low-key is king

Chapter 20 You Say It Doesn't Count!

Chapter 20 You Say It Doesn't Count!

"What more evidence do you need? We all heard it with our own ears in Tiandu Tower today. Do you still want to deny it?"

Although the concubine has held a high position for so many years, she seldom experienced such intrigue, so how could she be Cao Song's opponent.

Hearing what she said, Lu Xun couldn't help but shook his head. The third wife, mother and son over there had playful eyes, and Cao Song, who was the person involved, even had a sneer on his face.

"Hey, your so-called witnesses, one is the princess's precious son, and the other is your maid, how can they be witnesses?"

Cao Song's sneer followed, as if he had been greatly wronged, he heard him say: "Princess, I don't know where Cao offended you. If you want to slander me like this, the current Zhendong Palace doesn't even make sense. Stop talking?"

"Cao is not talented. Although he is only a fourth-rank doctor, but I ask myself that in the past ten years, I have done nothing but hard work to the palace. Doesn't the princess do this to make everyone in the palace feel insecure and cold?"

As a monk of the four realms, Cao Song's eloquence is excellent. In just a few words, he described the princess as an ungrateful person, and even a hard-working fourth-rank doctor like him couldn't tolerate him.

At this moment, there are more and more people around the palace, such as the private soldiers of the palace brought by Lu Dai, all of them are angry.

The current Zhendong Prince's Mansion is indeed no longer the former Zhendong Prince's Mansion.

"Sister Wangfei, my sister thinks that there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. The expulsion of Mr. Cao has to be discussed in the long run!"

The words of the third wife, Yan Ruoxia, were full of needles. The hidden meaning was that the princess's mind was messed up, and her behavior was no longer in accordance with common sense.

"Sister Wangfei, the prince is unconscious now, if Mr. Cao is not in the palace, the prince will be seriously ill, what should we do?"

If Yan Ruoxia's previous words were just veiled accusations, then the latter words contained some threatening elements, which made it impossible for the princess to refute.

The premise of expelling Cao Song is to convince everyone that he has indeed betrayed the palace.

But as Cao Song said just now, the witnesses the princess sought were either her sons or her maids, how could they be used as evidence?
Everyone has seen what Cao Song has done these years, and now no one will be convinced that he will be expelled for no reason.

In fact, the real reason for this is the decline of the Zhendong Prince's Mansion. If it was in such a prosperous situation back then, who would dare to doubt the princess's words?
"Mr. Cao, please take care of the prince's illness!"

Seeing that the princess was silent, Yan Ruoxia nodded in satisfaction, and then turned her head to say this sentence, which made the princess raise her head instantly, with a hint of determination in her eyes.

"Okay, Cao Song can still stay in the palace for the time being, but... the prince's illness, I will find a solution, so I won't bother you!"

This is the bottom line of the princess. She knew that after Yan Ruoxia showed up, she might not be able to drive away Cao Song, but if she really wanted this unpredictable fourth-rank doctor to see the prince again, she would never agree.

The current princess, however, will no longer believe a word of Cao Song, and even has doubts about what she said before.

You said that the prince has only four days to live, so is it really only four days?
"Hey, Wangfei, the prince's illness can't be delayed. If something happens, can you bear the responsibility?"

Cao Song chuckled twice, and the words he said made many guards of the palace change their expressions.

If the prince really died, then the huge Zhendong Palace might really collapse.

"Sister Wangfei, Mr. Cao is right. He is a fourth-rank doctor and the only person who can save the prince's life. Do you have any selfish motives when you push back and forth like this?"

Yan Ruoxia's mind is a bit more careful than Cao Song's, and this remark is a heart-breaking remark, which means that if the prince is dead, isn't the Zhendong Prince's House dominated by your concubine's family?

In fact, in the current Zhendong Palace, the third wife, mother and son are the ones who have the most power, but the princess is still the hostess of the Zhendong Palace. After the death of the prince, she naturally becomes the first person to issue orders.

Many discerning people can see the subtlety of this, but because of their different identities, Yan Ruoxia can only let Yan Ruoxia talk nonsense here, and the princess is at a loss for words for a while.

Now people don't believe that Cao Song has betrayed the palace, but she only wants to prevent Cao Song from seeing a doctor for the prince. If there is no selfishness, no one will understand.

"Princess, the Zhendong Palace is not your Zhendong Palace alone, and the prince is not your prince alone. The Wangfu is in trouble, and the Wangye is the only hope for the Wangfu to rise again. I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration, and don't let it happen because of your own. Selfishness, and ruined the last hope of Zhendong Palace!"

At this moment, Yan Ruoxia had already controlled all the initiative, and even omitted the word "sister". After these righteous and stern words came out, many people cast contemptuous glances at the princess.

