low-key is king

Chapter 409 Come hit me!

Chapter 409 Come hit me!

"That's true!"

Hearing the words of the old woman Chen Ke, the audience had different thoughts, but only Du Baimei knew the inside story, whispered something in Lu Xun's ear, and made the latter nod.

Song Xing died at the hands of Du Baimei. At that time, Song Xing told about Yu Lingzhu in order to save his life.

Moreover, he told Du Baimei about the origin of Yu Lingzhu and the method of controlling Xiaoyu.

It's a pity that Song Xing still failed to save this life in the end, and as for the origin of this fish spirit bead, apart from the two princes, perhaps only Du Baimei knew the inside story.

"Hehe, Senior Chen was joking. What kind of place is the Prince's Mansion? With Song Xing's three-legged cat's five-level cultivation, he can go in and steal treasures?"

The stall owner Wan Gao at this time naturally wouldn't admit this section, but the explanation he said was extremely convincing.

You must know that Prince Liuyun's mansion is more heavily guarded than the second prince's mansion. After all, Yun Xiao is also afraid that his second brother will take risks and do some crazy things.

Many people in the field had actually heard of Song Xing's name. After all, he was a five-level martial artist, not an unknown person, but that's all.

How can a five-level martial artist steal treasures from the heavily guarded Prince's Mansion, not to mention that woman Chen Ke is a genuine six-level master.

"Who told you that Yu Lingzhu is in the Prince's Mansion?"

Chen Ke had a cold old face, staring at Wan Gao with a look of gloom, and heard her say: "Anyway, the Yu Lingzhu belongs to my prince's mansion, and it must be returned to its original owner today!"

The old lady named Chen Ke is the number one enshrinement of the Prince's Mansion, her strength has reached the sixth realm, comparable to that of Xiao Li, and she seems to be the spokesperson of Prince Yunxiao at this moment.

"Boss, the Prince's Mansion wants you to return the property to its original owner. It seems that there is no sincerity at all. How about this? If you take the money bag, the Fish Spirit Orb will belong to me. They will only find me if they want trouble. how?"

Du Baimei finally found an opportunity, and after these words came out, the stall owner Wan Gao was quite moved, he would naturally prefer to sell one hundred thousand top-grade gold beads than to "return" it to the Prince's Mansion.

"Du Baimei, do you dare to rob my Prince's Mansion?"

Hearing that the old lady Chen Ke couldn't help being furious. During this time, the Prince's Mansion was in a bad mood under the pressure of the Second Prince's Mansion. Now even these outsiders dare to bully the Prince's Mansion?
"Hey, it's not my old Du who is robbing things now, it's your prince's mansion who wants to bully the weak, tsk tsk, it seems that the current Liuyun fair has changed!"

Old Du shook his head and talked eloquently. This plausible reasoning almost made the old woman's lungs explode.

May I ask, apart from a few people, who else in Liuyun Nation would dare to talk to him like this?
"Du Baimei, you are courting death!"

Chen Ke, who was furious, burst out of breath uncontrollably, and stared at Du Baimei like fire, as if there was a sign of a fight if there was a disagreement.

Chen Ke did recognize Du Baimei's identity, but the Prince's Mansion did not get any information about Luoyun City.

When the second prince Yunji went to discuss with the monarch, it was naturally impossible to inform his biggest competitor.

From this point of view, the intelligence system of the Prince's Mansion is much worse than that of the Second Prince's Mansion.

Therefore, neither Prince Yunxiao nor Six Realm Martial Artist Chen Ke recognized the identity of the boy in black.

On the contrary, Du Baimei is very famous in Liuyun country, and his six disciples are also ruthless. They are on the most wanted list of the Liuyun royal family, and the two have already recognized this identity.

Therefore, they all regard Du Baimei as the leader of the other three. A master of the six realms is indeed qualified to say such things, let alone a vicious person like Du Baimei.

"You old woman, do you want to hit me?"

Seeing this, Du Baimei's two white eyebrows suddenly stood up, and seeing him step forward, he shouted meanly: "Come on, come and hit me!"

This scene made everyone feel strange, they never knew that this big devil known as the white-browed old devil had such a narrow side, and he looked a little cute.

But some people with a calm mind will not be fooled by such illusions.

How famous the white-browed old devil has been these years, if you really think of him as a benevolent elder, then you are really stupid.

"Du Baimei, you are presumptuous!"

Chen Ke originally had an irritable temperament, but now she was provoked by Du Baimei's cheapness, and she burst out even if she couldn't bear it, and the stern voice in her mouth also showed the fury in her heart.

"Old Chen, he's irritating you, don't be fooled easily!"

Fortunately, just when Chen Ke was about to explode, a palm was stretched out and pressed on her shoulder.

