low-key is king

Chapter 1548 What is it?

Chapter 1548 What is it?

Just when the eleventh level was restless, a loud noise came from somewhere.

It turned out that it was the ten-level Xiaocheng martial artist who was forcing one of the college students into a panic, and was directly punched in the back of the heart by Lu Xun, and blood spurted wildly and fell down.

Originally, with Lu Xun's current strength, he didn't need to expend too much effort against a martial artist with a small success in the upper tenth realm, let alone that person had his own opponent, who was caught by Lu Xun's sudden serious injury by surprise.

Lu Xunde was ruthless, and he would not show mercy to those enemies who dared to deal with his family. The two consecutive attacks had the expected effect.

At this point, two of the opponent's five great and ten-level powerhouses had died and three were seriously injured. The three of the seriously injured were all dying, their breath was sluggish, and they had no power to fight back.

"Now, only you are left!"

Lu Xun didn't care about the terribly painful three-level tenth-level man on the ground at all, but turned his attention to the eleventh-level strong man who was still fighting, and his soft words contained a kind of extreme killing intent.

"Hmph, it's just defeating a few ten realms, what's there to be proud of?"

It has to be said that the mentality of the upper five-level powerhouse is quite tenacious. Even if the five ten-level subordinates were wiped out, he did not completely lose his composure at this time.

Because in his opinion, the situation is not completely out of control. As long as he can defeat or kill Guidongnan, then with his eleventh-level strength, he will naturally be able to crush the entire field and regain control of the situation.

In any case, what Lu Xun killed was only a few tenth-level powerhouses. There is no comparison between eleventh-level powerhouses and tenth-level powerhouses. That is another level of cultivation.

There may be many Nascent Soul Realm monks in this world, but there may not be one out of a hundred Nascent Soul Realm monks who can break through the shackles and break through to the Eleventh Realm.

It was a qualitative breakthrough, and the power he could control was not comparable to that of a ten-level cultivator.

Even if it is a strong person who has just entered the eleventh level, killing the tenth level is as easy as trampling an ant to death.

In his opinion, as long as Lu Xun did not break through to the upper five realms, he would definitely not be his opponent, and it was not impossible for him to clean up those cannon fodder.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Hearing the other party's proud words, the coldness on Lu Xun's face could not help but grow a little bit. Seeing him soaring into the air, many strong men on their side changed their expressions slightly.

"Lu Xun..."

One of the Nascent Soul Realm Mr. was hesitant to speak. As a Nascent Soul expert, he knew how strong the Upper Five Realm experts were. If he intervened rashly, he might be affected.

This is the gap between the middle five realms and the upper five realms. It is completely incomparable with the gaps between other ordinary small realms. There is no comparison between the two.

Of course they looked up to Lu Xun very much, and even felt that Lu Xun would have the power to fight against a strong man who had reached the tenth level, but he was a strong man at the eleventh level.

"It's okay!"

Lu Xun didn't explain too much, and it's not like he didn't know himself, how could he take the initiative to face the powerhouses of the upper five realms, all he had to do was to assist Guidongnan from the sidelines.

Now that Lu Xun has said so, it is difficult for others to say more.

It's just that the three Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses are all ready, and if something happens, they will do their best to save Lu Xun immediately.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the little bastard!"

Seeing that Lu Xun ascended to the sky, as if he wanted to deal with him, the strong man at the eleventh level couldn't help but sneered, and there was even a hint of excitement deep in his heart.

If Lu Xun chooses to escape at this time, then he really has nothing to do. Although Guidongnan is weak, he can't deal with it with three moves or two.

I didn't expect that Lu Xun would take the initiative to send it to his door. Is it really as simple as it seems to be a strong person in the eleventh realm?

It's one thing to fight against the strong in the same realm, but it's another thing to fight against the practitioners in the fifth realm.

In the eyes of those eleventh-level powerhouses, Lu Xun was throwing himself into a trap.

"Young man, being too confident is not a good thing!"

After expressing his emotions, the eleventh-level powerhouse had already made a secret move. He just wanted to capture Lu Xun by surprise. At that time, Guidongnan might not dare to fight against him again.

"Soul Eater!"

However, at this moment, the eleventh-level powerhouse suddenly heard these two words, which made him a little confused for a moment, wondering if this was a technique like the lion's roar skill?
The next moment, all the onlookers could clearly sense the location of Lu Xun, as if something invisible came out, and the target was the strong man of the eleventh level.

They can all guess what method Lu Xun used, but they are not sure, can the method used by a genius at the tenth level really pose any threat to the strong man at the eleventh level?

"Mr. Gui, attack the Dazhui acupoint on his back!"

