low-key is king

Chapter 591 Physician branch

Chapter 591 Physician branch
"Brother Wang, I just said that casually just now, I didn't expect you to take it seriously!"

It seemed that it was inappropriate for him not to say anything, so after a moment of silence, Xu Zhibai finally explained something, which made Ji Shang beside him nod in satisfaction.

"That's right, we are all brothers from the same sect. It would be bad to tear your face apart. Why don't you give in for the time being, Junior Brother Wang Huan, so as not to let outsiders see the joke!"

As the leader of Shangyi League, Ji Shang opened his mouth to smooth things over at this moment, but Wang Huan felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard such words.

Why should you let yourself, a deceived person, take a step back?
"Leader, Senior Brother Ji, are you determined to protect Qi Ting, a despicable villain today?"

Wang Huan's face was a little ferocious, he first called the leader, and then changed his title.

This subtle change made De Ji Shang very displeased. Did this guy not even listen to his own words?

"Wang Huan, please speak clearly, who is the despicable villain?"

Naturally, Qi Ting quit here, and being scolded as a despicable villain in front of so many people, will he still hang around in the academy in the future?

"It's about you, you've lied to your own people, I don't know how many people you have cheated over the years, please remember this face, anyone who dares to ask Qi Ting to buy pills from him in the future will be taken advantage of, and is a fool! "

Wang Huan seemed to have made up his mind, completely ignoring Ji Shang's ugly face over there, after saying these words, he had already broken his face with Qi Ting.

"Wang Huan, isn't this too much?"

Ji Shang's voice was a little low and threatening.

Of course he knew that Qi Ting was at fault for this matter, but the latter was his confidant and was not as difficult to control as Wang Huan.

Naturally, not all doctors in Shangyi League are cheating and abducting doctors who put their interests first, and there are also kind doctors like Wang Huan who are determined to cure diseases and save lives. These are not under Ji Shang's control.

The so-called top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked. Ji Shang himself is a businessman who puts profit first, so his confidantes are all such people, such as Qi Ting, and Xu Zhibai.

Even many physicians who originally upheld the principles of benevolence and righteousness gradually tended to become people like Xu Zhibai Qiting after joining the Shangyi League.

From the perspective of long-term interests, this is very detrimental to the development of the School of Physicians of the College of Letters and Teachers. If everyone puts their interests first, what kind of doctor can they be called?
It's not that doctors can't make money, but you also need to be within a reasonable range. What Xu Zhibai and Qi Ting did is already over the limit, but they still enjoy it.

Just imagine that over time, if the medical school trains such a group of doctors who put their interests first, then the taste of doctors will change.

In a sense, it is no different from a poison master.

It's a pity that the teachers and gentlemen in the medical college, because Ji Shang is usually very good at life, they didn't realize this at all, and naturally no one would remind them.

To this day, because of Lu Xun's methods, the Shangyi League has internal strife, and these decent doctors headed by Wang Huan have finally had a great disagreement with those doctors who focus on interests.

But at this time, Ji Shang, the leader of the Shangyi League, chose to help Qi Ting, a confidant, how could Wang Huan be convinced?
"Senior Brother Ji, I really didn't expect that even you would be so indiscriminate between right and wrong. Obviously Qi Ting lied to me first, but now you still want to say that I've gone too far. This is no longer the Medical Alliance I know!"

Wang Huan turned his head to look at Ji Shang, with a touch of disappointment in his eyes. When he saw that the other party had no intention of compromising, he couldn't help but sigh: "Such a Shangyi League, it doesn't matter if you don't stay!"

"If you don't want to stay, get out of Shangyi League!"

Qi Ting was scolded by Wang Huan just now, and now he finally found a chance, but when he said this, Ji Shang beside him couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Wang Huan is a seventh-rank doctor, and he represents many doctors of the younger generation in the medical school, and he can be regarded as the leader of the part of doctors that Ji Shang can't control.

In the past, many doctors might not have liked the actions of Qi Ting or Xu Zhibai, but with Wang Huan in charge, there was no major trouble, and Ji Shang just turned a blind eye.

But now, if Wang Huan really chooses to leave the Shangyi League, some doctors may change.

This will inevitably weaken the overall strength of Shangyi League, which is the result that Ji Shang does not want to see.

However, from another perspective, Wang Huan and Qi Ting had such a quarrel today, deep in Ji Shang's heart, he naturally valued his confidant Qi Ting more, so at this time he just frowned, but didn't say anything explain.

"Okay, I know!"

In fact, Wang Huan still had some expectations in his heart, hoping that Ji Shang could say a few good words, even if he couldn't get the ten jade beads back, he could find a reason to stay in Shangyi League.

But Ji Shang didn't say anything, as if acquiescing to Qi Ting's words, which made Wang Huan extremely disappointed and made him more determined to leave.

"Starting from today, I, Wang Huan, am no longer a member of the Shangyi League!"

