low-key is king

Chapter 467 Am I Beautiful?

Chapter 467 Am I Beautiful?

The eighth-rank magic robe can withstand a blow from the eighth-level powerhouse without injury. This is its greatest effect.

And to refine an eighth-rank robe, in addition to countless natural materials and earth treasures, it also requires a military master who has reached the eighth rank to refine it for several days day and night.

Moreover, the probability of failure in the process is extremely high, just like alchemy, if the success falls short at the final juncture of integration, then all the previous efforts will be in vain.

In the history of Youlong Kingdom, the highest-grade magic robe appeared, that is, the first-level seventh-rank.

At that time, at the auction held by the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations, many wealthy and powerful people fought for their heads and blood.

In the end, the magic robe that entered the seventh rank still fell into the hands of the royal family of Youlong, that is, the one worn by Long Bi, which greatly increased his defense.

This may also be the only seventh-rank robe in the entire Youlong Kingdom, and it is just a beginner to the seventh rank. As for the higher-level eighth-rank robe, they have never seen it once.

If Tang Zhe of Luo Youshan had not died so suddenly today, they would not have seen an eighth-rank robe, and everyone must be well aware of the preciousness of an eighth-rank robe.

"Master Lu, this is too expensive, I can't take it!"

Princess Lilong is quite sensible, she is only a first-level martial artist now, even the most beloved princess of Youlong Kingdom, she can't bear such an expensive eighth-rank robe.

"I didn't say I would give it to you, I just lent it to you to wear temporarily!"

Lu Xun shook his head with a smile, and then said: "Besides, if you don't have an eighth-rank magic robe with your cultivation level, I don't have so much energy to take care of you when the time comes to fight!"

Perhaps it was the last sentence that moved Long Zhijun, so she didn't say any more, and she didn't put on a show anymore. She reached out to take the eighth-rank magic robe with a slightly special atmosphere, and slowly put it on her body.

The eighth-grade magic robe already has the function of changing. When Long Zhijun put it on, it was automatically transformed into a well-fitting black dress, which gave her a strange charm.

If it was before, some people might still think that there was an ugly face under the black veil, no matter how good the figure was, without the veil, it was just an ugly monster.

However, everyone has seen Long Zhijun's alluring appearance before, and now combined with this well-fitting black dress, this Princess Lilong can still fascinate all beings even though she is only 16 years old.

"Father, let's say goodbye to my daughter!"

Long Zhijun turned around, bowed to his father, kowtowed three times, and then stood up. In the quiet atmosphere, there was a faint sadness of parting.

"Let's go!"

Lu Xun waved his hand lightly, nodded slightly to Long Bi, and walked towards the west gate with Du Baimei. Behind him, Long Zhijun followed slowly, but he never looked back.

She is afraid of not wanting to part with it!

On the huge Youlong Guodu Square, it seemed a little quiet. At this time, no one spoke, just watched the three backs quietly, and finally disappeared into the flow of Western people.

"Your Majesty, Lu Xun's enemy is Luo Youshan. Are you really not worried?"

It wasn't until the backs of the three could no longer be seen that Guoshi Yaoli's face became a little gloomy, and he didn't dare to ask casually in front of Lu Xun just now.

"Hey, Jun'er has grown up and has his own ideas. Some things, even if it is me, can't be forced to take care of them!"

Long Bi pondered for a moment, and could only sigh slightly, or maybe in his heart, he was also entangled in whether doing so was good or bad, and whether it would kill his daughter.

But there is another feeling in his heart, that is his gentleman, if he can survive this catastrophe, his future achievements will be absolutely limitless.

Didn't you see that just meeting Lu Xun today made Long Zhijun break the shackles of the past 16 years and become a true first-level martial artist?
"I hope she can give us a big surprise when we see Jun'er again next time, right?"

Long Bi finally concluded with this sentence, so he didn't care about Long Zhijun's affairs, seeing him raised his head and shouted loudly: "You Longhui, continue!"



On a big mountain a little far from the west of the capital of Youlong Kingdom, a bonfire flickered in the night sky. Looking down from the sky, you could see two people sitting beside the bonfire.

These two are Lu Xun and Lilong Princess Long Zhijun, while Du Baimei is standing on the outside to guard. After all, in the mountains, there are often monsters who don't have long eyes.

Since there were no outsiders, Long Zhijun had already taken off the black veil, and under the light of the fire, it reflected the face of the country, so that Lu Xun couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Does Mr. Lu think Zhijun looks good?"

Long Zhijun is not that shy, on the contrary he is a little bold.

Or maybe she knew that Lu Xun was not the kind of person who couldn't take jokes, so she asked with a smile at this moment, she was quite confident about her appearance.


