low-key is king

Chapter 385 Give it a try!

Chapter 385 Give it a try!

This time Ge Changqing was stunned again. If he was not so surprised when he saw the flying mechanism wooden kite flying around the courtyard before, what Yu Mingzhao said at this moment simply subverted his imagination again.

"A wooden kite that flies thousands of miles without falling?"

Ge Changqing's eyes lit up, and then he threw himself on the mechanism wooden kite, touching some details of the wooden kite.

As the master of the ten-level mechanism, his vision is many times higher than that of Yu Mingzhao.

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

When Ge Changqing touched those extremely critical places, it seemed that a new world belonging to the mechanism division had opened up. His face was full of joy and curiosity, and the two people next to him looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Ming Zhao, this flying wooden kite will stay here with Master, and I will return it to you after Master has studied it thoroughly!"

Ge Changqing withdrew his hands with some reluctance, De Yu Mingzhao curled his lips at these words, secretly thinking that this thing fell into your hands, can you take it back intact?
"Didn't you just say that there are two organs? There is one more, hurry up and take a look!"

Ge Changqing naturally didn't care about what this disciple was thinking. After seeing the exquisiteness of the flying mechanism Mu Yuan, he suddenly became very interested, and always felt that he was about to pick up a treasure this time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Mingzhao wiped it on his wrist again, and then a strange-shaped object appeared on his palm.

In terms of size alone, it is many times smaller than the organ wooden kite.

Seeing that strange thing, Hua Guang next to him felt palpitations, he knew what it was, if he was shot by that thing, he would lose his skin if he didn't die.

"What agency is this?"

Ge Changqing seemed a little impatient. Just as he finished speaking, he reached out his hand, grabbed the things in the disciple's hands between his fingers, and began to study immediately.

"Master, be careful..."

Just when Yu Mingzhao wanted to remind his master to pay attention, there was a loud noise, and then flames burst out, and an extremely fast bullet flew directly towards Huaguang.

Fortunately, Hua Guang stared at it with all his attention, and quickly shrank his head when he saw this, the bullet flew past his head, and finally shot on a rockery in the courtyard.


The extremely hard rockery had its top cut off by the bullets of the God Killing Machine. When the gravel exploded and scattered, it also reflected three completely different faces.

Among them, Yu Mingzhao was helpless, Hua Guang was afraid, and Ge Changqing, the tenth-rank mechanism master whose palms were slightly numb from the shock of the God-killing Machine in his hand, was stunned.

"What the hell? It's so powerful?"

After a while, Ge Changqing was a strong Nascent Soul after all, and he quickly came back to his senses, and heard him muttering: "Moreover... it seems that it is all due to the power of the machine, this material, this design, this matching, it is simply exquisite. !"

As a tenth-rank organ master, Ge Changqing's organ skills are far superior to Yu Mingzhao's.

As soon as he got started with the God-killing Machine, he knew it was a peerless mechanism worth researching even more than the flying mechanism, the wooden kite.

Ge Changqing has a strange obsession with mechanism techniques, which is the key to his breakthrough to tenth-rank mechanism master.

Whenever he encounters a mechanism that interests him, he will definitely spend ten days and a half months researching it without sleeping and eating.

"This thing was also made by that fourth-rank mechanism master?"

Ge Changqing read it over and over several times, and finally asked this sentence.

In fact, the shock in his heart was far stronger than on the surface. Is there such a monstrous fourth-rank mechanism master in this world?
"Yes, this thing is called the God Killing Machine!"

A figure in black appeared in Yu Mingzhao's mind. Even though he had guessed that his master would react like this, he was still quite emotional at this moment.

He himself is only a sixth-rank mechanism master, and perhaps in his heart, when the master saw this god-killing mechanism, he was not as surprised as he imagined.

But the current situation clearly proved that his guess was correct.

Even the tenth-rank mechanism master was stunned by its exquisite design when he saw the God Killing Machine for the first time.

If such a weapon is mass-produced, what kind of profound impact will it have on the war under the mountain?


And when Yu Mingzhao was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a soft sound in his ear, and immediately remembered something, but it was too late to stop it.

I saw Ge Changqing flying his hands and fingers, and he had already unloaded the barrel of the God Killing Machine, and then he dismantled the God Killing Machine, which was still in good condition just now, into a pile of parts.

Ge Changqing, as a tenth-rank mechanism master, is naturally very confident. He believes that after disassembling it once, he will definitely be able to put it back intact.

If you want to study this so-called god-killing machine, you must study every part of it thoroughly.

This is a compulsory course for a mechanism engineer. For Ge Changqing, a tenth-rank mechanism engineer, it is already an instinct in his bones.

"Hey, Master, why did you take it apart before I finished speaking? This thing cannot be taken apart, and once taken apart, it cannot be put back together!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Ge Changqing can't help feeling a little regretful. If he had known that Master was so impatient, he should have reminded him immediately, and he wouldn't have lost a god-killing machine in vain.