Seeing that Wang Huan took a deep breath, then took a deep look at the triumphant Qi Ting, and finally finished speaking, and walked towards the outside of the hall without looking back.

"Brother Wang Huan, we will go with you!"

Looking at the somewhat lonely back, several voices rang out, all of them were some kind doctors in the Shangyi League. They had long been displeased with what Xu Zhibai Qiting and others did.


Seeing this, Qi Ting couldn't help being a little anxious, he just wanted Wang Huan to leave alone, now that so many people have followed Wang Huan, the leader won't blame himself, right?

"No one can keep anyone who wants to leave, let them go!"

A flash of anger flashed in Ji Shang's eyes, but he seemed to have expected this result a long time ago. To clear out these disobedient doctors, maybe the future Shangyi League can be better controlled.

Only in this way, the overall strength of the Shangyi League will inevitably be weakened, because Wang Huan left with a seventh-rank doctor who is a famous genius in the medical school.


Seeing the group of doctors walking towards Wang Huan, everyone was stunned, thinking to themselves that the huge medical alliance has split, why did it suddenly become like this?

Thinking of this, many people's eyes turned to a certain boy in black.

After they sorted out the ins and outs of what happened today, they suddenly found that they had something to do with Lu Xun.

If Lu Xun hadn't explained Xu Zhibai's sky-high asking price, Qi Ting wouldn't have blamed him, and Xu Zhibai wouldn't have pulled out the black cloud stone, and what happened later wouldn't have happened.

It can be said that the instigator of all the incidents was here with Lu Xun. In this way, it was this boy in black who single-handedly caused the split of the Shangyi League.

It would be fine if it was an accident, but if it had been planned by the boy in black, then his mind would be a little too scary.

Many people looked at the boy in black with a look of horror.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, even if Lu Xun wants to trouble the Shangyi League, he can't count the matter of Heiyunshi. These are just the evil results accumulated by Ji Shangqiting and others over the years.

Lu Xun believed that even if there were no such things as today, with Ji Shang and others' mentality, conflicts would break out with Wang Huan and others sooner or later, and the final result would definitely be a split.

On the contrary, it was Wang Huan who made a decisive decision at this moment, and did not choose to continue to join forces with the Shangyi League, which made Lu Xun quite admirable, and a strong thought also rose in his heart.

"Senior Brother Wang Huan, my New Moon Palace intends to set up a doctor branch. If you are interested, the head of the doctor branch is yours!"

In the quiet trading hall, a loud voice suddenly sounded, which made everyone's hearts tremble, and the faces of Ji Shangqiting and others turned dark in an instant.

Because the person who spoke was Lu Xun, the leader of the New Moon Palace, and his so-called branch of doctors was obviously pulling people.

Wang Huan and the others had just left the Medical Association, and Lu Xun came to pull people in the blink of an eye. This is completely disrespectful to the Medical Association!

It's just that everyone, including Ji Shang, doesn't think that Lu Xun can succeed in attracting people.

You are a little five-level monk, and you are still a newcomer who has just joined the academy for a few days. Why do you let a seventh-rank doctor like Wang Huan listen to you?
Sure enough, after Lu Xun's loud voice fell, Wang Huan certainly turned his gaze to this side, but when he sensed the former's qi refining cultivation, he couldn't help shaking his head slowly.

"Senior Brother Wang Huan, don't rush to refuse, it's not too late to make a decision after listening to my conditions!"

Lu Xun was talking, and then he stretched out his hand to wipe it on his wrist, and a white light shot towards Wang Huanbiao, making him subconsciously reach out to take it.

"This is a elixir of perfect quality. Don't you want to study it, Senior Brother Wang Huan?"

What Lu Xun said immediately made Wang Huan's right hand holding the white jade bottle tremble a little, and even made the doctors who followed him a little excited.

This is a perfect elixir. It is a peerless elixir that they may not be able to refine even in their entire lives. Although it may only be a fifth-grade elixir, it still means a lot to them.

"Damn it, why did you forget that he still has this trump card?"

Ji Shang on the other side couldn't help cursing inwardly after hearing Lu Xun's condition.

Once such an offer from the secret channel comes out, I'm afraid even Wang Huan, a seventh-rank doctor, can't refuse it, right?

"As long as Senior Brother Wang Huan joins my New Moon Palace, I can share my alchemy experience with Senior Brother unconditionally!"

Lu Xunyu was not surprised and kept dying. If Wang Huan had been tempted by the fact that he was able to research the perfect elixir before, then he really has no reason to refuse now.

Although this is already a seventh-rank doctor, he knows that there is no limit to the knowledge of medicine, and there are many techniques and material ratios, which have infinite possibilities for improvement.

He always thought that the refining method of the perfect elixir was Lu Xun's undisclosed secret, but now the other party said that he could communicate with him, which made him instantly dispel the idea of ​​refusing.

(End of this chapter)

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