low-key is king

Chapter 371 Never come again, kill your whole family!

Chapter 371 Never come again, kill your whole family!
"Huh? Who is that guy? He dared to enter the square at this time. Isn't he afraid of being angered by Du Baimei?"

At this time, many people who were watching outside the square in the city were refreshed when they saw the action of the boy in black, and some even wanted to remind him.

But these people didn't do much in the end, because Du Baimei was a sixth-level martial artist, and he was notorious. If he was jealous and hated by him, it might be the result of being slaughtered.

Just looking at the young figure in black walking towards the square, everyone had all kinds of guesses in their hearts, wondering which kid is so bold, really don't know how cruel the white-browed old devil is?

"It can't be that...who?"

And when one of them asked with a shocked face, everyone became excited.

So many of them are waiting here, isn't it just to wait for such a result?

"But... it's a bit unwise to take the initiative to put yourself in danger for the sake of a bodyguard who meets you by chance!"

The other person spoke out, although he couldn't get used to Feiyun Escort and Du Baimei, he still kept a bit of reason. If that young man was really Lu Xun, he would be in trouble.

"Boy, are you Lu Xun?"

Du Baimei, who was originally sitting in the chair, was Huo Zai getting up at this moment. He stared at the boy in black who was approaching for a while, and then asked deeply, making everyone's ears prick up.

"Genuine goods at a fair price, children are not deceived!"

The one who walked into the square was naturally Lu Xun. He raised his head and looked at the white-browed old devil whom he had heard about recently. The eight words in his mouth showed his identity.

"I'm brave, but it's a pity that I'm too stupid!"

Du Baimei also replied the eight words of Lu Xun, and the four words of courage not only refer to the matter in front of him, but also refer to the six disciples who dared to kill Baimei Laomo.

"It sure is him!"

During this question and answer, Lu Xun's identity was revealed without a doubt, so that the audience no longer had doubts, and many people had a strong expectation in their hearts.

Geng Hao is straightforward, whether he is inside the Feiyun Escort or in Luoyun City, he is actually very popular.

No one wants to see such a good person suffer such hardships.

Even if some people think that Lu Xun will not be Du Baimei's opponent, what if?
What if the boy in black can really create a miracle and save the dying Geng Hao?

"Tsk tsk, as expected, like a disciple, there must be a teacher. The six disciples don't know what to say. This master is also so stupid and cute. He really is not a family. If you don't enter a family!"

Lu Xun also stared at Du Baimei on the opposite side. His eloquence was not just casual talk. After the ridicule was spoken, many people felt hearty.

"Boy, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. When the old man pulls out all your sharp teeth, let's see if you can still speak so brazenly?"

Du Baimei's originally gloomy face became a bit more gloomy, and he saw a faint aura rising from his body. Although he felt nothingness, he was a real master of the six realms.

"Do you want to do it? No rush!"

Lu Xun glanced at Du Baimei lightly, and what he said undoubtedly made the other party sneer.

"I'm afraid now? It's too late!"

Du Baimei's sneer became more and more intense. He thought that the other party had sensed the aura of his six-level master, and he finally knew he was afraid.

But at this moment, how could he spare this kid?
"Wait a mininute!"

Naturally, Lu Xun would not have the slightest fear. He heard him say these four words first, then turned his gaze to another direction, and suddenly shouted: "Zhan Yunfei, within half a stick of incense, there is In front of me, or kill your whole family!"

The high-pitched voice resounded throughout the square in the city, and finally seemed to be sent towards the headquarters of Feiyun Escort Bureau by a mysterious force, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Everyone's eyes were a little dull, and they secretly thought that Lu Xun really didn't play cards according to common sense.

Isn't it enough to provoke a grandmaster of the sixth realm, and even the number one expert in Luoyun City should also be provoked?
"Sure enough, it's just a five-level martial artist!"

And Lu Xun's energetic voice contained his martial artist power, which made many people feel his cultivation clearly.

Especially Du Baimei, who was on the opposite side, was completely relieved after sensing Lu Xun's cultivation.

At the same time, he secretly felt worthless for his six disciples, how could he fall into the hands of this brat?
The master of the Dongshan Six Monsters seems to have suffered from intelligence, but if he can learn more about what Lu Xun did in Baihua Kingdom, he will not have such great confidence.

The information that Baihua Kingdom deliberately concealed undoubtedly dug a huge hole for those who wanted to find trouble with Lu.

I also don't know what kind of thoughts are in that Hundred Flowers Queen?
But since Lu Xun yelled like this, then Du Baimei needn't be too anxious, he knew that what the other party said clearly offended the head of the Feiyun Escort Bureau completely.

Presumably no one can remain indifferent when they hear the other party say "kill your whole family", right?
This white-browed old devil has done all kinds of bad things, and he is still alive today, so he is naturally very cautious.

