Chapter 16

"Guard Zheng, do you think Dr. Cao Song will come?"

Lu Xun did not answer the question Zheng Qian asked just now, but asked another question pointedly, and then saw a smile on Zheng Qian's chubby face.

"Hey, that person is very cautious. Except for buying that fourth-grade Qingxin pill, he never shows up by himself!"

Now that he has chosen to side with Mr. Lu, Zheng Qian will no longer be entangled.

And judging from the situation this time, Mr. Lu is in the dark and Cao Song is in the open. The latter may suffer a big loss.

"Since Doctor Cao didn't show up to buy the main ingredients for refining Qingxin Pill, how did Steward Zheng know that it was Doctor Cao?"

Lu Xun was smiling but not smiling, and asked a question that was not easy to answer, but Zheng Qianpang next to him still had a faint smile on his face, as if he knew he was going to ask this question a long time ago.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Zheng has never mentioned his name before!"

The fat on Zheng Qian's face trembled, like a fat fox that was scheming, which made Lu Xun smile, and didn't care too much about the cleverness of the other party, as long as he could achieve his goal.


After a while, Lu Xun narrowed his eyes, and through the glass of the double-sided mirror, he suddenly saw a figure appearing in the trading hall, who did not look old.

He was sure right away that it was definitely not Cao Song.

"Who is this person?"

When Lu Xun saw the appearance of that person, he was sure that he was not anyone from the palace, so he asked. It seemed that Cao Song was indeed extremely cautious and would not use the cronies of the palace.

"A middle... middleman who specializes in reselling medicinal materials, named Shen Chong!"

Zheng Qian was no stranger to that man, but when he mentioned the word middleman, he deliberately lengthened the process of two of them, as if he was saying "profiteer".

Hearing this, Lu Xun frowned and asked, "Isn't this guy a doctor?"


Zheng Qian answered first, and then said: "Young Master Lu, don't worry, my three-flavored medicinal materials are enough to confuse the real ones, and it is absolutely impossible for second-rank doctors and below to distinguish them!"

It seems that the manager of the branch of the International Chamber of Commerce is indeed very dedicated, and even let the chief physician of the Chamber of Commerce choose it himself.

Even Lu Xun didn't find any flaws at first glance at the three herbs.

"Guard Zheng, this favor, Lu has written it down!"

Seeing that the transaction in the trading hall was about to be completed, Lu Xun cupped his fists towards Zheng Qian, and then walked straight to the outside.

At the same time, Shen Chong, who had finished trading the medicinal materials, also left the house with an excited face, without any doubt or concern for the two teenagers following behind him.

"Tiandu Tower, it's a good place!"

When following Shen Chong to an atmospheric triple restaurant, Lu Xun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After all, this is the most luxurious restaurant in Watanabe City, and the monthly income of ordinary people may not be able to afford a meal.

"Asha, go and inform Concubine Mother, I will put on a big show for her at Tiandulou today!"

Seeing that Shen Chong in front had already entered the Tiandu Tower, Lu Xun tilted his head and smiled slightly, and Asha, who was equally excited, took the order to go. With the young master's instruction, he naturally knew what to do.

Although Lu Xun was returning to the palace for the first time and was not too rich, it was quite easy to get a private room in Tiandulou, and this private room happened to be next door to Shen Chong.

It seemed that Shen Chong was also waiting for someone, but this gave Lu Xun a chance. If the concubine did not arrive, the other party's deal would have been completed, and the scene would not be able to continue.

Lu Xun, who entered the room, regained the appearance of the second son of the palace. He has broken through to a first-level martial artist and a first-level monk. He has clear eyes and ears, and he can clearly sense the movement next door.


About two sticks of incense time, Asha's voice sounded outside the door, Lu Xun got up and opened the door, and immediately saw Asha, followed by his concubine mother and maid Li Hua.

But at the moment, the princess and Li Hua are dressed in ordinary clothes. At first glance, passers-by on the street would not be able to recognize that this is the princess of the Zhendong Prince's Mansion.

After glancing at Asha, Lu Xun let the two princesses into the room, while Asha stood guard outside the door. Of course, it could not be the face that Cao Song had seen in the palace.

"Xun'er, you are so mysterious. What the hell are you doing? Your father still needs my care!"

As soon as the concubine entered the room, she couldn't wait to ask. Now that King Zhendong is alive or dead, she doesn't want to leave the palace.

It seems that although Princess Zhao Lijing loves her second son, but she hasn't seen Lu Xun for ten years, and she doesn't know Lu Xun very well. If this boy is playful and messing around, she really can't afford to waste her time.

"There are some things that should be known to the concubine mother!"

Lu Xun gave the princess to the main seat, which was the closest to the next room, and then sat down beside him. While speaking, he raised his hand and poured a cup of tea for the princess.

"If you're just messing around, see if I don't slap your ass!"

The depression of the past year seems to have been somewhat expressed the moment the princess left the palace.

