low-key is king

Chapter 181 The Secret of the Organ

Chapter 181 The Secret of the Organ
"Jiamu is to the east, Gengjin is to the west, Guishui is to the north, and Lihuo is to the south!"

Lu Xun muttered something, which might be inexplicable to the ears of ordinary people, but to the ears of Master Huaguang, it made his face change slightly, but he forcibly restrained himself.

"Isn't this guy a martial artist? Could it be that he's still a mechanism master?"

This is the doubt in Master Huaguang's heart. You must know that even among monks, there are not too many mechanism masters who specialize in mechanism.

In the eyes of orthodox writers like poison masters and doctors, this is not doing their job properly.

Occupations such as Mechanism Master and Array Master are actually unpopular professions among scribes. They are not very helpful for fighting against the enemy. They are more used in defensive buildings and need to be arranged in advance.

However, Master Huaguang, who is a fourth-grade poison master, now, hearing the voice from the judge's mouth, and seeing the direction of his steps, he has reason to believe that this killer judge must have studied the mechanism.

Master Huaguang was still a little worried before. He just pointed out the location of this river. If the other party didn't believe him, he would really end up in a bad situation. Now it seems that these worries are superfluous.

"Here it is!"

Just as Master Huaguang was thinking wildly, the judge suddenly let out a cheer, and then saw a black-clothed figure stepping out, trampling an ordinary-looking pebble into the river beach.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when this cobblestone was stepped into the ground, Master Huaguang felt that the whole river trembled slightly, but it seemed like nothing happened.

Lu Xun was not idle. After finding the law of this mechanism, he also wanted to prove his own mechanism.

It seems that the most peripheral mechanism technique is not beyond his understanding of mechanisms.

I saw Lu Xun rushing to another direction, and then concocted it according to the law, and stepped an inconspicuous pebble into the ground
wow wow wow...

This time Master Huaguang saw very clearly that the galloping river did stagnate for a moment, but it was not too obvious until Judge ran in two directions again and stepped two feet in succession.

"Dwelling in the center!"

After making preparations, Lu Xun ran back to a certain place. If anyone noticed his position, he would find that he was right in the middle of the four cobblestones.

A low voice came from the mouth under Lu Xun's mask, followed by a foot step.

Then a miraculous scene appeared, even Master Huaguang, who had been here before, was a little stunned.

Because it was a bit different from when Master Huaguang came here, he even had a faint feeling that the method the judge used at this moment was the correct method to open the mausoleum of the mechanism master.

Under Master Huaguang's gaze, he saw two thick iron plates rising slowly from the originally turbulent river, isolating the water on both sides of the river from the outside.

As for the section of the river separated in the middle, the water in the river sank rapidly, and finally disappeared, revealing an entrance under the river bed.

The hole at the bottom of the river was pitch black, as if it had been opened long ago, waiting for someone to enter.

But Master Huaguang knew very well that if it weren't for the actions that Judge made on the river bank just now, this hole would never appear, and even the entire river would not have any abnormalities.

At this moment, Master Huaguang no longer doubted the identity of the judge mechanism master, which made him a little more vigilant in the bottom of his heart. It seemed that he had to be more careful when entering the mausoleum.

"Let's go!"

The judge didn't seem to see the small things in Master Huaguang's heart. Seeing that the river was cut off, he stepped out first.

He is also very interested in the things in the mausoleum.

Seeing that the judge had already entered the hole, Master Huaguang gritted his teeth, he had no intention of taking the opportunity to escape, and finally he went into the hole and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

wow wow wow...

Following the disappearance of the two, soon after, the two large iron plates slowly sank into the water again, and the cut-off river was connected together again.

It seems that nothing has changed in the slightest.

The cave at the bottom of the river was so dark that you could hardly see your fingers. Fortunately, Lu Xun and Master Huaguang were not ordinary people. Even if they really couldn't see their fingers, they could still tell the right direction.

After entering the entrance of the cave, there was a long corridor, but when the two walked forward for a certain distance, their eyes suddenly lit up, making them all on guard.

Because they all clearly saw that it was the two rows of ever-burning lights on the walls on both sides of the corridor that allowed them to see the light again, but why these ever-burning lights suddenly turned on, they were all puzzled.

"There is a special flammable material in the lamp oil and the wick. When the hole is opened and oxygen enters, when the concentration reaches a certain level, these wicks will spontaneously ignite!"

Fortunately, there is an omniscient brother in Lu Xun's body, who was also a master of various arts back then, so he naturally has a very thorough understanding of the mechanism master's way.

