low-key is king

Chapter 690

Chapter 690
"Is this the real God Killing Machine?"

On the northern high platform, Emperor Daxuan Xuan Tiangao's eyes shone with excitement, and his right hand finger was caressing a certain ring.

As Emperor Daxuan, what he stores in his space will naturally not be the low-grade mustard bracelet, but the Xumi ring with a smaller appearance and a larger inner area.

And in Xuantiangao's Xumi Ring, there are a bunch of parts of the God Killing Machine, which were brought back by Xuanjing from Xuanyang Kingdom, which once brought Xuantiangao great interest.

As the controller of the Daxuan Dynasty, Xuan Tiangao knew at the first sight of the God Slaughter Machine, if this organ was produced with energy, what kind of profound impact it would have on the situation of the Yamashita Dynasty?
If the low-level soldiers had a god-killing machine in their hands, even if it was only the lowest-end god-killing machine, the Daxuan dynasty, which was always the last among the eight dynasties, would probably become one of the most powerful dynasties in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Xuan Tiangao recruited the chief organist of the Daxuan royal family, but in the end, after dismantling the God Killing Machine, he couldn't put it back together again, which made him a little crazy.

The self-destruct device that Lu Xun set up, every God Killing Machine exists, this is to prevent being stolen.

This kind of institution can only be owned by the Xuanyang Kingdom, and this is the biggest key to the rise of the Xuanyang Kingdom in the future.

Even if Xuan Tiangao disassembled the God-killing Machine into a bunch of parts and couldn't assemble it back together, he would never forget the God-killing Machine.

Until today, I was lucky enough to see the second God Killing Machine.

Xuan Tiangao didn't think too much about it, Lu Xun was originally the second prince of the current monarch of Xuanyang Kingdom, and Xuanyang Kingdom rose again because of the killing machine.

It is not incomprehensible that the second prince has a god-killing machine in his hand.

What really shocked Xuan Tiangao was the power of the God Killing Machine, which was far, far stronger than the God Killing Machine he got before.

The god-killing machine that Xuan Jing brought back from Xuanyang Kingdom was just stolen from ordinary soldiers, and its power is also the most common one.

And it's just an injury. If the opponent is prepared, it's still a matter of whether they can break through its defense. It can only be used to deal with some low-end battles between the two armies. .

But now, with the God Killing Machine in Lu Xun's hand, Xuan Tiangao saw a completely different God Killing Machine.

That can actually break the defense of the sixth-grade perfect robe, and it can easily abolish a sixth-level Dacheng martial artist with all-out defense.

The impact this brought to Xuan Tiangao was simply unparalleled.

At this moment, he thought a lot. He thought that behind the Xuanyang Lu family, there must be someone who supported him, and it was probably the mechanism master who created the God-killing Machine.

Based on Xuan Tiangao's information, it is natural to know that Lu Xun should also be a mechanism master, but this guy seems to have just broken through to a six-level monk, and I am afraid that he will not be able to create such a powerful mechanism.

"If our Daxuan army can be equipped with such powerful organs, why not become the leader of the Eight Great Dynasties?"

This Emperor Daxuan thought a little too much when he thought about it. He is an extremely ambitious emperor. For certain things, he can endure for a long time, even if it is the Hidden Killing Society with great hatred.

Xuan Tiangao has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to make the Daxuan Dynasty shine in the entire Qingxuan world, and now this opportunity is undoubtedly in front of him.

Among the Yamashita dynasties, the top combat power is of course important, but the bottom-level army is equally important.

Possessing a mechanism weapon that can crush other dynasties will definitely make the Daxuan Dynasty stand out from the crowd.

"What? Your Majesty has also seen the God Killing Machine?"

Yu Chongxiao next to him seemed to have heard Xuan Tiangao's heartfelt voice, or maybe he had seen the slight change in the emperor's face, so he asked directly.

Even though Yu Chongxiao is already a strong man in the upper five realms, he still has some fear of this Emperor Daxuan. This is not the comparison of strength between the two, but the extremely deep city of the other party.

For a long time, Xuan Tiangao had a good relationship with all parties, and he and Daxuan Wenwu Academy did not interfere with each other, and there were almost no major conflicts between the two parties.

Yu Chongxiao could guess Xuan Tiangao's ambition, but he couldn't guess that the other party's ambition would be so great.

At this moment when he asked this sentence, he just wanted to guess what the Emperor Daxuan was thinking.

Today's Yu Chongxiao values ​​Lu Xun extremely, and he is a little dissatisfied that the other party's military master talent is so strong, but he refuses to join the Military Master Academy.

It's just that Yu Chongxiao also knows that Lu Xun is not only amazingly talented in military division, but also in other scribe professions, such as the mechanism skill shown at this moment.

"Slightly heard!"

Xuan Tiangao calmed down, and there was even a faint smile on his face.

The simple four words contained a lot of meanings, but it also made it difficult for Yu Chongxiao to ask any further questions. The other party obviously didn't intend to discuss in depth.

"Dean Yu, do you also think that it is just a sixth-rank organ?"

