low-key is king

Chapter 438 Change of the Moon Palace

Chapter 438 Change of the Moon Palace
"No, I have to wait for my second uncle!"

At this moment, Lu Ling'er seemed a little stubborn, and she also knew that her second uncle would not abandon her. Even if what Kong Xinyue said was true, she still had to wait for her second uncle to tell her in person.

"Ling'er, it's too dangerous for you to be here alone. If something happens to you, what do you think will happen to your second uncle?"

Kong Xinyue realized that she had never been so patient before. She was just a little girl with no strength to restrain her. Even if there was a skeleton of a mechanism, she didn't need to expend too much effort to take it away.

"But second uncle..."

Lu Linger was still a little hesitant to speak. In her little heart, she had made up her mind that she must wait for news from her second uncle, otherwise she would not feel at ease wherever she went.

"You can't be of much help if you stay here, can you?"

Shi Dang on the side curled his lips, and he had never dealt with any children, and when he said this, even though Kong Xinyue gave him a glare, he felt quite appreciative.

Just kidding, even the two of them who are strong in the seventh realm can't help much, let alone Lu Linger, a little girl with no cultivation, what's the use of staying here?

"Ling'er, this guy's words are not rough. Not only will you not be able to help you if you stay here, but it may also make your second uncle worry. If he can't see you at the Daxuan Teachers College, what will happen? manage?"

Kong Xinyue persuasively persuaded Lu Linger to wrinkle her small face, as if she was struggling, but in the end, she nodded slightly after all, and the two geniuses were greatly relieved.

I always feel that talking to such a child is much more strenuous than fighting Yun Muyuan and others just now, but it can't be beaten, scolded, or forced, which is really aggrieved.

Fortunately, Lu Ling'er was finally persuaded, or she was worried about her second uncle and didn't want to be a burden to her second uncle.

She believed that as long as she was safe and sound, the second uncle would not be sad.

And she also knew that the biggest reason why the second uncle chose to join the Daxuan Wenshi Academy was to treat her own illness, and she couldn't live up to the kindness of the second uncle.

"Sister Xinyue, go to Daxuan Wenshi College, can I see my aunt?"

Lu Linger glanced at the mechanism skeleton next to her, but she didn't put it away, but asked another question. The aunt she was talking about was naturally Lu Xue.

"Should... be able to!"

Speaking of Lu Xue, Kong Xinyue looked a little embarrassed. After all, because of Jin Lan's relationship, she didn't let Lu Xue directly join the Moon Palace. Now that she thinks about it, she can't help but regret it.

Kong Xinyue didn't know when this emotion arose, maybe it was because of Lu Xun, or maybe it was because of Lu Linger at the moment.

After all, these two are related to Lu Xue by blood.

"Sister Linger, don't you take this big bone with you?"

Shi Dang finally found the opportunity to interject, and saw him pointing at the skeleton of the mechanism, and after asking the exit, he saw two strange eyes.

"Hehe, with Sister Xinyue here, who dares to trouble me? Besides, the big bones are more useful to the second uncle, so let's leave it to him!"

Lu Linger grinned, and De Shidang immediately knew what the problem was.

There is nothing wrong with this statement at all. In these remote small countries, who would dare to trouble a great monk of the seven realms?
What's more, Shi Dang belongs to the Great Xuanwu Master Academy, so he must be on the same path as them. The two strong men of the seven realms can almost sweep the countries, right?

"Second Uncle, you must hurry up and find Ling'er!"

Lu Linger reluctantly walked towards the west, but when she entered a mountain pass, she couldn't help turning her head and shouting, not caring whether Lu Xun could hear it or not.

"Don't worry, he will come, I don't think it will be too long!"

Kong Xinyue also looked back at the calm lake and murmured, which made Lu Linger feel relieved. She had always had the greatest confidence in her second uncle.


Daxuan Wenshi Academy, Moon Palace!
In the main hall in the middle of the Moon Palace, a group of graceful figures gathered at the moment, and the top middle place was empty, which belonged to Kong Xinyue, the leader of the Moon Palace.

On the left and right sides of the main seat, there is a beautiful woman sitting respectively. It is Jin Lan and Xu You, the two deputy leaders of the seven realms, who are the real powerful figures in the Moon Palace.

"Senior Sisters, Senior Sister Xinyue is not here, why did you call us here?"

It was Yun Xinyu who spoke, and she was actually rather disappointed with Yue Gong during this time, especially for that Jin Lan who didn't get along with her, and she didn't like each other, it would be best not to see each other if possible.

At this moment, the palace is almost full of elites from the Moon Palace and gifted women from Daxuan Wenshi Academy. There is not a single man among them, so this place can be regarded as a forbidden place for men.

It's just that not only Yun Xinyu, but other people don't know why the two senior sisters summoned him here today. Did something major happen in the Moon Palace?
"Senior Sister Xinyu has been away for more than two months. Recently, I received a message saying that it is... that Senior Sister Xinyue may have encountered an accident!"

