low-key is king

Chapter 291 I have doubled the gold wind country!

Chapter 291 I have doubled the gold wind country!
"Judge, are you confused? Just relying on this thing, can you hurt this old man?"

Gu Tiancheng is a majestic master of martial arts, so how can he be really afraid of this crap like a stick of fire, let alone he is the main attack at this moment.

Hearing Gu Tiancheng's confident words, this is what Lu Xun wanted.

If it wasn't for such a surprise, if it wasn't for such a short distance, it would be really difficult for him to hurt this six-level master.

In fact, Gu Tiancheng was not defenseless, his palm was covered with a thick layer of aura, which was the power of a six-level Dacheng martial artist, and it was also an extremely powerful defensive method.

No matter how you look at it, Gu Tiancheng is very similar to Chang Ju back then, and their end is destined to be exactly the same.

As for Fang Lun and others, they naturally had the same idea as Gu Tiancheng.

If a martial artist who has just entered the fifth realm can injure the life of a grand master of the sixth realm with a single weapon, that would be a true fantasy.

Under the gaze of everyone, a loud noise finally came out, and then they all saw a strong flame coming out from the muzzle of the god-killing machine in the judge's hand.

Except for Yuan Huo, no one would think that the shooting of this god-killing machine could break Gu Tiancheng's defense, including Guan Xu and Yu Mingzhao on Xuanyang's side.

Lu Xun is a special god-killing machine specially made for himself. The materials used are all top-notch, and there is a special mechanism technique that is unknown to outsiders.

Even if it is Yu Mingzhao, a sixth-rank mechanism master, without Lu Xun's guidance and putting all the materials of the God Killing Machine in front of him, he would not be able to assemble such a powerful God Killing Machine.

But both Yu Mingzhao and Guan Xu now have a kind of blind confidence in Lu Xun, because they believe that as long as that guy makes a move, he will never fight an uncertain battle.


When the moment came, Yu Mingzhao, the strongest monk of the sixth realm, saw a bright red flower of blood emerging from the palm of Gu Tiancheng who was shot at the first sight.
The next moment, everyone could clearly see that Gu Tiancheng's right palm was blown out with a big bloody hole.

However, the bullet blade fired by the God Killing Machine directly passed through his palm, and then hit his shoulder.

Sure enough, as expected by Lu Xun and Yuan Huo, what Gu Tiancheng encountered at this moment was exactly the same as that in the Sulfur Valley back then, even the ballistic trajectory after penetrating the palm was exactly the same.


After a slightly weird voice came out, another spray of blood appeared, and then everyone saw Gu Tiancheng's right shoulder burst open suddenly, which looked extremely bloody.


Even if Gu Tiancheng was already dying, even if he was infinitely close to death, he couldn't bear it at all at this moment, and let out a scream of earth-shattering, which was exactly the same as the usual routine back then.

A person like Gu Tiancheng is extremely afraid of death, otherwise he would not have chosen to retreat 30 years ago. At this moment, he undoubtedly felt the threat of death.

The civil servants and military generals of the other Jinfeng Kingdom had been stunned for a long time, and a deep fear that followed gradually spread to their hearts and minds, and all of them were ashamed.

The former Patriarch of the Gu family, a master of the six realms, is their only hope. As long as Gu Tiancheng can win, then today's Golden Wind City may not have a chance to defend.

But now, a killer judge who has just entered the fifth realm, holding a special god-killing machine in his hand, unexpectedly abolished one of Gu Tiancheng's arms, causing his strength to drop instantly.

Originally, Gu Tiancheng was able to fight on par with the two big six-level powerhouses, and even had a slight upper hand, but after that gunshot, everything became a thing of the past.

"how can that be?"

Not to mention the dumbfounded civil servants and generals on the side of Jinfeng Country, even the powerhouses on the side of Xuanyang Country were also dumbfounded at this moment.

Especially Yu Mingzhao, there is still a trace of resentment in his dull eyes.

"Can the power of the God Killing Machine reach such a level?"

This is the real reason for Yu Mingzhao's emotion.

The god-killing machine he was in charge of assembling before could only hurt fourth- and fifth-level martial artists at most. Facing the defensive power of sixth-level martial artists, even if they were hit on the body, it would not be painful.

At that time, Lu Xun once demonstrated the power of the God Slaughter Machine by Ren Yu Mingzhao, and it was true that under one blow, a small crack was blasted into the skeleton of the mechanism, which shocked him to heaven.

But on the one hand, the frame of the organ stood still, and did not resort to any defensive means; on the other hand, Yu Mingzhao also knew that the God Killing Machine was probably the most high-end one.

However, at this moment today, what Yu Mingzhao saw was another fact that he did not want to accept.

If the God-killing Machine is really so powerful, then what kind of strength do they have to practice, a weapon in each hand can pose a fatal threat to the strong of the middle five realms, this is simply unbelievable.