Naturally, Lu Xun would not go against his own heart. He nodded and added: "At least so far, I haven't seen a woman who is prettier than you!"

Lu Xun is speaking the truth, and this even includes countless women who have been reincarnated in a hundred generations. Those so-called women who are all over the world are at most no more than equals to Long Zhijun.

Moreover, Lu Xun also knew that Long Zhijun was only 16 years old, and some places hadn't bloomed at all.

In time, there are probably not many people in this world who can resist this temptation.

Coupled with the fact that Long Zhijun is pregnant with ancient dragon veins, she has a special temperament, and with her unparalleled appearance, she is destined to be a disaster for the entire Qingxuan world in the future.

"Since I'm so good-looking, why doesn't Mr. Lu want to marry me? And at the beginning, he didn't even want to say a word?"

This may also be the doubt in Long Zhijun's heart. Although she was born in the royal family and doesn't know much about the outside world, she likes to read books, especially stories about talented scholars and beautiful ladies.

In Long Zhijun's heart, Lu Xun is the kind of talented person who hides his secrets, and he is the beautiful woman who looks like a flower.

If the marriage is achieved at the Youlong Club, it will definitely become a good story in the Youlong Kingdom.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Long Zhijun really has a deep affection for Lu Xunyi, but any pretty woman, when she sees a man with such an attitude, can't help but think a little bit more, at least she must know one reason, right?

"Not every good-looking woman has to marry home!"

Lu Xun shook his head slightly. Although this Qingxuan Tianxia can't help having three wives and four concubines, but he has reincarnation on the earth in the previous life, and some things have become a deep-rooted concept in his mind.

In Lu Xun's philosophy, whether it's a man or a woman, one needs to be single-minded in using emotion.

His temperament is not to see one and love another, at least the current Long Zhijun, apart from his appearance, has no second point that can impress him.

"Hey, I read it in the book, you men, you meet one and love the other!"

After saying these few more words, Long Zhijun's fear of Lu Xun gradually dissipated, and he became more and more relaxed.

This made Lu Xun unable to refute, and could only shake his head helplessly.

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about you!"

Lu Xun didn't want to talk too much about this boring topic, so he changed the subject and said, "Zhijun, do you know that you are actually a little different?"


Long Zhijun's face also became serious, but he said melancholy: "I can feel a power in my body, but I just can't see it, touch it, let alone control it. Until today, it seems that only a little bit has leaked out. I have broken through to the level of a First Realm Martial Artist!"

In fact, since Long Zhijun became sensible, she could vaguely sense a special power in her body.

It's a pity that this kind of power has been restrained or sealed, and it has been unable to be used.

For this reason, Long Bi found countless ways and invited countless doctors, but in the end they were all at a loss. After a long time, the father and daughter resigned to their fate.

"Do you know what power that is?"

Lu Xun asked again, and seeing the face of the other party, he smiled again: "It seems that I don't know, but the power in your body is... the ancient dragon veins!"

Lu Xun didn't deliberately hide this, and he also needed to confess to the other party. He heard him say: "Speaking of which, when I met Longcheng, I would like to thank Zhijun for saving my life!"

"The grace of saving my life? Mr. Lu was joking!"

Hearing this, Long Zhijun was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands again and again and said: "I was just an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken, how could I help Mr. Lu? This is Mr. Lu's own ability, and it has nothing to do with me. relation!"

"No, it does matter!"

Lu Xun's face was still solemn, and he stroked the "white jade bracelet" on his left wrist, and continued: "In short, I, Lu Xun, owe you Long Zhijun a life, and I will repay you in the future!"

Hearing what Lu Xun said, Long Zhijun didn't know what to say, but it undoubtedly made her understand the heart of this black-clothed boy again, and something deep in her heart was also quietly touched.

Because she knew clearly that if Lu Xun didn't tell her, she might never know about it for the rest of her life. This kind of favor is actually the hardest to repay, and it's a favor of a first-level martial artist.

This is tantamount to making a promise to Long Zhijun that Lu Xun will never abandon Long Zhijun and run for his life alone no matter what.

When it really comes to a critical moment, it won't be true that Lu Xun said before that he can't take care of her.

"Young master Lu, can you tell me how you and Luo Youshan became enemies?"

After a brief silence, Long Zhijun didn't want to say more about the topic of repaying gratitude, so she changed the subject. To be honest, she has always been a little curious about this matter.

In any case, Lu Xun is only a Five Realm, but Luoyou Mountain is a huge fairy gate on the mountain with the gods of the Upper Five Realm.

So why is there such an inextricable animosity between the two?

(End of this chapter)

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