Jin Lan at the top first glanced at Yun Xinyu, and then said something, especially the last sentence, as if throwing a big stone into the calm lake, making everyone in Deyue Palace tremble slightly.

Another deputy leader, Xu You, jumped up from his chair in shock, stared at Jin Lan and asked in a low voice, "Jin Lan, is this news reliable?"

"The news is absolutely reliable, it is..."

Jin Lan's eyes shone brightly, and after pondering for a while, she finally said: "I got the news from Yuanmen, so there should be no falsehood!"

"Senior Sister Xinyue should have gone to a place called Liuyun Kingdom on the outskirts. At that time, the Yuanmen disciple happened to be doing missions nearby!"

Jin Lan briefly explained the cause and effect of this matter, and at this time the hall was already in an uproar.

Everyone was only concerned about the possibility that something unexpected happened to Kong Xinyue. As for how the news came about, is that important?
This news was like a big earthquake to Yue Gong.

You must know that Kong Xinyue is the backbone of all of them, and now that the backbone may be broken, how can they not panic?

"Hey, Senior Sister Jinlan and Yuanmen really have a good relationship!"

Yun Xinyu was concerned about another matter, and when she heard her sneer, Jin Lan immediately gave her a sharp look, which made her heart tremble, and she felt a little uneasy.

"Yun Xinyu, this meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk carelessly!"

Jin Lan replied coldly, then turned her gaze to the crowd, and heard her say: "Yuanmen and Ningmen have united, and they have beaten the Qiankun two meetings so badly recently, Junior Sister Xinyu once helped Na Lu Xue, I'm afraid they will also be unfavorable to my Moon Palace!"

"Hmph, is it possible that my Moon Palace is still afraid of them?"

The Moon Palace is not full of gentle women. One of them, who is also famous in the Hundred Battles List, snorted coldly. It is obvious that she has a very aggressive temper, and she does not give in to men.

"Hey, if it was when Senior Sister Xinyue was around, naturally you wouldn't have to be afraid of them, but now, among you, is there any opponent for Wei Xiuyuan and Ning Wenji?"

Jin Lan glanced at the woman who spoke, and silenced the other party with just a few words. Thinking of the previous news, the latter could only feel helpless.

Of course, the cultivation of Liberal Arts Academy does not depend entirely on combat effectiveness, but the gold content of the hundred battle list is extremely astonishing. In the past, it was supported by Kong Xinyue, who was ranked second, so no one dared to provoke Yue Gong.

Otherwise, almost all the beautiful women of Daxuan Wenshi Teachers College are concentrated in the Moon Palace. How can those geniuses who are conceited and amazingly talented not covet them?
But now, Kong Xinyue has been missing for more than two months, and no one knows where she has gone. According to Jin Lan, it may be more or less ominous.

After that, what should the Moon Palace do next?

"What's more, my Moon Palace is leaderless right now, like a piece of loose sand. If they really point their guns at my Moon Palace, how should we deal with it?"

Immediately, Jin Lan asked another urgent question, and her eyes kept sweeping around Yun Xinyu, which made many people understand what she meant.

"Senior Sister Jin Lan means that I, Yun Xinyu, got involved with Yue Gong!"

Why didn't Yun Xinyu understand the other party's meaning, so she directly asked back with an ugly face, Jin Lan didn't comment on this, but turned her gaze back to the girls at the next moment.

"The Moon Palace is troubled by internal and external troubles. The most urgent thing is to have someone who can speak up to preside over the overall situation, otherwise it will be broken down one by one, and the Moon Palace will no longer be the same as before!"

Jin Lan finally got to the point, and when she said this, the girls who were talking about it just now fell silent, and Yun Xinyu had a sneer on her face.

"Senior Sister Jin Lan wants to take the position of the leader of the Moon Palace, just say so, but don't say that Sister Xinyue is just missing now, just because you are ranked [-]th in the hundred battle list, you may not be qualified to take this position, right?"

Yun Xinyu finally figured out Jin Lan's ambition, she didn't want him to be the leader of the Moon Palace no matter what, so she spoke at this moment, the sarcasm in her tone was not concealed at all.

"Jin Lan, the matter of Senior Sister Xinyue is not 100% sure yet, are you a little too hasty?"

Xu You on the side frowned, she didn't have the ambition to be the leader of the Moon Palace, and she knew how much she weighed.

But this Jin Lan is a little too impatient, right?
Yun Xinyu's words were not wrong. Firstly, the news of Kong Xinyue's death has not been confirmed yet, and secondly, Jin Lan's cultivation is only at the Seventh Realm, and she can squeeze into the top [-] of the hundred battles list.

Even if she becomes the leader of the Moon Palace, she may not be able to deter all parties.

"I didn't say that I wanted to be the leader of the Moon Palace. I just thought that if the Moon Palace continued to remain in such a state of disunity, it might be too late by the time the enemies attacked!"

Jin Lan was still afraid of causing public outrage, so she had to explain something at this time.

Although she said that she didn't say that, but between the lines, she actually felt that apart from herself, no one was more qualified to be the leader of this moon palace than herself.

(End of this chapter)

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