low-key is king

Chapter 641

Chapter 641


Feeling some numbness in his arms, and even his whole body trembling violently, Liu Hong, who managed to settle down with great difficulty, suddenly let out such an incredible roar.

From the punch he faced with Lu Xun, Liu Hong could sense that the opponent was indeed a martial artist who had just entered the sixth realm.

But why is there a difference of two small ranks, so the physical strength can be comparable?

This completely overturned Liu Hong's understanding of the physical body. In his opinion, these martial artists of the martial arts academy are already the best in the entire Daxuan Dynasty in terms of physical strength at the same level.

However, Lu Yang, a boy in black who appeared out of nowhere, directly broke his long-standing concept of cultivation.

This made his heart set off a turbulent sea, but at the same time, he also had strong jealousy and unwillingness.

Why do I have the best resources, the best instructors and talents, but I can't compare to a kid from the outside world who is two ranks lower than me?

It's just that Liu Hong didn't notice the sneer in Lu Xun's eyes when he lost his composure, and there was a trace of black air in the palm of his right hand.

Since the other party is a despicable villain, then Lu Xun will not really fight with him like an honest gentleman.

He has many ways to deal with despicable people.

In fact, even if he fights alone, without using any other means of scribes, Lu Xun can win the battle in the end, at most, he will spend a little more effort.

But since there is an easier way, why not do it?

When Liu Hong and Lu Xun faced each other with this punch, his end was already doomed, but at this moment, he didn't realize his impending miserable fate at all.

"Liu Hong, your hand..."

Fortunately, there is Xiao Xu who has completed the six realms. When his eyes turned to a certain place, he couldn't help but stare, and then he shouted loudly, which finally made Liu Hong feel a little bit.

Xiao Xu's voice did not hide anything, and it also attracted everyone's attention to the hand that Liu Hong fought with Lu Xun just now.

Under this look, the faces are different.

Because at the moment Liu Hong's five fingers on his right hand were blackened, even at a very long distance, the Mo brothers and sisters could sense the rising black air.

"This... is this... poisoned?"

It wasn't until this time that everyone reacted belatedly. They looked at the black-clothed boy in astonishment. Could it be that this is still a poison master?
"I forgot, he is actually a five-level monk!"

Perhaps the Mo brothers and sisters only knew that Lu Xun was a master of both Qi and martial arts. At this time, thinking of another level, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

From this point of view, brother Lu Yang is really a fifth-grade poison master?

The endless tricks of the black-clothed boy made the two brothers and sisters even more shocked, and felt that they were getting farther and farther away from Lu Yang, but the moods of the two were completely different.

Looking at it now, that black-clothed boy is simply an extremely rare evildoer in the entire Qingxuan world. Not only can he leapfrog battles, but he also has good attainments in the scribe profession. He is really an extremely evil evildoer.

The Mo brothers and sisters are just casual cultivators with ordinary qualifications. When they found out that Lu Yang was so extraordinary, they felt extremely complicated.

"Damn it, this kid is actually a poison master!"

Liu Hong who raised his hand had an unconcealable fear deep in his eyes, and now he finally understood that the other party was a genius who cultivated both qi and martial arts.

And in Liu Hong's induction, the black air above the five fingers of his right hand became more and more intense, and even the entire right palm seemed to lose consciousness after a while, one can imagine how strong the poison was.

In fact, it is not that Liu Hong, the geniuses of the martial arts academy, has never dealt with poison masters. If what Lu Xun showed just now is the method of a six-level monk, then he must guard against it no matter what.

However, after Lu Xun made the move, he has been fighting with his own physical strength or the means of a martial artist, without revealing his identity as a poisoner at all, which also made Liu Hong fall for it unexpectedly.

But who the hell would have imagined that a guy who is so monstrous in the martial art is also so good in qi refining?

"Within half a stick of incense, poisonous blood attacks the heart, even the Da Luo Jinxian can't save it!"

Lu Xun stood not far away in his leisure time, rubbed his right fist, and then quietly said such a sentence, causing drops of cold sweat to break out on Liu Hong's forehead.

"There should be no poison masters or doctors among you. It seems that no one can detoxify. If you don't want to die, just cut off this palm!"

Lu Xun's voice filled Liu Hong's ears like a devil's voice, and it also made more and more beads of sweat on his head, and his clothes were wet again and again.

Because what the other party said was definitely not alarmist. After only a few breaths, Liu Hong's entire right palm was completely dark, and it gradually spread to his forearm.

