low-key is king

Chapter 327 Can't be so unlucky?

Chapter 327 Can't be so unlucky?
"Brother Lu Xun, you're back!"

The banquet in Baihua Hall was still going on, and when Yang Zhanyi saw Lu Xun walking into the hall, he greeted him.

After the farce at the beginning, nothing happened. The familiar Yang Zhanyi toasted everywhere, as if nothing happened at all.

Su Fenxiang was unwilling, and knew that it was impossible to do anything to Lu Xun. At least now, she would not let the strong men of Baihua Kingdom take action in front of everyone.

What Lu Xun did just now, these people naturally knew, seeing this guy enter the hall, Su Fenxiang frowned even tighter,
It seemed that even with such a long distance, that guy also had a smell of a latrine.


Lu Xun had no expression on his face, and let out a humming sound, and then sat down next to Lu Linger, which made Yang Zhanyi feel a little weird.

"This brother Lu Xun always feels a little different from before!"

It has to be said that Yang Zhanyi, a five-level monk, has quite good sensing ability, but no matter how he senses, he doesn't realize what's wrong.

What no one noticed was that the black cat that had been sleeping next to Lu Linger just now had disappeared at some point.

Even Yang Zhanyi didn't notice this.


The night is getting darker!
Somewhere outside the Baihua Guild Hall, a figure dressed in black was looming, and it looked like Lu Xun.

It turned out that Lu Xun took the opportunity of going to the latrine to bring the big demon out, and then let the big demon disguise himself as himself, and went back to the Baihua Hall to drink with everyone, while he himself escaped.

The big demon was transformed by the inner demon of Lu Xun's eternal reincarnation. It just likes to appear in the world in the form of a black cat, not to say that he can only be in this form.

When the big demon turned into Lu Xun's appearance, it can't be said that there is no connection, at least it is exactly the same, and almost no one can see the flaw.

He was originally Lu Xun's heart demon, no matter in appearance, movement, or breath, he was almost the same person.

Even if Lu Mingyang and his wife were here, if the big monster didn't talk much, they probably wouldn't be able to see the slightest clue.

Lu Xun's original plan was to let the big demon go directly to steal the essence of the hundred flowers, but after thinking about it, if the essence of the hundred flowers needs to be picked and absorbed by himself, wouldn't that be a waste of time?

And after picking, if the hundred flowers withered in a short time, then Lu Xun might feel like crying, so he finally decided to do it himself.

"The national strength of Hundred Flowers Country is not inferior to that of Golden Wind Country. There should be at least three or four powerful people in the sixth realm. It's probably impossible to just swagger in like this!"

Lu Xun looked down at his attire, and then murmured: "But if Princess Baihua returns to the palace, no one would dare to stop the investigation easily, right?"

Lu Xun, who has been reincarnated for hundreds of generations, will not stick to it. In order to achieve his own goals, he doesn't care whether he is a man or a woman.

In the next moment, he took out a fourth-grade spiritual robe from the mustard bracelet.

This is a perfect quality fourth-grade spiritual robe made by Lu Xun himself. Even the senior brother didn't say much. Besides the amazing defensive power, the biggest effect of this spiritual robe is that it can be changed at will.

I saw Lu Xun put the fourth-grade spiritual robe on his body, and with a thought, this spiritual robe turned into the brocade skirt on Su Fenxiang just now, shining brightly.

Lu Xun is naturally very good at changing makeup.

If he was pretending to be an ordinary woman who had never seen her face before, he might be a little embarrassed, but in the hall just now, he had already firmly remembered Su Fenxiang's appearance in his mind.

After some kneading, the shape of Lu Xun's face gradually changed, from a handsome man to a beautiful woman, who looked almost [-]% similar to Na Su Fenxiang.

When Lu Xun conjured up a wreath again and put it on top of his head, the rest of it disappeared, just like a princess of flowers.


Lu Xun adjusted his voice until he uttered the same female voice as Su Fenxiang, then shook his clothes in satisfaction, and walked towards the palace of Baihua Kingdom.

"Who... ah, it's Her Royal Highness!"

When Lu Xun came to the gate of the palace, the guards guarding the gate didn't see clearly at first, but when they recognized each other's appearance, they knelt down in fright and didn't even dare to raise their heads to take a look.

Nowadays, the female monarch of Baihua Kingdom is approachable, but her beloved Princess Baihua is cold-blooded and ruthless, and anyone who dares to disrespect her will end in a very miserable end.

Some legends are not a secret in the Hundred Flowers Palace, and these guards don't want to suffer the disaster because they didn't see clearly for a while, this is very possible.


Lu Xun put on a show, and let out a soft noise from his nose, that is, Pinpin Tingting went into the palace, leaving behind a few guards who dared not get up for a while, as if they hadn't recovered from the fear just now.

"Your Highness Princess, why is something different?"

