Mingyang.

In the past two years, Xuanyang Kingdom's national strength has grown unprecedentedly, and because of Lu Xun's relationship, the surrounding countries dare not easily invade.

But at this moment, everyone, including the old man in Tsing Yi, looked a little unhappy, because their emperor, His Majesty, had been missing for half a month.

Also missing at the same time was Zhao Lijing, the Queen of Xuanyang Kingdom.

This is an earth-shattering event, and it is impossible to hide it, so the mood of many civil servants and generals is surprisingly bad.

The old man in blue at the top is the old man sent by Lu Xun to protect the Xuanyang Lu family.

It's just that at this moment, Lao Qing's face is extremely ugly. He feels that he has not fulfilled his duty of protection, and actually made Lu Mingyang and his wife disappear.

If Lu Xun came back, he might not be able to eat and walk around.

But half a month ago when Lu Mingyang and his wife were found missing, Lao Qing didn't dare to neglect at all, and also knew that it was the end of the Samsara Sea Trial, so he sent the news through Shuiyue Mirror immediately.

The Xuanyang Kingdom's head and his wife are both missing, so it is impossible for them to travel in the mountains and rivers. They must have been taken away. Old Qing and those civil servants and military generals can be sure of this.

It's a pity that in the past half a month, Lao Qing and other generals searched almost every inch of Xuanyang Capital, but they couldn't find any clues, which made them more and more desperate.

Prime Minister Zhao Qidong was originally over seventy years old. During this period of time, because of the disappearance of his daughter, he seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, his old eyes were cloudy, and he was silent, presumably due to extreme sadness.

Grand Sima Guanxu is also in an extremely bad mood. Now that Xuanyang Kingdom has no leader, someone must be targeting Xuanyang Kingdom. In fact, they all have guesses in their hearts.

If there is anyone in the current Xuanyang Kingdom who dares to provoke easily, probably only Luo Youshan who had a grudge with Xuanyang Lu's, that is a giant on the mountain.

As Lu Xun became more and more dazzling, Luo Youshan might not be able to sit still anymore, right?

Under such circumstances, it is not impossible to take Lu Xun's parents as hostages and force Lu Xun to submit.

(End of this chapter)

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