low-key is king

Chapter 62 I should have thought of it earlier!

Chapter 62 I should have thought of it earlier!


The door of the royal palace was pulled open from the inside, and a figure with a little sluggish breath walked out first. It was Cao Song, the chief physician of the palace.

And behind him, sat Zhendong King Lu Mingyang.

As for Asha, he had already quietly left the palace from another place, and he did not know when he stood beside Lu Xun again.

Zhendong King Lu Mingyang's gaze first lingered on the worried princess for a moment, then glanced at Lu Xun over there, and finally stopped on the third lady Yan Ruoxia.

"Yan Ruoxia, why is this so?"

At this moment, Lu Mingyang seemed quite calm. Back then, he married Yan Ruoxia only because of his elder brother's proposal, but after all these years, the couple still had some affection.

Lu Mingyang's favorite in his heart is naturally the princess. Yan Ruoxia conspired to rebel, and even wanted to kill her own princess and son. This was something he could not tolerate.

Cao Song on the side was a little hesitant to speak, and then he saw a sharp gaze cast on him, and swallowed back the words that were about to come to his mouth.

That gaze belonged to the second son Lu Xun.

It seems that Lu Xun also knows what Cao Song wants to say. If the secret relationship between the third lady and Lu Dai is really exposed, it will be embarrassing not only for the dying Yan Ruoxia, but also for the entire Zhendong Palace.

Cao Song is not an idiot either. After thinking through all this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He secretly thought that he was seriously injured, but he really didn't think too much. Fortunately, the second son reminded him.

"Is it meaningful to say more now?"

Yan Ruoxia's face was ashen, and she no longer had that bright face like a morning glow. She knew that she had suffered a complete defeat.

But she didn't understand why she lost so quickly?And so suddenly?

"Can you tell me why?"

Yan Ruoxia, who knew she was going to die, just wanted an answer, otherwise she would die with regret.

Everything was planned well, why did it suddenly fall short at this last moment?
Lu Mingyang glanced at Lu Xun subconsciously, then seemed to remember something, and quickly turned around, but just this one glance already made Yan Ruoxia, a shrewd man, think of many things.

"Sure enough, I should have thought of it earlier!"

The shrewd third lady also turned her beautiful eyes to the second son of the palace, a smile appeared on her pale face, and she said: "From the beginning to the end, we have ignored you, the second son. what!"

"What? Second Young Master?"

Yan Ruoxia's meaningful words stunned many people in the palace.

Isn't that just a dandy with no cultivation base? Why did today's matter have anything to do with this second young master?

"It's a pity, you came back too late, I'm really curious, if you can return to the palace a year ago, will that woman Liu Qinghan get her wish?"

Yan Ruoxia didn't explain too much, and the smile on her face remained undiminished. When the tragedy came out of her mouth, all the people in the palace fell silent.

Especially Zhendong Wang and his wife, there was a glint of anger in their eyes.

The shocking event that happened a year ago was tantamount to a catastrophe for the Zhendong Palace. It knocked down a man who could be on an equal footing with the monarch.

And because of the relationship between the saintess of Luoyou Mountain, no one was willing to help the Zhendong Palace to speak, so the huge Zhendong Palace had to be relocated to this small border town, lingering on its last breath.

But at this moment, when Yan Ruoxia had figured everything out, no matter how much she hated her, she still had to feel a little admiration for Lu Xun, the mastermind behind the scenes.

She even thought that with Lu Xun's skills, she might really be able to fight the saintess of Naluoyou Mountain.

It's a pity that these are just taken for granted. It has been a year since the change in the palace. It seems that Lu Xun, the second son of the palace, can't really confront the holy girl of Luoyou Mountain. I have to say that there is a lot less exciting.

"What did the third lady say? Why can't I understand?"

In such a large audience, Lu Xun naturally wouldn't admit publicly that he was the mastermind behind the scenes. As for the so-called Saintess of Luoyou Mountain, let's wait and see!

"Winner and loser, Lu Mingyang, do you know what is the one thing I regret the most in my life?"

There was a faint wry smile on the corner of Yan Ruoxia's mouth, she didn't wait for King Zhendong to speak, she said quietly, "That means marrying into your Prince Zhendong's mansion!"

As soon as the words fell, a trace of black blood spilled from the corner of Yan Ruoxia's mouth, which made Cao Song's face not far away a little ugly, and said in a cold voice: "She has hidden a strong poison between her teeth, what a third lady!"


Hearing Cao Songzhi's words in his ears, Lu Mingyang couldn't bear it. Thinking of the relationship between husband and wife for many years, the other party ended up like this, and the Zhendong Palace cannot be said to be without the slightest responsibility.

All of this may have started from the marriage of the saint girl of Luoyou Mountain into the Zhendong Prince's Mansion seven years ago, until the accident a year ago caused the third lady's temperament to change drastically, and it ended like this.

