Chapter 64

"Your Majesty, something happened to Watanabe Castle!"

Luo Wuxu, a monk of the five realms, did not rely on his own cultivation. He first saluted Yan Chaolu, the leader, and then the first sentence he uttered made the empress stand up directly.

"Is it Zhendong Palace?"

If there is anything in a small Watanabe city that can make this powerful empress tremble, it is only the former behemoth of the Xuanyang Kingdom, and now the downcast Zhendong Prince's Mansion.

Because there was not only Lu Mingyang, the king of Zhendong whom she was extremely afraid of, but also her direct sister. She could vaguely see the gloomyness in Luo Wuxu's eyes by looking at her face.

"Yes, our plan has failed!"

Luo Wuxu is Yan Chaolu's absolute confidant, so he naturally knows all the plans of the empress, the line of Zhendong Palace is very important, otherwise the empress would not have sent her own sister there.

"This is an urgent secret report from Watanabe Castle, take a look!"

Luo Wuxu didn't talk too much about the process, he just handed the information letter in front of Yan Chaolu, and then the empress slowly stretched out her hand to take it.


After reading the contents of the letter paper at a glance, the sadness in Yan Zhaolu's eyes flashed away, followed by angrily cursing.

For someone as ambitious as Yan Chaolu, it cannot be said that she is ruthless to her own sister, but what she values ​​more is the success or failure of this plan.

This is a plan she has been planning for more than ten years. She has already started planning since she asked her own sister to marry into the Zhendong Prince's Mansion as a concubine.

Once the ten-year plan failed, she lost her mind for a moment.

"Why did it fail? Why did Lu Mingyang wake up suddenly?"

Yan Chaolu's knuckles were turning white while holding the letter, she was sitting on the phoenix chair, muttering in her mouth, just looking at the content of the information, she couldn't guess the truth no matter what.

The situation at that time was that Zhendong King Lu Mingyang suddenly spoke soberly, Cao Song suddenly turned against him, and even a little man in the palace, Chen Xian, suddenly betrayed Yan Ruoxia's mother and son, and there was an unusual feeling everywhere.

The two sisters must have communicated frequently. In Yan Ruoxia's previous secret letters, she had always said that everything was under control, and that almost all the combat power of the Zhendong Palace was in the hands of her foster son, Lu Dai.

I didn't expect to end up with such a crushing defeat. Is this the so-called everything under control?This means that all the power is in your own hands?
"Perhaps... Lu Mingyang has long been awake, somehow persuaded Cao Song to play such a trick!"

Luo Wuxu, who was at the bottom, thought about it and analyzed it. They were thousands of miles away, and it was definitely impossible for them to personally investigate the real reason for the change in Zhendong Palace that day.

What's more, even if you go, you may not be able to find out.

"There was one thing mentioned in Ruoxia's previous secret letter, Mr. Luo, do you think it might be that Lu Xun who left home for ten years and returned to the palace for the first time?"

In Queen Yan Chaolu's mind, a somewhat vague figure suddenly appeared. Regarding this matter, Yan Ruoxia naturally did not hide it, but she only mentioned it.

Yan Chaolu still has some impressions of Lu Xun, but only in the image of a child ten years ago.

At that time, Lu Xun was so daring that he climbed onto the dragon case in the Qinzheng Palace and urinated once, but was dragged back to the Zhendong Palace by the queen himself, and sued severely in front of the princess.

Since then, Lu Xun has never been looked down upon by Yan Chaolu.

This is a playboy who only knows how to mess around. If he is allowed to go on like this, maybe one day something big will happen and he will be beaten to death by the jealous Zhendong King.

Later, when Lu Xun disappeared suddenly, the concubine Zhao Lijing was depressed, and Yan Chaolu pretended to comfort her a few times, and the missing second son of the palace would naturally not be taken seriously by her.

But now, something happened in the East Prince's Mansion in Watanabe Town, and even her cautious younger sister died, so Yan Chaolu couldn't help but doubt everything.

And Lu Xun, who has been back to Zhendong Palace for less than a month, naturally fell into her eyes. Who knows if Lu Xun has any adventures in these ten years?
"It shouldn't be possible, right? In the letter from the third lady, it was said that Lu Xun has no cultivation at all, and there are no suspicious people around him!"

Luo Wuxu was quite calm. A five-level monk like him naturally had a photographic memory. He remembered the content of Yan Ruoxia's secret letter and analyzed it based on reason at this moment.

"Hehe, it seems that this palace is thinking too much, how can a loach in the mud turn the clouds and rain?"

Hearing Luo Wuxu's words, the empress laughed at herself, threw Lu Xun's vague figure out of her mind, and then chuckled lightly, how could she look like a person whose own sister had just died?

This empress is an ambitious person. Ever since she had the ambition to become the queen of that generation, everything has to stand aside.

In order to achieve the goal, even her own sister, even her biological parents, are pawns that can be discarded.

"Since you have done such a great job in Zhendong Prince's Mansion, then you can't blame me!"

After suppressing some thoughts in her heart, a sneer suddenly appeared on Yan Chaolu's face.

