low-key is king

Chapter 377 gives you 2 choices!

Chapter 377 Gives you two choices!

"This kid Lu Xun can frighten Wei Songtao away, he must have an unknown hole card, it's better to avoid it first!"

Perhaps this is the reason why Du Baimei is so low-key. He is not only inferior to Wei Songtao in strength, but also far inferior to the six-star assassin of the Hidden Killing Society.

Even Wei Songtao, the six-star killer, was scared away by Lu Xun. Du Baimei believed that if he continued to be tough, his end would be extremely miserable.

In fact, there is no need for Lu Xun to reveal any hole cards. The skeleton mechanism alone is not something Du Baimei can compete with. Even if the two join forces, they are definitely not opponents.

Fortunately, at this moment, under Du Baimei's successive openings, the black-clothed boy seemed to have controlled the skeleton mechanism and did not make any further moves. This made him greatly relieved, and there might be something to talk about secretly.

In any case, it was also the Dongshan Six Monsters who died. Du Baimei believed that he would let the past go, even if he paid some price, the other party might not have uncovered the matter.

After hearing Du Baimei's few words, Zhan Yunfei also fell silent.

Relatively speaking, he may be more inclined to keep things quiet. Who would have thought that this boy in his teens would be so difficult to mess with.

If this is a pure five-level martial artist, then he will be killed if he is killed. Even if someone is angry in their hearts, they dare not say anything to the two big six-level powerhouses.

However, Lu Xun's hole cards came out endlessly, not only did he have a mechanism skeleton comparable to the perfection of the six realms, but he even brought out something that would scare away the six-star killers of the Hidden Killing Society.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei only felt that there was an infinite mystery in that black-clothed boy.

He even had a faint feeling that if he continued to be tough, the Feiyun Escort might be bleeding into rivers.

"This person was injured, things were robbed, and there was a fight. Now I want to ask for peace, how can it be so easy?"

There was a faint smile on Lu Xun's face. After he said these few words, Du Baimei's and Zhan Yunfei's expressions became extremely ugly.

They knew that it might not be so easy to fool around with this matter.

"Brother Lu Xun, don't worry, for hurting brother Geng Hao, Du will definitely pay double the compensation!"

Du Baimei didn't dare to speak harshly anymore, seeing that he gritted his teeth, he was already planning to use heavy bleeding to resolve the matter.

And these compensations are naturally not really aimed at Geng Hao, but want to spend money to buy his life.

"I, Feiyun Escort, would also like to present a fourth-rank Shaoyuan pill of the same quality!"

Zhan Yunfei also said sullenly that he didn't realize the precious quality of the fourth-rank Shaoyuan pill, but if he paid some price and asked a fifth-rank doctor to take it, there should still be a certain success rate.

However, as soon as Zhan Yunfei said this, he saw a sneer on the face of the boy in black opposite him, which made his heart tremble, and he couldn't figure out which sentence he said was wrong.

"Same quality? Chief Escort Zhan, I'm afraid you've never seen it before. What is a perfect quality elixir?"

Lu Xun had a sneer on his face. Could it be that the things he took out were some high-grade or even low-grade rubbish?

Not to mention this small Luoyun Kingdom, even in the Daxuan Dynasty or even in some small mountain fairy gates, it is almost impossible for fifth-rank physicians to refine a perfect-quality fourth-rank Shaoyuan pill. possible.

Fortunately, Zhan Yunfei thought that the Feiyun Escort Bureau was rich and powerful, and it would be no problem to spend some money to buy a fourth-rank Shaoyuan pill.

Little did he know that the elixir that Zhan Jun ate was actually the only perfect elixir under the mountain.

"What? Perfect medicine?"

Everyone was stunned at this moment. Although they had never seen a perfect quality pill, many of them had heard of the legendary quality of the pill, and Qiqi gasped.

"Lu Xun, if you want the lion to speak up, just say so, there's no need to talk about perfect medicine here!"

Zhan Yunfei was also taken aback for a moment, and then spoke with a gloomy expression.

He didn't believe that there would be a perfect elixir down the mountain, so he just thought it was Lu Xun's way to ask for a price.

But having said that, Zhan Yunfei still had some doubts in his heart.

After all, the efficacy of that fourth-grade Shaoyuan pill is really amazing. Otherwise, how could Zhan Jun directly break through from the third realm to the first entry into the fourth realm?

Zhan Yunfei is not really an ignorant person, he still has a certain understanding of the effects of elixir, and the effect of that fourth-grade Shaoyuan elixir is obviously beyond his understanding.

But at this time, Zhan Yunfei naturally wouldn't admit that it was really a perfect quality elixir, because if it was true, he wouldn't be able to pay for it even if he sold the entire Feiyun Escort.

"Ordinary people don't understand anything at all!"

Lu Xun glanced at Zhan Yunfei lightly, then turned his gaze to Du Baimei over there, and said softly, "Now, I'll give you two choices!"

