low-key is king

Chapter 199 You are at the end of the road!

Chapter 199 You are at the end of the road!

"Yan Rongdao, the Yan family is exhausted, do you really want these hundreds of thousands of soldiers to be buried with your Yan family?"

Outside the east gate of Tianyang City, a high-pitched voice suddenly came from the town's east king Lu Mingyang, and the things contained in his words made many soldiers think deeply.

Through the dissipated dust and countless messy bodies of earth and stone, Yan Rongdao seemed to be able to see the majestic figure sitting on the horseback. He stared blankly for a while, but said nothing.

Once upon a time, Da Sima Yan Rongdao was the magic needle of Dinghai in Xuanyang Kingdom. He fought south and north and was almost invincible, laying the foundation for the stability of Xuanyang Kingdom for decades.

In fact, when the previous monarch succeeded to the throne, Xuanyang Kingdom had some civil strife, and the turmoil was so large that it was almost in danger of destroying the country.

It was the great Sima Yan Rongdao and the prime minister Zhao Qidong who pacified the civil strife in Xuanyang Kingdom, and Yan Rongdao contributed the most to this.

After all, compared to civil servants who only know how to dance, Yan Rongdao's military exploits are real. Every time he suppresses a rebellion, he will suffer more injuries, and I don't know if it is intentional.

After setting things right, the former monarch named Yan Rongdao the Grand Sima, in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and even let the only beloved daughter of the head of the Yan family marry the crown prince as his concubine, who is now the queen Yan Chaolu.

Yan Rongdao can be said to be the Generalissimo of the two dynasties, and in his eyes, Lu Mingyang, King of Zhendong, can only be regarded as a rising star.

When Lu Mingyang was young, he also conquered all over the country, strangled some unrest factors in Xuanyang country, and even deterred the eager monarchs of neighboring countries from acting rashly.

Many people in Xuanyang Kingdom compare Zhendong King with the former Da Sima, but because the two were not born in the same era, and they are in the same camp, there has been no actual combat as a basis for comparison.

Until this year, finally.

In comparison between the two, the head of the Yan family, who was an official to the great Sima of the two dynasties, seemed to have lost a bit, and was beaten to the gate of Tianyang City by King Zhendong's army.

In the past, Yan Rongdao didn't bother to listen to those so-called comparisons, but now looking at the majestic Zhendong King, his mind is full of such comparisons.

But Yan Rongdao felt a little aggrieved, because he didn't think he would lose in this battle, it was due to Zhendong King Lu Mingyang, but only because of the two great variables of Yinhu and Judge.

Therefore, Yan Rongdao refused to accept it. He felt that he would never lose to Lu Mingyang in terms of using troops.

What's more, the current him has broken through to the sixth realm level, and his single-body combat power is far above Lu Mingyang.

But no matter how dissatisfied Yan Rongdao was in his heart, looking at the routed army, he had to admit that he had lost this battle, at least he had lost the head-on battle outside Tianyang City.

Next, even if Yan Rongdao could escape back to Tianyang City, he could only defend the city, and he would never dare to fight with the army of Zhendong Prince's Mansion again.

As far as the single unit is concerned, he is more than one step weaker.

"Attack the top of Tianyang City, let's say these words again!"

Yan Rongdao, who stared at Lu Mingyang for a long time, finally just said this sentence softly, and then turned around and swept into the city wall without too much muddling.

"Raise the drawbridge and close the city gate!"

Yan Rongdao's voice came from inside the east gate of Tianyang City, which stunned the Yan's army that was still retreating towards the moat outside. Was he abandoned?
To be honest, less than half of Yan's soldiers had withdrawn into Tianyang City at this moment, and these people were originally closer to the east gate of Tianyang City. After the retreat order was issued, they would naturally be able to withdraw into Tianyang City faster.

"They...are all elites of the Yan family lineage!"

And when everyone realized this, more aggrieved and angry burst out instantly, and some soldiers even cursed loudly.

It seems that Yan Rongdao put the Yan family's elite at the rear as early as the beginning of the formation, and let those miscellaneous soldiers who were not directly related to the Yan family be the vanguard, trying to block the first wave of soldiers from the Zhendong Palace army.

To put it bluntly, the Tianyang City army that was closer to the army of Zhendong Palace in front of the army was the cannon fodder used to wear down the spirit of the army of the Palace. Yan Rongdao really didn't care about the death of these generals.

Of course, with Yan Rongdao's arrangement, he never thought of withdrawing to the city.

He wanted to wear down the spirit of the Zhendong Palace army, and then his Yan family's elite would charge out in one fell swoop to secure the victory of this battle.

Unexpectedly, today's accident came suddenly, and the Yan family's army was defeated in an instant. This allowed Yan Rongdao to withdraw the Yan family's elite back to the city as soon as possible.

Since most of the elite of the Yan Clan have withdrawn to Tianyang City, how could Yan Rongdao take care of the life and death of those miscellaneous troops, if the army of Zhendong Prince's Mansion took the opportunity to attack the city, it would be the end of the world.

