low-key is king

Chapter 668 Am I a poor man?

Chapter 668 Am I a poor man?
"Second brother, where have you been all these years? Do you know that many things have happened in the palace?"

Since Lu Ying was sensible, she had never been hugged in this way by anyone except her parents, which made her not used to it at first.

But when she thought that the person in front of her was her own second brother, Lu Ying couldn't stop crying, especially when she thought of the accident in the palace.

When the news came, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which almost knocked Lu Ying into a daze. This may be one of the reasons why she was able to break through to the fifth level in just a few years.

And Lu Xun has been missing for ten years, and there has been no news for these years. The princess is miserable all day long. Although the father and king don't say anything, they must also miss Lu Xun. Lu Ying sees all this.

For a while, Lu Ying apparently forgot the changes in Zhendong Palace over the past year.

Today's Zhendong Palace has become the co-lord of Xuanyang, and even the overlord of several surrounding countries. It is no longer what it used to be.

"Don't worry, the second brother is back, all the problems will no longer be problems!"

Lu Xun let go of Lu Ying, and then lightly patted Lu Ying on the shoulder.

This sounds like an exaggerated promise, but it made Lu Ying believe it, and felt that the burden on her body was much lighter.

If Lu Xun was still the devil king who only knew how to cause trouble and needed others to wipe his ass for him more than ten years ago, then Lu Ying would probably be very disappointed and would not expect Lu Xun to do anything.

But now, the Zhendong Prince's Mansion turned himself into the Xuanyang Monarch, and Lu Xun joined the Literary and Teachers College, which was extremely dazzling and attracted many competitions for the Dean's seat. What a bright future this is?
In addition, Lu Ying and Lu Xun have been together for a few days before, and this series of major events happened again today.

Just kidding, even Liang Dazhi, the master of the eight realms, died at the hands of Lu Xun, and even the mustard bracelet was stripped, so what else can Lu Xun not do?
Luo Youshan is certainly powerful, but the current Lu Xun has not done his best yet, and there is still a long way to go. Lu Ying believes that one day, the Xuanyang Lu Clan will be able to avenge that big revenge.

"Well, I trust my second brother!"

Lu Ying nodded heavily. After some of the boulders in her heart were removed, her heart suddenly moved, and immediately after her body, there was an extremely majestic breath.

"This... is this a small breakthrough to the sixth realm?"

Mo Qingjia's expression on the side was startled at first, and then extremely envious. After all, he is just a martial artist who has just entered the sixth level, and he has been at this level for a long time.

Lu Ying obviously broke through to the sixth realm not long ago, but she didn't expect to reach the sixth realm at this moment. Is it because the siblings are too excited to reunite?

In fact, there are indeed reasons for this, but the most important reason is that the appearance of Lu Xun relieved a lot of the original pressure for Lu Ying, which made him feel relieved, and the breakthrough was a matter of course.

Even Lu Ying didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly, and the next moment she figured out the cause and effect, secretly thinking that her second brother is really her lucky star.

She saved herself in the Gao family last time, and this time she gained a breakthrough because of the other party. This made Lu Ying full of hope for the future, and she was no longer in the state of being overwhelmed and breathless as before.

"Congratulations, Yingmei!"

Lu Xun was also stunned for a moment, and then congratulated him. Today's reunion may be a turning point in the road of cultivation for Lu Ying.

These consecutive calls of Yingmei also warmed Lu Ying's heart, and she suddenly remembered that after Lu Xun saved her, she called her sister as if she was familiar with her, and she had solemnly refused several times.

Now it seems that the other party has recognized her sister a long time ago, so she naturally wants to call her sister, but Lu Ying is still kept in the dark. Thinking of this, she can't help but blush.

"Master Jia, are you ready to register?"

Lu Xun suddenly changed the subject, causing Jia Chengfeng, who had picked up his pen at the beginning, but hadn't written for a long time because of the scene of the reunion of brothers and sisters, to regain consciousness in an instant, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine soon!"

Jia Chengfeng wasn't sure if his distraction would make this man angry, so he directly asked Dianjin County to be replaced by a city lord, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and after he finished speaking, he was able to move his pen like flying, and his handwriting was quite beautiful.

"Mr. Lu, this is the official ownership agreement of the brand-new gold pearl vein. You only need to sign it and press your fingerprint!"

After a while, Jia Chengfeng finally blew the ink on the tabletop tremblingly, and then handed it to Lu Xun, who took it with his hand, but frowned slightly.

"Master Jia, is there something wrong with that?"

The next sentence that came out of Lu Xun's mouth made Jia Chengfeng tremble violently, and the faces of Lu Ying and the Mo brothers and sisters next to him were also full of disbelief.

Under such circumstances, Jia Chengfeng would not dare to play tricks on this little Jin City Lord, would he?

