low-key is king

Chapter 270 Five Lines of Body Quenching

Chapter 270 Five Elements Quenching Body
Poo tom!

Lu Xun, who was trying to support himself just now, saw Nie Tong's body fall to the ground, and Xuan Jing's figure disappeared into the distance, finally couldn't help but sat down on the ground, and almost fainted directly.

Lu Xunqiang didn't faint with that breath because he couldn't faint.

After all, there is still a flaming ape with perfect five realms here, even if that guy has been scared out of his wits, he dare not even run away.

Speaking of which, the Fire Ape hadn't recovered from the accident just now, how could the killer judge who was about to be captured alive suddenly turn defeat into victory in a blink of an eye?
Violent Fire Ape is a demon clan with perfect five realms, and his sensing ability is naturally extremely good. At this moment, he can clearly sense that both the judge and the black cat look extremely weak.

But even if he borrowed the courage of the violent ape, he didn't dare to have any wrong thoughts at this time. Even the weak black cat gave him an extremely terrifying feeling.

"Fire Ape, go...go kill that guy named Nie Tong!"

Lu Xun was dizzy for a while, but he managed to raise his hand and pointed to the place where Nie Tong fell. There were so many weeds that he couldn't even see Nie Tong's figure.

But Lu Xun was really afraid that Nie Tong would have something behind him. If he came back to his senses and saw his appearance, with his shrewdness, he wouldn't be as "simple" as Violent Ape.

However, after Lu Xun finished speaking, the blood-red eyes of the violent ape were flickering, which made him slightly startled, but his pale face remained calm.

"Fire Ape, don't you think that I, or this big monster, don't even have the strength to kill you?"

Lu Xun's tone was a little weak, as if he was pretending to be like this on purpose, but it was like this, which made the Violent Ape tremble, and then felt a sharp gaze projected towards him.


Huohuoyuan didn't have much fear of Lu Xun, but he was really afraid of that big monster black cat, which is a peerless big monster that can kill the powerhouse of the six realms with one blow.

Yaozu's mind is actually quite simple, that is, whoever has the biggest fist is the big brother.

At this moment, the big black cat monster looks weak, who knows if he will directly kill him, a disobedient fire ape, in anger?

The hierarchy among the monster clan is extremely strict. Take the Sulfur Valley as an example, no one has ever dared to challenge the authority of the Fire Ape.

Because none of the Yaozu felt that they could beat the Violent Fire Ape.

Seeing the figure of the violent ape rushing there, Lu Xun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then turned his gaze to the big monster, and immediately saw a trace of resentful gaze projected towards him.

"You are too weak!"

When the big demon's disdainful voice came into Lu Xun's mind, it made him extremely helpless. He has become like this, can't you say a few words of comfort?
However, Lu Xun also knew that if he was stronger, the big monster would be able to borrow even more powers of transformation. Just taking care of a few six-level guys might not make both of them so weak at all.

"Hey, I don't know when I will be able to break through to the fifth realm!"

Thinking of this, Lu Xun felt a little melancholy again. It has been a while since his martial artist cultivation has been stuck in the five realms, and as for the cultivation of qi, he is still only a small success in the four realms.

"Now is an opportunity!"

When Lu Xun's voice just fell, a familiar voice suddenly came out of his body. It was not the sound transmission of the big monster, but the brother who spoke suddenly, which made his eyes light up.

"Lu Xun, you have been practicing the Eternal Reincarnation Jue for a while, do you know how a monk breaks through to the middle five realm?"

The brother's voice continued to come, which made Lu Xun stunned for a moment. Just now he was talking about how to break through to the fifth level, but now he suddenly transferred to the middle fifth level. Does he have to learn to walk before he learns to crawl?

"It seems that it is possible to temper the body with the five elements, so that the physical body tends to a balanced state, right?"

It's not that Lu Xun is ignorant, but regarding cultivation, the elder brother is actually his master. This statement was figured out by himself, so it can only be regarded as a half-knowledge.

"In general, it is correct, but you should know that the body tempered by the five elements can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses. Different body tempered objects have great differences in the strength of the cultivation foundation!"

The brother talked eloquently: "The cultivation of the lower five realms is actually a process of laying the foundation. Whether it is body training or Qi training, the most fundamental thing is to make this body stronger."

"The so-called five-element tempering is to find the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements, and the quality difference should not be too large, otherwise it will lead to imbalance, and eventually you will never be able to enter the middle five realms!"

Senior brother's words already touched on some of the fundamentals of cultivation, and it gave Lu Xun some insight. Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned to the cave behind him, and he smelled a strong smell of sulfur in his nose.

"There is an extremely powerful fire attribute in the sulfur ore vein. I think this sulfur ore vein may have been more than ten thousand years old. If you can find a sulfur crystal in it, then your fire attribute body quenching thing will not be used. Worry!"

