low-key is king

Chapter 445 It's Safer to Follow the Young Master!

Chapter 445 It's Safer to Follow the Young Master!
woohoo hoo...

In the Dragon Spirit Hall, gusts of wind whizzed past from nowhere, causing the whistling wind to be heard everywhere in the hall, giving off a different kind of mystery.

At this time, Lu Xun was staring at the dragon pill and ambergris that were bound together by essence and blood.

He didn't want to miss this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, which was an opportunity to observe and observe.

I am afraid that in the entire Qingxuan world, no one has ever seen the reshaping of the body of a real dragon. Strictly speaking, it is a kind of resurrection.

Even with Lu Xun's three drops of blood essence, there was still a lot of repulsion between Ambergris and Long Dan, but they were all controlled by Lao Bai within a controllable range and did not completely collapse.

When a certain moment came, the power of Ambergris and Dragon Pill seemed to reach a critical point, and they exploded, which surprised Lu Xun.

However, there was not much surprise on Lao Bai's face, it was rather dignified, obviously a critical moment had come.

He stared at the broken pieces without blinking, as if he was afraid of missing a piece.

Swish swish!
A series of strange voices came to Lu Xun's ears, and then he saw that the fragments did not dissipate completely, but after a while of reorganization, a small white dragon was formed.

It can't even be called a dragon anymore, it's a small white snake, about a foot long and less than two inches in diameter, the larger eels are probably thicker.

"Is this... a success?"

Seeing this, Lu Xun was also overjoyed. After all, the other party promised to protect him for ten years. If Lao Bai can reach the eighth realm after reshaping his body, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways all the way?

"It's just the last step!"

Seeing the little white snake floating in the air and constantly writhing, but without any self-awareness, Lao Bai suddenly spoke, with a touch of melancholy and a touch of entanglement in his tone.

"The next step is the last and most critical step of soul melting, the failure rate is extremely high!"

Lao Bai didn't take the last step immediately, he seemed to ponder for a moment, and then said: "Lu Xun, if my soul fusion fails, I will trouble you to take care of this reshaped dragon body, maybe one day in the future, it can be rebuilt Wisdom is born!"

This may be the thing that Lao Bai is most unsure about. The little white snake is just a body without a soul, and it is not a complete reconstruction of the dragon's body.

Only when Lao Bai reintegrates his own Long Rong into it can he be regarded as a real plastic rebirth, but this process is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, and even the possibility of failure is extremely high.

"Will it take a long time?"

Lu Xun frowned. He didn't expect this. If it takes a long time, he may not be able to rely on Lao Bai's strength for the next journey.

"It's as short as half a month, as long as two or three months. If I still can't succeed after three months, then I'm afraid..."

Lao Bai didn't hide this, but Lu Xun was slightly relieved. This time is not too long. Anyway, there should be a month or two before going to Daxuan Teachers College.

"I'm going to start!"

Lao Bai didn't know what Lu Xun was thinking. After the words fell, he gritted his teeth, and then moved, his whole body turned into a white light, and finally struck into the body of the little white snake.

The little white snake, which had been twisting instinctively just now, suddenly became certain at the next moment, followed by another dodge, flying around Lu Xun's right arm and wrapping around it like a white bracelet.

Looking at the little white snake that didn't move at all, Lu Xun could guess that its body was definitely turned upside down, and Lao Bai must also be suffering great pain in order to melt his soul and rebirth.

"Okay, it's time to get out!"

Lu Xun looked at the Dragon Spirit Hall and saw that there were no treasures to search for in the hall, so he sighed, then turned around and opened the door of the hall.


Lu Xun stepped out slowly, and naturally Kong Xinyue and Shi Dang would no longer be seen outside. This was also what he expected. What he was really worried about was Lu Linger's safety.


A moment later, the calm lake surface of Wolongyuan was rippling, and a figure in black rose into the sky.

But Lu Xun, who had just come out of the water, couldn't help but shudder, as he suddenly sensed the dozens of corpses on the shore.

The corpses of Yun Muyuan and others were already emitting a faint stench, attracting some mosquitoes and flies, but none of the monsters dared to approach easily, obviously they were still afraid of the big dragon.

"It seems that Liuyun Kingdom did something stupid after all, and was finally dealt with by Senior Sister Xinyue!"

Lu Xun's mind was clear, and he guessed the truth in an instant. Then his eyes turned slightly, and he turned to a certain big tree. There seemed to be something there.

Lu Xun jumped out and took off the letter paper nailed to the big tree with a dagger. After reading the contents of the letter at a glance, he was greatly relieved.

It was obviously a letter that Kong Xinyue left for Lu Xun when she left. She briefly talked about what happened that day, and said that she had brought Lu Linger to Daxuan Wenshi College so that he didn't have to worry.