Is it true that this young man who killed Liang Dazhi, the powerhouse of the Eight Realms, is a vegetarian?
Now Lu Ying and the others not only saw Lu Xun's fighting power, but also admired his superhuman mind.

If Jia Chengfeng wanted to tamper with the agreement, he really felt that his neck was too stiff.

Lu Xun, who dared to kill even Liang Dazhi, would care about him, a mere Dianjin City lord who had just entered the sixth realm?
"Mr. Lu was joking, even if I borrowed Jia's courage, I wouldn't dare!"

For a while, Jia Chengfeng didn't know what the problem was, but he could only deny it with a bitter face. Naturally, he didn't dare to do anything, but why is this one still dissatisfied?
"According to the rules I know, as long as the brand-new gold bead veins are within the territory of the Daxuan Dynasty, don't they have to collect [-]% of the tax? Why isn't it written in the agreement?"

Lu Xun stared at Jia Chengfeng a little playfully, and then asked pointedly: "Or...City Lord Jia deliberately didn't write this article, so that the royal family of Daxuan can trouble me in the future?"

It wasn't until Lu Xun said these words that the three people next to him knew what the problem was. It turned out that Jia Chengfeng didn't want to play tricks, but wanted to flatter him.

"Mr. Lu doesn't know something. The [-]% tax is for ordinary people. You are a talented person from the Liberal Arts Academy. The tax can be halved, and only [-]% is enough!"

Jia Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief, he groaned for a while, and then said: "As for the [-]% tax, Jia will find a way to make up for it, don't bother Mr. Lu!"

This is indeed a real flattery, even if Jia Chengfeng knows that the [-]% tax is an astronomical figure, but as long as he can save this little life, then he can say anything.

It seems that this guy is also quick-witted, if the other party agrees to this point, then Jia Chengfeng will still be of great use, and the other party will naturally not kill him at this time.

As for what to do with the [-]% of the gold and pearl mine tax, Jia Chengfeng also had some ideas in his mind. It was nothing more than increasing the city's tax and collecting land for a few more years.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the city lord's mansion to be so rich in a mere Dianjin county?"

Lu Xun's smile was not a smile, he stared at Jia Chengfeng a little nervously, but at the same time he was a little uneasy. The genius of the Arts and Teachers College in front of him, could he be fancying his wealth?
"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what your idea is. I can still pay [-]% of the tax. Write this in!"

Lu Xun didn't wait for Jia Chengfeng to quibble, his voice suddenly became a little colder, and then handed back the agreement in his hand to the other party, and what he said made the latter dare not say anything more.

The reason why Lu Xun did this was naturally not because he was afraid that Jia Chengfeng would search for those ordinary people. He didn't have the compassion of a saint yet, he just didn't want to cause too much trouble.

After all, this item was not included in the agreement, and there may be many changes at that time. Once the Daxuan royal family makes a claim on this item, there may be ups and downs in the ownership of the gold ore vein.

Of course he knew that Jia Chengfeng wanted to flatter him, but as he said, he is rich and powerful now, and he just got a whole vein of gold pearls, so how could he care about a mere [-]% of the tax?

"Write what should be written, and don't write what should not be written. My patience is limited, so don't challenge it lightly!"

Another cold voice made Jia Chengfeng tremble, but this time there were no monsters. After Lu Xun read it, he finally signed and pressed his fingerprints.

At this point, this new gold pearl vein located deep in the underground of Dianjin County has its own ownership, and it is officially recognized as its ownership, and has its real owner.

As for whether Jia Chengfeng will be settled by the Daxuan royal family because of today's incident, Lu Xun can't control it.

Anyway, even if the city owner of Dianjin County is changed again in the future, this agreement is still valid, and no one can easily overturn it.

"Brother Mo, there is one thing I want to ask you for a favor!"

Lu Xun didn't bother Jia Chengfeng anymore, but turned his gaze to Mo Qingjia, who made the latter, who was a little melancholy just now, raise his head subconsciously, with a dazed look on his face.

Previously, the Mo brothers and sisters thought that after the matter was over, the two sides had almost reached the moment of parting, and they stayed with Lu Xun during this period of time, and they had some affection.

Especially Mo Hongyi, kept her head down and never raised it, as if she was afraid that if she looked at that face again, she would lose her restraint as a woman and do something irrational.

"My brother, why don't you help me, Lu Yang... Brother Lu Xun, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Mo Qingjia had already adjusted his mentality, and he didn't have the strange thoughts of Mo Hongyi. Seeing his chest slapped loudly, the Lu brothers and sisters couldn't help laughing.

"What are you going through fire and water for? Saying it's so serious is just a small favor!"

Lu Xun was talking in his mouth, then turned around and walked a few steps, walked to the table and wrote vigorously. After a while, another piece of paper with black characters was handed over to Mo Qingjia. before.

(End of this chapter)

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