"Sister Ruoxia is right, the palace is the prince's palace, it's not someone's speech!"

Just when the atmosphere was quite tense, a female voice suddenly came, attracting everyone's attention. After seeing it, their expressions suddenly became more exciting.


No one would be unfamiliar with the person who spoke. Speaking of which, his identity was higher than that of the third lady Yan Ruoxia. She was Xu Fengyi, the side concubine of the palace, a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman.

The arrival of the side concubine Xu Fengyi undoubtedly made today's situation a bit more complicated, and also made the princess frowned involuntarily.

After all, what Xu Fengyi said just now seemed to favor Yan Ruoxia.

"Why is sister Xu here?"

Yan Ruoxia remained calm. In fact, she had never paid attention to the side concubine of the palace. Her real enemy was only the concubine.

"The palace is so big, and there is a lot of movement here. Even if I don't want to hear it, I can't just ignore it, right?"

Xu Fengyi first gave a blessing to the princess, and then turned her gaze to Yan Ruoxia. These few words were somewhat teasing, which also eased the tense atmosphere in the venue a lot.

"Since sister Xu is here, let's discuss it together. For no reason, sister Wangfei will expel Mr. Cao from the palace. Isn't that unreasonable?"

Yan Ruoxia took the lead and put a big hat on the concubine's head first, and she also believed that this side concubine Xu Fengyi, who had always only known love and affection, would not dare to confront her.

Upon hearing Yan Ruoxia's words, Li Hua couldn't help but said, "What is no reason, it's obviously him Cao Song..."

"The masters are talking, why do you interrupt?"

However, before Li Hua could finish her sentence, Yan Ruoxia let out a deep drink, swallowing the second half of her sentence in shock, and only then remembered that she was just a maid.

In fact, before the fall of the palace, Li Hua, the maid who entered the palace with the concubine from the Zhao family, had a high status. Even the two wives at that time had to give her some face.

It's a pity that things are different now, and Yan Ruoxia doesn't even pay attention to the princess. Li Hua interrupted at this time, isn't she asking for trouble, and it is reasonable to be scolded.

"Yan Ruoxia, Cao Song can stay in the palace, but I only have one request, he is not allowed to touch the prince again!"

The concubine was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party at this moment. After seeing her voice fell, she took a step back and used her body to block the entrance of the hall.

"Hey, it doesn't count if you said it!"

Yan Ruoxia was not intimidated by the other party's resoluteness, she turned her eyes and said, "Sister Xu is also here, so let's vote, the prince's wife is not the only princess!"

This time, Yan Ruoxia's reason was a bit too strong. Although the princess is nominally the first lady of Zhendong Palace, under the current situation, is her title of princess really useful?
When it comes to the life of the prince, it is no longer the private matter of the princess alone. In a small sense, it is the life and death of the head of the family. In a big sense, it is the life and death of the entire Zhendong Palace.

"Sister Xu, Mr. Cao is the chief physician of the palace. You can see what he has done these years. If you don't even believe such a person, then who else can we trust?"

Yan Ruoxia talked eloquently, which made Lu Xun extremely admired. This is really a woman with a sharp tongue, and she was really underestimated before.

"I choose to let Mr. Cao enter the palace to treat the prince!"

In the end, Yan Ruoxia made a conclusion with this sentence, and then she didn't care about the ugly princess Zhao Lijing over there, but stared at the concubine Xu Fengyi with burning eyes, she believed that the other party would not let her down.

At this time, no one cares about the attitude of the princess, it must be to refuse Cao Song to enter the palace to heal the prince, and the vote of the side concubine Xu Youyi is very important.

If the two wives agreed that Cao Song would treat King Zhendong's illness, it would be regarded as the concubine's objection, and Yan Ruoxia could force Lu Dai to control the concubine by force, and no one could say anything more.

Strictly speaking, this is the family affairs of King Zhendong, and it happens that there are three wives who can make decisions. In a two-on-one situation, it is indeed a good way to solve the problem.

"Xun... Xun'er!"

The princess's body trembled a little, she asked herself that she didn't have any deep friendship with the side concubine Xu Fengyi, given the current situation in the palace, this side concubine is very likely to fall to the side of the third wife Yan Ruoxia.

"Let's talk about it after a while, our Concubine Xu is no fool!"

Lu Xun's eyes flickered slightly, thinking about some observations at the dinner that day, and Xu Fengyi's performance after he arrived today, he has reason to believe that the other party is by no means as weak as he appears on the surface.

Lu Xun himself is a hideously low-key guy, so he is not too afraid of people like Cao Song and Lu Dai on the bright side.

The so-called biting dogs don't bark. Relatively speaking, he is more afraid of people like Yan Ruoxia and Xu Fengyi who are more powerful.

Because you don't know when they will suddenly jump out and bite you.

(End of this chapter)

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