"I see!"

After getting an explanation from his senior brother, this scene that seemed extremely miraculous to outsiders became ordinary in Lu Xun's eyes. The tomb of the secret channel mechanism master is indeed the best at pretending to be a ghost.

"My lord, there is no way ahead!"

Just as Lu Xun was meditating all the way, and I don't know how much time passed, Master Huaguang suddenly spoke behind him, making him look up.

Sure enough, he saw a solid wall at the end of the corridor, but he didn't worry too much.

"This should be a trap door!"

This time, even without his brother's guidance, Lu Xun could instantly see that the end of the corridor was not really a dead end, but the first mechanism set up by the mausoleum.


Just as Lu Xun stretched out his hand to caress the thick wall, Master Huaguang behind him suddenly made a strange sound, followed by a sudden change in his own face.

"poison gas?"

Lu Xun turned his head to look at Master Huaguang, and saw that the other party's face became a little gloomy.

It seems that this fourth-grade poison master has also discovered that there is a strong poison in this tunnel.

"It should not be poisonous gas, but the flames of these long-burning lamps, which have a special reaction with the bright oxygen outside, and thus begin to produce extreme poison!"

After a while, Lu Xun sensed a little bit and realized the key point. The method of the secret channel mechanism master is really weird and unpredictable.


Hearing this, Master Huaguang hurriedly walked up to an ever-burning lamp, and blew out the ever-burning lamp in one breath. When he turned around, he saw the judge shook his head slightly.

"It's useless, even if you blow out all the ever-burning lamps, the poison in the corridor will not be volatilized, it will only become more and more concentrated, and in the end it will erode your body and mine, and you will die from the poison!"

Lu Xun didn't hide it. After all, he himself is also in this tunnel, so he pondered: "For the present plan, we can only try our best to open the exit of this tunnel. This is our only way out!"

Master De Huaguang couldn't help groaning secretly at these words, he had indeed come here with someone back then, but he had never really entered the mausoleum, let alone thought that he would encounter fatal danger just after entering.

"Aren't you a fourth-grade poison master? You should be very strong against poison, right?"

Lu Xun didn't worry too much, and even turned around and teased, which made Master Dehuaguang's face even more ugly.

"The owner of this mausoleum is at least Jindan, maybe even Nascent Soul. How can I, a mere fourth-grade poison master, be able to resist the poison he left behind?"

Master Huaguang had a wry smile on his face. At the same time, he felt that the poison in the tunnel was getting stronger and stronger, and he felt a little dizzy.

Even the poison from many years ago is indeed not something he can compete with.

"Since this is the case, it can only depend on our luck!"

Lu Xun stopped talking to Master Huaguang. His own anti-drug ability is naturally stronger, but it is also limited.

If it is really impossible to open the door at the end of this corridor in a short time, I am afraid that I will not be able to eat it.

"These dark red marks should be left by those tomb robbers!"

Lu Xun lowered his head, looked at the puddles of dark red blood on the ground, and murmured, which made the master Huaguang behind tremble with fear, and felt that his body was becoming weaker and weaker.

That kind of poison can actually corrode a person until there is no bones left, and finally turn into a puddle of pus and blood left on the ground. One can imagine how strong the toxicity is?
Master Huaguang didn't want to turn into a pool of dark red blood. While he was anxious, he didn't dare to disturb the judge's groping. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and his head was covered in cold sweat.

I thought that if I entered this mausoleum, I would be able to find my backer, and then kill the judge here, but I didn't expect that my backer didn't see it, and now even he himself may not be able to save his life.

Even Master Huaguang looked at those pools of dark red blood, thinking in his heart, could his backer be one of those pools of blood?
If that's the case, Master Huaguang, let alone save the day, brought the judge to the mausoleum of the mechanism master this time, he would simply seek his own death.

When Master Huaguang was worried about gains and losses, Lu Xun didn't have so many thoughts. He kept knocking on the walls around the gate, as if he wanted to hear which was the key to open the gate.

"It seems to be solid!"

After beating for a while, Lu Xun's face under the mask became a little ugly. He could sense that the concentration of poison in the tunnel was getting stronger and stronger, but the key to open the door was far away.

"What a fool!"

A senior brother's taunting voice came from inside his body, making Lu Xun's face dark, but he didn't ask for advice.

This time, he tried his best to open the door of the tunnel with his own tricks.

If you can't even open the gate of the first pass, then what's the point of treasure hunting?
And Lu Xun also believed that the key to open the door of the corridor must be in this corridor, and he must have overlooked something.

(End of this chapter)

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