After a long time, a guard boldly raised his head and did not see the figure of Her Highness the Princess. Then he stood up, with a touch of emotion in his tone.

"It's a little different, and he just let us go!"

The other guard also showed surprise on his face. You must know that he was the one who yelled the first sentence just now.

It is certainly not a serious crime to admit Her Highness the Princess wrongly, but that person is too moody, and no one knows what will happen to him.

"Speak less!"

An older guard had lingering fears. Seeing him look around, he yelled heavily, making the guard who had just spoken shut up quickly.

They still understand the truth that disaster comes from the mouth.

It's just that these guards didn't know that Her Royal Highness who swaggered into the palace in front of them just now was no longer the Princess they were familiar with.

I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for them?

"Is this map of the royal family of Baihua Kingdom bought from Tingxinlou reliable?"

Lu Xun, who had just entered the palace, did not go far, but took out a map from the mustard bracelet. This was the map of the royal family of Baihua Kingdom that he bought from Tingxinlou in Tianyang City.

Now that he knew he was coming to the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, it was impossible for Lu Xun to not prepare for anything. Even if he might not enter the Hundred Flowers Kingdom's palace, he was well prepared, and it finally came in handy at this moment.

"The Hall of Thousand Flowers, the Hall of Thousand Flowers, the Hall of Hundred Flowers, are the names of the Hundred Flowers Lady so carefree?"

Looking at the various halls named after flowers, Lu Xun couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but he also knew that it would be impossible for you to mark all the places where the flowers' essences are located in the Tingxin Tower in Xuanyang Kingdom, right?
What's more, even the important figures of the Baihua royal family may not know about the fact that Baihua State owns the Hundred Flowers Essence, let alone those outsiders.

Otherwise, how could no one covet Hundred Flowers' Essence?

"Then let's go to the Wanhua Palace first!"

Lu Xun pondered for a while, thinking that the larger the number, the more prestigious the status. In his opinion, the Hundred Flowers Essence is either in the Wanhua Palace or in the Thousand Flowers Palace.

But when Lu Xun followed the map and came to the majestic Wanhua Palace, he was a little disappointed. According to his induction, there were not many wood attribute treasures in the hall.

It seems that the Ten Thousand Flowers Hall should have a similar function to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Xuanyang Kingdom, and it is the place where the Hundred Flowers Kingdom held the Great Court Assembly.

How could the extremely secretive Hundred Flowers Essence be in such a place?
"According to this reason, the possibility of the Hundred Flowers' stamens being in the Thousand Flowers Hall and the Hundred Flowers Hall is probably not too great!"

Lu Xun clarified his thoughts, secretly thinking that the essence of a hundred flowers is a peerless treasure, these famous halls must be full of people coming and going, if people see the clues, it will be dangerous.

"Fenxiang, what are you doing here?"

And just when Lu Xun lowered his head and pondered, a voice suddenly came from behind, which made his back tighten, thinking that he would not be so unlucky, would he?
With his back to the speaker, Lu Xun could clearly sense the strength of the aura behind him, probably at least at the level of the sixth realm, much stronger than he is now.

Moreover, in the entire Hundred Flowers Country, and even the entire Hundred Flowers Palace, those who can directly call the word "Fenxiang" must not be ordinary people, at least they are Su Fenxiang's elders.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Xun's mind, but his movements did not hesitate at all. When he turned his head, he immediately saw a graceful figure standing in front of him and staring at him.

"Damn it, it's really such bad luck!"

The first time he saw this person, Lu Xun complained in his heart, because he immediately recognized that this person was none other than the current female monarch of Baihua Kingdom, a strong man of the six realms.

Lu Xun has information about Tingxinlou, so naturally he has a portrait of Lady Baihua, plus he took a look at Lady Baihua from a distance during the day, so he recognized her instantly.

"Fenxiang, didn't you go to the Hundred Flowers Guild to attend the Hundred Flowers Banquet? Why did you come back so soon?"

Because Lu Xun's camouflage skills are extremely superb, even the Baihua Nujun, who is his mother, did not see any flaws for a while. She was just a little curious why Su Fenxiang appeared here?
"Mother...Mother, the banquet was full of men, and His Highness the Thirteenth Prince was not there, so I came back early!"

Lu Xun held back the shock in his heart, and after speaking, his mood calmed down. After all, the mind of the reincarnation of a hundred generations is far more tenacious than ordinary people.

It's just that Lu Xun is not too sure whether these words can convince Baihua Nujun.

After all, this and Su Fenxiang are mother and daughter, if there is any special blood connection?

Even if Lu Xun tried his best to imitate Su Fenxiang's blood aura, he still couldn't guarantee 100% that he would not be exposed. When that time came, the only way to go would be to fight to the death.

"I knew it!"

Fortunately, the next four words of Lady Baihua, although a bit resentful, made Lu Xun instantly relieved.

As long as this first glance is not seen through, then the next thing will be much easier.

(End of this chapter)

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