Especially when it came to spanking Lu Xun's ass, the memories of more than ten years ago flooded into her mind instantly.

In the memory of the princess, the elder son Lu Zheng was just like his name, he was upright and prudent, and he looked like a father at a young age. Everyone believed that Lu Zheng was the best candidate to succeed the King of Zhendong.

But this second son, Lu Xun, has been stubborn since he was a child, and he has caused many troubles because of his background in the Zhendong Palace.

Whether it was the King of Zhendong, the concubine, or even the eldest son Lu Zheng, they all wiped his ass countless times.

For this reason, Lu Xun was not beaten less when he was a child. Fortunately, he can still stick to some bottom lines and will not make things out of hand, otherwise it would not be as simple as being beaten.

I haven't seen him for ten years. In the eyes of the princess, Lu Xun not only changed his appearance a lot, but also his temperament seemed to have changed a lot. He was caught in the memory, but he didn't scold this precious son anymore.


In the midst of this silence, a sound of opening the door suddenly came from the next room, pulling the princess back from her thoughts, and then glanced at Lu Xun, only to see the latter raised his index finger and wrote a letter on his lips, indicating that silence.

"Shen Chong, did you get the things?"

A voice came from the next door, obviously from the person who had just entered the room, and when this voice came out, Wang Hao and maid Li Hua couldn't help but glance at each other, both felt that the voice was vaguely familiar.

Then they saw Lu Xun next to him stretch out his index finger, dipped his teacup in water, and wrote two words on the table in front of the princess.

is a person's name.

"Ding Mao?!"

With Lu Xun's reminder, Wang Hao and Li Hua both reacted instantly. Naturally, they were not too unfamiliar with the chief physician's most proud disciple.

Cao Song is the Chief Physician of Zhendong Prince's Mansion. He has worked hard for more than ten years. Even if the Palace was knocked down a year ago, their masters and apprentices would never leave, which moved the people in the Palace.

As Cao Song's most proud disciple, Ding Mao broke through to the realm of a second-rank doctor at a young age, which shows that his cultivation has also broken through to a second-rank monk.

This kind of talent is already extremely strong.

It's just that the two concubines didn't expect that when they were invited by Lu Xun to the Tiandu Tower today, they actually heard Ding Mao talking with an outsider.

These two are not stupid, and they have already guessed what Lu Xun wants to do.

"Xun'er, you are still doubting Cao..."


Just when the concubine frowned slightly and wanted to say something, Lu Xun on the opposite side made another gesture of silence, and then said softly: "Mother concubine will know after listening!"

The sound insulation effect of the private rooms in this restaurant is not very good, and Ding Mao is a second-level doctor. If the princess accidentally said that name, then this big show would not be able to continue.

And precisely because of the crude sound insulation, even the concubine with no cultivation could clearly hear the conversation next door. After being reminded by Lu Xun, she listened patiently.

"Hey, Master Ding Mao, don't you feel relieved that I'm working hard?"

The conversation continued to come from the next door, and one could hear the complacency in the deep tone. Such words naturally satisfied Ding Mao, and he would not neglect Master's orders in the slightest.

"Take it out and let me see!"

Ding Mao is still very cautious in doing things, and he also knows that Shen Chong is just a "traitor" businessman, not a doctor, and there are some things that he, a second-rank doctor, has to look at.

Naturally, Shen Chong has no objection to this. The commission he charges as a middleman is more expensive than other peers, and he relies on his ability to handle affairs.

And he also believed that with the reputation of the International Chamber of Commerce, he should not sell fake products to himself.

What Shen Chong didn't know was that his opponent this time was a VIP from the International Business Alliance with a five-star black card.

Relatively speaking, he is just a purple card customer, and his status is far behind.

"Huh? Why does it feel a little wrong?"

Just when Shen Chong was thinking that he could make a lot of money this time, Ding Mao on the opposite side of the table frowned, which made his heart skip a beat, secretly thinking that there is really no problem.

"Master Ding Mao, what's the matter?"

Shen Chong asked cautiously. He knew that behind the person in front of him, there was a genuine fourth-grade physician.

"I'm not sure!"

Ding Mao still frowned, and he could hear him muttering: "This is indeed like Huangqizi, Luoyingying and Baishuang ginseng, but I always feel that something is wrong, what's going on?"

Shen Chong here is very thoughtful, but when he heard these three names, the two women in the next room were shocked and looked at each other, and they both saw a sense of disbelief in each other's eyes. .

"Astragalus seed, Luoyingying, Baishuang ginseng, aren't these the main medicinal materials for refining Qingxin pill?"

There is no doubt that there is a stormy sea in Princess Zhendong's heart.

Cao Song, the chief physician of the palace, told her that the prince's illness needs Qingxin Dan to be cured, and what is lacking in refining Qingxin Dan is the three main medicinal materials.

(End of this chapter)

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