"First, cut off your limbs and hang them on this flagpole in the sun for three days, and the matter will be cancelled!"

Lu Xun didn't sloppy at all, when he was the first to choose to speak, Geng Hao next to him was so excited that his whole body trembled, his eyes were filled with deep gratitude.

Because Geng Hao knew that Brother Lu Xun was trying to find a place for himself.

If my limbs were broken, I would break Du Baimei's limbs. If I exposed myself to the sun for two days, I would let the old demon Baimei expose it to the sun for three days.

Of course, although Geng Hao was excited, he also knew that Du Baimei would never make such a choice, because it was no different from going all out.

"Lu Xun, don't bully people too much!"

Sure enough, when Lu Xun's voice just fell, Du Baimei's face was already as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he even saw some expectant and hatred eyes.

As the master of the Dongshan Six Monsters, Du Baimei has done more evil things in his life than his six disciples. This is an extremely vicious old devil with white eyebrows.

Among the surrounding Luoyun City martial artists, several had blood feuds with Du Baimei, but they were limited in strength, so they didn't dare to seek revenge from him.

But if Du Baimei's limbs were really broken and hung on the flagpole, I'm afraid many people would take this opportunity to take revenge, and he would also be dead at that time.

"Don't choose? Then I will give you a second choice!"

Naturally, Lu Xun knew that the other party could not be so stupid. When he saw him talking, he slowly raised his hand, pointed at the head of Feiyun Escort Bureau, and said, "Kill him, and you will live !"

As soon as these words came out, the venue suddenly became a little quiet, and Zhan Yunfei's face was already so gloomy that it seemed like water was about to drip down. These were really heartbreaking words.

As for playing tricks on people's hearts, Lu Xun, who has been reincarnated for a hundred generations, is really good at it, even if he is facing two old treacherous guys, he is also very good at it.

Don't you, the white-browed old devil, want to survive? Don't you want to calm things down?

Then go and kill Zhan Yunfei, relatively speaking, this is much easier than the first choice.

For a while, Du Baimei fell into deep thought, and Lu Xun didn't let the mechanism skeleton do anything, everyone seemed to be waiting for Du Baimei to make a decision.

The original trap to kill Lu Xun has turned into what it is now, and many people are feeling emotional.

Secretly thought that the black-clothed boy was young, but his actions were so sophisticated, where did he come from?
"Du Baimei, you don't think he can really let you go after killing me?"

Zhan Yunfei's face was gloomy, he was really afraid that Du Baimei would really agree to Lu Xun after weighing things up, then Feiyun Escort would really be powerless.

Once in and out, they lost a sixth-level helper on their side, while Lu Xun had an extra sixth-level strongman on their side, which would directly put Feiyun Escort in a state of irreparable doom.

"Chief Zhan, offended!"

And just when Zhan Yunfei's voice fell, Du Baimei had already let out a deep drink, and then his whole body rushed towards the opponent, the momentum was extremely astonishing.

"Stupid guy!"

Seeing this, Zhan Yunfei couldn't help scolding, but he had to deal with it with all his energy. After all, the opponent was also a six-level master who had experienced many battles, so he didn't have the slightest confidence.

However, Zhan Yunfei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley while mobilizing the strength of the martial artist, because when Du Baimei made this decision, the fate of Feiyun Escort was already doomed.


However, at this moment, Du Baimei yelled again, his figure suddenly changed in one direction, and he rushed towards Lu Xun over there.

The sudden change not only caught everyone outside by surprise, but also surprised and delighted Zhan Yunfei. He suddenly guessed what Du Baimei was thinking.

It seems that this white-browed old devil was persuaded by Zhan Yunfei's words just now, and knew that even if he could kill Zhan Yunfei, it might be the end of his strength.

At that time, with Lu Xun's heart, will he really let himself go?

Or will it be the same as what I said before, first interrupt my limbs, and then hang it on the flagpole to expose it to the sun for three days?

A devil like Du Baimei would never pin his hopes on others, and his fate would always be in his own hands.

Du Baimei's plan was to catch Lu Xun by surprise with such a sudden move.

If you can take these five-level boys as hostages, forgive the skeleton of the organization and dare not act rashly again.

Zhan Yunfei on the other side was not slow either. After the information flashed through his mind, he and Du Baimei suddenly appeared beside Lu Xun.

And at this moment, the organ skeleton really didn't have time to react, it seemed that Lu Xun hadn't expected this at all, and in an instant, he had to face the pincer attack of two strong men of the six realms.

On the periphery of the square, everyone saw this sudden change, secretly thinking that Jiang is still old and hot, and no matter how powerful a young boy is, he still lacks experience.

At this moment, everyone sighed in their hearts, secretly thinking that the black-clothed boy had really suffered from inexperience, and this time it might be more dangerous than good.

(End of this chapter)

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