Since she can't be soft, she can be tough. She doesn't believe that the current Zhendong Palace can really make waves.

"Mr. Luo, according to your estimate, how long will it take for Lu Mingyang to recover to his peak?"

This is also the question that Yan Chaolu is most concerned about. If the Zhendong King returns to the peak state of a five-realm martial artist, there may not be many people in the entire Xuanyang Kingdom who can kill him.

"Within half a year, it is impossible for him to return to the status of a martial artist of the fifth realm. Even if he wants to recover to the status of a martial artist of the fourth realm, it will take at least two to three months!"

Although Luo Wuxu is not a doctor, but as a five-level monk, he naturally has some knowledge, so he can deduce it based on reason at this moment.

Lu Mingyang, who has been in a coma for a whole year, even with the help of the fourth-rank doctor Cao Song, the time he said is quite conservative.

"That means our time is only half a year at most!"

Yan Chaolu nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "We can't let our people do it. If it fails, there will be hidden dangers. Mr. Luo, what do you think about going to Yinsha to issue a reward?"

"Hidden Killing Society..."

As the chief protector of the Yan family, Luo Wuxu naturally knew what kind of place Hidden Kill would be. It was the number one assassination organization in the world, and it would do anything to achieve its goal.

It is said that there are countless tasks in the Hidden Killing Society, but it is difficult for outsiders to see. The person who issued the task only needs to hand over the reward to the place designated by the other party after confirming the result.

It is not without precedent that there have been rewards issued before, and the task of Hidden Killing Society has been completed, and the person who issued the task refused to accept the precedent, but without exception, they all disappeared into this world for no reason in the end.

Obviously, if you want Lai Yin to kill the society, you must have the awareness to pay the price with your life. After a long time, almost no one dares to renege on the debt. As long as the task is completed, they must obediently offer the reward.

Since it is an assassination, the price offered by the Hidden Assassination Society is naturally ridiculously high, but their efficiency is also extremely amazing, and there is almost no task that they cannot complete.

If there is, they will naturally say in advance that they will not accept this task.

If it was the former Zhendong Prince's Mansion, perhaps Yan Chaolu was still worried that the branch of the Xuanyang Kingdom's Hidden Killing Society would not accept it.

But now, the Zhendong Prince's Mansion is in such a state of desperation, she believes that as long as the reward is right, Yinsha will definitely accept it.

When the Zhendong Prince's Mansion dies at the hands of Hidden Killers, who will doubt her, the Empress?
Originally, Yan Chaolu didn't want to take this step, Zhendong Prince's Mansion not only has a private soldier, but also has a certain status, which will be of great help to her in seizing Xuan Kingdom's imperial power in the future.

But now, without the dark thread of Yan Ruoxia, she can't care about anything, as long as she can kill Zhendong King Lu Mingyang, then there will be no change in Xuanyang Kingdom changing her surname to Yan.

"This matter is feasible, I will arrange it!"

After pondering for a moment, Luo Wuxu finally nodded his head. In fact, his hesitation just now was not unreasonable, and it was not without the slightest hidden danger that he would make a move to find Yinsha.

Moreover, this kind of hidden danger is still in the hands of others. Compared with letting someone you trust take action, it may be another long-term hidden danger.

But the queen said so, even if Luo Wuxu had some doubts, he could only keep it in his heart, at most, when he went to the Hidden Killing Society to place a reward task, he just didn't reveal his real body.

"Hmph, Lu Mingyang, I want to see if your fate will be as great as before?"

After Luo Wuxu's figure disappeared outside Chaoyang Palace, Yan Chaolu's cold snort finally sounded.

It seems that she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface regarding the death of her own sister.


Watanabe Castle, Zhendong Prince's Mansion!

Naturally, these people in the palace were unaware of the affairs of the city lord's mansion and Chaoyang Palace in the capital. During this period of time, the atmosphere in the palace had become somewhat strange, but no one dared to discuss it in private.

It has been almost ten days since the shocking accident that day.

During these ten days or so, many people in the palace could even see King Zhendong walking around the palace, which gradually made them feel at ease.

"Second uncle, are you still playing chess today?"

In the courtyard outside the hall where the second son Lu Xun lived, a little pale girl shouted joyfully.

Then, under Asha's strange gaze over there, the door of the temple was pulled open from the inside, and a boy in black with a black cat in his arms walked out.

Last night was the night of the full moon, Lu Linger suffered from blood exhaustion again. Fortunately, Lu Xun was prepared and used the method of sealing blood taught by his senior brother to relieve half of his pain.

But seeing the little girl's appearance of enduring the severe pain, Lu Xun was still extremely heartbroken, and his hatred for the saint girl of Luoyou Mountain also reached an extreme.

Since Lu Linger's blood-dampness attack occurred at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and it would occur again at noon today, Lu Xun asked her to stay in his residence to rest.

Lu Linger was holding a chess box in her hand. Although her face was pale, she was a little excited. She thought that she often came to see this second uncle in the past few days, and she also became very interested in certain things.

(End of this chapter)

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