low-key is king

Chapter 436 You Find the Wrong Backer!

Chapter 436 You Find the Wrong Backer!

"Smelly girl, come here for me!"

Xiao Li, who was furious and heartbroken, still had the bullet of the God Killing Machine embedded in the palm of his hand, and he used this bloody right hand to grab Lu Linger's throat.

The God Killing Machine needs to be filled with ammunition, and even if it can fire in bursts, Xiao Li, who suffered a loss once, will not suffer a second time.

He is confident that with one move, he will take down this stinky girl who hurt him.


However, at this moment, the sound of water flowing suddenly came to everyone's ears, and immediately Xiao Li found that he could not move, and his body even tended to be pulled backwards.

This time not only Xiao Li was inexplicably shocked, but even the King of Liuyun Kingdom, Yun Mu Yuan, turned pale with shock. He suddenly realized that he might have made a mistake.

From the corner of Yun Muyuan's eyes, he could clearly see that Xiao Li's hands and arms, including those feet, were connected to a stream of water restraints.

The end point of these water restraints is Xiao Li, and the starting point is in the big lake of Wolongyuan, which made Yun Muyuan understand something in an instant.

"Liuyun Nation, you are so courageous!"

When a stern voice came out from the lake, Yun Muyuan's face turned pale with shock, he raised his palm, and directly pushed the frame of the mechanism back a few steps.

"Xiao'er, let's go!"

It has to be said that Liuyun Monarch's reaction and speed were extremely fast. After hearing that it belonged to Kong Xinyue's voice, he didn't dare to stop at all, or to say that he had the courage to resist.

At this time, Yun Muyuan really regretted it, and even scolded the eighteen generations of Chen Ke and Xiao Li's ancestors.

What kind of bad idea did these two old guys come up with?

Now it seems that all of them were wrong. Kong Xinyue and Shi Dang didn't die at all. They really stayed at the bottom of Crouching Dragon for three or four days, and they might have gained something.

In this way, if Liu Yunguo chose to attack Lu Linger, or the little girl Kong Xinyue had protected, he would directly fall into a situation where he could never recover.

Yun Muyuan and the others were caught, and even if they had a hundred mouths, they couldn't explain it clearly, so he had no intention of explaining it, and immediately wanted to take his proudest son to escape.

As for what to do after escaping, Yun Muyuan can't think of so much now.

Perhaps in his opinion, as long as he can return to Liuyun Capital and take advantage of the high walls and high walls, he may not be able to stop this seven-level cultivator.

Although monks in the seventh realm can fly, they are not invincible. In the siege of thousands of troops, there is also the risk of falling. Yun Muyuan believes that Kong Xinyue will not take this risk and fight himself to death.

After all, the current Lu Ling'er was still standing there and did not die. When Kong Xinyue killed Xiao Li, Chen Ke and the others, maybe he could calm down and stop troublening the Liuyun royal family.

It seems that Yun Muyuan wanted to abandon the car to keep his handsome man, and Yun Xiao is now his most valued son, and he will never give up, so he made a decisive decision and ran towards Yun Xiao.


A series of teeth-stinging sounds of bone cracking came. It turned out that it was the powerful water flow controlled by Kong Xinyue, which directly shattered Xiao Li's limbs, causing the sixth-level martial artist to scream out tragically.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Ke on the other side had already lost the will to fight, so he wanted to follow Yun Muyuan's example and flee from another direction.

"Hmph, can you escape?"

And just when Chen Ke ran a few steps, a cold snort sounded in her ears, and then a big fist appeared in her eyes, hitting her face precisely.

Chen Ke is already old, and her appearance has long since disappeared, but she has a love for beauty, and she has a thick layer of makeup on her face, which makes her look pretty.

But when the loud noise came out, the powder on Chen Ke's face was directly blasted into dust by that fist, revealing that old wrinkled face.

And at this moment, this old face was covered in blood, and the power of that punch was so terrifying that the bridge of her nose was smashed down, and the skin of her face was cracked open, leaving a bloody mess.

"Ah, my...my face..."

No matter how old a woman is, she always cares about her appearance, otherwise Chen Ke would not have applied such a thick layer of powder when going out.

At this moment, A Ke has no time to think about that layer of makeup, she only knows that her face has been bombarded to pieces, and she will never see anyone again, this is the most unacceptable thing for her.

But in the next moment, Chen Ke had more important things to consider.

That was in front of her, a majestic figure stood suddenly, it was the genius Shi Dang of the Great Xuanwu Master Academy.

Speaking of which, before Shi Dang went into the water, he did not promise Lu Xun like Kong Xinyue did, nor did he threaten people in Liuyun Kingdom. He has always been like an outsider.

But now, after he fought side by side with Lu Xun once at the bottom of Wolongyuan, his impression of Lu Xun has risen in a straight line, and he regards him as a real life-and-death friend.

What's more, Shidang didn't promise when he was on the shore, but when Lu Xun entered the Dragon Spirit Hall, he said he would let them take care of Lu Ling'er, so he naturally wouldn't stay out of it.