His enemy has one more enemy from the sixth realm, so he will undoubtedly have a better chance of avenging the six disciples.

"The people from Feiyun Escort are here, get out of the way!"

About half a stick of incense time passed, a loud voice suddenly came, and then everyone on the west side took the initiative to make way for a passage.

All of a sudden, there were crowds of people, banners were unfurled, and a large group of people rushed in.

Among them, the one who is not too unfamiliar to everyone in Luoyun City is Zhan Yunfei, the head of the Feiyun Escort Bureau, a martial arts master who has broken through to the sixth realm.

On both sides of Zhan Yunfei are Xi Mingde, the veteran deputy head of the Feiyun Escort, and Wang Yao, who was suddenly promoted to the deputy head of the bodyguard for no reason.

The breath of these three people is also the most abundant.

It is worth mentioning that Zhan Jun, the head of the young guard who just broke through to the fourth level, is following Naifu at the moment, looking at the boy in black with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

In fact, when he was in the White Mule Shop, Lu Xun didn't offend the young head of the Feiyun Escort Bureau much.

It was his own self-esteem and jealousy that caused him to have an inexplicable hatred for Lu Xun.

As for Luo Tianjie, who was pushed to the position of deputy head of the bodyguard, he came after all the bodyguards, but his face was extremely gloomy.

Especially when he saw the dying figure on the flagpole, his eyes were tearing apart.

"Hehe, Chief Escort Zhan came really fast, it seems that he values ​​your family very much!"

Just when the members of the Feiyun Escort entered the square, the boy in black on the opposite side was already smiling, still filled with a strange sarcasm, which made everyone in the Feiyun Escort look angry.

"How dare a fluffy brat speak so brazenly? Is this what your parents taught you?"

Wang Yao, who had just been promoted to the deputy head of the bodyguard, was eager to show himself in front of the head of the bodyguard. He rushed to speak at this moment, and finally made Lu Xun notice this martial artist with perfect four realms.

"Don't you understand the principle of shooting the first bird with a gun?"

The smile on Lu Xun's face remained the same, but no one would believe it after he said it.

They only knew that there were two big six-level martial artists on the scene, and it was simply impossible for this kid to do any tricks.

"Lu Xun, this is Luoyun City, do you think it's still in the White Mule Shop?"

Zhan Jun also jumped out at this moment, but when his voice just fell, he felt a breath appearing not far from him, and then he saw an extremely incredible scene.


I saw vines spreading out, and at some point they appeared in front of Wang Yao, entwining his feet.

With a light pull, the deputy head of the bodyguard, who had completed all four realms, immediately fell on his back.


Seeing this, Zhan Yunfei couldn't help shouting angrily. In fact, he was quite shocked in his heart, because the method Lu Xun showed at this moment was the magic technique of a five-level monk.

Originally, Zhan Yunfei had obtained information from Zhan Jun and others, but he knew that Lu Xun had both qi and martial arts.

But he didn't expect that the other side would not get along, so he cast a spell. If he didn't make a move, Wang Yao would really be pulled over by Lu Xun.

clap la la...

In the hands of the Chief Escort of Feiyun Escort Bureau, a big ring knife appeared at some time.

After hearing the iron rings slamming violently, the blade was already cutting towards the vines that restrained Wang Yao at an extremely fast speed.

For a master of the sixth realm, it is not too simple to deal with the spells of the monks of the fifth realm.

What's more, the big ring knife in Zhan Yunfei's hand is a fifth-grade spiritual weapon, which is extremely sharp.

However, at this moment, above the vine, there was a flash of light, and then a shield-like thing appeared there out of thin air, just blocking Zhan Yunfei's slash.

Sparks flew all of a sudden, although Zhan Yunfei, the Grandmaster of the Six Realms, knocked the shield flying with one blow, but his idea of ​​cutting off the vines was undoubtedly lost in an instant.

Moreover, the shield that was cut into the air just turned a few somersaults on the ground of the square, and was not even cut into two halves, which made many people think.

"It turned out to be a fifth-grade spiritual weapon!"

There were many well-informed people in the arena, especially Du Baimei, who looked at the shield with greedy eyes, secretly thinking that if he had such a fifth-grade defensive spirit weapon, it might be another way to save his life.

But at this moment, Zhan Yunfei didn't have the heart to think so much.

Because under the shield of the fifth-grade spiritual weapon, it is impossible for him to save Wang Yao in the first place.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone could only watch helplessly as Wang Yao, who was struggling constantly, was dragged by that vine to Lu Xun at an extremely fast speed.

Just when Wang Yao was about to struggle to stand up, he felt a tightness in his throat, followed by a tightness all over his body. He was constrained by countless vines and couldn't move an inch.

(End of this chapter)

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