At this moment, Lu Xun uttered another shout, and Gui Dongnan was also amazed, secretly thinking that his every move might be seen by that little guy.

Because even if Lu Xun didn't remind him, Guidongnan was going to attack the enemy's back this time, but it wasn't that precise. Hearing Lu Xun's voice, he naturally wouldn't hesitate at all.

"Hmph, do you really think this will hurt me?"

The eleventh-level strongman is extremely confident, and the strongest opponent in his eyes is naturally Guidongnan. As for the methods used by the Daxuan boy, how can it affect him?
"Sure enough, I was fooled!"

When Lu Xun saw the actions of the eleventh-level strongman, he couldn't help but be happy in the depths of his eyes, secretly thinking that these enemies who don't understand Soul Eater can really create a miraculous effect.

With Lu Xun's current cultivation base, if he used the Soul Devourer to deal with the enemy, it would only affect the opponent for half a breath at most.

But the battle of masters, especially the battle of the top five realms, has been a long time.

When the strong man in the eleventh realm tried his best to defend Guidongnan's attack on Dazhui acupoint on his back, the invisible soul-eating needle controlled by Lu Xun had already attacked in front of the opponent in an instant.

The Soul Eater Needle is invisible and has no trace, only a little sense of breath.

And in the heart of an eleventh-level strongman, how could the means used by a tenth-level boy pose any threat to himself?


However, just when the eleventh-level powerhouse was about to send out a breath to disperse the hidden feeling, he found that the thing was invisible and had penetrated directly between his eyebrows.


This made the eleventh-level powerhouse startled, but his face changed a little the next moment, and some of the actions he had just made came to an abrupt end, as if he had suddenly fallen into a sluggish state.

Even Guidongnan was almost stunned at this moment. Fortunately, he had a strong heart and knew that this was a huge opportunity created by Lu Xun for himself. It would be a pity if he missed it.

Therefore, Gui Dongnan suppressed his shock, and then he hit the opponent's back just now, precisely hitting the Dazhui acupoint, and directly knocked him down from the air.

All of this happened only in the blink of an eye.

The performance of Soul Devourer allowed Degui Dongnan to directly turn defeat into victory from the disadvantaged situation just now, and seriously injured the opponent.

Dazhui acupoint is a large acupoint on the human body, and it is also a vital point on the torso. Even if it is a strong person in the eleventh level, if he is hit directly, he will be seriously injured at this moment.

But at this moment, the eleventh-level powerhouse had already woken up from the influence of Soul Eater, his face became extremely ugly, and there was a kind of extreme despair.

He could clearly sense the state of his serious injury, and he had no strength at all, so he could no longer be Gui Dongnan's opponent, not to mention that the opponent had a helper who didn't play cards according to common sense.

At that time, this eleventh-level powerhouse never thought that this would be the result.

He planned for many days and felt that nothing would go wrong, so he made a bold move. He didn't expect that he had just lured Lu Xun here, and he was defeated.

"What was that thing just now?"

Until this time, none of the strong men in the eleventh realm had figured out why they were defeated.

He knew that Guidongnan seized the opportunity of half a breath, and this opportunity was created by Lu Xun, a ten-level genius.

The seamless plan, the foolproof plan, failed just before it started.

This made the strong man in the eleventh level feel strongly unwilling, staring at Lu Xun's gaze, as if wanting to spew fire.

"Father, mother and concubine!"

Just when everyone was stunned, Lu Xue on the other side yelled and ran into the hall, and after a while, she walked out with two figures.

To be honest, Lu Xue hadn't seen her parents for several years, so she still called her "Father King". Looking at her haggard parents, her eyes turned red.

She knew that her father, queen, mother and concubine did not let her come back to protect herself, otherwise with her talent, it was hard to guarantee that the saintess of Luoyou Mountain would not kill her.

This was the first time Lu Xue saw her parents since she joined Daxuan Wen Teachers Academy, and under such circumstances, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Xun'er! Xue'er!"

On the contrary, Lu Mingyang, who has been the Lord of Xuanyang for more than two years, even though he was in such a catastrophe and his mind was agitated, he seemed quite calm.

But the excitement and excitement in that tone, anyone can hear it.

Earlier, the couple was really desperate. They didn't want Lu Xun to throw himself into the trap, but they also had a little expectation in their hearts. This kind of mood is really extremely contradictory.

Now it seems that their precious son did not disappoint him.

This time when he returned, he cleaned up the enemies and rescued them. This is really a big surprise.

Even if they don't know how Lu Xun did all this, in short, the troubles of Xuanyang Kingdom should have been resolved now, and all the haze will disappear.

Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that can trouble Lu Xun. Since Lu Xun's return, the Zhendong Palace has soared into the sky. Maybe there will be even greater fortunes waiting in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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