"Junior brother Liu Hong, don't worry, wait for me to capture this kid, forgive him for not giving me the antidote!"

Seeing Liu Hong's sweaty and embarrassed appearance, Xiao Xu suddenly spoke in a cold voice, and then his figure appeared beside Lu Xun, and his punch was faintly emitting silver light.

It turned out that after Liu Hong was poisoned just now, Xiao Xu also had to guard against it. He did not know when he wore a pair of silver gloves, which looked extraordinary, probably a special magic weapon that reached the sixth rank.

Xiao Xu even put the mask back on his face to prevent his skin from being exposed to the air. In this way, no matter how powerful the poison of the boy in black is, it will no longer be useful.

From Xiao Xu's point of view, Lu Xun himself did have some strength, but just now when he dealt with Liu Hong, who had reached the sixth realm, he just used some tricks.

Since this guy didn't dare to fight head-on against Liu Hong, who was a master of the sixth realm, then he, a martial artist who was perfect in the sixth realm, as long as he was more careful, he would definitely be able to take him down.

Xiao Xu, who wrapped himself up tightly, made this move with the momentum of thunder.

But when his silver-gloved fist clashed with Lu Xun's, he couldn't help but feel a turmoil in his heart.

Because the situation of the two sides fighting at this moment is almost exactly the same as when Lu Xun and Liu Hong fought before, neither of them took a step back.

Xiao Xu is a martial artist who has completed the Sixth Realm, so it makes sense that he didn't back down, but Lu Yang, a boy in black who only entered the Sixth Realm, didn't take a step back either, which is a bit intriguing.

At this time, no one knows where the upper limit of Lu Xun's physical strength is. Does it really take a grandmaster who has reached the seventh level to crush the opponent with this physical strength?

Moreover, Xiao Xu's punch just now was not a simple punch, but a special martial skill.

Combined with his perfect cultivation of the six realms, I am afraid that Liu Hong will suffer a big loss after receiving this blow, right?
However, the boy in black used such a simple and unpretentious method to receive such a powerful punch, which simply subverted everyone's concept of martial arts.

They didn't know that the most special guy in the entire Qingxuan world was met by them today, and the impact on them was naturally unparalleled.

"Hehe, it seems that your wishful thinking is about to come to nothing!"

After receiving the punch, Lu Xun forcefully suppressed the disordered breath in his body, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Hong over there.

When everyone looked around, they saw that Liu Hong's right palm was already shiny black, and the black air was spreading rapidly from a section of his forearm, almost reaching the elbow.

From this, it can also be seen how powerful the poison Lu Xun cast is, just touching it makes Liu Hong helpless.

Everyone knew that during this period of time, Liu Hong must have used all his strength to suppress the spread of the poison, but even so, it seemed that he couldn't suppress it at all.

"Tsk tsk, it was just a severed palm just now, and now I'm afraid I can't even have the whole forearm. If there is any further delay..."

Lu Xun shook his head, he didn't mind procrastinating for a while, who made these guys despicable and shameless, so he didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

Hearing Lu Xunzhi's words, the fear in Liu Hong's eyes became stronger again. Thinking that after he lost his arm, he might not be able to be reborn again, and he felt regretful.

Originally thought that this was a foolproof plan, and he could kill Lu Ying without even revealing his true identity, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen in the end.

Not only is his identity exposed, but he may not even be able to keep his arm. If his strength is greatly reduced and he is expelled from the martial arts academy, it will be a big joke.

The Martial Arts Academy, like the Art Teacher Academy, also has an elimination system. In the annual competition, those who rank last will be expelled from the academy. This is also a special and cruel competition rule.

If it was only his arm that was cut off, then Liu Hong might still be able to find some doctors to take over, and his strength would not be weakened much. In the future, he would still be a generation of geniuses in the martial arts academy.

But now, the entire right forearm has been poisoned and pitch-black, and the meridians and flesh in it are gradually necrotic with the passage of time. Liu Hong knows what it means.

In other words, even if Liu Hong made a decisive decision to cut off this arm, because of the strong toxicity of the poison, it would be impossible to have this arm again, and it would only turn into a puddle of pus in the end.

But what is placed in front of Liu Hong now is not the matter of cultivating the foundation, but the matter of whether he can save his life.

Although he didn't want to lose an arm, he didn't want to lose his life even more.

Therefore, Liu Hong's hope is actually pinned on Xiao Xu. As long as this senior brother can quickly restrain Lu Yang and help him get the antidote, then all problems will be solved easily.

(End of this chapter)

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