low-key is king

Chapter 333 This must be an illusion!

Chapter 333 This Must Be an Illusion!

Hundred Flowers Palace, at the gate!

"Duan Wuxin, why are you still following me? You don't want to go back to the palace with me, do you?"

After calming down all the way, Princess Baihua Su Fenxiang's mood became much calmer, and she couldn't hear much anger at the moment, maybe this was also her strategy for Duan Wuxin.

The most precious thing is what you can't get. Su Fenxiang may not really hate Duan Wuxin, but she feels that she may meet a better man.

But Duan Wuxin's cultivation talent should not be underestimated, and her future achievements may not be inferior to her, Su Fenxiang, so she never really refused explicitly, and always gave the other party some vague thoughts.

For example, at this time, there was a hidden temptation in Su Fenxiang's words. Duan Wuxin naturally wanted to follow into the palace, but he also knew that this was absolutely impossible.

If you really want to marry Princess Baihua, you can't do it without a famous matchmaker, three matchmakers and six hires.

After all, both parties are famous figures, and it would be a bit of a shame to do such a sneaky thing.

"Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow!"

Duan Wuxin resisted the urge in his heart, saluted Su Fenxiang gracefully, and then watched the Baihua Princess enter the palace.

But what Duan Wuxin and Su Fenxiang didn't notice was that the downcast faces of the guards guarding the palace gate all had a strange look on them.

Why is Princess Baihua always going in and out of the palace?
"This fool, if you want to impress this princess, then continue to practice hard!"

Su Fenxiang walked into the palace with a sneer on her face, at least in her heart, the current Duan Wuxin still couldn't meet the conditions of her wishful husband.

It's hard to say about the future.

After going all the way, Su Fenxiang came to the gate of Yinhua Palace with ease, and before she arrived, she saw two figures, neither of which was too unfamiliar to her.

One of them is naturally Su Fenxiang's extremely respected, but also a little afraid of the Hundred Flowers Lady.

As for the other one, she didn't like her very much. The old guy relied on his status and never took himself seriously. One day he would find a chance to get her away.

"Huh? Fenxiang, you're back so soon?"

Lady Baihua who had been staying here was the first to feel it. When she raised her head and saw the familiar figure, she couldn't help but let out a gasp, looking a little inconceivable.

The old woman next to him was also looking at Su Fenxiang, and when she sensed that the other person was not injured at all, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The thousand-year-old Longmu Xin wouldn't be so effective, would it?

Su Fenxiang was full of doubts, looked up at the sky, and immediately saw the full moon that had risen to the mid-heaven, and it was about to arrive at midnight, so there was enough time for delay.

"Wu Xin sent you back, right? How about it, did he agree to lend you a thousand-year-old Longmu Xin?"

Lady Baihua hadn't sensed Su Fenxiang's aura for a while, but when she said this, the old woman next to her couldn't help curling her lips.

Do you still need to ask?Otherwise, how could Su Fenxiang's injuries heal so quickly?

"He was the one who sent me back, but... what kind of thousand-year-old Longmu Xin?"

Su Fenxiang was taken aback again. As a princess of a friendly neighboring country, she naturally knew what a thousand-year-old Longmu Xin was.

It was the treasure of the Qianmu Kingdom, why did the other party lend it to him?

"Thousand-year-old Longmu Xin, didn't you get hurt by the backlash of Hundred Flowers' essence, and you want to use his thousand-year-old Longmu Xin to suppress it?"

Lady Baihua felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she repeated what happened before, even she herself felt a little weird, why did she say it in such detail?
"What kind of flower essence? What backlash? Mother, what are you talking about?"

Su Fenxiang was at a loss, and when she asked these three questions in succession, the complexions of Lady Baihua and the old woman next to her changed drastically, and even their figures trembled a little.

"Fenxiang, you... Didn't you go back to the palace just now, and the essence of the flowers matured ahead of time, and you suffered a backlash under refining, could it be... Isn't it you?!"

Lady Baihua was still a little bit unwilling to give up, and explained what happened before in a little more detail. In fact, in her heart, there was already a faint line of integrity.

"How is it possible? Mother, I have been staying in the Hundred Flowers Guild Hall to participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet, and I haven't come back until now!"

Su Fenxiang's complexion also became gloomy, and she already guessed that during the period of time she was in the Baihua Guild Hall, something must have changed in the royal family, and it was a change that she could not accept.

"Really...it's not you..."

Lady Baihua staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the old woman next to her quickly supported her, but her heart had already set off a turbulent wave.

The majestic Baihuaguo Palace, the inner courtyard of the palace with countless strong guards, was unexpectedly sneaked in by an outsider pretending to be Su Fenxiang. Even the two of them, the six-level strong men who were on the scene, didn't see the slightest clue.