Until the moment when she fell down, Yan Ruoxia still had a strange smile on her face, whether it was a sneer or a wry smile, this method of death was a decent result.

It can also be seen from this that Yan Ruoxia is indeed extremely cautious, even thinking of the less than one in ten thousand chance of failure, and hid the poison between her teeth in advance.

Once nothing is done, he bites the poison sac and commits suicide.

"Bury it well, what happened today, don't let it out, anyone who violates it will be dealt with by military regulations!"

Lu Mingyang took a last deep look at the two corpses lying on the ground, sighed softly, and then his face suddenly turned sharp, which made all the palace guards stand in awe.

"The people who followed Lu Dai in the rebellion before, I don't want to pursue them, I hope you will know for yourself!"

The Zhendong King seemed a little short of breath, but after he said these few words, many people were greatly relieved.

After all, there are many people among them, and they have been working with Lu Dai for a year, and there are many shady things, for fear of being settled by Zhendong Wang Qiuhou.

The Zhendong Palace has always been controlled by military regulations, and many of the private guards of the Palace are also from the army. Naturally, they know that the military regulations are strict. It was an inadvertent mistake that would result in immediate beheading.

"From today onwards, Chen Xian will succeed Lu Dai as the commander of the guards of our Zhendong Prince's Mansion, and will be directly responsible to the King!"

The following words were about rewards for meritorious deeds, and Chen Xian, who had heard these words, fell to the ground directly, and couldn't help being extremely proud of his desperate gamble this time.

"Thank you, my lord, my subordinates must be heartbroken to repay my lord's kindness!"

After Chen Xian knelt down, all the guards of the palace fell to their knees. They all knew that the world of the palace was about to change, so there was a faint excitement deep in their hearts.

For more than a year, the Zhendong Palace has been depressed, the prince is in a coma, the son is insane, and the princess doesn't care. They can only rely on Lu Dai, the general of the Eastern Cavalry.

But now it seems that the prince has come to his senses and seems to be going to revive the Zhendong Palace, which makes everyone see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope to return to the glory of the Palace.

"This king is tired and needs to rest. During this time, please trouble Mr. Cao!"

Lu Mingyang glanced at Cao Song pointingly, and what he said made everyone in the palace realize a fact again.

This Chief Physician of the Wangfu is really the backroom of the Wangye placed among the third wife, mother and child.

This farce in the dark night finally ended with the orthodox victory of the palace, and it also made everyone feel ups and downs. They didn't fully recover until dawn.

And even if Lu Mingyang, King of the Eastern Township, ordered not to spread the matter, how could there be an impenetrable wall in the world?

After all, the current Zhendong Palace is no longer the monolithic Zhendong Palace of the past.

In the next few days, Zhendong Palace was quiet, as if nothing happened at all that day and night.

The concubine still stayed in the royal palace without leaving home. The chief physician Cao Song went to the palace for diagnosis and treatment from time to time. Hearing that the prince's illness was getting worse day by day, he was able to walk slowly on the ground.

As for the second son, Lu Xun, he also stayed behind closed doors, and didn't know what to do in his palace, so naturally he didn't dare to be disturbed.

Under the tranquility, anyone with a heart can see an undercurrent.

This internal trouble has been temporarily resolved, and it may be followed by external troubles. With the current strength of the Zhendong Palace, can it be resolved again?

Watanabe Castle, the City Lord's Mansion!
In a spacious room on the second floor of the City Lord's Mansion, there were three figures sitting up and down. If Lu Xun were here, he would recognize one of them as Young City Lord Yang He, who still owed him a bet.

At the top of the room, a majestic figure was also sitting upright. He looked about forty years old, and his aura was quite majestic. It was Yang Xun, the lord of Watanabe City.

As for the old man next to him with an old face and a somewhat gloomy look, he is the Chief Cultivator of the City Lord's Mansion, whose Dao name is Huaguang.

The strength of this master of Huaguang is not weak, not only as a four-level monk, but also a genuine fourth-grade poison master, a special branch of the alchemy division.

Compared to curing illnesses and saving lives, perhaps this master of Huaguang could not compare to Cao Song and Chang Wenzhao who were at the same level, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the poison master's methods were much weirder and stronger.

It doesn't matter if you offend a doctor, but if you offend a poisoner, sometimes you don't even know how to die, and sometimes, you will suffer ten times more pain than dying directly.

Practitioners all over the world talk about poison masters, but they all respect them at a respectful distance.

The higher the level of poison masters, the more and more strange their methods are. Master Huaguang of the fourth level level is the most terrifying person in Watanabe City.

"Master Huaguang, what do you think of this change in Zhendong Palace?"

The first person to speak was of course Yang Xun, the city lord who was sitting at the top, with a piece of letter paper in his hand. It seemed that he already knew something about what happened in Zhendong Palace in the past few days and nights.

(End of this chapter)

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