low-key is king

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

"Submit, or die?"

Just as Song Chaoyun was thinking wildly, the emotionless voice of the black-clothed boy came over, giving him an extremely simple choice.

And this choice seems simple, but it is not easy for Song Chaoyun to make a decision in an instant.

But when Song Chaoyun was struggling, he suddenly felt the scarf around his neck gradually tightened a little bit, making him a little out of breath, and his heart sank.

"Dead, but nothing left!"

Song Chaoyun suddenly had a realization in his heart. To be honest, if it was more than ten years ago, he would not be afraid of death, and he would even do anything for Jinfengguo.

However, guarding outside this valley for more than ten years, without fighting for more than ten years, no matter how sharp the edges and corners are, they will be smoothed, even for a golden wind general like Song Chaoyun.

Or Song Chaoyun didn't want to die so inexplicably, he knew clearly that the other party was not joking with him, if he really didn't know how to praise, his neck would be strangled by the black cat in the next moment.


After a brief hesitation, Song Chaoyun squeezed out two words between his teeth, causing a satisfied smile to appear on the face of the boy in black.


Immediately afterwards, Song Chaoyun felt his neck loosen, allowing him to take a few breaths comfortably, only to feel that the air that can be seen everywhere on weekdays is so beautiful at this moment.

"Take it!"

Lu Xun stretched out his hand and touched his wrist, and then a green light flew towards Song Chaoyun. When he took a look at it, a bitterness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Poison pill!"

Song Chaoyun was quite knowledgeable, so he recognized it as a highly poisonous elixir at first sight.

He clearly knew that as long as he took this poison pill, he might have to serve Xuanyang for the rest of his life.

But people's fear of death, as long as it grows in the heart, it is impossible to wave it away. After a while, Song Chaoyun decisively chose the latter between desperately protecting the country and protecting himself wisely.

Seeing Song Chaoyun eat the poisonous pill, Lu Xun showed a satisfied smile again, thinking to himself that not all of the Golden Wind Nation are stubborn, there are always some people who cherish their lives.

"Do you know what I'm doing here?"

After subduing Song Chaoyun, Lu Xun really got to the point. Hearing his words, Song Chaoyun, who had guarded the valley for more than ten years, subconsciously thought of a possibility.

"Could it be for the sulfur mine here?"

It has to be said that Song Chaoyun's reaction was quite fast, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, thinking that the Xuanyang Shenji Battalion had been stationed in Ming City for two days and had not attacked Jinfeng Capital, he felt that he had discovered something big secret.

It's just that Song Chaoyun at this moment, even if he knows that Xuanyang Shenji Battalion is short of ammunition, he has no way to turn back now, and it is even more impossible to notify the Prime Minister of Jinfeng Capital.

Jinfeng Kingdom was really scared by the Xuanyang Shenji Battalion. Song Chaoyun knew clearly that even if he passed the news back to the capital of Jinfeng Kingdom, Fang Lun might not dare to go out to fight. Who knows if this is a trap?

Lu Xun nodded, talking to a smart person would save trouble, and the reason why he first came to subdue this General Jinfeng, who had just entered the fifth realm, naturally had his own purpose.

"What does the second son need to do?"

Song Chaoyun quickly corrected his attitude, calling himself the last general in front of the second son of Xuanyang, he was calling himself a general of Xuanyang, and this was his only way to survive.

"Gather your troops and attack the valley!"

And the words that came out of Lu Xun's mouth immediately made Song Chaoyun's body tremble, but he was not too surprised. Perhaps this was already in his expectation.

"I am determined to win the sulfur mines here. If the plan succeeds, you will survive. As for how many will die in the hands of those monsters, it depends on God's will!"

Lu Xun didn't care about Song Chaoyun's thoughts, and such straightforward words without muddled water made Song Chaoyun feel more at ease.

To cooperate with such a person, maybe you don’t need those extra thoughts, right?
"Second Young Master, that monkey has the strength to complete the Five Realms..."

Song Chaoyun hesitated to speak, he didn't have any scruples about the other valley monsters, but he was still a little apprehensive about the leader of the monsters in the valley.


Lu Xun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Leave that guy to me, you just charge and kill him!"

After the words fell, Lu Xun stood up, walked out of the tent, and said, "I want to see the movement within half a stick of incense, or your head will be gone, Song Chaoyun!"


As Lu Xun's voice fell, the black cat on Song Chaoyun's shoulder also let out a cooperating cry.

Although the voice was soft, it sounded like a bolt from the blue to his ears, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, and went to arrange the attack by himself.

Lu Xun didn't care how much commotion Song Chaoyun's order would cause in the entire team of thousands of people. His own biggest goal was only the monster clan who had reached five realms.