On the one hand, the thief's camouflage technique was too powerful, and on the other hand, it also showed that they were useless at two levels.

At this moment, the defense of Baihua Palace seems to have become a decoration.

For the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, this is simply a great shame and humiliation once in a thousand years.

And this loss of face is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the most precious treasure of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, the Hundred Flowers Essence, was swaggeringly stolen.

But the other party still committed the crime under their noses, and even the thief disguised as Su Fenxiang was sent to Yinhua Palace by Lady Baihua herself. What irony is this?

"Mother...Mother, what do you mean... the essence of flowers is gone?"

Su Fenxiang's shock was really serious, she was extremely unwilling to admit the result, but the performance of the mother and the old woman showed that all of this was true.

When Su Fenxiang's words fell, and when she saw her mother's pale face and nodded slightly, she felt sadness coming from it, and even more resentment rushed into her heart and mind, and then she stepped out.


The gate of Yinhua Palace was kicked open by Su Fenxiang, a five-level consummated monk, and flew towards the inside on both sides, making a loud noise.

But at this moment, Su Fenxiang didn't care so much.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Su Fenxiang rushed into the hidden flower palace hysterically. The fragrance of flowers in the palace was still there, but when she turned her gaze to the middle, where was that gorgeous and amazing flower?

During the day, under the guidance of his mother, Su Fenxiang walked into the hidden flower palace for the first time, and saw the essence of flowers that made him confused.

It was the first time I learned that I still had the chance to refine the essence of Hundred Flowers.

Unexpectedly, just over half a day later, the Hundred Flowers Essence disappeared. This undoubtedly made all of Su Fenxiang's hopes come to nothing. How could she bear it?
The most important thing is that Su Fenxiang just made a bold statement in the Baihua Guild Hall, stating that he will make Lu Xun look good tomorrow.

And her greatest confidence is to return to the palace, refine the essence of the hundred flowers, and break through to the coveted six-level monk.

It looked like God played a big joke on her. It just gave her endless hope, and made her see the light of breaking through to the fifth level of middle school. In the blink of an eye, this hope was shattered.

"No! It's not real! It must be an illusion!"

Su Fenxiang, who was unwilling to rise up madly from the bottom of his heart, had an extremely ferocious expression.

Seeing her running to the center of the hall where the flower stamens were originally located, she stretched out her hand and frantically tore at the vines.

But no matter how Su Fenxiang moved, no matter how many wounds her white palms were pierced by those thorns on the vines, the colorful flower stamens never appeared before her eyes again.

"Fenxiang, calm down!"

And at this time, Lady Hundred Flowers finally recovered from her gaffe.

After all, as a generation of monarchs, he has never experienced any major events, and his heart is much tougher than Su Fenxiang.

"The essence of all the flowers is gone, how can you tell me to calm down?"

Su Fenxiang turned her head with red eyes. At this moment, there was no respect on her face, and there was even a trace of complaint.

She thinks that there is such a change, and the Hundred Flowers Lady is to blame.

You are a grand master of the six realms, and there is another grand master of the six realms to help you, why can you let people easily take away the essence of the hundred flowers, and you don't even know who took it away?

At this moment, Su Fenxiang really hated the old woman guarding the Yinhua Palace, because she didn't fulfill her duty at all.

If it wasn't for this old guy's negligence in guarding against him, why did he miss Bai Hua Jing Rui?
"Su Fenxiang, pay attention to your identity!"

The old woman surnamed Gu obviously heard the resentment in Su Fenxiang's tone. She only had Lady Baihua in her heart, so she sneered directly, with a slightly harsh tone.

"Old man, are you qualified to teach this princess a lesson? This is the Yinhua Palace you guard, and now the most important flower essence has been stolen. You still have the face to stand here and yell, shame on you?"

Su Fenxiang obviously lost his mind. Seeing that his hope of breaking through to the fifth middle level was gone, and she didn't want to see this old woman in the first place, she finally broke out completely at this moment.


However, just as Su Fenxiang finished speaking without hesitation, and the old woman's face turned ashen, a crisp applause suddenly resounded in the hidden flower palace.

Immediately afterwards, Su Fenxiang covered her cheeks in disbelief, looking at the mother who always loved her, this slap undoubtedly made her sober up a lot in an instant.

"It's not big or small, who taught you the rules?"

Lady Baihua was also very angry. She was already confused by the theft of the essence of Baihua, and seeing Su Fenxiang so crazy, she finally couldn't help but make a move.

Even she would call this old woman the existence of Aunt Gu. Although she has a weird temper, she is loyal to the Baihua royal family.

Besides, the old woman is certainly responsible for today's matter, but the biggest responsibility is actually still on Lady Baihua.

Su Fenxiang scolded her, didn't he even scold her?

(End of this chapter)

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