The brother said what he really thought, and said in the next moment: "But you have to think about it, sulfur crystal is an excellent quenching thing, after you use it to quench your body, the other four elements in the future must be in harmony with it." The match, at least the quality can't differ too much!"

Lu Xun generally understood what his brother meant, that is to say, in order to break through to the middle five realms, the body tempered by the five elements must be balanced, and the body tempered by the five elements is the most important thing.

For example, if you use sulfur crystals to refine the fire attribute, but next time you find a random pond to refine the water attribute, then the water and fire will not be able to interact with each other, and if your body is in balance, you will not be able to break through to the middle five realms. .

This is actually a dilemma. After all, there are only so many treasures of the Five Elements in the world. It is impossible for you to be so lucky every time and find similar treasures for tempering.

Take sulfur crystals as an example, maybe a huge sulfur vein may not be able to form a piece in ten thousand years, this is a rare treasure in the eyes of the senior brother.

Lu Xun knew how high-minded his senior was. He refined so many high-grade pills, or high-grade weapons, which were just rubbish in the eyes of his senior, but now he respected this sulfur crystal so much.

This time I was lucky, but next time, can I meet other four-element quenching things like sulfur crystals?
The reason is that this is only the outermost part of Qingxuan Tianxia, ​​even if you go to the capital of the Daxuan Dynasty, it is still on the periphery.

The real treasures are actually in the hands of those powerful fairy gates on the mountain.

For a moment, Lu Xun hesitated. He knew that the sulfur crystal was a treasure, but he couldn't guarantee that his other four elements were also treasures.

If you really can't find a matching treasure at that time, using sulfur crystals to temper the fire attribute will become a burden instead.

In that case, it will instead hinder Lu Xun's breakthrough, and may even allow him to stay for a long time when the five realms are complete.

Sometimes, luck is also a kind of strength.

"Hey, the sulfur crystal is a good thing. If you really find the sulfur crystal this time and use it to temper the fire body, you can certainly improve your Qi refining cultivation level. The martial artist's cultivation base breaks through to the fifth realm, which is almost a certainty!"

Just when Lu Xun was a little tangled, the slightly seductive voice of the senior in his body came out again, which made him startled for a moment, and then those tangled things disappeared in an instant.

It has been a long time since Lu Xun has been trapped as a perfect martial artist in the four realms, and he has never been able to find an opportunity to break through. Now that he finally has such an opportunity, how can he miss it?

"Hmph, I'm the only genius who has practiced the Art of Reincarnation. How can I use those rubbish things to temper the body of the five elements?"

The next moment, Lu Xun snorted coldly, which made the senior brother in his body quite satisfied.

The Eternal Reincarnation Jue is the number one skill in the world, if it cannot be tempered with the top five elements, then it is really a fly in the ointment.

"Sentence... Lord Judge!"

While Lu Xun was talking with his senior in secret, a slightly hesitant voice suddenly entered his ears, and when he turned his head, he immediately saw the slightly embarrassed eyes of Violent Ape.

"Where's Nie Tong's body?"

Lu Xun stared at the empty hands of the violent ape, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a cold voice, he knew that the more he was like this, the less the other party would see his weakness.

You must know that the six-level monk of the Daxuan Dynasty is also Xuanjing's confidant, and there must be many good things in his mustard bracelet, at least for Xuanyang Kingdom, it is definitely a huge wealth.

"No... no more!"

Hearing the judge's cold voice, Huo Huo Yuan's face became even more ugly, but he could only bite the bullet and tell the truth, which made Lu Xun's face under the mask even more gloomy.

"It's gone? How come it's gone? The majestic monster of the five realms can't even deal with a seriously injured human monk?"

This time Lu Xun was really a little angry. He could clearly sense that Nie Tong was seriously injured by the blow of the big monster, and it was not impossible for him to even pass out.

But why didn't this violent fire ape who had completed the five realms fail to catch the opponent? Could it be that there was something about that guy that he didn't know?

"I... I didn't find him!"

Huohuoyuan felt aggrieved, but he could only tell the truth. He rushed over excitedly just now, but there was no sign of Nie Tong, as if the seriously injured six-level monk had just evaporated from the world.

"Forget it, forgive him for not daring to come back!"

Things have come to this point, Lu Xun can only accept this result, and he and the big monster are extremely weak, naturally it is impossible to find it in person, it may reveal a flaw, and let the fire ape think something.

As for Nie Tong, a great cultivator of the sixth realm, Lu Xun believes that if he can really break through to the level of a martial artist of the fifth realm, there is no need to be too afraid, and he will just kill him next time he encounters it.

As soon as these thoughts turned in his mind, Lu Xun's gaze turned to the Violent Fire Ape the next moment, making the Great Demon of the Five Realms tremble, and he secretly guarded himself.

(End of this chapter)

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