low-key is king

Chapter 320: Are 2nd Realm Martial Artists So Fierce?

Chapter 320 Are Second Realm Martial Artists So Fierce?

"Father, mother, my daughter is unfilial, see you in the next life!"

At the moment when the sharp dagger was about to be pierced into the heart, two familiar figures appeared in Miss Zhao's mind, and she let out a mournful cry, and the speed in her hands suddenly accelerated a bit.

It seems that Miss Zhao's death has been decided, and she is afraid of being controlled by Mr. Hua Qian, so even if she misses this world very much, she dare not hesitate at this moment.

However, just when the point of Miss Zhao's dagger pierced her clothes, causing her to feel some stinging pain, she suddenly realized that she couldn't penetrate any more.

"It's over!"

For a moment, Miss Zhao's heart was full of despair. She thought that at the last moment, Mr. Hua Qian finally got ahead of her and controlled the movements of her hands.

"Oh, I've said it all, don't be so overwhelmed, it's not worth dying for such a person!"

Just when Miss Zhao's heart was ashamed, a slightly familiar and gentle voice came into her ears, causing her to open her eyes suddenly, and she saw a familiar figure.

"It's you? You...how do you..."

Miss Zhao's mind couldn't make a turn for a while. In her impression, this person was a second-level martial artist who was easily knocked out of the ring by herself just now.

"You... why would you save me? Go away!"

After reacting, Miss Zhao's family suddenly realized something, and she felt angry in her heart.

This guy is so reckless, not only can't he save anyone, but he will also get himself involved.

Do you really think that Mr. Hua Qian is so easy to talk to?

Just now you guys yelled in the audience, you have already offended Mr. Hua Qian, and now you dare to go to the ring, this is simply not knowing how to write dead words.

For a moment, Miss Zhao's family didn't even have time to think about how the other party could have such a fast speed, even Hua Qianjun had no time to stop her suicide, but was stopped by the other party's late arrival.

The person who suddenly appeared on the ring was naturally Yang Zhanyi.

He didn't expect that Mr. Hua Qian would have a third-grade spiritual robe on his body, otherwise he wouldn't have to do it himself.

After Miss Zhao's push, Yang Zhanyi didn't move at all, which made her quite anxious.

And this also satisfied Yang Zhanyi, secretly thinking that he had finally seen the right person, this Miss Zhao family really had a beautiful face and a kind heart.

"Hahaha, boy, you have done my young master a great favor this time!"

Jun Huaqian on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. After all, Yang Zhanyi's aura of a second-level martial artist was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and he could feel it clearly.

This veteran of flowers, obviously like Miss Zhao, ignored Yang Zhanyi's speed just now.

They subconsciously preconceived, thinking that this man is only a second-level martial artist, and his strength is not very good.

Mr. Huaqian is a genuine three-level perfect martial artist, how could he put a second-level martial artist in his eyes, in his opinion, this kid not only helped him a lot, but also sent him to his door on his own initiative.

"Master Hua, right? You are not worthy of Miss Zhao's family, so go back where you came from!"

Yang Zhanyi reached out and snatched the dagger from Miss Zhao's hand, and caressed that tender little hand by the way.

At this time, Miss Zhao's family didn't care about being taken advantage of by this guy.

"You... you..., alas, that's all, that guy probably won't let you go!"

Ms. Zhao's family hated that iron could not be made into steel, but for some reason, this second-level martial artist was able to stand up and help her in such a situation, which moved her a little.

"Boy, if you don't take the way to heaven, you will go to hell if you don't have a way!"

Mr. Hua Qian was also completely enraged by Yang Zhanyi's words. Doesn't this mere second-level martial artist know what kind of existence he is talking to?

"Reincarnation in the next life, remember to make your tricks brighter!"

After Hua Qianjun's words fell, the aura of the perfect martial artist of the three realms burst out instantly, causing the third-rank spiritual robe to flutter, and everyone below was quite moved.

Originally, I thought that the person who dared to come on stage at this time was an extraordinary person, but I didn't expect it to be the guy who was kicked out of the ring by Miss Zhao's family just now.

This guy is quite courageous, but he just feels a little silly. How can you, a mere second-level martial artist, be able to afford the consequences of provoking Hua Qian-jun?
"Brother Lu Xun, this guy seems to talk more than me!"

Yang Zhanyi turned his gaze away, as if he didn't care about Hua Qianjun's aura at all, but after hearing his words, Lu Xun in the audience couldn't help but think of a line from a certain life.

"The villain died of too much talk!"

When Lu Xun blurted out these words, Yang Zhanyi on the stage almost burst out laughing. Even in this tense atmosphere, Miss Zhao's family felt relieved.

"I always feel like you're scolding me!"