These guys from Liuyun Kingdom are so courageous.

Now that they have encountered each other, Shi Dang will definitely make a move, and when he makes a move, it will be like a thunderbolt, almost killing a martial artist with a small achievement in the sixth realm.

"Kong Xinyue, don't let that old thing get away!"

Shi Dang didn't care about Chen Ke, who had been seriously injured by himself, and his face was smashed. When he saw the back of Liuyun King and his son from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but shouted.

"Don't worry, I can't run!"

When Kong Xinyue replied, her figure was already in the air, and Shi Dang was envious when she saw it. The cultivator of the dark path was indeed more chic than the martial artist, and he could already fly in the seventh realm.

Since Kong Xinyue could fly, Shi Dang really didn't have much to worry about. Before he turned around, Kong Xinyue's figure was already in front of Liu Yunguo and his son.

"Kong...Miss Xinyue, this...this is all a misunderstanding!"

Looking at the graceful figure standing in the air in front of him, Yun Muyuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He knew that he might be in danger today, but he still wanted to make a final struggle.


Hearing this, Kong Xinyue sneered. As the leader of the Moon Palace, she is not a little girl who has never seen anything in the world. Does this Lord Liuyun really think he is a fool?

"Yes, these two old bastards, Xiao Li and Chen Ke, have made their own decisions. My father and son were implicated by them!"

At this time, King Liuyun only wanted his father and son to live, and he would just open his mouth to lie, even regardless of whether the words were logical or not.

"Tsk tsk, the majestic King Liuyun was implicated by two subordinates, Yun Muyuan, do you think Miss Ben will believe this?"

Naturally, Kong Xinyue wouldn't be so easily fooled, these few words made Yun Muyuan's face turn pale, and he was speechless for a moment, and then he felt streams of water coming towards him.

"Kong Xinyue, you...you can't kill me. I know Daxuan Ninth Prince. If you Daxuan Academy and Martial Arts Academy dare to meddle in the affairs of the outer vassal states, aren't you afraid that the Daxuan Dynasty will blame you?"

Now that he knew that being soft would not work, Yun Muyuan had no choice but to be tough, and what he said really made Kong Xinyue pause, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

"Da Xuan Ninth Prince? You mean that trash Xuan Jing?"

This time it was not Kong Xinyue who answered Yun Muyuan, but Shidang who had just come here. Perhaps in his eyes, a profound mirror with only six realms is indeed a waste, right?

Moreover, although Xuanjing is a sixth-grade mechanism master, he is far behind Kong Xinyue, a well-known writer genius on the hundred battle list, and Shi Dang does have reasons to look down on him.

"Yun Muyuan, you don't have to struggle to your death anymore. No matter how long the Daxuan Dynasty's hands are, they can't control our Arts and Teachers College. You...you have found the wrong backer!"

There was also a sneer on Kong Xinyue's face, after hearing what she said, Yun Muyuan's face became extremely ugly.

He suddenly discovered that his biggest hole card was of no use to the two geniuses in front of him, and would even only attract ridicule from the other party.

If it was in any other place, as long as Yun Muyuan mentioned the name of Daxuan Ninth Prince, even some solo Seventh Realm powerhouses would probably have to weigh it carefully.

However, Yun Muyuan clearly knew that no matter how powerful the Daxuan Dynasty was, its control over the Arts Teacher Academy and the Martial Arts Academy was almost zero, and they were two completely different systems.

The only relationship between the Civil and Martial Academy and the Daxuan Dynasty is that it was built in the capital of the Daxuan King.

In addition, even if His Majesty the Great Xuan Emperor wanted to push someone in, it would still depend on whether the person's own talent could meet the requirements of the academy.

This kind of relationship is like the relationship between the power of the city lord and the supernatural powers of Tingxinlou in the remote city of Xuanyang Kingdom.

Yin Shahui Tingxinlou might not come to provoke the City Lord's Mansion, but your City Lord's Mansion can't control them, and sometimes you even need to be extremely jealous for fear of offending them.

The same is true for the Daxuan Dynasty. In terms of the top combat power alone, the entire Daxuan Dynasty may not have more than one Liberal Arts Academy.

What's more, the so-called masters of the Literary Teachers College have more backgrounds than the other, and the Daxuan Dynasty cannot afford to provoke any fairy gate in the inner circle of the mountain.

Taking a step back, Yun Muyuan knew only one of Daxuan's many princes.

Although the Ninth Prince Xuan Jing is excellent, it is far from reaching the point where he can cover the sky with one hand.

In terms of status alone, both Kong Xinyue and Shi Dang are much stronger than Xuan Jing, and even their influence in Daxuan King Capital is far from that of Xuan Jing, a sixth-grade mechanism master.

Yun Muyuan is also rushing to the doctor in a hurry. In fact, he doesn't know the identity of Xuan Jing. It is impossible to compare with these two geniuses. He just wants to grab the last straw.

(End of this chapter)

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