The words that came from her ears made the breath on her body restrained a lot in an instant.

Chen Ke, a martial artist of the sixth realm, was originally the number one enshrinement of Empress Liuyun's natal family. Later, she followed the empress to the palace.

Therefore, it can be said that Chen Ke grew up watching Yun Xiao. To a certain extent, Chen Ke, who was never married, regarded Yun Xiao as her own son, and she had always placed high hopes on this prince.

However, since the second prince Yunji became an adult, he has posed a great threat to the prince Yunxiao.

This kind of threat is not only his cultivation talent, but also his mentality of dealing with the world, and his connections above the court.

Seeing the strong rise of the Second Prince's Mansion, Chen Ke had no good solution. She wanted to kill Yun Ji directly a few times, but fortunately she still had some rationality.

Because she knew that if she really did this, she might have harmed the prince. After all, Yun Xiao is still Prince Liuyun and the first heir.

When Yun Xiao's seemingly gentle words reached Chen Ke's ears, she couldn't help but feel a little scared, thinking to herself, how could she be so impulsive during this period of time?

"Your Highness taught me the lesson, I almost fell for that old man Du Baimei!"

When Chen Ke turned around, there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes, and his attitude was very correct.

The fact is also as she said, if he really can't help but make a move, the matter will become a big mess.

According to the rules of the Liuyun Trade Fair, whoever strikes first loses, and at that time, because of Chen Ke, His Royal Highness may be implicated, which is something she cannot afford.

"Wan Gao, although this Fish Spirit Orb once belonged to the Prince's Mansion, it is meaningless to say it now. How about this, the Crown Prince has produced 11 top-grade gold beads, can you sell it to me?"

His Royal Highness Prince Liuyun has a good demeanor, and his words are calm, showing the identity of the prince of a country, and there is a hidden meaning.

It seems that Yunxiao no longer bothers about the origin of the Yulingzhu. Now that Wan Gao has sold it, if he keeps holding on to the property of the Prince's Mansion, he will undoubtedly be suspected of using power to overwhelm others.

It would be fine if it was before, but now he has a strong competitor. It is said that the father had only summoned Yun Ji once before, and he had no idea what was said between the two.

That being the case, Yun Xiao couldn't leave any handles for Yun Ji.

He knew that power was the most important thing, once he lost the crown prince, what would he use to compete with Yun Ji?

Under such a large audience, Yun Xiao naturally did not dare to break the rules of the trade fair.

When he said the price of the "11 top-grade gold beads", this transaction automatically turned into an auction.

"His Royal Highness, when you came here, did you meet the second prince?"

Du Baimei cursed secretly in his heart, but there was a strange look on his face. The question he asked suddenly made Yunxiao slightly stunned, not knowing what the other party meant?

Yun Xiao knew that his second brother had also come to the trade fair, but he deliberately avoided Yun Ji, thinking that he would not be out of sight and out of mind.

But at this moment, Du Baimei wants to mention Yunji. Does it have anything to do with his appearance?

"Tsk tsk, that Second Prince's Royal Highness is really rich and powerful. In order to target us, he spent a whole 100 million top-grade gold beads and bought a bunch of junk. Now he vomits blood!"

Du Baimei didn't wait for Yunxiao's answer at all, and said something else on his own.

Although these words are a bit exaggerated, they still have some degree of credibility. After all, no one would use such a lie that can be easily broken.


Not only were the onlookers stunned, but even Yun Xiao lost his composure. On the contrary, the old lady Chen Ke felt an inexplicable sense of joy in her heart.

After all, the Crown Prince's Mansion and the Second Prince's Mansion are competitors. If what Du Baimei said is true, it will be a great loss to the Second Prince's Mansion.

100 million top-grade gold beads, this is not something that everyone can afford.

Even if the second prince, who is really rich and powerful, lost so many top-grade gold beads, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood, right?
"The second younger brother is the second younger brother, and I am me. Do you think this prince will be as easy to deceive as he is?"

Yunxiao's temperament is still very good, although he doesn't know the specific process, but he still speaks flatly at this moment, and by the way, he insinuated his "good second brother", at least he doesn't think he will be so stupid.

"His Royal Highness is so sure that this fish spirit bead is the one on Song Xing's body?"

Du Baimei seemed to have learned some of the essence of Lu Xun's "deception". At this moment, he stretched out his hand, pointed at the fish spirit bead and asked, which really moved Yun Xiao and Chen Ke's minds.

"Damn old thing, trying to trick us again!"

But when the crown prince and Chen Ke sensed the fish spirit pearl carefully, they cursed inwardly.

There are some things that they will never be wrong about.

According to the induction of these two, this is the Yu Lingzhu that Song Xing stole back then.

Moreover, His Royal Highness has something else to sense, so a sneer appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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