As for subduing this thousand-man team, firstly, they don't want them to cause trouble, and secondly, after taking down the sulfur mine, someone needs to mine veins. Lu Xun doesn't have so much time to spend here.


It had to be said that Song Chaoyun's efficiency was quite high. In less than half a stick of incense, there were shouts of killing outside the valley, and then there seemed to be some movement in the valley.


"Scorpion, go see what's going on!"

In the depths of the valley, in front of a huge cave, there is also a huge figure, which seems to be a monkey-shaped monster.

As he uttered human words, a huge creature not far away nodded its huge head.

The main body of the monkey-shaped monster clan is a violent fire ape. The most powerful thing is the fire attribute breath, and its temper is also extremely violent.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be able to suppress the many monster races in this huge valley.

The place where the fire apes with perfect five realms like to stay is actually near those active volcanoes, which will bless their fire attribute power.

It's just that the small countries like Jinfeng Xuanyang are located near the sea, so naturally there won't be any volcanoes, so the firestorm ape chose this special place with sulfur veins.

There is also a special fire attribute in the sulfur mine, and compared to the magma in the volcano, it is a bit more peaceful, and it is a bit less dangerous to absorb.

During this period of time, Storm Fire Ape had a vague feeling that as long as he absorbed a certain amount of sulfur gas, he might be able to hit the sixth realm level and become a real six realm great monster.

But at this time, those human beings outside who had not moved for more than ten years suddenly started to move, and even made a big fuss.

This made him quite annoyed, and finally he couldn't help but walked out of the cave.

The ground scorpion ordered by the fire ape is a huge scorpion-like monster. Its black tail hook emits a special faint black light, which is extremely poisonous at first glance.

The ground scorpion with perfect four realms also possesses extremely strong and highly poisonous poison. In the eyes of Storm Fire Ape, even against the human general who has just entered the fifth realm, he should have the strength to fight, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Are these hateful humans really crazy?"

Hearing the constant shouts of killing, and watching the scorpion's quick departure, a humanized ruthlessness appeared in his eyes, and he let out a deep drink.

You must know that for more than ten years, the human team of thousands outside and the monster race in the valley have never interfered with each other, and the fire ape has been practicing with peace of mind in order to break through to the level of the six-level monster.

Unexpectedly, at this critical juncture, those humans would not play their cards according to common sense, which made the violent ape angry, but also a little uneasy in his heart.

"Could it be for this sulfur vein?"

Storm Fire Ape thought a little too much when he thought about it, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a stern roar in his ears, which made his eyes tremble slightly. He was not unfamiliar with this sound at all.

There are three generals under Storm Fire Ape, all of whom have reached the perfection of the four realms, and the roar at this moment came from the mouth of one of the demon clansmen who had attained the perfection of the four realms.

"Hmph, Song Chaoyun, even if you are a five-level martial artist, you still don't want to invade the hinterland of my valley!"

It seems that this man is quite confident in the strength of his three generals, especially the earth scorpion, which is so poisonous that even he is quite afraid, let alone a human martial artist.

"It seems that old man Ning of Jinfeng Kingdom can't bear it anymore, he must break through to the sixth realm as soon as possible!"

The mind of the Fire Monkey Clan is considered to be the best in the entire Monster Clan. He has been in the Golden Wind Kingdom for many years, so he has naturally heard of the talented and generous King of the Golden Wind Kingdom.

The monster clan is irritable by nature, if it wasn't for the lack of strength, how could the violent ape be afraid of the King of Jinfeng, which is why he has swallowed his anger for many years.

But for that King of Jinfeng, how could someone else be allowed to sleep soundly next to the couch, let alone a monster sleeping soundly.

In Huohuoyuan's view, Ning Taiping couldn't help but want to attack him, and he wanted to solve this hidden danger before he broke through to the six-level monster.

In this way, Storm Fire Ape felt even more urgent to break through to the sixth realm.

He didn't care about Song Chaoyun alone, but if Ning Taiping, a strong man in the sixth realm, came in person, how would he resist?

The thought turned in his mind, and the fire ape no longer cared about the surrounding battles, but when he just turned around and wanted to return to the cave to absorb the sulfur gas, his blood-red eyes suddenly froze.

It has to be said that this Violent Ape, who is about to break through to the Great Monster of the Sixth Realm, has a very keen sensory ability. When he turned his head, he immediately saw a figure in black standing on a boulder not far away.

"who are you?"

The blood-red eyes of the violent ape stared at the black-clothed figure, and the other's face was covered with a hideous mask. He was far away in the Golden Wind Country, but he had never heard of any killer judge.

This is a powerful monster from the five realms, but even with his sensing ability, he couldn't sense how that person appeared here, which is a bit intriguing.

(End of this chapter)

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