May I ask a monk in the fifth level, would he have the slightest precautions when facing an ordinary person?
And at such a time, if the ordinary person took out a god-killing machine from his bosom, and hit the six-level cultivator by surprise, wouldn't he be able to achieve the heaven-defying feat of an ordinary person against the six-level monk?

Yu Mingzhao thought a little too far, and the more he thought about it, the further he went.

What he can be sure of is that if the power of the killing machine can continue to expand, it may have a profound impact on the structure of the cultivation world.

"How did such a powerful God Killing Machine be made?"

As a sixth-rank mechanism master, Yu Mingzhao was shocked at this moment, but at the same time felt a little itchy. This was an obsession with mechanism techniques.

He suddenly realized that he still knew little about Lu Xun. When you feel that you know the second son of the palace well enough, the other party will give you a new surprise.

To say that the most calm person in the field was Yuan Huo, the violent ape who had witnessed this scene before. Looking at the stunned faces of the people on both sides, he had a sense of superiority that was unpredictable.

At the same time, Yuan Huo was also a little startled. He asked himself that his defensive power might not be much stronger than that of Gu Tiancheng. If he was hit by the bullets of the God Killing Machine, he would definitely end up in a more miserable end than Gu Tiancheng.

The entire south gate wall of Jinfeng City was silent, only Gu Tiancheng's screams resounded through the sky, but at the next moment, he finally forcibly held back the severe pain from his palms and shoulders.

"who are you?"

Gu Tiancheng stared at the judge with a bit of cruelty, which was a bit different from the Hidden Killer in his impression, and he even suspected that this person was deliberately pretending to be a Hidden Killer.

"As you can see, a killer with no emotions!"

Lu Xun really answered the other party's words, which made Yuan Huo almost laugh outright. When he saw Lu Xun for the first time, the other party seemed to introduce himself in this way.

"No, you are not, the killer of the Hidden Killing Society will not help a small country like Xuanyang like this!"

Gu Tiancheng stopped the blood gushing out from his palms and shoulders, and shook his head slightly, but it just made Guan Xu and the others sneer.

"Old man, are you confused? Who said that people from Xuanyang Kingdom can't become hidden killers?"

Lu Xun sneered, which was also the reason for Guan Xu and the others' faces.

The killers of the Hidden Killing Society can be anyone, and there is no rule that they cannot be from the Xuanyang country, and no one stipulates that they cannot help the Xuanyang country.

What's more, even if the killers of the Hidden Killing Society are not from Xuanyang country, as long as you can afford the price, you can let the other party take action, but they may not be as dedicated to Xuanyang country as Lu Xun is.

Once the task is impossible, they may give up the task in an instant.

Just like the Hidden Assassination Society of Tianyang City back then, after failing to assassinate Lu Mingyang twice in a row, they chose to return the reward to the Yan family.

For such a simple truth, Gu Tiancheng seems to have been closed for a long time, and because he was suddenly seriously injured, he couldn't react for a while, and the judge seized the opportunity to forcefully mock him.

"Okay, even if you are the killer of the Hidden Assassination Society!"

Gu Tiancheng, who knew that it was impossible to refute the other party, obviously could only accept this fact, but after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "How much high-grade gold beads did you spend for the Xuanyang Kingdom? My Golden Wind Kingdom paid double! "

As soon as Gu Tiancheng said this, the city wall of Jinfeng South Gate became even quieter, and Guan Xu and the others' faces became extremely strange, because they all knew who the judge was.

If this is really a five-star assassin of the Hidden Assassin Society, or a real assassin who assassinated the Golden Wind guards in other cities, then Gu Tiancheng's words may still have some effect.

The killers of the Hidden Killing Society kill people, isn't it all for money?If it is true that double the money can be earned, then they may not be reckless.

Of course, the premise is that the other party has something that can threaten him, such as self-explosion before dying, otherwise as long as he kills you, wouldn't everything on you be mine?
At this time, Gu Tiancheng clearly had no room to bargain with the judge. After he was seriously injured, he could no longer be the enemy of Yuan Huo and Yu Mingzhao, so why did the judge agree to his terms?

Taking a ten thousand step back, since Gu Tiancheng can offer double the price, doesn't it mean that he has more wealth in him, it is not difficult to choose whether to take double or all of it, right?
"You're going to die soon!"

Lu Xun also suppressed the smile in his heart, and said the slightly inexplicable words, but everyone understood the meaning of the words.

That's saying that everything on you, Gu Tiancheng, is my judge's spoils of war.


Yuan Huo over there had been prepared long ago, or maybe he had received Lu Xun's instruction, and suddenly rushed out at this moment, the fire attribute aura was extremely violent, and he knew his chance had come.

However, just as Yuan Huo rushed out and Yu Mingzhao started to cast spells, Gu Tiancheng also suddenly erupted with an extremely majestic aura, even a little chaotic.

"In that case, let's go to hell together!"

(End of this chapter)

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