"What are you doing sneakily, get out!"

Just when Lu Xun read the contents of the letter, he suddenly turned his gaze to a certain direction, and suddenly shouted, with his sensing ability, he could naturally sense the movement there.

"Master Mo Nu, it's me, Old Du!"

A familiar voice came into Lu Xun's ears, and then an equally familiar figure appeared in his eyes, it was Du Baimei who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Congratulations, young master!"

Du Baimei rushed to Lu Xun like a dog's leg, first bowed and saluted, and then seemed to have sensed Lu Xun's qi refining cultivation, and the smile on his face couldn't help but become more intense.

"Old Du, since you're gone, why do you want to come back?"

There was a half-smile on Lu Xun's face. Hearing what he said, Du Baimei couldn't help yelling, but he didn't dare to show it.

"If it wasn't for San Chong Pill's imminent move, would you think I would come back?"

This is Du Baimei's mood at the moment. He wanted to escape earlier, but he didn't expect that after a few days, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Especially in the bone marrow of the head, there seemed to be bugs crawling.

So after having to come back, Du Baimei's answer became "I think it's more comfortable to be with the young master, Lao Du can't do without the young master anymore."

Naturally, Lu Xun knew the truth of the facts, so he didn't want to expose it at this time. Having an extra six-level thug by his side would save a lot of trouble.

"Those two people, you didn't hurt their lives, did you?"

Lu Xun suddenly remembered something, he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and let the two pretend to be himself and Lu Ling'er, maybe it would drag others down, so I asked this question.

"Don't worry, young master, I gave a top-grade golden bead alone, and they were very happy!"

Du Baimei couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear, secretly thinking that it's fortunate that he didn't kill someone to silence him, otherwise if the young master finds out about this matter, San Chong Dan is no joke.

"What's more, these guys from Liuyun Kingdom are dead, and no one will trouble them again. By the way, young master, Yun Muyuan and the others were all killed by you? And where did Miss Linger go?"

Du Baimei just arrived here, and to be honest, he was extremely surprised when he saw the bodies of Yun Muyuan, Xiao Li and others.

Even if Du Baimei could see that the skeleton of the mechanism was nearby, but the young man in front of him was only at the fifth level, how could he kill Yun Muyuan who had reached the sixth level?

"I didn't kill it, Ling'er is also safe, don't worry about it!"

The other party asked so many questions, Lu Xun just answered briefly, there was no need to tell Du Baimei the truth, and then he waved his right hand and walked towards the west first.

"Young master, why didn't you see the big flood dragon in Wolongyuan? You won't kill him too, right?"

"I said, Old Du, why do you have so many questions?"

The figures of the old and the young fade away gradually, but Du Baimei's doubts are increasing, which makes Lu Xun a little impatient.

Why didn't I realize that Lao Du was actually a problematic old man before?

By the bank of Wolongyuan!

Several hours after the figures of Lu Xun and Du Baimei disappeared, a figure appeared on the shore without a sound. Looking at his landing movements, he was actually flying away from the ground.

Those who can achieve this step are probably at least great monks who have reached the seventh realm of stepping into the sky.

I saw the sullenness on this person's face, as if he was sensing some aura remaining in the air.

"These dead bodies should be high-ranking members of the Liuyun Kingdom's royal family. How did that kid Lu Xun do it? Or...is there another strong person beside him?"

A hint of doubt appeared on the figure's face. Since he came to this country of Liuyun, he naturally wanted to inquire about the high-end combat power of the country of Liuyun, and he recognized the monarch of the country of Liuyun immediately.

The King of Liuyun, Yun Muyuan, is a genuine master of the six realms of perfection. Even if this person wanted to clean up him, he would have to use some means to do so. Unexpectedly, he died here inexplicably.

"Or, is it the big flood dragon at Wolongyuan who did it?"

The next moment, this person dispelled the thought in his heart.

Thinking of the legend of Wolongyuan, he was more inclined to believe that the dragon did something good, and he didn't know how Liuyun Kingdom provoked this big monster.

From this point of view, it is not without logic. After all, the legend of Wolongyuan has a long history, and the fighting power of the monster race is stronger than that of the human race in the same realm.

Naturally, this person had no intention of wasting time on the dead people in Liuyun Kingdom. After he sensed it, he finally locked his breath on the western sky.

A figure soared into the sky, which was the symbol of the Seventh Realm of Stepping into the Sky, and his speed was so fast that perhaps after a while, he would be able to catch up to the target boy.

"Lu Xun, you can't escape!"

There was such a confident voice in the sky, and when the voice dissipated, Wolongyuan became calm again.

I don't know when the peace will be broken next time, when will I have to wait?
(End of this chapter)

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