Yang Zhanyi suppressed his smile, and looked suspiciously at Lu Xun in the audience. After all, he himself is a talkative person. Didn't Lu Xun's words mean himself?

And when Yang Zhanyi and Lu Xuntai were talking on and off the stage, Hua Qianjun's last trace of patience was undoubtedly wiped out, and he heard him snort angrily, and his whole body rushed towards the two of them .

"Those who don't know are so fearless!"

Seeing this, Yang Zhanyi shook his head helplessly. He actually gave Mr. Hua Qian a chance, but this guy was too stupid to hear or see how powerful he was, so he was doomed to be unlucky.


Sensing the majestic aura of Mr. Hua Qian, Miss Zhao's heart became anxious.

She thought that the guy in front of her was kicked out of the ring by herself just now, and she was obviously not as good as herself. If she took this blow, she might end up miserable.

Therefore, Miss Zhao family yelled and wanted to push Yang Zhanyi aside, but she didn't expect that after pushing Yang Zhanyi with all her strength, the other person's figure still didn't move at all, which made her a little puzzled.

Miss Zhao's family had fought against Yang Zhanyi just now, and she knew how much he weighed.

But now, she pushed with all her strength, but there was no push, which could explain some problems.

The next scene left Miss Zhao's family stunned. Yang Zhanyi, who was standing in front of him, only moved slightly, and then his bent right leg, hard knee, instantly pressed against Hua Qianjun's lower abdomen.

There was a loud noise, and the people below who saw this scene involuntarily clamped their thighs. They felt an inexplicable pain in their eggs for no reason.

Yang Zhanyi's head hit the vital point of Mr. Hua Qian, and someone even heard a broken sound.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Hua Qianjun's entire figure flying upside down, bowing into a prawn.

"Ah! My... my life..."

Hua Qianjun, who fell far away on the edge of the ring, was already in so much pain that he couldn't get up. Seeing him clutching his vitals, the scream in his mouth almost made everyone laugh out loud.

"This guy who has been in the flowers for many years and ruined so many women finally got his retribution!"

Looking at Mr. Hua Qian who was rolling all over the ground in pain, an elderly man couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion, which attracted the support of everyone around him. After all, there are still a lot of good people in this world.

Mr. Huaqian's notoriety is extremely great in this Hundred Flowers Country, but he is very clean, even the patrol team of Hundred Flowers Country can't get any handle on him.

At this moment, everyone felt a feeling of "it's not that they won't report, but it's just that the time hasn't come". This guy who has killed countless women has finally paid a heavy price.

"He... he... isn't he a second-level martial artist?"

And some other people with keen minds noticed the young man on the ring, and saw Yang Zhanyi standing quietly on the ring with his hands behind his back, with a special demeanor.

If it is said that Yang Zhanyi, a second-level martial artist who was defeated by Miss Zhao's family, was despised by many people, then they are no longer qualified to ridicule at this time.

How could it be possible for an existence that destroyed Mr. Hua Qian with just one kick? How could it be possible that it only had the cultivation level of a second-level martial artist? How could it be the jumping clown in the eyes of everyone just now?

Until this time, these people remembered what Yang Zhanyi said just now. It turned out that what this guy seemed to be joking was all true?
The five-short guy who was kicked out of the ring earlier also understood at this moment that he was defeated by Miss Zhao's family. It seemed that the other party was not lucky, but someone was secretly helping the other party.


Even those ordinary people were stunned, let alone Miss Zhao's family who was the person involved. She stared blankly at the back of the person in front of her, but didn't say a complete sentence in a daze.

"Miss Zhao, this is not considered a martial arts competition, right? Yang is just helping you get rid of an unsuitable person!"

Yang Zhanyi turned around with a smile on his face, but after he said this, for some reason, Miss Zhao's heart suddenly felt disappointed.

Originally, a guy who could easily crush even himself, suddenly turned into a great master. Even Hua Qianjun, a perfect martial artist of the three realms, is not his enemy.

Yang Zhanyi, who was a bit wretched before, now became more energetic in the eyes of Miss Zhao's family. Isn't she looking for such a romantic husband?
"You...you are not a second-level martial artist! Who are you?"

At this moment, Huaqian-jun, who managed to hold back the severe pain over there, barely got up from the ground, with a look of resentment on his face, suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone's ears pricked up.

Because they clearly know that there is no such young and amazing person in Peony City, or even in the entire Hundred Flowers Kingdom.

To be able to seriously injure Hua Qianjun with one blow, at least he is also a martial artist of the four realms, right?

"Who says I'm not a second-level martial artist?"

However, under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Yang Zhanyi asked such a question, which made them all mess up.

Are the martial artists of the second realm so fierce?

A martial artist of the second level can seriously injure a martial artist who is perfect in the third level with one move. He really thinks he is a fool, right?
(End of this chapter)

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