Ka Ka Ka!
Under Yan Rongdao's order, the huge suspension bridge connecting the two ends of the moat was slowly raised, causing the soldiers behind who hadn't boarded the bridge to look desperate and extremely angry.

"Da Sima, do you really ignore us?"

Commander Wan of a Four Realms Martial Artist shouted, and then saw a familiar figure appearing on the wall of the east gate of Tianyang City, it was Da Sima Yan Rongdao.

It's just that Yan Rongdao was expressionless at the moment, and turned a blind eye to the shouts of the Commander Wan. This undoubtedly cut off the last hope of the miscellaneous soldiers below.

"Disarm and don't kill!"

Especially when the shouts of the army of Zhendong Prince's Mansion came from behind, the soldiers of the miscellaneous army outside the city no longer had the slightest fighting spirit in their hearts.

Because they know that if they resist in the corner, the final result is only one word of death.

"Let's drop!"

The Wan Fu who shouted out just now had a dejected face. He had never been so disappointed like this moment. The Yan family's chief Sima whom he wholeheartedly supported turned out to be just a despicable villain who only cared about his own lineage.


When one person took the lead in throwing down the weapon, a chain reaction started in an instant. In an instant, the Yan family's army of more than 20 people outside the city had no fighting spirit at all, and could only be recruited by the Zhendong Prince's Mansion.

Yan Rongdao on the top of the city had already expected this, and he did not rely on the 20 miscellaneous troops. The elite Yan family who withdrew to Tianyang City was his last trump card.

stomping on...

The army of Zhendong Prince's Mansion cleaned up the mess under the city in an orderly manner, while Lu Mingyang rode his horse forward until he reached the bank of the moat, and then he stopped his horse and raised his head.

Above the city wall, Grand Sima Yan Rongdao lowered his eyebrows and slanted his eyes; below the city wall, King Lu's Zhendong raised his head and chest.

The two eyes were intertwined, even if they didn't speak, it seemed as if a spark had splashed.

"Yan Rongdao, you are at the end of your road!"

After staring at each other for a long while, Lu Mingyang finally shouted loudly, and the hundreds of thousands of troops behind him raised their heads in unison, with unparalleled momentum.

Relatively speaking, although the soldiers of the Yan family on the city wall were condescending, they seemed to be a head short. They didn't know what the end of waiting for them would be.

Even if there are more than 20 elite Yan clans in Tianyang City, there are almost 80 to [-] enemy troops outside the city!
And looking at the faces of the soldiers who had just been recruited by the palace, each one was filled with righteous indignation, even the elite of the Yan family felt a sense of sadness.

At that moment of desperation, will Da Sima even choose to abandon them, the Yan family's elite?
"Lu Mingyang, as King of Zhendong, you should know how wide the moat of Tianyang City is and how high the city wall is. Do you really think you can conquer the top of Tianyang City?"

There wasn't much fear on Yan Rongdao's old face, but hearing him speak with eloquence gave the Yan family's elite a lot of confidence, and this might be the only advantage they could rely on.

With the moat tens of feet wide and the city wall of Tianyang tens of feet high, no one in King Zhendong's army could fly, so how could it be possible to attack Tianyang City?
"Then wait and see!"

Lu Mingyang did not refute this, but after hearing his words, he did not attack the city immediately, but ordered the army to set up camp on the spot.

All of a sudden, there were tents outside the east gate of Tianyang City, which gave the soldiers of Tianyang City a strong sense of oppression.

Yan Rongdao personally sits at the East Gate. He knows that after the defeat, only he can hold back the 20 army. Once he leaves, some unexpected changes may happen.

But in today's battle, Yan Rongdao suffered heavy losses. Not only half of the soldiers will be recruited by the army of the palace, but even Yan Rongli is dead, so the head of the Yan family can only defend the city.

In fact, Tianyang City does not only have the east gate, but neither Lu Mingyang nor Yan Rongdao intends to go to the other three gates, and I don't know if there is some obsession in their hearts.

Tianyang City is the capital of the country, if the Yan family withdraws, it will be a real and complete failure. From then on, the ambition to dominate Xuanyang country may no longer have anything to do with them.

Yan Rongdao could also guess that the reason why Lu Mingyang didn't attack the city immediately was because he was afraid that there would be spies arranged by the Yan family among the miscellaneous troops that had just been recruited. If there was a fire in the rear during the attack, it would be a catastrophe.

"Father, father, are you going to attack the city?"

The people above the city wall were panicked, but such a voice suddenly came out from the army tents below, causing everyone to turn their attention to the place where the sound came from.

Seeing this, many people's eyes were full of contempt, because they all recognized immediately that the person who yelled was Lu Xun, the second son of the palace.

As for the second son of the palace, except for a few people, almost no one knows his real background. In their eyes, this is a second generation ancestor who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

When the army of the Wangfu attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold, you, the second son of the Wangfu, disappeared. Now that you have attacked Tianyang City, the final decisive battle is about to start, but you, Lu Xun, appear. work?

(End of this chapter)

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