Because of this kind of thing, Yu Mingzhao also did it at that time, and he didn't believe Lu Xun's reminder, but in the end he just got a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, which could never be assembled again.

"What nonsense, since it can be disassembled, it must be able to be put back. You still don't believe in the art of mechanism as a teacher?"

Ge Changqing naturally didn't believe such words, his understanding of the mechanism was many times stronger than that of Yu Mingzhao.

He just thinks that his disciple is not strong enough, but it doesn't mean that he can't pretend to go back.

"Then master, try it!"

Yu Mingzhao was a little weak, but at this moment he didn't want to talk back to his master.

He knew his master very well, and if there were no facts to prove it, he might suffer another blow.

"Try it, brat, watch it!"

Ge Changqing just doesn't believe in this evil. In fact, Yu Mingzhao is not too young, but in his eyes he will always be the child who can't grow up. He is very confident in assembling the god-killing machine he dismantled.

"Master please!"

Yu Mingzhao was expressionless, or maybe deep down in his heart, the master's mechanical skills were indeed far superior to his own, what if he could really reassemble it?

If it can be successfully reorganized, it will be a very meaningful thing for Taihangzong. At that time, they will be able to follow the example of the gourd and mass-produce this god-killing machine.

As for Lu Xun, they never said that they couldn't create a god-killing machine.

That kid is extremely confident in the self-destruct device of the God Killing Machine, which was researched by themselves, so the other party should have nothing to say, right?


Just when Yu Mingzhao was expecting in his heart, he heard a strange voice in his ears, and when he turned his gaze to Master, what he saw was an extremely puzzled old face.

"No, why has it changed here?"

Ge Changqing stared at his eyes, moved a part to his eyes and looked at it again and again.

In fact, as a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm of the ten realms, how can he not see clearly if he is closer or farther away?

"It's not that it's changed, it's that the key thing is damaged and can't be found!"

Yu Zhao felt a little disappointed, but his admiration for Lu Xun became stronger.

It seems that I, the master of the tenth-rank mechanism master, wants to reorganize the God-killing Machine, but there is nothing I can do.

"That's true. One hair can move the whole body. This self-destruct device is really the most delicate part of this god-killing machine!"

At this time, Ge Changqing finally calmed down a bit, and regained his demeanor as a tenth-rank mechanism master.

And in his heart, there is no doubt that he has a great interest in the Mechanism Master who is said to have only the fourth rank.

"Ming Zhao, who is the fourth-grade mechanism master you mentioned? Could it be the mechanism genius of some powerful immortal sect?"

Knowing that it could not be reassembled, Ge Changqing put all the parts into the mustard bracelet, then raised his head, stared at Yu Mingzhao and asked this question.

"The former Second Prince of Xuanyang Zhendong Prince's Mansion, and now the Second Prince of Xuanyang Kingdom: Lu Xun!"


Daxuan King Capital, Liberal Arts Academy!
In a manor full of fragrance in the Literary and Teachers College, some graceful figures of betrothal booths walked by from time to time, and it seemed that no man could be seen. This place was like a forbidden place for men.

This place is well-known in the entire Arts and Teachers College.

It is indeed a forbidden place for men, because this is the Moon Palace, a force established only on the second day of the Liberal Arts Academy Hundred Battles List.

The leader of the Moon Palace is called Kong Xinyue, who ranks second in the hundred battle list, which makes many men feel inferior.

Even the number one genius can't say he's a sure winner.

The Moon Palace only recruits women, especially in the headquarters of the Moon Palace, if any man dares to set foot, he will end up in a very miserable end. This is a lesson learned from the past.

In the main hall in the middle of the Moon Palace, there are several figures at this moment, the one at the top of them is covered with frost and has a somewhat ethereal aura. It is Kong Xinyue, the leader of the Moon Palace.

And on the two sides below it, there is a beautiful woman sitting upright. These two are also famous on the hundred battle list, and they are Kong Xinyue's right-hand men.

Among them, the slender woman on the left has thin lips and looks difficult to get along with. At this moment, their eyes are all on the two figures below.

These are also two female geniuses, they are Yun Xinyu and Lu Xue, and the former belonged to the Moon Palace. This time, they brought Lu Xue here because they wanted her to join the Moon Palace.

"Senior Sister Xinyue, although this Lu Xue is the sword master of destiny, but judging from Ning Wenji's intentions, she probably won't let her go easily. Let her join our Moon Palace, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future!"

The woman with thin lips first glanced at Lu Xue, and was the first to speak, with a worried tone.

From what she said, she didn't agree with Lu Xue joining the Moon Palace, that's why they gathered here today.

Hearing this, Kong Xinyue at the top didn't speak, the woman on the other side just frowned slightly, but Yun Xinyu's face showed a hint of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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