Shen Li, the instructor of the martial arts academy on the other side, was not as calm as these two, because one after another, the geniuses of the martial arts academy were all defeated in disgrace.

Moreover, that kid named Lu Xun was extremely cruel, and he would cripple people's dantian at every turn. Whether it was Xie Chao, Wu Zhao, or the current Yuan Qi, almost all of them were crippled.

So after Shen Li sized up Yuan Qi over there, he finally turned around and asked.

His doubts are the same as Orihiko's, he doesn't believe that a sixth-grade mechanism can explode with such great power.

"Why not? Instructor Shen, you may not be aware of it. Back then, Lu Xun's hand-off technique, but even Dean Kong of the mechanism academy was full of praise!"

Although Yu Chongxiao didn't want to admit it, he had to mention this past event, but omitted the matter of Yanling Feixian.

These words made Shen Li's face a little ugly.

Who is Kong Qifang, Shen Li naturally knows very well, the other party is the dean of the mechanism department of the Arts and Teachers College, a super strong man in the upper five realms, known as the No. 1 mechanism engineer of the Daxuan Dynasty.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand that even the genius of the mechanism who is full of praise has broken through to the level of a sixth-level monk and made a powerful sixth-level mechanism, right?

"What? Instructor Shen still doesn't believe it? Shall I ask Dean Kong to come and verify it in person?"

Yu Chongxiao glanced sideways at Shen Li, and the words that came out of his mouth made the latter shut up instantly.

He didn't want to be overwhelmed by the College of Letters and Teachers again, after all, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences was also a strong man in the upper five realms.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that this year's civil and martial arts exchange meeting would be held first by the School of Arts and Sciences!"

The Great Xuan Emperor Xuan Tiangao smiled and smoothed things over, but Shen Li heard what he said, but he felt it was like a mockery, but he couldn't refute it.

Because in the previous civil and martial arts exchange meetings, most of the time, the martial arts academy had the upper hand. Except for a few natal sword masters, the other literary masters were not opponents of the same-level martial arts masters at all.

This guy managed to gain the upper hand once, and you, Shen Li, couldn't possibly say anything more, but seeing the end of those three martial artist geniuses, his heart was dripping with blood.

"It's just that Lu Xun's attack is a bit too ruthless?"

Xuan Tiangao noticed Shen Li's expression, as the Emperor Daxuan, all he had to do was level a bowl of water, at this time he smiled and said something to Yu Chongxiao, hoping this one could remind him.

"Isn't the person still alive?"

Yu Chongxiao didn't seem to understand the hidden meaning of Xuan Tiangao's words, seeing that he turned his gaze to the ring in the distance, he nodded in satisfaction first, and then turned back.

"If you don't want to be abolished, just admit defeat as soon as possible!"

Yu Chongxiao didn't know how many civil and military exchange meetings had not been so domineering.

At this moment, although Lu Xun used mechanism to win, but he represented Daxuan Wenshi Academy, which also made Yu Chongxiao, the dean of the branch leading the team, feel proud.

It turned out that the kid was not just good at playing tricks, but he was still so dazzling in the face of those martial arts geniuses with strong fighting power at the civil and martial arts exchange meeting, which made the Liberal Arts Academy look very proud.


Hearing Yu Chongxiao's words, Shen Li couldn't help but snorted coldly, feeling that this topic couldn't go on any longer, if the martial arts masters from the martial arts academy were to admit defeat, it would be better for them to have their dantians abolished.

The reason is that Lu Xun had only attained the perfection of five realms a few months ago.

After such a short period of time, at most it is a small success in the six realms. It is not the style of the martial arts academy to admit defeat before fighting in the same realm.


"Next person!"

On the ring, Lu Xun didn't care about Ning Wenji's doubts at all. Anyway, he won this round, so he turned his eyes to the formation of the Martial Arts Academy, looked around, and was extremely domineering.

"Next person!"

"Next person!"


On the Literary Teachers College side, many people shouted in unison, and even some geniuses from the Ningmen and Yuanmen joined the ranks of ridicule, which made some people look very ugly.

Presumably, the Academy of Letters and Arts has not been so elated for a long time. It has always been the geniuses of the Academy of Letters who have been suppressed and beaten. Occasionally, there are a few natal sword masters, but they can't reach the level of crushing.

Unexpectedly, today, a new student who has only joined the academy for a few months, would beat the martial arts academy so hard that it can't hold its head up.

Under such circumstances, it's no big deal to temporarily let go of some small grievances and grievances.

And relatively speaking, the enmity between Ningmen Yuanmen and Lu Xun is just the personal grievances of a few leaders, and has nothing to do with them, the lower-level members.

It has to be said that Lu Xun's methods several times in a row have caused the monks of these major forces to subtly change their moods, causing a subtle change.

Now, you have to pay twice to eat at the New Moon Restaurant, and you have to pay twice as much to buy pills at the Doctor’s Hall of the New Moon Palace. Many people have felt the impact of this change, and they can’t help but admire Lu Xun’s methods even more.

(End of this chapter)

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